Author Topic: Galatea and Bastion mainhall  (Read 5530 times)

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Galatea and Bastion mainhall
Is it possible to find download the Galatea and Bastion mainhalls for the fsport, I tried getting the mainhall from the FS1 demo to work but it didn't have a mainhall table.

I just thought it would be pretty cool to have the Galatea and Bastion mainhalls.


Offline Goober5000

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Galatea and Bastion mainhall
We're working on that.  But first we have to port all the graphics to 1024x768... they're currently only in 640x480.


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Re: Galatea and Bastion mainhall
Really old thread but I knew there was one on it here somewhere.

I have the Galatea and Bastion main halls up and running with the SCP. They're badly stretched but nonetheless functional. I'll be spending some time collecting the necessary audio files and aligning the door animations properly, but it looks like we should have them ready for the FSPort SCP edition! :D
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Offline Fineus

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Re: Galatea and Bastion mainhall
Shouldn't there be some high-res mainhalls around somewhere? I could've sworn there were...

Booyah. The Bastion mainhall at 3000x2250 resolution. Unfortunately the doors are open (there isn't a shut version) so a little work will have to be done on it. There's nothing like it for the Galatea though.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2006, 05:56:11 am by Kalfireth »


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Re: Galatea and Bastion mainhall
Yeah, I used that for the Bastion. It's kinda frustrating that there's a contrast between the high-res background and the low-res animations though.
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Re: Galatea and Bastion mainhall
I guess the only alternative is to re-model and render the whole damn thing... a lot of work.


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Re: Galatea and Bastion mainhall
It may not really be usable but I did have a mainhall.tbl from my work on the port for FS1.  It's only the 640x480 res versions of the two, since the port is keeping with the original and only runs at 640x480.  It should give you some basic alignments and sound stuff though.  The sound stuff isn't 100% correct with the animations but it's pretty close.  Maybe it will be usable as a starting point if nothing else exists.

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Re: Galatea and Bastion mainhall
Ugh. I took a look at that hi-res bastion hall, and I felt sick when I saw that Herc. Bobs looks so damned much better! I think even if we could hires-ify the main halls, that it'd be awesomer if a group of people rerendered it. Cockpits blacked, though, because it'd be weird if there was a dude prepped for flight inside a ship that was being worked on. Most of the rest of it looks okay, though.
Wh00t!? Vinyl? Is it like an I-pod 2 or something?



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Re: Galatea and Bastion mainhall
Why not open canopies?

But seriously, making main halls is a ludicrous amount of work. I can't imagine trying to make a new one, let alone recreate one from just a single render. :p
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Re: Galatea and Bastion mainhall
Mostly because we don't know how the ship's cockpits open. :P But yes, I see what you're saying... that would take a hell of a long time.
Wh00t!? Vinyl? Is it like an I-pod 2 or something?



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Re: Galatea and Bastion mainhall
You wanna know how they open? hinges. at the back of the canopy. :p
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Re: Galatea and Bastion mainhall
 :doubt: Hinges?  You're sure they're on the back, not the front?  You're sure they don't pop up/slideback over like some of our fighters do now?  You're sure the hinges are on the back, not one side or the other?  How about hydraulics?  Are they lifted using these, or just muscle power?  (I'm betting hydraulics, as the canopy that can withstand flying through an exploding fighter / bomber must be very heavy & tough.  Just thought I'd throw a wrench into
You wanna know how they open? hinges. at the back of the canopy.

Although I personally agree.    :) ;) :D


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Re: Galatea and Bastion mainhall
Download test run

Since I can't work out how the SCP handles more than two mainhalls, these have been put in the first and second slots of the table. There are some issues with the alignment due to the scaling methods used, and the sounds aren't ported over, but it's good enough for everyone to look and see.
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Re: Galatea and Bastion mainhall
Look good to me...  :yes:
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Re: Galatea and Bastion mainhall
Yeah, I used that for the Bastion. It's kinda frustrating that there's a contrast between the high-res background and the low-res animations though.

You wouldn't have to rebuild it all to high-resify the animations...just the animated parts. Not that it's much simpler that way.
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Offline FireCrack

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Re: Galatea and Bastion mainhall
The ursa has doors at the back of it's "command module" bit...

but anyways, it would be realy cool to have the mainhalls made to be ingame...
actualy, mabye not.
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