Author Topic: BP Tactical Discussion (formerly Warship Inflation)  (Read 98765 times)

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Offline InsaneBaron

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Re: BP Tactical Discussion (formerly Warship Inflation)
Putting myself in the position of the Erebus captain:

First thing I try and do is use my main cannon to hit the Solaris's engines. This got discussed already by Luis Dias, but the range at which these ships engage eachother is a deciding factor. If the Solaris is disabled, I can dictate the range: Therefore, I can hold position out of Gattler-Apoc range but within beam range. The ability to kill a specific subsystem from long range is one of the Tev's advantages.

Meanwhile I scramble interceptors as fast as possible (Dracos, Atalantas, Auroras... plus Nyx wings for anti-gunship). If the disabling strike works, I hold my interceptors back near my ship, where my point defenses improve their odds against incoming UEF fighters and bombers. In short, my strikecraft focus on Defense, since, I'm out of range of the Solaris's turrets.

The question then becomes whether or not my beams can destroy the Solaris before hostile bombers strip them off. To make it harder on the bombers I'd try to keep moving... maybe even do barrel rolls? Five shots from a HBlue is enough to kill a Solaris. If worst comes to worst and I loose my longer ranged beams, hopefully I'll already have inflicted enough damage to go it closer (dictating the angle) and finish the Solaris off with my lighter beams.

The big issue here is whether or not I can hit the engine... I'd need to take a closer look at the geometry of the Solaris's engine subsystem.

I need to think a bit about what I'd do as the Solaris captain.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2014, 11:24:23 am by InsaneBaron »
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Offline FIZ

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Re: BP Tactical Discussion (formerly Warship Inflation)
Are you looking for Toutatis vs. Atreus/ Steele vs. Calder scenarios?  I know the Toutatis has some BFMassDrivers which really changes the nature of attacking a Solaris class head on, I would reckon a couple sabot salvos would cut through even a shuttered beam.  This was the expense of reduced hangar size which changes the equation of Solaris vs. Erebus even more. 

I kind of like how each Solaris is tailor rigged to the captains command style, but it does complicate the scenario.  Honestly, I think Byrne would be the only Admiral to lose to an Erebus 1 vs. 1 just because he has the least experienced crew.  I think his mind is too much on the bigger picture that he would not keep his girl well oiled.

Edit:  Wiki link on Toutatis -
« Last Edit: February 03, 2014, 11:42:18 am by FIZ »


Offline crizza

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Re: BP Tactical Discussion (formerly Warship Inflation)
Considering ships below destroyer class as backup.
For the Tevs a Diomedes, which can blast the Solaris from 6750 metres away.
For the UEF I'll go for a Narayana to nullify the main beams of the Erebus, then starting to circle away while spitting Apocalypse at them.

Louis posted that the Erebus could miccrojump away, engage the Solaris anew, but would have to sacrifice it's strikecraft. How often can a TEI strikecraft jump?


Offline Mars

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Re: BP Tactical Discussion (formerly Warship Inflation)
Tevs should take a Chimera on a anti-missile role.


Offline Scotty

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Re: BP Tactical Discussion (formerly Warship Inflation)
Also, I'm gonna give an optional variant: each side can tag team in 1 ship below destroyer size. Has to be a realistically available member of their order of battle. It comes with its air wing if it has one. What do they pick?

Mother****ing Diomedes.  Air wing, covers a good portion of Erebus's broadside difficulties by having a fantastic broadside, decent point defense, and ludicrous anti-destroyer utility of having four SlashBlues to carve up subsystems like Thanksgiving turkey.


Offline Mars

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Re: BP Tactical Discussion (formerly Warship Inflation)
Mother****ing Diomedes.  Air wing, covers a good portion of Erebus's broadside difficulties by having a fantastic broadside, decent point defense, and ludicrous anti-destroyer utility of having four SlashBlues to carve up subsystems like Thanksgiving turkey.

Point defenses are not so good with that one, which would suck if the buntu brought a Nara.


Offline Scotty

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Re: BP Tactical Discussion (formerly Warship Inflation)
That's what a fighter wing is for.


Offline Mars

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Re: BP Tactical Discussion (formerly Warship Inflation)
Would be wiped out by Uriels if they were concentrating on bombs, the fighter wing would need to be trebbing the numerically superior wing of the Solaris.


Offline qwadtep

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Re: BP Tactical Discussion (formerly Warship Inflation)
Does "no retreat" preclude tactical jumps? I could totally see Steele jumping the Atreus out, flashing the sprint drives and immediately jumping back in to renew the attack from a different angle alongside a SSM barrage.


Offline Scotty

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Re: BP Tactical Discussion (formerly Warship Inflation)
Would be wiped out by Uriels if they were concentrating on bombs, the fighter wing would need to be trebbing the numerically superior wing of the Solaris.

I wasn't talking about the entire destroyer air group being used to protect the Diomedes from a Narayana's artillery.  I was talking about the Diomedes's integral air wing taking up the point defense slack in the form of a wing or so at a time.  You don't need a whole lot of fighters on point defense duty if all the warheads are coming from one direction that doesn't rapidly shift.