Author Topic: TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!  (Read 10375 times)

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Offline USS Alexander

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TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
Because the project is almost dead :0 and that it seems like lots of our staff just vanisht

Whe currently have some jobs availbe:

Where looking for a effects/animation artist who nows his way  
around in photoshop and a render program to help out with creating the HW and CAT backgrounds and explosions used in tap.

If you interested contact me then by email: [email protected] or icq: number in my siggy
« Last Edit: November 20, 2002, 12:02:53 pm by 400 »
icq 127261564
Tapping I3****


Offline JTBob

  • 23
TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
I've said it once and I'll say it again, if you want some help I would really really like to convert some more ships. Once we have ships I know some friends that can do wonders with fred and make a campaign. SO CAN I DO IT PLEASE?


Offline JTBob

  • 23
TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
I have gotten a couple friends to agree to help, one can probably help with models and the other with the campaign.


Offline USS Alexander

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TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
Originally posted by JTBob
I have gotten a couple friends to agree to help, one can probably help with models and the other with the campaign.

Ok let them email me with info of what they can do.
icq 127261564
Tapping I3****


Offline Lonestar

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TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
Im good with Photoshop, what you need exactly?


Offline USS Alexander

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TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
Originally posted by Lonestar
Im good with Photoshop, what you need exactly?

Whell whe need someone who can help with the backgrounds of HW and CAT (there a ***** thats for sure)
icq 127261564
Tapping I3****


Offline Lonestar

  • Fred Zone Guru
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TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
Im sorry my acronyms havent been updated, what is HW and CAT?


Offline USS Alexander

  • I 0wn TAP
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TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
HW:is Homeworld and CAT: Cataclysm or Homeworld Cataclysm
icq 127261564
Tapping I3****


Offline Destrol

  • 21
TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
I have some advice about the mod.

Do not recreate the Homeworld backgrounds. Its a waist of time and im guessing not too many people care if the backgrounds do not match homeworlds. I know that when I played both HW and CAT, i disabled the backgrounds so i could see the ships more clearly against the black background and the stars.

BTW if you are going to recreate the backgrounds, DO NOT recreate the junkyard lvl background in the first Homeworld. I do not see how that fits into the environment of space, cause it looks like a huge plate of ****.


Offline RandomTiger

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TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
I disagree, the backdrops where great and really made the game look different. While I would prefer more time to be spent on gameplay, I think the backdrops should be recreated as far as possible.

TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
i would be honored to help out tap with testing for hw and cat authenticity! :D

also, i have a friend who probly wouldn't mind doing the scripting for the single player campaign.

email is [email protected], icq=91945131, msn = [email protected], aim = StyffyDawg

how do you make backgroudns for FS2?  in HW there's a special bg editor that uses geometric shapes and vertices shadded with differen RBG's flat then in the game the bg is wrapped around the inside of the 3d game's not hard to learn how to use the just takes a long time to make any specific background.

you could just take the already used bg's and modify them to be used with FS2..cause i mean...the homeworld backdrops are already there...would be a waste of effort to have to totally redo them ya know?
[size=-5]Be a baddass or be a pussy but choose only one. -Manwich [/size]

TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
I'd like to help test too, I'm an experienced Homeworlder, and I rock at Cataclysm(Somtaaw w00t!!)

Would it be possible to change the "battle music" in FS2 to the battle music from Homeworld? Just a suggestion.


*edit: [email protected] you can contact me there if you want me to test it also*


Offline USS Alexander

  • I 0wn TAP
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TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
Would it be possible to change the "battle music" in FS2 to the battle music from Homeworld? Just a suggestion.

Yeb that wil also change:nod:
icq 127261564
Tapping I3****


Offline elorran

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TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
Music extraction from homeworld and cataclysm and porting them into FS2 can be done.  The trick is to align the music tracks so that they can play together smoothly and without much difference between switching.

Homefully the release of Homeworld 2 will add to this music collection if TAP is still in production at that time.  I am also working on complete remixes and new pieces for TAP in the event that we can get the tracks to sound right together.
Thats no moon... hes dropped his pants!


Offline Thorn

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TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
I can do the renders and whatnot.. I just need to get all the files to extract the ships and convert them.... dont have internet at home... I'm getting them today, so I can do stuff when I get home...
Alex.. we need to talk..... I'll try and catch you on ICQ or MSN once this comp decides to let them work...

TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
oh btw, i have one question that's totally OT but i didn't want to make a new thread for it.

have any of the FS2 mods on this board ever actually been finished?
[size=-5]Be a baddass or be a pussy but choose only one. -Manwich [/size]


Offline Knight Templar

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TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
PI is about to be released (soon hopefully) :nod:
Copyright ©1976, 2003, KT Enterprises. All rights reserved

"I don't want to get laid right now. I want to get drunk."- Mars

Too Long, Didn't Read

I have almost every mod made rolled into 1 Big A$$ mod (Except for 3 I have to get to Tech-sp, S.H.A.,and for got 1 other). But YEAH a ton of mods have been made for your FS2 pleasure.

    BUT if you mean entire campaigns and not demos then not yet (unless you can count Robotech and babylon5 and all the stuff from VW archives). What do you mean by THIS board - The HOSTED mods? There are links from them to peoples pages you know ;)
Don't think of it as being outnumbered. Think of it as having a wide target selection !

ICQ#: 5256653
[email protected]

Projects: Gundam TC, Trek BTFF, REF, and Beyond Redemption


Offline Nuclear1

  • 211
TAP is looking for some staffers!!!!
heh heh heh.... Need a FREDDER? I'm up!

[email protected]
Spoon - I stand in awe by your flawless fredding. Truely, never before have I witnessed such magnificant display of beamz.
Axem -  I don't know what I'll do with my life now. Maybe I'll become a Nun, or take up Macrame. But where ever I go... I will remember you!
Axem - Sorry to post again when I said I was leaving for good, but something was nagging me. I don't want to say it in a way that shames the campaign but I think we can all agree it is actually.. incomplete. It is missing... Voice Acting.
Quanto - I for one would love to lend my beautiful singing voice into this wholesome project.
Nuclear1 - I want a duet.
AndrewofDoom - Make it a trio!

Originally posted by Star Dragon
I have almost every mod made rolled into 1 Big A$$ mod (Except for 3 I have to get to Tech-sp, S.H.A.,and for got 1 other). But YEAH a ton of mods have been made for your FS2 pleasure.

    BUT if you mean entire campaigns and not demos then not yet (unless you can count Robotech and babylon5 and all the stuff from VW archives). What do you mean by THIS board - The HOSTED mods? There are links from them to peoples pages you know ;)

well i was just too lazy to go look ;)  Just browsing the other forums it seems a lot like every one has a 'is this mod dead' thread....i dunno i hope TAP keeps going cause i really...really want this mod :D
[size=-5]Be a baddass or be a pussy but choose only one. -Manwich [/size]