Author Topic: 16.7 Mio Colors for interface  (Read 11334 times)

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Offline diamondgeezer

16.7 Mio Colors for interface
Originally posted by Free Terran
Gives here any people they will that ?

I can't the pic at moment appear you because it is now not finished but when its done i appear it you.

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Offline Fry_Day

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16.7 Mio Colors for interface
The last large-scale gaming engine that relied on 256-color textures is the original Unreal Engine. Every game engine later than that (Quake 3, Lith-tech since around AvP2, Unreal Warfare) uses 16, 24 and 32-bit textures, with texture compression supported. Texture compression is a much better solution than palettized textrues, in my opinion, since the gains are even larger (A texture can be compressed 8-fold, which means a 24-bit texture can be compressed to 3/8s of the size of an 8-bit texture, giving both a higher resolution, and a higher color precision)


Offline Bobboau

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16.7 Mio Colors for interface
you know I was thinking about looking into this, I made my own PCX loader for Aurora, I think I might give it a shot later, I'm still waiting for the final 3.51 bug fix before I commit anything, though I'm starting to think I missed it or something
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Offline FreeTerran

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16.7 Mio Colors for interface
Originally posted by Kazan
terran, du störst jeden Mensch, die das Forum lesen

Gebrauch "ich woellte" nicht "ich will"

[yes i know my german is rusty]

Your german is very bad. :shaking:
« Last Edit: April 03, 2003, 05:09:30 am by 1059 »
Silva in lumine Lunae arcana est. Domos mea Silva in lumine Stellarum est.

16.7 Mio Colors for interface
Originally posted by Free Terran

Your german are very bad. :shaking:

like your english.
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Offline KARMA

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16.7 Mio Colors for interface
like my english
out of the joke...
a 256 colors pic will look worse than a 16m, it's obvious, but not SO bad, until you convert digital photos...
16m pics are far bigger than 256, but since we are talking of interface this won't be much a problem, but i don't see why they should spend much time in something that gives a minimal advantage (minimal because it is interface+ not much gain in beauty)
althught i haven't seen your image it is very probable that, if you are having BIG quality reduce after converting, well probably you have done something bad converting
with photoshop (if i remember well) to convert to 256 color pcx you have to go to image/mode/indexed color: here a little menu will popup, where you can select the number of colors AND the way colors are reduced (adaptive,perceptive etc). Play with this parameter (you will have a real time preview) and i bet you will solve most of your probs


Offline FreeTerran

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16.7 Mio Colors for interface
OH i have edit the post.
Silva in lumine Lunae arcana est. Domos mea Silva in lumine Stellarum est.


Offline Bobboau

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16.7 Mio Colors for interface
untill someone changes this, use bright
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16.7 Mio Colors for interface
do a search for bright i linked a version a few weeks ago
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Enable Beam-free-all.



  • Turret Fiend
  • 210
16.7 Mio Colors for interface
At the very least I would request high bit on sun pics.... on high res suns (Aldo used one in that casualties thingy, and I use them) and the coronas on them appear banded (rings of colour) which is just crap and runins the effect of the sun....



(you have 31 minuets! :lol: )
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Offline Sesquipedalian

  • Atankharz'ythi
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16.7 Mio Colors for interface
Since people can't seem to click on a link even when posted, here is the relevant content to this whole discussion.

Why is it unnecessary to upgrade to 16.7 million colours?

16.7 million colours (a.k.a. 24-bit colour):

256 colours (a.k.a. 8-bit colour):

Can you see a difference?  I didn't think so.

How can I make my 8-bit colour image look good as a 24-bit?

The above 24-bit image was converted to the 8-bit using Corel PhotoPaint (which eats all other graphics programs for lunch).  If you are not so lucky as to have PhotoPaint, then you want Bright.  Bright is free, so there is no excuse not to make nice 8-bit images out of your 24-bit images.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2003, 05:16:00 pm by 448 »
Sesqu... Sesqui... what?
Sesquipedalian, the best word in the English language.

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  • Turret Fiend
  • 210
16.7 Mio Colors for interface
oh dear me....

well looky here, what is this!!!! hummm!!! :ha: get 16 million NOW!!

(What do we want? 16Million! When do we want it? 31 minuets!)

(sorry for the size btw.... humph, fire for effect;7 )

EDIT: woops! 512*512 is bigger than I though! (i use them to texture my ships but they never look THAT big!!!) Change with 350*350 ones that WERNT saved as .jpg first!:rolleyes: :doubt:

the images arnt working again (been a while) links...:rolleyes:
« Last Edit: April 03, 2003, 05:51:05 pm by 307 »
Conflict GRDLA:
Operation Return To Riker - the latest site is not finished yet!
[What we have here is the source to the Freespace ENGINE, not the Freespace GAME. By allowing the ENGINE to support all kinds of cool stuff, we're allowing the creation of all new GAMES] - TurboNed


Offline Kazan

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16.7 Mio Colors for interface
get a freaking clue - demanding a programmer does something = programmer NOT doing that something
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Offline Sesquipedalian

  • Atankharz'ythi
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16.7 Mio Colors for interface
Originally posted by LAW ENFORCER


1) Did you use the proper program to convert that?  2) Did you remember to turn on Dithering?  It will solve your problems quite well, my friend.  Look:

Your version of the 8-bit:

My version (using dithering!):

Learn to use the converter properly, and you really, truly don't need 24-bit colour in FS2. :)
« Last Edit: April 03, 2003, 06:16:19 pm by 448 »
Sesqu... Sesqui... what?
Sesquipedalian, the best word in the English language.

The Scroll of Atankharzim | FS2 syntax highlighting



  • Turret Fiend
  • 210
16.7 Mio Colors for interface
does dithering make them into red Xs? :rolleyes: K ya fixed them...

and by the way... yuck, thats horrible!!! I use 512 (zoomed in more) and it would STILL look horrible!

anyway, I like my textures to be hiest res (the ship textures are mainly the same colour and so it dont affect it much BUT the suns annoy me SO MUCH!!!) (and Aldo's did this to!)
« Last Edit: April 03, 2003, 06:17:52 pm by 307 »
Conflict GRDLA:
Operation Return To Riker - the latest site is not finished yet!
[What we have here is the source to the Freespace ENGINE, not the Freespace GAME. By allowing the ENGINE to support all kinds of cool stuff, we're allowing the creation of all new GAMES] - TurboNed


Offline Sesquipedalian

  • Atankharz'ythi
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16.7 Mio Colors for interface
Then Aldo needs to learn to turn on dithering, too.
Sesqu... Sesqui... what?
Sesquipedalian, the best word in the English language.

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Offline Sesquipedalian

  • Atankharz'ythi
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16.7 Mio Colors for interface
Originally posted by LAW ENFORCER
and by the way... yuck, thats horrible!!! I use 512 (zoomed in more) and it would STILL look horrible!
What, the centre section?  Yes it is, and that is exactly what it looked like on your 24-bit version.  Click your own link and see.
Sesqu... Sesqui... what?
Sesquipedalian, the best word in the English language.

The Scroll of Atankharzim | FS2 syntax highlighting



  • Turret Fiend
  • 210
16.7 Mio Colors for interface
Ok, whos gonna tell him?.... hes from scotland ya know:shaking: :nervous: (they dont HAVE to use baseball bats like USA does!!!! They use their teeth!!!!:shaking: )

Yeah, yeah - mines called 'error defusion' by the way so it didn't look so appeling to click on...:doubt:

No the rings - even that small (and they ARE much better than my old 8bit things explained above) they are quiet noticble and annoy me SO much when im looking for enemy fighters...

« Last Edit: April 03, 2003, 06:27:37 pm by 307 »
Conflict GRDLA:
Operation Return To Riker - the latest site is not finished yet!
[What we have here is the source to the Freespace ENGINE, not the Freespace GAME. By allowing the ENGINE to support all kinds of cool stuff, we're allowing the creation of all new GAMES] - TurboNed


Offline Sesquipedalian

  • Atankharz'ythi
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16.7 Mio Colors for interface
You definitely want to diffuse the errors.  It is a good thing.  The alternative is to have concentrated errors, which makes them very visible and bad.
Sesqu... Sesqui... what?
Sesquipedalian, the best word in the English language.

The Scroll of Atankharzim | FS2 syntax highlighting


Offline Sesquipedalian

  • Atankharz'ythi
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16.7 Mio Colors for interface
On a larger image they will be even less noticable, because there is more space to work with.  Run a proper conversion on your 512*512, and it will be fine.
Sesqu... Sesqui... what?
Sesquipedalian, the best word in the English language.

The Scroll of Atankharzim | FS2 syntax highlighting