Author Topic: Chapter 1 How was it  (Read 26449 times)

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Well we'll certainly be addressing most of the balance issues you mention - although the Perseus was designed to be an extended use interceptor with high capacity energy reserves, and I won't be changing that. The Hastor will be a heavy weapon, only mountable on heavy fighters and will chug down the energy like no tomorrow.

The difference between different fighter and weapon classes will be far more distinct - for example, light fighters being able to outperform heavies in dogfights, but dropping like flies against them in a frontal assault. Interceptors will be particularly fast, but will have a major advantage only in attacking from range. They should be eaten up by light fighters in dogfights.


Offline Janos

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Less giant huge behemoths. Otherwise L-.
lol wtf


Offline DeepSpace9er

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The Hastor is supposed to be an improvement on the Maxim correct? Then shouldnt their be SOME sort of vibration or less energy use?

No, the Hastor is a particle weapon, while the Maxim is a mass-driver according to its tech description.

The future Hastor will be a bit different :)


Offline ionia23

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I hope it's okay to throw in some comments on this as I believe Chapter 2 isn't out.

I just completed Chapter 1, within the last 10 minutes or so.

What's missing

Voice acting, voice acting, voice acting.  This is the only issue I ever have with FM's.  It's next to impossible in a good firefight to keep reading.  I don't know how much of a pain in the neck this is to do as I've never constructed diddly squat in FRED.  

That's it, in my opinion.  This campaign is easily on par with anything created by Volition.

What was enjoyable

The whole thing.  Plain and simple.  I was on the edge of my seat through most of the campaign.  I love the ship designs and general perfomance of them.  The first mission to the Sol gate was...daunting.  All these huge ships and not a single dent in performance.  Most impressive!

I particularly like the new weaponry, especially the Mace.  I found the Flail and the Morning Star indispensable in the original Freespace campaigns.  Go figure.  If you want a true tactical advantage, learn to use the weapons everyone hates.  I used to take great delight in really antagonizing other players online with the kinetic weapons.  The mace improves on that tenfold.

The Hastor (hope I have that right) was my favorite to use.  Complimented with the Hurricane dumbfire.

What wasn't

The Cyone fighter.  Awesome design, but a bit short on cannons.

The Prometheus, even in the distant future, still has a lousy firing rate.  A grand gun when up close though.

Strange Bugs

Earth looks, well, seriously whacked on my system.  The textures are all smeared and look like mirrors.  Of course, I'm using an old Voodoo 3 for a video card so it's probably my problem.

This was a blast to play and I look forward to Chapter 2.  Thank you very much for designing this :)
"Why does it want me to say my name?"


Offline Woomeister

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Voice acting still isn't planned even in the next release (except for any cutscene voice overs)
We have a few main characters, and would need seperate actors for each of our new message personas.

The Cyone is gone now, now replaced by better fighters.

If the textures are looking funny, you may not have the high res texture hack in your registry.


Offline Havock

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"flaw/bug report"


in the mission that you are first ordered to destroy the corvette (soyuz or something), when the segomo arrives, the transport sent to "save" the crew gets stuck in front of it, only by unlocking cheats and hitting it with Hammer bombs i got it clear


Offline phreak

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did that happen more than once?

never seen that before :wtf:
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
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Offline Havock

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Originally posted by PhReAk
did that happen more than once?

never seen that before :wtf:

i'll see if I can get a screenie of it :)


Offline Havock

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i've played the mission 4 tmes now.
once for the mission itself, 2 times to check if it's true and the final one for one last check and the shot :p

it got stuck all the time...
Click here
there you go.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2004, 10:02:24 am by 1234 »

having the same problem, it is very frustrating, I am hammer nudging the thing, but since I am unsure where to nudge it to I am running into difficulties


WOW! This is an old thread!

Looks like Spartan isn't the only one to revive ancient topics.  :p
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Offline ToecrusherHammerjaw

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Techie, some advice:  necromantic rituals are usually frowned upon in these boards, especially on threads that are over a year old.  Like Hunter says, just ask Spartan.  His title tells all.  :D

Having said that......proceed or lock, anyone.


Offline Woomeister

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Lock since this is a very old thread.