Author Topic: "Inferno" moments...  (Read 6180 times)

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Offline WMCoolmon

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"Inferno" moments...
A place to post your more memorable experiences from playing Inferno.

Mine would be the mission where you're supposed to destroy the Diablo. I'd get the bombers past the first wave of Shivan fighters, only to lose most of them in the second wave. The other two wings of bombers were about 7 klicks off, and the Independence's hull was losing integrity fast.

 I tried ordering all the fighters to attack the Diablo's cannon. So, every single fighter obediently took up position right in front of the beam cannon and began firing away.

Then the Diablo fired. :D
« Last Edit: July 19, 2003, 09:36:18 pm by 374 »


Offline DeepSpace9er

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My most memorable was in the mission where the Karmanaya and the "fleet" is over Earth and 2 destroyers are ahead: a lindos and the nemesis. After attempting to escort the "fleet" for 8 minutes or shooting down stuff, the EAD Freedom opens fire with all beams and destroys the GTD Karmanaya.(sp) Then, a message says "weve lost too many ships, return to base." Let me tell ya, after that you get the warm fuzzy feeling inside and think "man isnt this fun!"

That ones got to take the cake for me. :nod:


Offline Spicious

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Re: "Inferno" moments...
Originally posted by WMCoolmon
I tried ordering all the fighters to attack the Diablo's cannon. So, every single fighter obediently took up position right in front of the beam cannon and began firing away.
That was most likely a result of my pathing. :D


Offline Woomeister

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The faster the Serpents and Gorgons are destroyed, the more bombers your likely to have before the Diablo fires and destroys them all :D

My Inferno moment

The last mission of the campaign

"Get clear of the jump node!!"

So there I am, a good 10km away from the node, stop flying away from it, turn around to face the node.


"INF_Kyrae was destroyed by a collision with SSJ Gigas"


Mission 4(I think) bombers repeated flying right into the beam from the super destroyer sorry guys but AI can't be trusted with vital mission objectives.

I've replayed it 6 to 8 times now and they bombers seem to be getting dumber.

It's very possible to have the beam cannon destroyed without the bombers getting vaped, BTW.



Offline Woomeister

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Originally posted by Nameless
sorry guys but AI can't be trusted with vital mission objectives.

8/10 times here they've succeeded, the other 2 the Diablo got them first:D


Offline Ashrak

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Originally posted by Assassin
My Inferno moment

The last mission of the campaign

"Get clear of the jump node!!"

So there I am, a good 10km away from the node, stop flying away from it, turn around to face the node.


"INF_Kyrae was destroyed by a collision with SSJ Gigas"


yeah same to me lol oh and the diablo shot ME once too a bug or something but it missed the capship and hit me lol
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Re: "Inferno" moments...
Believe it or not, my best Inferno moment is when I hit the "commit" button and entered mission 1. There I saw all the new ships and weapons and realized that the days of boredom and repetition of Fs2 were over.


Offline Ashrak

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Re: Re: "Inferno" moments...
Originally posted by Blitzerland
Believe it or not, my best Inferno moment is when I hit the "commit" button and entered mission 1. There I saw all the new ships and weapons and realized that the days of boredom and repetition of Fs2 were over.

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Re: Re: Re: "Inferno" moments...
Thats what I was shooting for. But you gotta admit that I have a point. It was very exciting to see the boring world of Fs2 end, and a universe of whole new possibilities unfold.

:( :( :( :( :( :blah:

8 times out of 10 huh you do it 3 time then average it? Cause so far I managed to knock it out once to bad the independence was at about 10% and ever single ship beside me was dead cause they flew into the well of the beam cannon. A mission should NEVER depend on the AI IMO their way to hit or miss its like a crapshoot one I keep losing. It's not ever like if they fail I can do it for them you thoughtfully prevented that by giving the cannon as much HP as a cruiser or all the guns 0.1 subsystem damage either way the AI fails utterly and I’m screwed And this is on easy.

1 or 2 more tries and im just gonna kill it with cheats:rolleyes:.

If you keep enough Gorgons off the Sabuses they'll fire off enough rounds to destroy the beam cannon before it vapes them all. And remember, even if the first wave gets destroyed, there are another two wings that get launched and attack the forward turret with Stillettos. If you can't save the first wave then rely on the second.



Offline Ashrak

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donno i did that mission with first try ;)
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Offline Exarch

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Re: "Inferno" moments...
Originally posted by WMCoolmon
So, every single fighter obediently took up position right in front of the beam cannon and began firing away.

Then the Diablo fired. :D
Heh, that happened to me as well the first two times I played the mission, even though I believe I was pretty speedy in taking out the shivan fighters. On the 3rd go I tried something else: Every time I felt the Diablo was about to fire, I ordered all fighters to form on my wing, waited for the shot, then told them to kill the beam cannon again. Cut it a bit close on the Independence's hull since they took longer to destroy the beam than they might otherwise have - was at 26% when it was over - but it did get the job done. First wave of bombers still got vaporised because my timing was off though :p

So the AI can be trusted to do it, as long as you make sure to do all the thinking for them. My personal 'Inferno moment' would have to be in the very first mission, with the friendly corvette and two EA cruisers. Figured if I ordered my wing to guard the corvette, then bolted off to quickly take out the front beams on the cruisers, I'd do a better job protecting my warship than if I just chased bombs all day. So there I go, full afterburner towards the nearest cruiser, when at the same time the corvette and both cruisers open fire. I had like 6 beams zapping by on all sides of my fighter, while I was just sitting there thinking "oh ****... this wasn't a good plan". I survived somehow, and afterwards all I could think was "cooool...". Those silver beams look awesome by the way :nod:
« Last Edit: July 20, 2003, 02:51:25 pm by 1089 »

Re: Re: "Inferno" moments...
Originally posted by Exarch
Those silver beams look awesome by the way :nod:

And SOUND awesome! All of the new sound effects were another thing I remember thinking about. They really added freshness to the game! The HL-12 and Prom combo just sounded so futuristic and cool. :)


Offline [karl]

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For me its got to be when your blockading that jump node. Its all going well, all the shivans are throwing at you are cruisers and corvettes. Nothing me and the fleet could'nt handle. Then what possibly could be the largest subspace opening i have seen occurs and this what can only be described as a thing comes out. It then proceded to slap the fleet 6 ways from sunday and then jump out. And i was just sitting there like this  :eek2: :eek2: :shaking: :shaking: :shaking:

And no i haven't completed the campaign yet. I get the awful feeling that there are going to be bigger shivan ships.


Offline Anaz

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Blue missile trails look awesome.
Arrr. I'm a pirate.

AotD, DatDB, TVWP, LM. Ph34r.

You WILL go to warpstorm...


Offline Woolie Wool

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Mine was when the Diablo appeared...:shaking:

I bet the Gigas will be even scarier...
16:46   Quanto   ****, a mosquito somehow managed to bite the side of my palm
16:46   Quanto   it itches like hell
16:46   Woolie   !8ball does Quanto have malaria
16:46   BotenAnna   Woolie: The outlook is good.
16:47   Quanto   D:

"did they use anesthetic when they removed your sense of humor or did you have to weep and struggle like a tiny baby"
--General Battuta