Author Topic: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign  (Read 134627 times)

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Offline Thaeris

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Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Has anyone found the new icon/.ini useful?

I'm merely curious - it did take a few minutes to assemble everything properly, after all.  :)
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Offline Euth

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Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Hey Hansebee, I have the same problem now --- all the freighters jump to Beta Acquilae [sic], but Sigma wing doesn't, so the mission won't complete --- you can't engage your jump drive.  Did you find a workaround?  I'm using both a nightly build and 3.6.10 and not getting anything to work.  I can always Ctrl-Shift-S in the mission simulator, but it's best to play through the campaign.

Looking at the mission file, Hmsk-04.fs2, it doesn't seem that Sigma wing needs to depart to get the departure request and be able to complete the mission?  (My FRED skills are negligible, so I may be wrong.)

Is Homesick amenable to being played via the Ctrl-Shift-S method?  Or does one end up with storyline gaps by doing so?  I'm not sure if it has a branching plot or not.


- Euth
« Last Edit: January 23, 2010, 04:22:49 am by Euth »


Offline -Norbert-

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Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Has anyone found the new icon/.ini useful?
The mod ini not so much, since I made my own one long before your post, but the icon is really nice (well... after scalling it down to the 255x112 the Launcher wanted it to be). Thanks  :yes:
« Last Edit: January 23, 2010, 11:16:03 am by -Norbert- »


Offline Klaustrophobia

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Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
i just started playing this, and MY GOD is there any way to slow down the dialogue?  any time the chatter starts up, i have to go to the f4 message log to read it o.0
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Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
i just started playing this, and MY GOD is there any way to slow down the dialogue?  any time the chatter starts up, i have to go to the f4 message log to read it o.0
I had that too. I think it gets better further into the campaign though. AFAIK, there's no way to slow it down - except negative time compression.


Offline Klaustrophobia

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Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
general tip for any FREDers who might happen across this:  time your dialogue by saying it out loud as if you were voice acting it.
I like to stare at the sun.

Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Problem here: on about the 3rd mission where you leave Capella and are with the entire freighter convoy (a red alert mission), my entire Beta wing is dead.  They're just gone at the start of the mission.  Alpha wing is OK.  During the prior mission, at Bytopia [sic] station, they were at 100% health.  This leads to the dialogs being nonsensical because Alpha 3's discussion with members of Beta wing is just Alpha 3 talking to himself. 

Does anyone else have this problem?
For anyone interested re: the earlier problem, I went with a nightly 3.6.11 beta build (fs2_open_3_6_11r_sse2-20100116_r5824) and Beta wing is now alive at the start of the mission.  I'm not sure if I'll encounter the "Sigma wing not warping out bug" at the end of the mission as others noted above, but something in the nightlies at least resolves the dead wingmen problem.
I'm using a 3.6.12 INF build and Beta wing is quite dead for no apparent reason.  So whatever happened in 3.6.11 to fix it apparently went away in 3.6.12.  Not only does this make the conversation not make sense, but it's incredibly difficult to keep all the freighters alive when you have half the fighters you're supposed to. 
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Offline Kolgena

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Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
1. Did you try using 3.6.14 and seeing if the issue is there too?
2. You realize you're replying to issues raised 2.5 years ago, right?

Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
No, I haven't.  I'm not in the habit of mixing beta versions with buggy campaigns; it makes it hard to tell where the bugs lie.  And yes, I do realize.  The passage of time doesn't mean the issue has gone away.  I could have made a new thread about it, but why go to the trouble when we have a perfectly good release thread right here? 
"Courage is the complement of fear.  A fearless man cannot be courageous.  He is also a fool." -- Robert Heinlein


Offline Yarn

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Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
I get this problem too. If Beta wing somehow does make it to that mission, part of the convoy goes missing, making it impossible to complete the mission.

This happens in 3.6.14 RC6, by the way.
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--strings.tbl, entry 177

"Freespace is very tired.  It is shutting down to get some rest."
--strings.tbl, entry 178

Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Okay, I completed this campaign a little while back, but I just (re?)discovered this thread, so here 'goes.

It was a very interesting concept that was executed fairly well. There were plenty of intriguing twists and turns, as well as fantastic settings, situations, and setpieces. I enjoyed several of the missions greatly. But perhaps my favorite aspect was how it made every little thing seem so valuable and useful--never before have I looked at a single Fenris cruiser (especially an FS1-era one) and thought how awesome and valuable it was to have.

However, there were several major problems I had with the mod that left a rather bitter taste in my mouth. I'll try to take it categorically and hopefully make it constructive.

Quite a few of the biggest plot points were just so jarring, unbelievable, and frustrating to me that I had to try and just enjoy the mod in-the-moment in order to not get blown off by the story.
1) That initial GTVA security checkpoint--given how large of a GTVA presence there was, how long could "waiting in line" possibly take? What makes them think that taking a lesser-known and more-dangerous jump-node detour would actually be worth it? On top of the asteroid field you have to worry about (and tin-can ships that highly vulnerable to it), it's theperfect place for pirates to ambush merchant ships. Which is exactly what the convoy is trying to avoid, and seeing as they've been attacked by pirates several times already, you'd think they'd just want to play it safe by now.  But even if there wasn't any pirates at that node, it makes no sense that the GTVA wouldn't both know about the node and have some kind of checkpoint there themselves (if they're being this paranoid about something bad getting smuggled somewhere, they'd be total idiots to leave a node with plenty of "cover" completely unguarded).
2) The GTVA decides to shoot kill everyone first and ask ignore all questions and offers of surrender later. What.
Okay, for one, that's a ridiculously blatant violation of BETAC and just about every canonical portrayal of the GTVA. Secondly, it makes no sense whatsoever from just about any standpoint that the GTVA security checkpoint would privately find something in one ship and then decide to instantly--and without any warning or provocation--open fire on every ship in the vicinity. You can actually do something similar in nature during the FS2 SOC loop--which promptly gets you tried for war crimes and mass murder of civilians. Sounds awfully familiar.
3) The GTVA instantly and arbitrarily brands every ship that was present at the GTVA-run massacre of civilians as a terrorist to be unhesitatingly killed...even when said ships proclaim their innocence, total confusion as to what's going on, insist there's some kind of major misunderstanding, and offer their total surrender.
4) The GTVA seems awfully determined to wipe out every last civilian that was present at the massacre. As in suicidally determined.
5) Jump nodes instantly collapse if a single ship above bomber-size blows up? Look...artistic license can work here, I understand that, but it still blatantly contradicts canon and it's not even lampshaded or handwaved, making the whole thing as a gigantic plot point that kicks off the story a point of total confusion.
6) Why is the GTVI acting exactly like the GTI during Silent Threat?
7) The Custodian gets killed by that Demon destroyer by its forward beam cannons. Which I personally destroyed beforehand. To prevent that exact event from occurring.
8) The ending. Dear god, the ending. In which the GTVA acts a lot like the Shivans (or NTF at best) and has no problem whatsoever with massacring civilians offering their surrender and proclaiming their innocence for any real wrongdoing. And in which the entire story is rendered pointless, as everyone dies for nonsensical and jarring reasons, nothing is accomplished, and everyone acts completely out of character. And no one acts with common sense when it matters most. Look at the bright side, though! We made it back home, finally! What's that, the good guys are here to slaughter us without hesitation or any actual reason even though we pose no threat, proclaim our innocence, and offer our total surrender?

It was like being cast out of the town by the townspeople, going on a suicide mission to save their collective arse anyway, returning back with proof of our heroic deeds, and offering the townspeople a load of gold...only to be unceremoniously slaughtered for no reason. Am I supposed to feel satisfied by an ending like that? Sorry if that comes across as harsh, but I was already raging at the plot by that point, and then the ending came and baffled me in a very bad way.

So in summary, I thought it was great in so many aspects, except for the story, which totally ruined my experience with it. Most of the time, I'd try and ignore the larger plot issues to enjoy and get immersed in the moment, and when I was able to do that, it was fantastic. But then something else would come along and totally break all enjoyment and immersion, and that happened too many times for my enjoyment of the mod to tolerate. Don't get me wrong--there was so much good about this mod that I would love to see your other work, and there's so much that's done so damn well that I'd love to see more of it.
Delenda Est delenda est.

(Yay gratuitous Latin.)


Offline Legate Damar

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Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
I got the impression that the GTVI was up to something against their treaties (possibly involving experiments with the Shivans) and the GTVA forces you encountered were on their payroll, trying to kill you to cover up the GTVI's plans. Also the ships you were escorting were carrying some kind of secret/illegal cargo, likely something the GTVI wanted captured or destroyed.

Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
I got the impression that the GTVI was up to something against their treaties (possibly involving experiments with the Shivans) and the GTVA forces you encountered were on their payroll, trying to kill you to cover up the GTVI's plans. Also the ships you were escorting were carrying some kind of secret/illegal cargo, likely something the GTVI wanted captured or destroyed.

The problem is that such actions by the GTVI would be effectively mimicking the GTI Rebellion in most ways. This is a problem, because there is no GTVI Rebellion, and canonically the GTVI does not tolerate--let alone encourage and pursue with suicidal determination--mass slaughter of innocent civilians without warning, provocation, or reason. And it also blatantly ignores all offers of total surrender, pleas of innocence and confusion, and desire to just get back home and forget everything that happened. Oh, and even better, every normal GTVA element acts this same way, too. Including Vasudan and Terran fleets in different sectors.

Not to mention the fact that even GTVI is not allowed to violate BETAC. That's explicitly canon (and common sense). To have a major chunk of every element of the GTVA unhesitatingly and blatantly violating BETAC to slaughter surrendering civilians (with suicidal determination) just does. not. make. any. sense.
Delenda Est delenda est.

(Yay gratuitous Latin.)


Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
SaltyWaffles.. you are an asset to this community. Hopefully one day someone will be able to make a campaign storyline that meets your reputationally defended standard.
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Offline SypheDMar

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Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Also, GTVI is allowed to violate BETAC as evident when Alpha 1 is allowed to destroy the civilian transport in ... But Hate the Traitor.


Offline MatthTheGeek

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Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Also, GTVI is allowed to violate BETAC as evident when Alpha 1 is allowed to destroy the civilian transport in ... But Hate the Traitor.
He definitely isn't. You're court-martialed if you destroy it.
People are stupid, therefore anything popular is at best suspicious.

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666maslo666: Releasing a finished product is not a good thing! It is a modern fad.

SpardaSon21: it seems like you exist in a permanent state of half-joking misanthropy

Axem: when you put it like that, i sound like an insane person

bigchunk1: it's not retarded it's american!
bigchunk1: ...

batwota: steele's maneuvering for the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: you mispelled grâce
Awaesaar: grace
batwota: oh right :P
Darius: ah!
Darius: yes, i like that
MatthTheGeek: the way you just spelled it it means fat
Awaesaar: +accent I forgot how to keyboard
MatthTheGeek: or grease
Darius: the killing fat!
Axem: jabba does the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: XD
Axem: bring me solo and a cookie


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
But it's apparently a toothless court-martial, because you're allowed to proceed to the next mission.


Offline MatthTheGeek

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Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Are you ? I thought I remember I had to restart the mission. But that was a while ago, I might misremember.
People are stupid, therefore anything popular is at best suspicious.

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666maslo666: Releasing a finished product is not a good thing! It is a modern fad.

SpardaSon21: it seems like you exist in a permanent state of half-joking misanthropy

Axem: when you put it like that, i sound like an insane person

bigchunk1: it's not retarded it's american!
bigchunk1: ...

batwota: steele's maneuvering for the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: you mispelled grâce
Awaesaar: grace
batwota: oh right :P
Darius: ah!
Darius: yes, i like that
MatthTheGeek: the way you just spelled it it means fat
Awaesaar: +accent I forgot how to keyboard
MatthTheGeek: or grease
Darius: the killing fat!
Axem: jabba does the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: XD
Axem: bring me solo and a cookie


Offline Cobra

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Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
I definitely remember failing the mission for blowing that bastard up.
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I wept. Mysterious forces beyond my ken had reached into my beautiful mission and energized its pilots with inhuman bomb-firing abilities. I could only imagine the GTVA warriors giving a mighty KIAAIIIIIII shout as they worked their triggers, their biceps bulging with sinew after years of Ivan Drago-esque steroid therapy and weight training. - General Battuta


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
I definitely remember failing the mission for blowing that bastard up.

You are allowed to proceed, and have been since retail. Either the court-martial was hamstrung or found in your favor.
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