Author Topic: RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign  (Read 134430 times)

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Offline Blaise Russel

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RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Fah. The final mission is supposed to be 20 minutes long. Big long epic final mission, with finalness.

I still don't see what's so hard about tailing the Macavity. Three axes, 500 metres... get up high and it's *too* easy.

Eh, at least some people got through it fine, so it can't be THAT bad.


Offline CP5670

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RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
I need to visit this subforum more often; I didn't even know about this Homesick campaign until I saw a few people talking about it elsewhere. :p I will try it out sometime in the next few days.


Offline Knight Templar

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RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
The Macavity mission is fine.. just fly up high like everyone says.

And what was wrong with the Nemesis mission? It's supposed to be long and drawn out.. it's the finale. Besides some SCP errors and deaths 4 - 10 minutes into it, I never had any problems.
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Offline Lightspeed

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RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Originally posted by Blaise Russel
I still don't see what's so hard about tailing the Macavity. Three axes, 500 metres... get up high and it's *too* easy.

actually.. That was the first thing i tried. I thought (since this would be the case of most mission designers) that there would be no problems if i just went on top of it :)

However, the plan failed. I'm always cornered by those fighters. I could fly away from them but that either gets me too close to the macavity or i "lose it", i.e. I can see it perfectly in short distance but as its more than 1000 m it literally vanishes ("pop - away") and i lost again.

Next try was tailing behind it, which also failed.

Then I tried below it, to the left and to the right, which all had the same result.

Heck, I even tried flying ahead of it. This was the best try so far but then more wings and a cruiser appear and it's impossible again. whee!
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Offline Blaise Russel

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RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
I dunno, top + right + perhaps a little bit ahead always worked fine for me. Fighter wing comes zwooshing past, but they're behind the Macavity and I'm up ahead with it, so they don't do nowt. The cruiser jumping in suddenly is a bit cruel though, moves too fast... perhaps I should've added special warning messages, just for those that weren't lucky enough to get it straight off the bat; "fighter wing coming on your left", "cruiser about to jump in up ahead".

When Inferno R1 is re-released, if you lot put up a 'suckiness' list of sucky stuff about SAH, I'll redo it (and Homesick too). And I'll add in another campaign, just for you lot. And I'll get other people to beta test it before release, because I have links with the community and suchforth.


Offline Lightspeed

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RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
I dont think HomeSick needs it. Is is, and was, the best campaign I ever played in Freespace. No bugs, difficulty was balanced very good, and the campaign quality unrivaled :)

If you decide to work a bit more on HomeSick, get in Voice Acting which is the only thing it's missing.
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Offline Goober5000

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RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Well, I didn't like Homesick.  I found both bugs and bad balancing.  And the plot was quite repetitive. :p

On the other hand, I thought SAH was quite good. :)

RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Yeah, Homesick dosen't need any real work, only two things that I can see wrong with it, and these are very minor quibbles, is the sheer lack of available craft, and the need for voice acting. Other than that, perfect mission set..... And this campaign you are adding, would that per chance be Homesick 2?
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Offline Shinobi

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RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Originally posted by Goober5000
Well, I didn't like Homesick.  I found both bugs and bad balancing.  And the plot was quite repetitive. :p

I agree on the balncing part. I gave up on it after trying a mission ten times and each time failing through one of my wingmen firing tornados in the middle of the the convoy I was protecting (again), blowing one of the ships up. I don't know if it was just my lameness though :doubt:

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Offline Blaise Russel

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RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Here's what I was thinking about doing with Homesick Redux:

Plotwise: much the same up to the whole 'mistaken for criminals by GTVA'. Trotsky becomes a Deimos, pirate numbers become a little more realistic and most of the pirate-combat is between the Custodian and the Trotsky (corvette duels = fun). Both Trotsky and Guevera snuff it before the Custodian and Shield leave the T-V battlefield.

Custodian and Shield are happy to see the GTVI base, but they are fired upon by the Mammon, which is joined by a small fleet of GTVI warships. Surrounded, all looks grim until the Khufu jumps in, also pursued by GTVI, and they help the Custodian escape to the next system. They split up afterwards - Khufu to look for the Keops, Custodian to find another way back, and both to avoid fighting with stupid GTVA goons/treacherous mercenary-pirate types.

Cue hijinks with Custodian trying to hide from various GTVI task forces with 'brand-new' ships and weaponry. When it becomes obvious that hiding and running away doesn't work, even when you're hiding in a debris field or even the outer edges of a gas cloud, the Custodian decides to take the battle to GTVI and attacks the GTVI destroyer sent after them, sending out a call to the Khufu to consider assisting them. For a few tense moments, the Custodian is alone against the GTD Thingamajig, but the Khufu jumps in and, using clever tactical knowhow, cripple the destroyer before pulling out, guerrilla style.

Custodian and Khufu travel through the cosmos, exploring system after system, until they eventually begin to build up a picture of the way home. They enter a system to gather the final data they need... when they discover the Shivans. Fighting commences, lots of backing away from beams and getting ambushed by massive Shivan forces... they pull back through a system, edging their way towards home, when they enter a nebula and are absolutely surrounded by the bastards. They take down a Shivan destroyer... but there are more out there. They head into the final system and everything's the same from there, but with lots more Shivans.

That's as much of Homesick as I think I can change without it becoming something entirely different... sorry Goob. At least you'll have SAH, eh?

Balancing-wise, aside from rebalancing revamped missions with adoring masses, also add Ulysses and Zeus to ship selection, and a few more weapons or something. I'll probably get some weapons from the FSPort to be 'old' weaponry... hmm, some old FS1 ships would make good pirate fighters...

As for SAH... aside from rebalancing some of the trickier/suckier missions, if you'll all make a list of the odd ones, and adding a second-half to 'Sons of War' so that Deimos and Phobos are a little closer to their real life counterparts, I'll also make an extra campaign for 218-something, which will introduce the new EA ships and bring the EA a little closer to the EA in Inferno in a natural and plausible manner, as well as return to the characters in Sol: 2157 or whenever the third campaign with EAI was. And I'll retitle it 'Sol: Alternate History', because apparently the indefinite article was a little too subtle.

Though I will be doing Homesick 2 some day. But I have a FREDding commitment that must take priority over anything else, for now. Once that's good, I'll redo Homesick, and once Inferno R1 is redone, I'll redo SAH as well. And then I'll beta test them, because beta testing is FUN and GOOD and USEFUL.

And if anyone wants to voice-act Homesick, then all you have to do is say. I can't voice-act it all by myself, unfortunately.



Offline Lightspeed

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RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Keep HomeSick as original as possible, please :)

If you need me for voicing you can have me. Although be advised my voice is ub4r sucky (well, you know it from that TVWP thread) :)
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Offline Blaise Russel

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RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign

I hate trying to please everybody.

Well, I'll certainly redo Homesick to do it in FSOpen, and rewrite some of the missions, SEXP-wise (some are a little... clunky, methinks). And I'll definitely have to redo SAH.


Offline Lightspeed

  • Light Years Ahead
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RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
If you need / want any help with HomeSick, you know where to find me.
Modern man is the missing link between ape and human being.


Offline Zarax

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RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Dude, just call and you'll get a beta tester/general helper.
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Offline Janos

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RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Just finished it. Combined with buggy SCP eye candy (like lacking textures, subspace tunnel weirdness and Deimos parts being replaced with Shivan debris... :) ) it was unbeliavable. I loved every single bit of it.

Now it's time for S:AH.
lol wtf


Offline Arculis

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RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
I have to say I liked this campaign straight off just due to the fact that it's loooong. I loooove loooong campaigns. So yeah, I liked it. There were only three things that bothered me in the campaign.

First, the mission where you have to rescue the Vasudan Support Ship seems to be messed up. I can't come up with any way to defend the support ship, especially since its considered neutral, and its not on the escort list or anything. By the time I'm finished warding off the initial assault, I have to spend a few minutes just finding the support ship again. And then once I do, I have no way to protect it against homing missiles. The only way I got through this mission was by creating a table and giving the vasudan support ships a whole bunch of shielding.

Second, been commented on already, the pirates had no way to support all those fighters, let alone big fat Ursa bombers. It defenitelly would have been better for them to have a corvette as their primary ship. And those corvette fights you proposed sound good to me.

Third, in the second-to-last mission while you're in subspace with the shivan destroyer... Well, it didn't pay any attention to the fact that I disabled the destroyer's engines before it could do any ramming. Yet the Custodian still got rammed and destroyed according to the mission debriefing. (Yeah I know, darn us players who do unexpected things.) It would be nice if I could have saved the custodian and let the GTVA guys on the other side take out the destroyer and the corvette, while my friends escaped :P

Three and a third, the all-caps text when the GTVA discovers the contraband on Iota wing is annoying.


Offline ionia23

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RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
I'm working through Homesick right now and loving the campaign to pieces.

Unfortunately, I've just run into an interesting crash.

Of course, I don't know the mission name, but it's the mission that ocurrs after:

In one mission, you stop running from the GTVI and raid one of their outposts in the rebula, stealing supplies from and destroying the science vessel.

Then, it's a fight with the Vasudans out in the middle of nowhere.

Whatever mission follows that one, the following error comes up when that mission attempts to load.  Any suggestions?

I did a clean install of FS2 prior to adding the .vp for Homesick.

Error: Invalid subsystem name.

In sexpression: ( when
   ( has-arrived-delay 0 "SD Geryon" )
   ( send-message-list
      "MCv Custodian"
      "MCv Custodian"
   ( add-goal
      ( ai-guard "MC Shield" 89 )
   ( add-goal
      ( ai-guard "MCv Custodian" 89 )
   ( beam-free
      "SD Geryon"
   ( beam-free
      "SD Geryon"
(Error appears to be: turret04-base)


Line: 3552

Call stack:



[ This info is in the clipboard so you can paste it somewhere now ]

Use Ok to break into Debugger, Cancel exits.

OK   Cancel  
"Why does it want me to say my name?"


Offline Blaise Russel

  • Campaign King
  • 29
RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Well, I'm stumped. Perhaps try with FSOpen, or FS Retail if you're already using FSOpen.

Worst comes to the worst, I'll make a special campaign file with just the missions after that one for you or something.

Sorry you're experiencing problems with the campaign, but I can't figure out what's wrong.


Offline Ransom

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RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Just finished Homesick. That's the best campaign I've played in ages. Hmm - I ran it in FSOpen and didn't notice a single problem. The story, missions, characters - hell, everything was top quality. I especially liked the ending.

RELEASE: Homesick, a 30+ mission campaign
Sorry to bump this but......I just cant keep my raving in.

This is a must play campaign for all Freespacers!!

Such a great campaign. You are a Campaign King BR! I managed to play all the way through without too many bugs (the ones I encountered I whittled through) and found it to be very enjoyable. The shortage of available weapons and ships was annoying at first but you get used to it after a while. It forces you to hone you skills (I am pretty good with a herc and some harpoons now) and adjust to the environment. I liked the Freespace 1 feeling that some of the missions evoked and the plot was very addicting. I havent tried "sol a history" yet but I intend to play that campaign very soon. Once again, some great work and could I ask for a sequel?