Author Topic: Official Robotech Mod Thread  (Read 140956 times)

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Wow, I'm honored you'd show up here ;) . As for the pics thanks but they are not good enough for such attention. I'll just find a average upload site shortly.. Thing is I don't understand what I did wrong. People have links to thier photo's in yahoo and I did click that option, but people can't access it?

   Oh and Venom, yeah I'm willing to concede that Gunbuster is the most powerful of all. It was a hard thing to admit, as no mecha could withstand the Star Energizer, BUT for raw destructive fury no one can dish it out like the Big G! Wait that could be his new theme song?

  Big G...  Big G, Big G , Big G,  la,  la la, la la (sorry Big O).

   He he,  funny when I First heard of "The Big O" I thought it may be a hentai reference and that's why I watched it...

Don't think of it as being outnumbered. Think of it as having a wide target selection !

ICQ#: 5256653
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Projects: Gundam TC, Trek BTFF, REF, and Beyond Redemption

Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by Nico
Oh, and the most powerful robot ever is w/o a doubt the Gunbuster. No contest :p

Yes Gunbuster is strong... but both Mazinkaiser and Shin Getter robot should be able to overpower it, at least according to Super Robot War games....
And if you consider the OVA series "The last day", well, Shin Getter Dragon is far more powerful....even too much for my taste! :ick:

p.s. aren't we a bit off topic here?? :lol:


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Official Robotech Mod Thread
I don't now shin getter dragon, to be honest, but as far as I know, only the Gunbuster can kill a bazillion aliens per shot, and it's the only robot in history to destroy the entire core of a galaxy ;) ( granted, it was hugely helped by the most gigantic bomb ever, but heh :p )

Official Robotech Mod Thread
Haven't been following this thread too closely, but I do have a question. Does anyone have a good webpage with information about Robotech ships, fighters, their weapons and so forth? There used to be some tech database but I'm not sure where it is.

   I have the Palladium RPG books (well, the first one + the Zentraedi one) but a lot of people have said those books are inaccurate or something.


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I would suggest a site called MechaHQ but not sure if it's called that fo teh address (need to do a search) it is a database fro mecha stats...

   you may want to look through some of these links:

   Don't let macross only bother you. the liscence was thrown all over the damn place. Between Macross, Battletech, robotech, and other formats it gets confusing a little. Most of the time the same stats for a mecha can be used. I too have Rifts, a very cool concept but just never took off in my area...

you posted before me venom lol... yeah that works BUT have really basic info.. the other database (if he can find it) is more like a Rifts description including histories and indepth observations... I wish I had bookmarked it when I found it 2 years ago, my bad..Sorry.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2004, 08:09:56 pm by 622 »
Don't think of it as being outnumbered. Think of it as having a wide target selection !

ICQ#: 5256653
[email protected]

Projects: Gundam TC, Trek BTFF, REF, and Beyond Redemption

Official Robotech Mod Thread
Well the main thing I don't like about Palladium is the disparity between the RDF and the Zentraedi. The SDF-1 for instance, carries about 300 Veritechs with around 30,000s hitpoints whereas a Zentraedi Destroyer (most numerous ship) has 90,000 hitpoints and 14,000 Battlepods. It's silly really. If SDF-1 is some awesome battleship of Zor, why does it suck so bad?

Also have stuff like Veritechs with 2 or 3x the hitpoints of a battlepod, altogether suggesting that the less numerous veritechs have to destroy 10 times their number to remain even but that's not what we see in the cartoon.

Then there are the really obvious mistakes, like calling the Lancer I a fighter when the cartoon shows it to be a destroyer-type of ship somewhat smaller than one of the Armor platforms.


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Official Robotech Mod Thread
It makes up in quality, in exchange for numbers :)
One hit with a gunpod will blast an enemy pod to smithereens.


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Originally posted by Star Dragon
Wow, I'm honored you'd show up here ;) . As for the pics thanks but they are not good enough for such attention. I'll just find a average upload site shortly.. Thing is I don't understand what I did wrong. People have links to thier photo's in yahoo and I did click that option, but people can't access it?

You may notice I've already posted in this thread... :) But anyway, how can you expect me to not be interested? I love you guys. :nod:

Bah, c'mon, it won't take me long to put them up into /hlp/staff/setekh. Send 'em over. :)
- Eddie Kent Woo, Setekh, Steak (of Steaks), AWACS. Seriously, just pick one.
HARD LIGHT PRODUCTIONS, now V3.0. Bringing Modders Together since January 2001.
THE HARD LIGHT ARRAY. Always makes you say wow.


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Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by Akalabeth Angel
Well the main thing I don't like about Palladium is the disparity between the RDF and the Zentraedi. The SDF-1 for instance, carries about 300 Veritechs with around 30,000s hitpoints whereas a Zentraedi Destroyer (most numerous ship) has 90,000 hitpoints and 14,000 Battlepods. It's silly really. If SDF-1 is some awesome battleship of Zor, why does it suck so bad?

That's true to the show.
The SDF1 is nothing great, really, it's just one along many alien ships, and can't compete at all with a ship like Britai's one. It has that main gun, but many zentraedi ships have one too, so...

Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by Nico

That's true to the show.
The SDF1 is nothing great, really, it's just one along many alien ships, and can't compete at all with a ship like Britai's one. It has that main gun, but many zentraedi ships have one too, so...

True. THe SDF-1 only survived zentradi attacks only because they didn't want to destroy that! If breetai wanted to blow up the macross he could have done that in a single barrage of his ship.

The main gun is the only thing powerful the ship has, but zentradi got many gunships with the same power too (the ones used to bombard earth in ep 26)

btw, the site Star mentioned is it's mostrly about Gundam tought


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Official Robotech Mod Thread
There's also a Macross mecha compendium, but I forget the address.

Official Robotech Mod Thread
Well of course the SDF survived because Breetai was trying to capture it, not destroy it. But to say that the SDF is weaker than every Zentraedi ship save the Scout is inaccurate I think. Breetai could have destroyed it on a whim because he had hundreds of ships, not neccesarily because the SDF was a piece of crap.

    The Reflux Cannon for instance is only found on Breetai's ship, and maybe the Command Ship used by the other guy. The Zentraedi just bombard the earth with thier laser turrets. Though in Macross: Do you Remember Love, almost all of the Zentran ships open up and fire one main beam weapon at Earth.

   Anyway that's my interpretation. I think that Zor's personally-built warship or whatever would be at least better than a common Zentraedi Destroyer.


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Official Robotech Mod Thread
If you consider that a many times, the SDF1 is threatened by only regults and alike, no, the SDF1 is really not special. And it wouldn't be for the pinpoint barrier that allows the daedalus attack, it's very clear that a single Zent cap on it's own is better than it.
And don't forget that the thing has been rebuilt from the ground, it's probably not as powerful as it was originally.

Official Robotech Mod Thread
If you consider that a many times, the SDF1 is threatened by only regults and alike, no, the SDF1 is really not special.

    Regults are the Zentraedi's primary weapon. If the Zentraedi footsoldiers can't threaten warships than what good are they?

And it wouldn't be for the pinpoint barrier that allows the daedalus attack, it's very clear that a single Zent cap on it's own is better than it.

    I don't take that as true, case in point:

    When the SDF-1 destroys Dozal's SuperFortress, the SDF-1 fires enough missiles that the resulting explosions against the inside of Dolza's ship is enough, through the vacuum of space, to overload the barrier system.

    Meanwhile, in an earlier episode Khyron's Command Ship and a few destroyers pour fire into the barrier system for a few minutes before it overloads.

    If the collatoral damage of the SDF's weapons is enough to overload the barrier in an instant, whereas the combined firepower of a Zentraedi task force takes a few minutes to overload the barrier, I'd say that the SDF-1 has more firepower.

   As the weapony used was reflux missiles, maybe the amount of damage the SDF-1 can dish out is limited but it is still superior some of the Zentraedi ships. Also during the show, we rarely see the SDF-1 fire anything save for its main cannon. Its only during the assault on Earth that we really see ship firing all of its guns.

   Furthermore, if the technology of the SDF-1 is so inferior, it seems unlikely that the Reflux Cannon at the north pole, which destroys thousands of Zentraedi ships in a single blast, could have ever been built by humanity.


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Official Robotech Mod Thread
Ok, now, first of all, you gotta tell me, are you talking about macross or robotech? Coz right now, you're mixing the whole thing: the macross series, movies, and robotech.

point 1:
regults, as you said, are zents foot soldier weapons, they're not anticapship weapons :doubt: can Valkyries really threaten a sent capship? No, that's pretty obvious all along the series. Really, erread your sentence: "If the Zentraedi footsoldiers can't threaten warships than what good are they?" Well, if they can, the zents wouldn't really need anything else :p

point 2:
ok, remove the pinpoint barrier ( which is found thanks to an anomality from the fold engine, it's not a default system of the SDF1)
Then you get a hull that can be pierced by about anything, including crashing regults, or just a zentraedi female armor pulling on it ( when mirya drops the 3 spies in the ship ). Not super tough, heh...
As for the weaponary, most of the SDF1 weaponary is shot from ground mechas, like spartans and others. remove all that, and the SDF1 is naked.

As for Dolza's ship, of course, it's shooting from the inside, d'huh :p
as for the barriers, as I said, it's not a default feature of the thing, but fine: ( you're not lucky, my bro brought me the test DVDs for the collector to be releasedso I've actually seen half the series yesterad**day and this morning :p ) the pinpoint barrier can stop individiual shots fairly easily. but it's brought down when khyron or whatever it's spelled decides to "fool" britai: he's supposed to just frighten them, but he orders and old ship of his fleet ( "old fleets are pron to being inaccurate" ) to "accidentally" shoot at the SDF1. That's that lone, old crappy ship, with one single beam "seriously" focused on the SDF1 (' that's the first time a capship really shoots at it ), that takes down the barrier. I repeat, ONE SINGLE BEAM FROM ONE SINGLE OLD, CRAPPY SHIP. Your exemple was well chosen ;)

thiod point: well, nothing more to add.
I'd also say that during the show, in some scenes, the characters cross the screen or jump above something in 3 frames, do you really expect that every single turret is depicted right? :p
The SDF1 obviously fires with everything it has, when it's attacked. You just don't see it.

finally, I've never said the ( original ) SDF1 was inferior, I said it was not superior. As for the main gun, well, seems that's the only part in the ship that never caused any problem ( the antigrav engines messed up, the fold engine "disappeared", the pinpoint barrier cut the power to the main gun ).
Anyway, I don't need to convince you, watching tyhe series should be enough for you to understand all that, hell, just listen to Gloval, he keeps saying that the zents are playing with them and stuff like that.


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Official Robotech Mod Thread
Makes you wonder how humanity survived?
The Zentradi had like 1000 ships...while half of them was chasing the SDF-1, the other half could have conquesr/leveled the Earth 20 times over...
That's the stupidest thing in the whole show! The humnity is just too much overpowered...

P.S. - What's with the 4 guns the SDF-1 has on it's "shoulders"?
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

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Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by TrashMan
Makes you wonder how humanity survived?
The Zentradi had like 1000 ships...while half of them was chasing the SDF-1, the other half could have conquesr/leveled the Earth 20 times over...
That's the stupidest thing in the whole show! The humnity is just too much overpowered...

P.S. - What's with the 4 guns the SDF-1 has on it's "shoulders"?

how? the zents were afarid of the protoculture, delayed, betrayed each others :p
1000 ships? Nope, following Misa Hayase's report when they come back from their "abduction", they estimate Dolza's fleet to around 5 000 000 ships ( that's 5 million, yeah ) :p

The shoulder guns ( supposedly, I've read that somewhere, but to be honest I can't remember where, and have no proof to back it up ) are railguns. I don't think we ever see them shoot at anything, tho. Personally before I read about the railgun thing, I thought they were antennas of some sort ( excepted that in the episode "ChinaTown", you see them from top and very close, and it's obvious they ARE guns... ).

Official Robotech Mod Thread
Ok, now, first of all, you gotta tell me, are you talking about macross or robotech? Coz right now, you're mixing the whole thing: the macross series, movies, and robotech.

   I'm talking strickly Robotech the Series. 1st Generation if you follow the books.

point 1: regults, as you said, are zents foot soldier weapons, they're not anticapship weapons  can Valkyries really  threaten a sent capship? No, that's pretty obvious all along the series. Really, erread your sentence: "If the Zentraedi footsoldiers can't threaten warships than what good are they?" Well, if they can, the zents wouldn't really need anything else

   Um, Robotech is a mecha genre anime. Which means, fundamentally that the Mecha are powerful. A big swarm of Regults is all you need to down an enemy ship, it may take longer than on silly Gundam, but they will still do it. I'd say that Regults are comparable to Freespace fighters, they're powerful and the ships give extra punch.

point 2:
ok, remove the pinpoint barrier ( which is found thanks to an anomality from the fold engine, it's not a default system of the SDF1)Then you get a hull that can be pierced by about anything, including crashing regults, or just a zentraedi female armor pulling on it ( when mirya drops the 3 spies in the ship ). Not super tough, heh...

    If you recall one of the major plot points of the series was the abduction of Lisa, Rick, Ben and stowaway Max onboard Breetai's Flagship (as it was the beginning of the Rick/Lisa love interest). During that episode, a Cat's Eye was captured by the Zentraedi, and then Rick and friends shot a hole in the hull of the flagship and gained entry. That's right, a few Veritechs shot a hole in the hull of the most heavily armored Zentraedi warship in the fleet. So how is that any different from the SDF-1?

As for Dolza's ship, of course, it's shooting from the inside, d'huh as for the barriers, as I said, it's not a default feature of the thing, but fine: ( you're not lucky, my bro brought me the test DVDs for the collector to be releasedso I've actually seen half the series yesterad**day and this morning  ) . . .  I repeat, ONE SINGLE BEAM FROM ONE SINGLE OLD, CRAPPY SHIP. Your exemple was well chosen

  Good counter, except you didn't catch my original point. Perhaps I should have been more clear. I'm not talking about the Pinpoint Barrier system, I'm talking about the enveloping, impenetrable barrier system used later on after they arrive at back at earth.

  This barrier system is essentially a bubble which absorbs all enemy fire at the SDF-1. While over Ontario, or some other place Khyron and his buddies attack the SDF-1 and pour fire into the improved barrier for a few minutes. Finally, the Barrier overloads, and expands in a super-destructive force destroying the Zentraedi ships, the city beneath, and Ben (the goofy Valkyrie pilot).

   Now, you may or may not have realized that this same barrier system is used later against the Zentraedi Fleet and Dolza's ship. Dolza's command ship is 900 miles tall, it won't simply be destroyed by a few missiles. What happens is that the SDF-1 busts into the inside, fires all of her warheads and then activates the improved shield. This improve shield is then consequently overloaded by the explosions, and expands destroying Dolza's Fortress and a large number of the Zentraedi ships.

   Thus, to reiterate. The weaponry of the SDF-1 triggers an overload in the barrier in seconds, while the continued fire of several Zentraedi ships takes several minutes to achieve the same result.

hell, just listen to Gloval, he keeps saying that the zents are playing with them and stuff like that.

   Considering that the Zentraedi have a fleet of at least 500 ships at the start, then of course they're just playing with the SDF-1.

Official Robotech Mod Thread
The shoulder guns ( supposedly, I've read that somewhere, but to be honest I can't remember where, and have no proof to back it up ) are railguns. I don't think we ever see them shoot at anything, tho. Personally before I read about the railgun thing, I thought they were antennas of some sort ( excepted that in the episode "China Town", you see them from top and very close, and it's obvious they ARE guns... ).

   They're described as Railguns in the Palladium RPG books. I'm pretty sure we see those guns firing during the assault on earth when the SDF-1 heads off to meet Dolza. Pretty much everything that possibly looks like a gun on SDF-1 is firing in that episode.