Author Topic: Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq  (Read 4681 times)

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq


A 155 mm (I think that big) artilery shell set to blow, found in Bagdad as an intended explosive, was recovered and luckily did NOT explode, due to poor chemical mixings.

The shell was full of serin gas, a gas so fatal a single drop and you will be dead. The gas causes your muscles to convulse and you basically have a ceisure until your body gives out and you eventually die. The shell had a large destructive radius, and if it managed to go off an untold number of people would be dead.

Lets put it into a scenario. If this sort of thing went off in New York you would be looking at THOUSANDS of people dead. Maybe even more then that. This gas is highly toxic and deadly. Something like this is considered a bioweapon and in turn a WMD.

Ah... it feels good to find something worthwhile looking for...


Offline an0n

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
You moron.
"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
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~-=~!@!~=-~ :


Offline redsniper

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
I always supported the war, if not for the WMDs then at least to get Hussein.
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Offline an0n

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
If you'd actually bothered to read the article:
However, a senior coalition source has told the BBC the round does not signal the discovery of weapons of mass destruction or the escalation of insurgent activity.

It's the equivelant of a French farmer digging up a WW2 mine and using it to kill foxes.

And it's worth noting that while they say a 'single pinhead of sarin can kill a man', both people affected by it were treated and suffered no longer-term effects.

That's how little of it there was.
"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
"an0n's right. He's crazy, an asshole, not to be trusted, rarely to be taken seriously, and never to be allowed near your mother. But, he's got a knack for being right. In the worst possible way he can find." ---- Yuppygoat
~-=~!@!~=-~ :


Offline Bobboau

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
Originally posted by an0n
You moron.
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Offline Rictor

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
poor, poor fool.

This is even more pathetic than those British helium vans a while back. Not to mention the sarin has in all likelyhood expired years ago and is now harmless.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2004, 10:18:21 pm by 644 »


Offline Corsair

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
Originally posted by an0n
You moron.
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Offline Kazan

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
Originally posted by an0n
You moron.
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Offline Bobboau

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
I wouldn't be suprized if this did come from Sadam's stash, but still. this is nothing to go "IN YOUR FACES!" about, it's ONE artilery shell, and before you start going off about my 'libral activist judges legislateing from the bench', look around, I've been one of the hard headedest suporters of the Iraq war, and I'm still calling you a moron for this. people like you make my job _SO_ much harder. just wait quietly let little things like this slide with just a "oh, look, isn't that intresting" don't make a big deal out of it, so when the the day comes that we do find the giant vault of anti-mater hidden under the sands you can realy rub 'there' faces in it, but untill that day, just be quiet becase if we do find it 'they' won't care anymore.
it's become quite aparent that Sadam probly did destroy his weapons, quite likely he did this becase he knew we were comeing and figured we'd invade, find nothing, be humiliated, and leave in disgrace, therefore alowing him to make all the weapons of the rainbow and if we ever said anyhting he'd be able to point to our adventure. I remember posting this posability about 6 months before the invasion, but I can't seem to find the post.

Originally posted by an0n
You moron.
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Offline Liberator

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
Cut him some slack, will ya.  Just because you don't happen to subscribe to the WMD idea, don't blast him because he's on the opposite side.  

That's the biggest problem with most of you, an me to an extent, you attack people who don't agree with on all points and chase them away, it's not a good way to treat people.

Everybody knows Saddam's cache of WMDs is in Syria, coming back across the border with the Syrian Intel people secretly leading the insurgency.
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Offline Knight Templar

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
Just because you didn't back up your post with an article in the first place, regardless of you being right or wrong.

[q]Originally posted by an0n
You moron.[/q]
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Offline Rictor

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
Originally posted by Liberator
Cut him some slack, will ya.  Just because you don't happen to subscribe to the WMD idea, don't blast him because he's on the opposite side.  

That's the biggest problem with most of you, an me to an extent, you attack people who don't agree with on all points and chase them away, it's not a good way to treat people.

Everybody knows Saddam's cache of WMDs is in Syria, coming back across the border with the Syrian Intel people secretly leading the insurgency.

I didn't attack him. Its just that he's blowing it way out of proportion.

And no, everyone does not know that Saddam's weapons are in Syria. Have you any factual evidence to back this up, or are you just generally mistrustful of Syria, so therefore they must have 'em, the rascals.

They were probably destroyed back during the first Gulf War. Inspectors found nothing during their long stay in the 90s and still found nothing in 2002/2003.


Offline Bobboau

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
I did atack him, and it's becase I am on his side in this issue, and this was just stupid.

wouldn't be suprised that Syria has 'em, but I've seen less evedence of this than for the idea that the allegation was mearly a smoak screen to cover Bush's incompedence. If we're so sure that Syria has them I want a SEAL team to go into Syria take controle of a facility were they are hideing the stuff and invite all the worlds media in to see it as Al Baradi or some one comes in and on international telivision says "well it looks like we found Iraq's weapons of mas destruction". if that would happen we'd probly gain enough political capitol to not only justify the Iraq war but probly one against Syria, and ... oh Iran (just for the hell of it) as well.
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Offline Rictor

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
...but the SEAL squad would just plant the weapons there in the first place.

You, sir, obviously have no idea how real conspiracy theories work. It all goes back to the Trilateral Commision.


Offline Bobboau

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
or I s'pose... we could just nuke 'em all, that'd send a mesage
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Offline 01010

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
1 Sarin gas shell = WMD?

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Offline Nico

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
All that aside, where's the surprise? It's already known there was sarin weapons in Irak, Hussein used those on the Kurds, hohe, wake up!
Nothing new under the sun.


Offline karajorma

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
Originally posted by Rictor
...but the SEAL squad would just plant the weapons there in the first place.

Only if they didn't manage to drown themselves before getting to the objective like in Grenada.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Gank

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
U.S. officials believe, based on evidence, that the shell was an experimental munition produced before the 1991 Gulf War (news - web sites), called a binary type — a bomb carrying two separate chemicals that when combined in an explosion, produce sarin.

Originally posted by an0n
You moron.

Originally posted by karajorma
Only if they didn't manage to drown themselves before getting to the objective like in Grenada.

Or crash into each other like in Iran


Offline karajorma

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Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq
Originally posted by Gank
Or crash into each other like in Iran

Well IIRC that was the Green Berets but point taken :D
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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