Author Topic: Some old FS:FPS stuff  (Read 7841 times)

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Offline Ace

  • Truth of Babel
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Some old FS:FPS stuff
Though I'm sure Plasma might not be pleased with this being posted in public, afterall it's supar-secrat spy stuff after doing some housecleaning I found this:

FS:FPS was a mod for Red Faction bringing the FreeSpace universe in a first person perspective set during the Terran-Vasudan war. You are William Bauer, a member of GTI's elite and fight the enemies of humanity as well as unravel a conspiracy that threatens the alliance.

Now keep in mind, this was done *waaaay* before anything like the TVWP, etc. the stuff on the Vasudans here are rough ideas Plasma and I tossed around.

The public knows about some of the stuff made for FS:FPS such as the Vasudan model Bobboau released. A lot of the high mucky-muck geezers of the FS community were involved. However when Red Faction wasn't very commerically successful, the project sat in stasis.

There's more documents with mission scripts and such that I should probably try to find and save before they vanish to oblivion. But a lot of it is in chatlogs that I lost during reformats in ages past.

Without further adeu, some of the info from FS:FPS-


Galactic Terran Alliance/Navy - The central government (Representative Republic) that presides over Earth and all systems occupied by humanity. This organization oversees the military defense and economic trade of all colonies.

[Historical Overview of the GTA] [Listing of Colonies]

Galactic Terran Intelligence - As the Terran-Vasudan war progressed the need for intelligence data caused GTI to grow so much it is often referred to as an organization working along side the GTA, not working for it.

[View Unit Attachments]

Vasudan Parlimentary Empire/Navy - The central government (Monarchy) that presides over Vasuda and all systems occupied by the Vasudans. This organization maintains a highly centralized grip on its colonies rather than the federal system employed by the GTA that allows the colonies to largely govern themselves.

[Known Historical Overview of the VPE] [View GTI Summary of Vasudan Military Threat]

Colonial Defense Force - A dissident group that has developed a strong following on the Beta Cygni and Ribos colonies. They wish to remove all GTA influence from their respective colonies and have begun doing so through a declaration of war and terrorist attacks on other GTA colonies.

[View GTI Summary of CDF Situation]



Name:               Population:    Planets/       Net Economic Worth:      
Sol (Terra/Solaris) 18,460,123,870 ...........9/5 $106,984,234,576,876,245
Delta Serpentis......2,000,020,460 ..........12/7 ..$8,259,974,112,300,580
Beta Aquilae...........640,612,040 ..........10/4 ..$1,054,966,812,096,920
Vega...................103,870,230 ...........6/2 ....$406,696,313,130,290
Antares*................16,499,550 ...........9/4 .....$62,956,694,264,650
Ross 128.................1,115,200 ..........13/4 ......$4,795,943,249,600
Beta Cygni.................360,450 ...........7/3 ........$590,123,515,350
Ribos......................296,670 ...........8/3 ........$508,836,158,410
Betelgeuse..................70,420 ...........5/1 .........$14,345,444,660
Laramis.....................12,230 ..........15/1 ............$135,396,920
Ikeya........................9,120 ...........6/1 .............$52,670,230

* - 87% Evacuated to Beta Aquilae as of April, 2329
** - If a moon of a planet is inhabited, the planet is considered inhabited.





   Khonsu I was the man to unite the Vasudan people under one banner after the intercene conflicts in the Vasuda Prime system now choked for resources. With the advent of subspace technology, his Imperium kept peace for decades, feeding the homeworld's ever growing need for resources. The seperatist movement was a result of this colonialism within the Empire, and soon even the Emporer's most loyal servants were torn within the civil war. At the end of the conflict, the Parliament of Vasuda was errected under the aims of a new socialist government. Khonsu was banished from Vasudan space to wander the galaxy. Over time, the Parliament has fallen into byzantine betrayals. The PVN prepared for a coup to bring back the Imperium of old which was far more stable, and the V-T war broke out. The Parliament uses the war to dispose of political enemies. At it's eighth year, the Parliament is certain of a decisive victory over the Terrans and their disloyal navy which has been weakened by conflict.


VPE Historical Overiew

"...Vasudan history mentions a fall from grace of some nature about 8,000 years in the past. Prior to that time period dubbed the fall the only recorded history known is the lineage of the Khonsu dynasty. Past 10,042 years even the Khonsu dynasty is beyond recording. The nature of the fall is subject to debate: Some interpretations of the Antares document state that the teachers of Vasuda were destroyed, others claim that they marched the stars and were crushed by destroyers. With nothing but verbal records written 4,000 years in the past these myths can be regarded as nothing more then flights of fancy." - Dr. Victor Eisneh, Asimov University

"Over the history of Vasuda Prime, many empires rose and fell over the meager resources of the desolate world. Bloodlines mingled and caused alliances, which fell apart in scant time. The only bloodline of note is the Khonsu regieme which traces it's history the furthest and began the Vasudan Imperium, the first global state in the history of the Vasudan people.

The actual Parliament of Vasuda came into power shortly after the advent of spaceflight. The Imperium which had united Vasuda Prime after a multigenerational global conflict was the stepping stool of the councilors and minor heads of state which began the insurrection against Khonsu I. " - Dr. JoAnne Meik, Head Administrator, GTI Vanguard Research Institution (Delta Serpentis)

[GTI Update 2326] Those of the Khonsu bloodline are believed to be exterminated despite claims of mere banishment, however if historical records serve true they are highly charismatic and have strong military minds. If a Khonsu descendant is found, then clearly it would be within our vested interest to have that individual come to proper terms with our stance in this conflict.

Despite the Parliament's fall from a socialist government to it's current byzantine state it does hold democratic votes frequently abliet ones surrounded by bribery and extortion. Analysis has determined that despite the many changes of government within the VPE, the general doctrine profiles has remained standard, more so then possible under the circumstances. This has lead to the theory that the VPE is truly ran by another party which has not made itself known in Vasudan politics.

Knowledge on the true leaders of the Parliament would be instrumental in defeat of the VPE.

Parliamentary Vasudan Navy (PVN) Summary

The Vasudan navy is under direct command of the Parliament of Vasuda, and is headed by twelve admirals who control divisions of the Vasudan navy. Each division is then divided into fleets, and each fleet is often divided into taskforces for certain goals.

Only three divisions of the Vasudan Navy at any moment engage allied forces, the Vasudans circulate their naval assets frequently.

The navy was instrumental during the Khonsu coup, as the pre-subspace defense fleets sided with their Emporer as he attempted to retake Vasuda Prime from off-planet locations. Following the defeat of Khonsu, the Naval council swore fealty to the Parliament under the belief that they were a socialist government.

[GTI Update 2328] The war with humanity has focused the Navy from domestic affairs abused by the Parliament, however using the Navy against the Empire would proves impossible due to the current state of affairs.



   The Parliamentary Vasudan Navy served under the reign of Khonsu I, last emporer before the fall of the Imperium and the sepratists which form the current Parliament took power under the guise of a socialist party. The Navy served the Parliament to it's fullest until signs of corruption were seen. Before a coup was attempted, the war with the Terrans errupted and soon the PVN found itself in a fight to survive. Eight years later, the PVN serves the Parliament only to protect the Vasudan people.



Infantry (Draftees of the Parliament, poorly trained for Napoleonic style tactics)
PVN Marines (Standard marines with combat issue uniform and weapons, well skilled by the Navy)
PVN Mechanized Infantry (GTA Roboreens were constructed as a response to this menace, powered armor suits for Vasudans which are rarely used. When they are it is for base assault)
Cynopolis Division (Equivalent to the GTI, this is the black ops unit, insanely loyal to the Parliament and at odds with the Navy)



   The Colonial Defense Force generally poses a minor threat to the GTA. They are poorly organized mostly due to the large amount of internal conflicts of interest. Many disillusioned colonists have taken to acts of senseless violence in the name of the CDF even if they do not have legitimate membership. The question of how such individuals should be delt with has birthed a great deal of angst among the upper echelons of CDF command putting the cohesion of the group in danger. Units on Beta Cygni and Ribos are no longer coordinating with each other and communications between planets in the same systems are starting to break down.
   The CDF does pose a serious threat in terms of propaganda, however. The media has already shown great sympathy for their cause. This can be blamed on a tactical blunder made by the 17th infantry on Beta Cygni III where 84 neutral civilians were killed by GTA marines trying to fight off a CDF ambush in an urban area. Because the militia members looked identical to nearby civilians, properly spotting and engaging the enemy was nearly impossible. That incident caused resentment for the CDF by neutral Beta Cygni colonists, but the media and other colonies failed to see the incident as a planned propaganda move by the CDF and instead viewed GTA forces in the system to be savages. As a result the fragmented CDF forces can operate from a position of relative strength as GTA forces are now bound by public opinion and the campaign to maintain the Pan-Terran movement throughout all colonies (To the end of winning the T-V war).
   Further, neutral civilians on Beta Cygni - and Ribos to a lesser degree - have begun relaying intelligence information to the GTA in hopes of getting rid of the CDF. Some civilians have gone so far as to take up arms against the CDF, causing a situation of civil war in the system. A mob of angry anti-CDF protestors recently beat six CDF supporters to death in the capital. Retaliating pro-CDF colonists have resorted to terrorist acts such as arson and bombing, claiming at least 167 lives as of April 30th, 2329.
   Additionally, CDF activities have led to several destructive raids on GTI holdings in Beta Cygni. Rebel movements in Ribos are also putting highly sensitive GTI holdings at extreme risk. Because of this clear and present danger it has become very apparent that GTI Special Operations Command intervention is needed to terminate the CDF without having GTA ground forces intervene and drawing more public disapproval. SOC operatives have already been installed in numerous CDF units and enough intelligence data has been gathered to begin destroying their largest logistical assets, retrieve stolen GTA property, and carry out assassinations with the intent to completely crippling their command structure. Two SOC units have already been allocated for these tasks, and it is becoming imperitive that they are deployed immediately so Beta Cygni and Ribos can maintain the ability to defend against an offensive from the growing forces of the Vasudans in Antares.


TEH HEIRARCHY! (Lowest to Highest in terms of 'eliteness')

GTA Marines Ground Divisions (Standard Marines)
GTA Marines Space Divisions (Marines with special training for capturing ships and installations)
GTA Marines Mechanized (Called "Roboreens", rarely used, highly experimental)
GTI Special Operations Command Beta/Delta Teams
GTI Special Operations Command Alpha Teams (Also called "Black Assassins" and "Destruction Incorporated")
GTI ??? (Rumors of even more elite units, not confirmed)


GTI (The good guys):

Commander William Bauer - You (The player, silly!)
Mission Specialist, SOC

Commander William Bauer has a long and distinguished career with the GTA. He was born on June 7th, 2298 in Delta Serpentis.  At the age of 20 he enlisted, becoming a pilot serving aboard the Hercules class cruiser Minerva. Excellent performance earned him a station on the first Orion class destroyer, GTD Orion, in Alpha wing one year later. Shortly thereafter rising tensions with the newly discovered Vasudan Empire caused Galactic Terran Intelligence to seek out skilled pilots for dangerous recon missions. Bauer was chosen multiple times, eventually being offered a promotion and permanent assignment to GTI Special Operations Command. In 2321 tension between Terrans and Vasudans finally lead to full scale war, at which time Bauer began training to become a Mission Specialist for SOC rather than remain a pilot. The year 2325 saw Bauer's return to field operations in Deneb performing recon, sabotage, and marking targets for orbital strikes. Multiple successes in ground combat and space combat lead to promotion in early 2327 to the rank of Commander.

Captain Andrew Snipes (Yes! The future father of You-Know-Who)
Mission Specialist, SOC

Before being reassigned to Beta Cygni Lt. Commander Andrew Snipes served in Antares as a fighter pilot performing dangerous assaults, recon, and escort. He is known, rather infamously, for his razor wit and strange sense of humor.

Quote (Responding to death threat along the lines of being shot in the face): "Sorry, but my face was not designed to absorb high velocity projectile impacts, but DAMN -- it looks like yours was and has been hit more than a few times."

Admiral Gregory Hollis
Head of GTI

Lt. Commander Alex McCarthy

Evil GTI (The bad guys):

Admiral David Grier
Head of GTI R&D

Admiral Lauren Resthwhich
Special Operations Command

Captain Javier Soliviet
Mission Specialist, SOC

Captain Soliviet is a great believer in the presevation of humanity via whatever means necessary. His job is for all intents and purposes his life. Soliviet's service record is so far perfect, and he has been known to obsessively pursue his objectives until they are completed regardless of the price paid.

Quote (Following the Delta Serpentis bomb plot framing): "You are very talented prey, Bauer. I can't say that I'm not enjoying the chase, but don't delude yourself into thinking you can get away. Run as much as you'd like, I'm a patient man -- And now I've given you a lot more to run from."

Commander Kristene Yarrows
Mission Specialist, SOC

GTA (Kinda Neutral):

Admiral Karen Ross
Commander, 5th Fleet

Admiral Oksana Fueske
Commander, 7th Fleet

President Tylor Hansen
Chief Executive of the GTA

Senator Benjamin Dekarske
Representative for Beta Cygni


Francis Selein
Chief Executive of the CDF

Colonel Samuel Blochmann
Commander, CDF

FROM MINOR NPCs... (Random sayings when player is nearby in regards to events or places)

Beta Cygni:

CITIZEN: I saw the mess you thugs made at the capitol. Heh. To think we trust you to save us from the Vasudans.
CITIZEN: Does all that optical equipment you carry paint civilians with huge red targets?
CITIZEN: CDF, non-combatant... What does it matter if you GTA types are going to shoot us all anyways?
CITIZEN: Then again, at this rate we'll all enlist in the CDF.

CITIZEN 2: People have the right to opinions however irrational, but these CDF people are taking it too far.
CITIZEN 2: One of my friends had her brother murdered by a mob of those CDF lunatics. He didn't have any affiliation at all! He was neutral!
CITIZEN 2: It's insulting that those crazy militia men claim themselves to be representative of colonials like me.
CITIZEN 2: Do they really think that we can live in blissful paradise without GTA protection on the doorstep of the Vasudan empire?
CITIZEN 2: Idiots. I hope the GTA crushes them mercilessly.

CITIZEN 3: The economy is suffering, the war is going bad, and now THIS. *Sigh*
CITIZEN 3: I guess every empire has to end at some point... I was just hoping I wouldn't have to be around to watch it happen right in front of me.
CITIZEN 3: I suppose some colonies will survive easily by themselves... Just wish I knew which ones so I could move.

CITIZEN 4: It's a huge universe, you'd think we could find enough room for everyone so we could have some peace and quiet.
CITIZEN 4: Besides, my friend is a freighter skipper way out running between Ross 128 and Laramis and HE says we have a lot more to worry about than the Vasudans.
CITIZEN 4: He said that fighter patrols and transports occasionally vanish.
CITIZEN 4: He thinks a whole 'nother species is doing it. Not many people believe him, though. Not sure that I do either.

CITIZEN 5: You should watch your back.
CITIZEN 5: The body of a GTA marine is one thing, but a GTI SOC guy? That'd be quite a trophy in the eyes of a lot of people around here.

CITIZEN 6: Is it true the Vasudans are breaking through Antares?
CITIZEN 6: What's going to happen to us? Ribos?

GTA MARINE: Fighting has gotten so out of proportion that our main base on the Southern outskirts of the capitol is in danger.
GTA MARINE: How a rag-tag band of lunatics have gotten so far and caused so much damage is a mystery.
GTA MARINE: I think they're getting help and equipment from the Zugs.
GTA MARINE: We were hoping for some mechanized units, but I guess Alpha SOC is just as good.

GTA MARINE 2: Most of us would've been going home now after being replaced by a new division, but the Vasudans decided to attack Antares.
GTA MARINE 2: I fought the Zugs in Deneb for years, but this is just scary.
GTA MARINE 2: Seeing your friend fried by a bolt of hot plasma is terrible enough without knowing it came from a fellow human. So much for a united humanity...

GTA MARINE 3 (EGG): Have you been on the streets? The looks you get are colder than deep space.
GTA MARINE 3 (EGG): But I guess it's better than the violation felt by bulletin board administrators.
GTA MARINE 3 (EGG): Who's volition is twisted enough to want to administer such a vile thing?

GTA FACILITY JANITOR (EGG): Mundanes! They're all just primitive mundanes!
GTA FACILITY JANITOR (EGG): They cannot understand my great mind! They're just jealous!
GTA FACILITY JANITOR (EGG): That's why they made me the janitor! Those stupid Marines and their primitive vocal droning.
GTA FACILITY JANITOR (EGG): It's far below my own capacity. But soon... soon they will see!
GTA FACILITY JANITOR (EGG): ...For I have forged an Unholy Alliance that will show them all!
GTA FACILITY JANITOR (EGG): If I can ever get done mopping I may be able to finish it, too!
GTA FACILITY JANITOR (EGG): I hate orange juice! And substances with dissassociated electron orbits! And parasitic fish! I hate them ALL! I'll show them!


GTA MARINE: I'm not sure what's going on in Beta Cygni, but around here we've been having a pretty easy time containing the extremists.
GTA MARINE: Then again they certainly are not as well armed as the CDF.
GTA MARINE: And there's very few of them when compared to the CDF.

GTA MARINE: You SOC guys sure cleaned out the CDF in Beta Cygni.
GTA MARINE: It's just a shame you couldn't have done it sooner.

GTA MARINE (EGG): Infiltrating and cleaning out enemy ships is really starting to wear me down.
GTA MARINE (EGG): Especially now that Captain Eldridge was killed...
GTA MARINE (EGG): Now we have Captain Baranec who thinks it lifts our spirits to act like a pirate.
GTA MARINE (EGG): The nostalgia is really lost when he starts making captured enemies "walk the plank". That is, the airlock.
GTA MARINE (EGG): Of course he never really ejects them, just scares them half to death.

GTA MARINE 2a (EGG): Why do the mechanized guys keep asking if I have stairs in my house?
GTA MARINE 2b (EGG): I don't like how they always say "I'll be back" or "Hasta La Vista, Baby" in bizarre accents when leaving the mess hall.
GTA MARINE 2a (EGG): And what is Optimus Prime, and why do they keep talking about it?
GTA MARINE 2b (EGG): Have you heard them referring to themselves as "Unit 00", "Unit 01" and so on when in the field?
GTA MARINE 2a (EGG): What a bunch of weirdos. The GTA must be getting desperate.

GTA FACILITY JANITOR (EGG): ...think it's funny to impersonate me, do they?
GTA FACILITY JANITOR (EGG): I can get a lawyer! We'll see how funny it is then!
GTA FACILITY JANITOR (EGG): Perhaps they will finally grasp my truly superior intellect then!
GTA FACILITY JANITOR (EGG): The windows... They're all wrong... I can show them how smart I am by living without Windows!
GTA FACILITY JANITOR (EGG): They won't be able to deny my greatness then!
GTA FACILITY JANITOR (EGG): The oracle was wrong! Wrong! I am a great person!

Beta Aquilea:
« Last Edit: June 30, 2004, 05:29:43 am by 72 »
Self-plagiarism is style.
-Alfred Hitchcock


Offline Ace

  • Truth of Babel
  • 212
Here's another snippet, this time listing off the missions. This is in a different post due to the fact it's taking forever for all of the text to be in one post-

New Mission Ideas:

Part One - Beta Cygni

>> Tioga District, (Beta Cygni capitol)
 Setting: A dense collection of buildings occupied by civilians and CDF alike
 Objective: Find CDF field outpost in the Tioga District
            Find Stolen Munnitions and Supplies
 Enemies: CDF
 Difficulty: Easy

>> Capitol District, (Beta Cygni capitol)
 Setting: Large numbers of government buildings permeated with rioters and CDF militia men
 Objective: Assassinate CDF Colonel Blochmann
            Help GTA Marines secure the area
 Overview: All CDF operations in and around the capitol city have been coordinated by one man: Colonel Samuel Blochmann. Normally one would expect CDF forces to be ejected from the capitol quickly and without question, however Blochmann is not only an excellent strategist, but he also seems to have access to advanced intelligence from sources that are still unknown. Several hours following your incursion into the Tioga District more rioting erupted near the city center and CDF forces under Blochmann's control have capitalized on the situation by attacking GTA marines attempting to contain the civil unrest. Sniper fire is starting to become heavy and the environment makes it difficult to pick the enemy out on the ground or in the air. We believe Colonel Blochmann is in the immediate vicinity after decrypting and examining much of the radio communication currently taking place. Your task is to seek out Blochmann at his suspected location and kill him. Also be certain to provide as much support for the marines as possible by eliminating snipers and other attackers.
 Enemies: CDF, angry civilians
 Difficulty: Medium

>> CDF Outpost (56km W of capitol)
 Setting: A small but well armed outpost
 Objective: Rescue Senator Dekarske
 Enemies: CDF
 Difficulty: Medium

>> CDF Base Prime (86km NW of capitol)
 Setting: A mid-sized base consisting of tents and numerous tunnels/caves
 Objective: Infiltrate Base and Steal Strategic Information
            Call Down Orbital Strike on Base (BIG Boom)
 Enemies: CDF
 Difficulty: Medium

Part Two - Ribos

>> Tombaugh Station
 Setting: Tombaugh Station and it's scaffold
 Objectives: Acquire Debriefing
             *Capture SOC Operative
 Overview: Arriving from a Xanthas into the docking bay at Tombaugh, the player sees workers still finishing the bay and attempting to get it fully functional. The player is then escorted to see Gregory Hollis, commander of the GTI. The marines comment on how much of an honor this must be. Several walkways and trams within the station show the half-under construction station at it's fullest. After the ride is done, in one of the hallways Snipes yells out and talks, the Marines begin to get irritated as they're not paid by the hour and Hollis still wants to see the player. Then a man walks by in the hallway and Snipes recognizes him from Beta Cygni, when trying to ask, he runs away. Snipes and the player give chase. This leads through an airlock onto the scaffold where the GTA Galatea is being completed. Small worker drones can be seen, and the chase goes into the Galatea itself, with technicians frantic as they see the men chasing down the corridors. Aboard the Galatea he is cornered between the player, Snipes, and the security teams. The officer spills his guts to Hollis on an abandoned facility used by Grier in Antares, now destroyed by the Vasudans. Hollis congradulates Snipes and the player and asks them to personally head the investigation and also to disrupt any other operations of Grier's in Antares.
 Enemies: SOC Operative
 Difficulty: Medium

Part Three "Devil's Advocate" - Antares

>> Vasudan Freighter
 Setting: Vasudan Ma'at class transport PVFR Khons
 Objectives: Infiltrate Freighter's Upper Decks
             Eliminate Crew
             Defend GTI Linguist (Dr. Baugh)
 Overview: In order to reach an abandoned GTI base used by Grier's forces, a Vasudan ship with current IFF codes must be seized. With full cooperation of the 3rd squadron from the GTD Intrepid, the player boards a Vasudan freighter designated the Khons as it resupplies at a cargo depot deep in Vasudan held territory. Communications will be jammed during the operation to avoid suspicion by Vasudan High Command. As the player is fighting, Apollo space superiority fighters are attacking Anubis fighters. Simiarly before the transport docks the Apollos have disrupted the external subsystems of the freighter. As the transport docks, the pilots make witty remarks, and then the Elysium docks onto the hull with a thud and a rattle. Welding can be heard, and then the pilots do a countdown before opening the hatch. At that moment several Vasudans try to rush into the transport, blasted by the player. The Ma'at lacks artificial gravity, so this makes combat especially difficult between the close quarters and low friction. There are only four decks on the vessel, and there are two cargo bays which are both pods. Each of the hallways on the tops and bottoms have yellowish gas venting in, though it's an oxygen atmosphere. The lighting is also yellowish, with flashing red for an alert. Similarly, Vasudan speech can be heard over the intercomm, signalling the player's position on the ship. If the player enters a bay, Vasudans ambush and the area is depressurized and jettisoned into space. There is a thirty second time period before the cargo pod is jettisoned. As the player moves through decks, certain hull regions get depressurized and the blast doors close. There are vents though, and though these have blast doors, there are small override buttons for pressure release, these are large enough for a person to crawl through and to enter the next region. Explosive weapons aren't allowed as they would puncture the hull and make damage to the transport visible. After the bridge is secured, the player calls for the transport to bring in the linguist so they can take control of the transport, as soon as the linguist arrives, the decks get hot with combat and even more Vasudans were on the ship then believed possible, all fully armed. Once the transport is finally secured, the mission is over and more personnel transfer over.
 Enemies: Vasudan Marines, Vasudan Command Staff
 Difficulty: Medium

>> Antares VIII Outpost Ruins
 Setting: Ruins of Grier-Loyal GTI outpost
 Objectives: Find Data Core
             Extract Information
 Overview: Using the captured PVFR Khon, a team can travel to the planet of Antares VIII which was recently bombarded by the Vasudans. The surface for tens of kilometers in a radius from the base is a pitted waste from the bombardment, smog and low clouds and dust blur the hot morning sun. What is left of the outpost is a twisted hulk, creeking and slowly falling apart. Investigation finds many corpses and access to the lower base. The lower regions are dark, and still warm to the touch with the metal giving off steam. Vasudans land nearby, investigating the transport and the base, a few patrols are engaged as they enter the ruins while the player and allies go deeper. Yarrows is found in the debris, and is escorted back to the transport. She talks a little about project Phantom, as well as about a convoy. The transport is then attacked by Vasudans in orbit, it manages to make the jump but with critical damage. Fearing the hull collapsing, the vessel jumps out in orbit of Antares VI. Guidance control fails, and the ship plummets to the surface.
 Enemies: Vasudan Marines
 Difficulty: Medium

>> Antares VI GTI Outpost
 Setting: Small GTI (Grier's) outpost
 Objectives: Infiltrate Base and Find Location of GTI Convoy to Beta Cygni
             Draw Portion of Convoy Escort Away with False Distress Signal
             Reveal Convoy Location to the Vasudan Navy
 Overview: The Khon's crash was a violent one, digging a mile long trench in a glacier. Friction melted a lake at the impact site, and the ship has been sinking. The ship at mission start is vertical, water has filled many decks and pressure doors are closing let alone all of the stress the hull has been under. An escape must be made. One the player escapes with the others, they notice the massive trench and lake formed. Snowflakes are falling from the bright sky, and a massive storm has just ended. A path out from the canyon reaches a hill, some large lights that must have been scouring the area last night can be seen, no one is sure how long they were unconcious. Yarrow cannot be found anywhere. The player makes his way up, tents and marines with some vehicles are at this camp investigating the crash. Once eliminated, one of the vehicles on a road leads to the GTI base. Snipes using the base equipment picks up odd radio singals nearby, the storm as it is was too heavy to gain any clear idea on what it's from. The road does lead to the disturbance. Snipes also uses the equipment to call the Intrepid for backup. Two Marines without their weapons taking a walk are out on the cold road, both panic as they see the vehicle not being driven by one of their friends. After the marines surrender and are handled by another, the base is in sight. Two turrets defend the base, Snipes hops into one of the vehicles and notes a cliff recently formed by ice over one of the turrets, he asks for some decoy fire from them as he plants explosives. He moves in and detonates the explosives as the player does decoy duty. With one turret down, a base flank is exposed, Snipes keeps the soldiers on the outside occupied and the player enters the base. GTI marines man various stations in the small base, after some fighting they are removed and access to the comm center is gained. The mission objectives are then completed and more GTI marines arrive as the Intrepid is called for backup with the base's higher power comm array. Fighting gets somewhat intense, and then an enemy Xanthas appears out of nowhere only to be shot down by the Intrepid's reinforcements.
 Enemies: GTI
 Difficulty: Medium

Part Four - Beta Aquilae
>> Isolationist Village
 Setting: Maurius Spaceport and New Baoij (Beta Aquilae Prime)
 Objectives: Eliminate the Traitor
 Overview: A GTI officer has been feeding information to Grier-loyal forces. He has been tracked to the Beta Aquilae system. Also intelligence has stated that an important GTI shipment with high-ranking personnel will arrive shortly at Betaq, the traitor must be eliminated before he can make contact with these people. Starting at a military spaceport at the outskirts of the city, it is easily noticed that Aquilae Prime is a planet with dense jungles and high rainfall. GTA marines when asked and shown a picture know that the man frequented the main concourse. As the player steps out into it, a small merchant finds the player after he asks some questions to various people, he is eager to say that a small isolationist village is where the man currently is, he also asks the player to check his wares. If the player investigates such as going through the ventalation system, in the back room of the man's shop is an unconcious body. The player can wake up this person, who turns out to be the real shopkeep, the imposter vanishes and overall the player still wants to investigate the village since it's his only lead despite being a trap, the real question is still what is going on. A small tramway leads out of the town through the jungle only a short distance from the village. Very few people are on the tram, and most are tourists who want a view at these people who have tried to live a "simpler life." When at the village, stealth is needed, despite the heavy rainfall and fact that the village is built over a lake, there are many civilians who can give away the player's position. The actual journey into the village itself is also different then that of the tourists, the player takes a side path to avoid detection. The traitor himself is near the center of the town, speaking with some villagers and begins making his way to his small home at the edge of the town for sleep. The player needs to sneak through town, not raising any alarm, kill the traitor, and dispose of his body. A perfect place to dispose of it is the water right under his home. As soon as the body is dropped, footsteps are heard above, a villager has walked into the man's home. Sounds of a gun being pulled out, and then a voice on a radio, "He's here!" can be heard. GTA marines then pour out of the water, surrounding the village. All of the sudden a projectile from the sky explodes and forms a massive crater at the village enterance, blocking access to the tram track a kilometer away. Marines yell that more torpedoes are inbound from orbit and to take cover, and the civilians panic. There is a small cave however, and some of the marines make a run for it, so should the player. There is a time limit, and once the player reaches the small cavern which is closed in and with a small cliff overhead as well as once the time limit is out, the second bomb impacts. The cavern mouth closes, trapping the player and marines in it, the mission ends.
 Enemies: Traitor, GTA marines
 Difficulty: Medium

>> Return Engagement
 Setting: Cavern near ruins of New Baoij
 Objectives: Escape
 Overview: The player is with some of the GTA marines who managed to get to the cave for cover. One of the marines is thankful the blast didn't kill them, he mentions something about a GTI officer who went rogue in the town and was threatening to kill the senators coming in. The officer then says that they've been tight-lipped about why they're coming expect to prepare security for them. Sounds are heard of boulders settling, and then a quake breaks one of the cave walls. The isolationist village a long time ago was a mining camp for the early GTA. Moving through the caverns there is broken equipment and the power is clearly out. The player must navigate through the mine, still suffering from tremors and turn on the old nuclear power core which is still intact. When taking the elevator to the surface, it then fails and begins to fall to it's bottom, which could easily kill the player. The emergency ladders are then taken, and many are broken and twisted. However the power being on allows the elevator to get higher, where there are ladders which can be used, in the starting levels of the mines the elevators are broken. After the ladders are taken to the top, another tremor hits, and they collapse, the way to the surface is hazardous and when breaking through the old rusted main doors, the player is welcomed by the sight of some areas of forest near the crater which was the village now being on fire. GTA marines are cutting down trees to clear an area to contain the fire, one of them spots the player and wonders what SOC is doing in the area, especially after giving the insane orders to level the village. The man spits and also compains how SOC makes their lives harder, but he can be better then SOC by offering the player use of their facilities. Taking a transport back to the city, the mission ends.
 Enemies: Hazardous Environment
 Difficulty: Medium

>> Spaceport
 Setting: Maurius Spaceport
 Objectives: Investigate GTI Activity at Maurius
             *Take transport to Delta Serpentis
 Overview: As the transport lands, the marines are eager to get off duty after the fiasco. One of the marines at the door to the airlock into the spaceport says it's quarantined, the marines just off duty are irritated and being arguing with his orders. The player sneaks out through a vent. From the vent the barracks can be seen and heard, the marines are irritated and being locked in due to the quarantine, and mention something about cargo being shipped in. Working further through the base, the player sees cargo being unloaded from transports, some odd sounds are coming from some of the cargo. Further down, the player arrives at the main concourse, at the far end of a room where several GTA senators are speaking with Grier on funds of a 'Project Phantom' and Grier leaves the room to bring in the examples. The SOC officers keep a close eye on the senators. Among the senators is Dekarse. Moving through the vents, you move near a duct by Dekarse who coughs and says he needs to use the restroom, he eyes the vent as a sure sign he sees you as he moves to the restroom. Moving further through the vent system, the player reaches the bathroom where he talks with Dekarse. The senator doesn't know much, but he was contacted after being rescued by you from the CDF by Grier on 'Project Phantom' since clearly Dekarse has a vested interest in stopping future rebellions. Dekarse says to meet him at Delta Serpentis, he can give details on 'Phantom' then. He knows one of the cargo transports is headed for Serpentis, and suggests you hitch a ride. The door opens and an SOC officer steps in, the player has just enough time to sneak back into the vent, when the officer asks why Dekarse was taking so much time. When moving through the vents, the player sees several cargo bays, and must work through a series of vents and the rooms themselves to make their way to the bay with the transport headed to Delta Serpentis without being detected. At the Serpentis bay, in the vent over it, a man in a GTI officer's uniform inspects the transport, he then looks at the player, smiles, and walks away. (This man is Javier) The player then sneaks into the cargo transport, and the mission ends.
 Enemies: SOC Blackops
 Difficulty: Medium

Part Five - Delta Serpentis

>> Old Barsoom Spaceport (65 miles East from the Capitol City) (Delta Serpentis IV)
 Setting: Small spaceport with a barracks nearby, in a small sandy canyon near the Sea of Vespers, night time.
 Objectives: Reach the Delta Serpentis Capitol
 Overview: The cargo transport which the player stowed away in during the last mission does not land at the Delta Serpentis intersystem spaceport, instead a small spaceport used by the GTI. The pilot checks the cargo and turns on the player, and GTI blackops storm the transport. The hatch is locked and access is in the cockpit player sneaks arround and from the cockpit of the transport notices tents and floodlights. The area is used as a staging ground for the GTI under Grier. The ocean can be heard clearly, and the two moons in the sky are casting full light. There is also light to the east, the massive halo of the capital city's lights. Javier is also talking with the GTI marines. As the player works his way back to the hatch to exit and escape, the transport's landing pad is lowered and enters the undergound GTI supply complex. Heavilly outgunned, an escape is possible through the ventillation shafts. The vents go through a few rooms and conversations can be heard about an intruder, places on alert, troops can be seen moving. The vents exit to the outside, and from there a small village is nearby. The main feature of this suburb is the tramway station in it's center. The player sneaks through the suburb and stows away on the tram in a position where he can view the passenger compartment. As the train starts moving for the capital, it's pulled over by a GTI group in the middle of nowhere. This group has some vehicles, and the player must evade and acquire one. As the player leaves to acquire one, he hears a familiar female voice (Yarrows) yelling "Stop!" who is rushing from the train to reach the player, but doesn't arrive in time. Driving  In the distance she can be seen calling for backup over the radio, yelling "Get those Xanthas airborne!". As the player drives he must go down a canyon as the tram tracks are blockaded, the player takes the same route it appears the GTI officers did. Escaping from the troopers, two dropships then attempt to gun his vehicle down, and it escapes into a tunnel at the side of the costal canyons. This tunnel abruptly ends, but a side walkways leads through to a second tunnel with a utility tram. Entering this utility tram, the player switches into civilian clothes.
 Enemies: GTI blackops GTA marines, later local police forces
 Difficulty: Medium

>> Czernda District, Capitol City (Delta Serpentis IV)
 Setting: A high class, trendy sector of the Delta Serpentis capitol
 Objectives: Contact Senator Dekarse
 Overview: Senator Dekarse has decided to meet the player to discuss what he has learned of project Phantom. After inspecting it's facilities he has decided that funding the project is a greater risk then the Terran-Vasudan war it promises to end. He is very concerned about his message being intercepted, and so asks for a meeting at Tracey's which is a very popular coffee and espresso shop, even though tastes in such drinks is rather retro for Serpentans. The player must keep his weapon holstered, and is wearing civilian clothing and so is very vunrible to attack. After exiting the underground mag-tam, the player is welcomed to the perpetual twilight of it's red giant as well as the steel towers that reach for the stars. Monorails connect many of the skyscrapers, the ground is well manacured park like trees, bushes, and sidewalks. Small lights line the sides of these trees. (note: most aircraft/spacecraft are government owned and purely military in purpose, the main transit on the planet is by foot, Ralph Nader's dream) In one of the parkways is a plaque dedicated to Colin Czernda, first man to land on Delta Serpentis IV. Tracey's is a kiosk between several buildings, very high profile, glass construct for the outer walls. Among the people seated is Deskarse. The player talks with Dekarse who bluntly says to defeat the Phantom project you need to be at Ross 128, he then wants to give more information plus get clearance to give you safe passage if you meet him at a safehouse later, he's a little worried that he's being watched. As the player walks out, a man in a suit enters and drops a suitcase off. The suitcase explodes, destroying the building. Police soon arrive, and the player is blamed for the incident. After avoiding several police patrols, the player makes his way to the spaceport.
 Enemies: Local police forces, some GTA soldiers in SWAT teams. Player must avoid GTI blackops.
 Difficulty: Medium

>> Spahn District, Capitol City (Delta Serpentis IV)
 Setting: An art and culture center of the capitol city.
 Objectives: Meet Snipes
 Overview: Snipes contacts the player, informing him of a location to meet him at in the Spahn district. Snipes is pretty frantic and stresses something about the Ross 128 system and how he has to get you out. The Spahn sector is quite a sight, with a college campus, shops, and many sociable people with opinions on politics, they think the player is a new professor on campus. The campus itself is circular, and the center has some fountains and a giant bronzed orange tree, the first one planeted on the planet. Javier tips off local police, and after a few minutes to get your barrings and be bombarded by students, the player figures out that the museum is the quickest route to the warehouse where Snipes is at. The second the player walks onto the T-intersection in front, police run at all sides and yell "HALT!" Running into the museum, it is noticed that the police are merely blockading the building.
The player uses the time to put on his combat suit, and the cutscene shows him adjusting the last notches on it. He pulls out his gun, and looks arround a corner in the museum. All of the sudden Yarrow appears from out of a corner holding a gun she says something to the effect of: "Please stop Commander, this has gone on long enough and too many people have died already. Marines surround the player and more marines break through from a rooftop drop. All of the sudden Snipes yells over the comm to brace yourself and then the high powered weapon of his Xanthas transport blasts the back half of the museum away. Bookcases and ceiling parts fall on marines, and Yarrow is trapped under a bookcase. The player runs away.
--/end cutscene---
The museum is falling apart and a handful of marines are left, the player has a time limit before air support destoys Snipe's transport on the roof. When the player reaches the roof, the next cutscene begins.
Snipes rushes the player in, and they launch. The scene switches to the museum where Yarrow is trapped under a bookcase, two marines pull it off of her, and ask "Should we persue" and she dryly says no.
--/end cutscene#2---
 Enemies: Local police forces, some GTA soldiers in SWAT teams. Player must avoid GTI blackops.
 Difficulty: Medium

Part Six - Ross 128

>> Arean Deuterium He-3 Mining Facility (Ross 128 IV)
 Setting: Station in orbit over Ribos IV (Gas giant)
 Objectives: Destroy the Arean Mining Facility
 Overview: The Arean Facility was formerly a commercial outpost that was scheduled to be shut down following the liquidation of its corporate owner. The GTA decided that further expansion via Ross 128 into Laramis and Luyten would be greatly aided if the system could produce and process it's own deuterium fuel and as a result the government purchased the facility. Arean remained inactive for several years until GTI recommissioned the facility as part of its Ross 128 research corpus. Unfortunately the vast majority of GTI's holdings in Ross 128 are loyal to Admiral Grier including Arean, which is providing fuel for all GTI vessels in Ross 128 and Laramis. The destruction of the Arean Facility will severely disrupt long term operations in the star system since additional deuterium will have to come from Delta Serpentis. It will not be enough to immediately immobilize Grier's forces, but it will generate enough confusion to make the following missions plausible instead of absolutely immpossible.
 Enemies: For this mission the player will be fighting some GTA marines, but mostly elite GTI soldiers.
 Difficulty: Hard

>> Riveria Station (Ross 128 II Orbit)
 Setting: Arcadia Class Installation Riveria
 Objectives: Disrupt Station Security Systems
             Destroy Any 'Project Phantom' Equipment and Data
             Escape to GTI Research Lab 'Mankato' (on planet surface)
 Overview: After the destruction of the Arean Facility everyone will be on high alert. Riveria Station houses a portion of Grier's research assets in Section Gamma on decks 34, 35, and 36. The situation is complicated since your point of origin will be the docking bay, which is in Section Delta and five decks above your target. Fighting all the way to Section Gamma is an insurmountable task, so it will be necessary to create a diversion such as resetting the security computers in Section Epsilion into diagnostic mode. In order to move through the station discreetly you should make use of maintainance corridors - The surveillence equipment in the corridors is old and largely infrared based, something your armor was specifically designed to mask. When moving above decks remember that many of the standard GTA marines will most likely ignore you unless you draw attention to yourself, but there are two SOC units on the station and they will recognize you as being out-of-place, and they have all the training and skills that you do. Once you have liquidated the Phantom Project equipment in Section Gamma you will need to quickly escape to either an escape pod or go back to the docking bay and stoaway on one of the transports leaving for the GTI lab on the planet surface.
 Enemies: For the first part only GTI SOC (Unless the player gets rowdy so everyone shoots at him), the second part will basically be everyone and everything.
 Difficulty: Very Hard

>> Mankato Research Facility (Ross 128 II)
 Setting: Large subterrainean research base. Heavily defended and almost built like it was meant to keep something IN rather than keep intruders out.
 Objectives: Destroy the Lab
 Enemies: GTI, GTI, and more GTI. Plus a Shivan and a few experiments gone wrong.
 Difficulty: Very Hard
Self-plagiarism is style.
-Alfred Hitchcock


Offline Ace

  • Truth of Babel
  • 212
Here's a snippet from the training dialogue. This shows Plasma's sense of humor:

SNIPES: Well, I'm not entirely certain why we're HERE. When I heard an SOC Mission Specialist wanted to take a run through basic training I almost died laughing. I stopped pretty quickly when they added that I was to oversee the training -- At that point I wish I HAD died laughing.

SNIPES: But I guess the love of pain is part of the job description, so let's get this over with, Commander.


SNIPES: First of all you are currently wearing the latest in summertime fashion from GTI Research & Development: The A452 Mark-something-or-other advanced infantry armor system. It's mostly built from composite materials so it has excellent ballistic resistence for the weight. It also masks your infrared signature and is designed to make very little to no noise while moving unless you decide to go tap dancing. The charcoal gray color also helps you blend in to a lot of different backgrounds in low light conditions.

SNIPES: You'll also notice all the pretty little lights displayed by the HUD attached to the helmet on your head. The number next to the word "ARMOR" gives you a general idea of how much abuse your armor has taken and how much it can take in terms of percentage. Ideally you want to see the number at 100 at all times, but just remember when it gets to zero your kneepads ARE very nicely cushioned so you can get down on them and start praying to whatever supreme deity you believe in.

SNIPES:  Now try not to loose me on this one, but the number next to the word "HEALTH" gives you an estimate of how much abuse YOU have taken and how much you can take before you fall over and stop doing that... thing... you know, that one thing that's really in fashion these days... What was it? Oh yeah! BREATHING.

SNIPES: The HUD also provides a crosshair to assist in aiming and a list of weapons you are currently carrying with their respective ammo counts. Moving right along...

SNIPES: Notice that those two stumps hooked to your lower torso enable you to move forward (W), back (S), strafe left (A), and strafe right (D). You can also jump if you'd like (Space).

SNIPES: In the field you'll encounter all sorts of interesting people and environments -- Most of which will want to kill you. For this reason you'll need to be resourceful and understand how to exploit your surroundings to their fullest. The amazingly revolutionary device before you now is called a DOOR. Many doors will open automatically when someone approaches them, but some doors - like this one - require a button or switch to open. Walk up to the switch and activate it (Enter).

SNIPES: Okay, so now you've completed all the training necessary to be a standard issue GTA marine, let's move onto the SOC stuff. In front of you is a ladder. Walk up to it, grab it, look up, and climb. You can also go down a ladder by reversing the process. We're really getting into the top secret black ops stuff now!

SNIPES: You can also climb other things like fences and some support columns. Continue moving forward...

SNIPES: Now you see some water in front of you. Jump in and swim to the other side. Also note that not all the weapons you'll be using in the field can fire while submerged in water or nastier liquids like acids or lava. But in those extreme cases you probably won't live long enough to discharge your weapons anyway.


SNIPES: Your best friend in the field will be your weapon. Generally you point the end with the hole in it at something you don't like, pull the trigger, and the thing goes boom. Pretty simple.

SNIPES: In front of you are the two most commonly issued pistols in GTA service.
Self-plagiarism is style.
-Alfred Hitchcock


Offline Setekh

  • Jar of Clay
  • 215
    • Hard Light Productions
You guys got an enormous volume of writing done. Where's Plasma at these days?
- Eddie Kent Woo, Setekh, Steak (of Steaks), AWACS. Seriously, just pick one.
HARD LIGHT PRODUCTIONS, now V3.0. Bringing Modders Together since January 2001.
THE HARD LIGHT ARRAY. Always makes you say wow.


Offline Taristin

  • Snipes
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  • BlueScalie
    • Skelkwank Shipyards
Heh, not bad, from what I read...
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline Unidan

  • 28
Wait, I thought it was a Half-Life mod. O_o;; Or was planned to be..
I'll think of a siggie later..


Offline Black Wolf

  • Twisted Infinities
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  • Hey! You! Get off-a my cloud!
    • Visit the TI homepage!
Nope, Red Faction. I suspect if it had been a HL mod it might have lasted a little longer, but ti's a bit late now. :(
Rarely Updated P3D.
Burn the heretic who killed F2S! Burn him, burn him!!- GalEmp


Offline Bobboau

  • Just a MODern kinda guy
    Just MODerately cool
    And MODest too
  • 213
the story changed a lot after that BTW, I added on a nice rampage through a GTI instalation were you face off against a few shivan human hybrids. and stuff
Bobboau, bringing you products that work... in theory
learn to use PCS
creator of the ProXimus Procedural Texture and Effect Generator
My latest build of PCS2, get it while it's hot!
PCS 2.0.3

Thou shalt not wear a garment of diverse sorts, [as] of woollen and linen together


Offline neo_hermes

  • MmmmmmNode!
  • 28
  • What the hell are you lookin at?
I like that Janitor...:D man i would have bought Red faction just to play this!
Hell has no fury like an0n...
killing threads is...well, what i do best.


Offline jdjtcagle

  • 211
  • Already told you people too much!
WOW! :nod:
"Brings a tear of nostalgia to my eye" -Flipside
I'm an Apostolic Christian (Acts: 2:38)
Official Interplay Freespace Stories
Hammer Of Light - Omen of Darkness
Freefall in Darkness
A Thousand Years


Offline Unidan

  • 28
Hehe, but maybe you can start again. This time with Source. >:3
I'll think of a siggie later..


Offline Setekh

  • Jar of Clay
  • 215
    • Hard Light Productions
Wow, Unidan! There's a name I haven't seen for a while. ;)

Btw, source? Red Faction's source was released? :nervous:
- Eddie Kent Woo, Setekh, Steak (of Steaks), AWACS. Seriously, just pick one.
HARD LIGHT PRODUCTIONS, now V3.0. Bringing Modders Together since January 2001.
THE HARD LIGHT ARRAY. Always makes you say wow.


Offline Unidan

  • 28
Hey Steak, guess you missed the "Hey I'm back." thread. No, Source is the new engine Valve developed for Half-Life 2. You know, the whole thing with the hacker and the stealing and the big news story and all. XD
I'll think of a siggie later..


Offline Setekh

  • Jar of Clay
  • 215
    • Hard Light Productions
Yeah, I must've. You gonna be hanging around for a while? Lots of stuff is happening now and in the next few weeks. Oh, that. Pah, I thought you meant something cooler than that. :D
- Eddie Kent Woo, Setekh, Steak (of Steaks), AWACS. Seriously, just pick one.
HARD LIGHT PRODUCTIONS, now V3.0. Bringing Modders Together since January 2001.
THE HARD LIGHT ARRAY. Always makes you say wow.


Offline Unidan

  • 28
Yeah I'll be hanging around, not as active as I was way-back-when though. I did reinstall FS2 and the uh.. source project thing and all those packs and stuff, looking awesome. :D
I'll think of a siggie later..


Offline Gloriano

  • silver dracon
  • 210
  • Machina terra
Good stuff
You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.- Nietzsche

When in despair I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won; there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall.- Mahatma Gandhi


Offline Ace

  • Truth of Babel
  • 212
Originally posted by Bobboau
the story changed a lot after that BTW, I added on a nice rampage through a GTI instalation were you face off against a few shivan human hybrids. and stuff

That whole bit was the last mission, the Manako facility: "...a Shivan and a few experiments gone wrong."

I don't have copies of the forum and instant messanger conversations that led to a lot of the stuff in here but what Bobboau definately had a lot of influence in things. He came up with stuff like screwed up GTI experiments such as Shivan "drones." There were also going to be some references to the hybrids in Warzone (which was in development at the time).

You'll probably notice all of the references to Phantom, Plasma's FS fiction. I've always wanted him to finish it. Another thing with some subtle influence was another project he was working on Obsidian 41. At first I didn't like O41, but it's a very good prequel for the Terran-Vasudan war and is a fun Tom Clancy meets the X-Files plot.

I'm not sure if anything was publically released for it though...
Self-plagiarism is style.
-Alfred Hitchcock


Offline Plasma

  • 22
Good God on the Port-o-Potty of heaven I barely remember writing half of this crap. It almost seems coherent, too.

Ace and myself have always had a pretty dark view on the Freespace universe and those characters contained within. My main point was trying to present the bad guys in a capacity that they seriously felt were serving the greater good. They weren't really horrible people so much as they were just tragically misguided.

Too bad for them, the only way Terrans and Zugs were gonna live was with each other as they learned that the Shivans played a far larger role in things than thought before. As far as the Shivans the Phantom/FS:FPS plot never presumed to dictate their purpose, but to only outline the path of assholes who tried to use them (the Shivans) as a weapon of mass destruction for political gains.

As for why any humans involved would do such a thing... Well, that lies with the characters in general and their own personal faults.

So yeah. And stuff.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2004, 03:07:12 am by 741 »
"One day I turned over against the other chappies in gestapo and said itself, "BY JOE! IT IS A ROCKETMELLON!" and everyone emphasized that they knew someone as that. This is this man." - A biography from some random clan webpage.

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Offline Setekh

  • Jar of Clay
  • 215
    • Hard Light Productions
Wow, another oldie. Nice to see ya, Plasma. :)
- Eddie Kent Woo, Setekh, Steak (of Steaks), AWACS. Seriously, just pick one.
HARD LIGHT PRODUCTIONS, now V3.0. Bringing Modders Together since January 2001.
THE HARD LIGHT ARRAY. Always makes you say wow.


Offline Knight Templar

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  • I'm a magic man, I've got magic hands.
Originally posted by Plasma
Good God on the Port-o-Potty of heaven I barely remember writing half of this crap. It almost seems coherent, too.

Ace and myself have always had a pretty dark view on the Freespace universe and those characters contained within. My main point was trying to present the bad guys in a capacity that they seriously felt were serving the greater good. They weren't really horrible people so much as they were just tragically misguided.


Sounds familiar...

:nervous: In more ways than one...
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