The concept for the campaign: well, it's different. It's also a little crazy, since the HoL and NTF were essentially anti-other-species extremists. But I can overlook that, since the ones who survived to slink off into the shadows are probably the smart ones, not the fanatics.
English is not your first language. I know that already, but if I hadn't the campaign would have proved it. Mind you, the grammar and spelling are all technically correct, it's just the wording is a little strange to my sensiblities. So that's not really a fault.
I actually rather liked the new Vausdan cruiser design, the Somtus, both design-wise and in terms of armament. The new installation, though, that was a bit overarmed I think. It ate a GTVA battlegroup for breakfast, which is a bit much to believe even for a dedicated defense platform, let alone a multi-purpose installation.
The Antwerpen (spelling?) was an interesting design, I'm not sure where I stand on it. It has a slight resemblence to the Hippocrates; perhaps manufactured by the same shipyard or designed by the same people. It seemed somewhat underarmored, but other hand had rather powerful weaponry for its size: clear tradeoff of armor for weapons.
Only one mission really annoyed me: the scramble one in which the Aquitane was destroyed, where I suddenly found myself dealing with enemy fighters and flying a poorly outfitted Ulysses. I have nothing against the fighter: it's getting stuck with the default loadout I didn't like.