Author Topic: With or without...  (Read 947 times)

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Offline Thorn

  • Drunk on the east coast.
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  • What is this? I don't even...
...the Spacedock?

I'm definitely getting rid of the container hauling workbee. Doesn't work for me.
I'm slowly adding more workers and other small craft in and around the drydock, I'm aiming for a very "busy" looking scene.
If you think I should keep the "Mushroom", should I leave it where it is, or move iit?
I honestly don't know. If I take it out, then I end up wanting something to fill that space. If I leave it, then I'm never happy with where it is.
I've been at this since 10AM this morning (it's now 6PM). This sets a new record for the longest I've sat at my comp using only Lightwave in the past year.
C&C most definitely welcome.


Offline Tiara

  • Mrs. T, foo'!
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Badger, badger, MUSHROOM: Put it up straight. The docking facility is always aligned with the station.

With or without: [size=99]BOTH[/size]


...because I can :drevil:


Offline WMCoolmon

  • Purveyor of space crack
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Neither? :p

The only productive thing I think I've got to add is that I thought the spacedock was greyish.


Offline Thorn

  • Drunk on the east coast.
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  • What is this? I don't even...
Minor updates. Playing with the lighting mostly. May move the spacedock off to the left (yes, I know there's still a shadow on it).

Need to play with the blur/orientation of the workbee, or replace it with something else....


Offline Martinus

  • Aka Maeglamor
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    • Hard Light Productions
[color=66ff00]I'd say without, it draws the eye away from the main focus of the render IMHO.

Tres nice BTW. :nod: