Author Topic: We are not dead!  (Read 21247 times)

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Offline Gloriano

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I did already long ago
You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.- Nietzsche

When in despair I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won; there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall.- Mahatma Gandhi


Offline Mad Bomber

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Flan! (TVWP forum post #7000!)
"What the hell!? I've got a Snuffleupagus on my scanners! The Snuffleupagus is active!"


Offline Taristin

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Offline TopAce

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What are you complaining? This is the most post-rich forum after Inferno and the Wing Commander Saga.
My community contributions - Get my campaigns from here.

I already announced my retirement twice, yet here I am. If I bring up that topic again, don't believe a word.

Tis good to hear. I am looking forward to this campaign more than any other...even Inferno...well, maybe.

Oh yeah, and if you need help, I can scrounge up some lackeys for you. I have a couple dozen cats here who could give you a hand (paw).

Good luck!


Offline TopAce

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I IMed Raa that I would have liked to join this project as a FREDer, but they seem to have ignored me. :doubt:
My community contributions - Get my campaigns from here.

I already announced my retirement twice, yet here I am. If I bring up that topic again, don't believe a word.


Offline Night Hammer

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Good things come to those who wait
Stop... Hammertime :hammer:

I have FREDed for four years, yet I only have a hundred-something posts, so everyone treats me like a n00b. Thus, I have not applied for anyone else's project, but have started my own, the Legacy campaign.

Although the FA has tried to amend this (by doing newbie campaigns), many good FREDers (new to forum but not to FRED) are lost due to low post counts. Quite sad.

Makes me SOOOOOO angry. If these projects accepted more FREDers, maybe they would be done by now.

Worth thinking about, eh?

Originally posted by Night Hammer
Good things come to those who wait

Really? Is that so true?

If you wait to join the Select sports team, there may be no slots open by the time you decide to join. If you wait to FRED that one mission, your campaign/project may die due to the public's lack of interest, to give two examples.

Sorry if I annoyed anyone, i'll leave now.


Offline Taristin

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Originally posted by TopAce
I IMed Raa that I would have liked to join this project as a FREDer, but they seem to have ignored me. :doubt:

I  don't remember recieving an instant message in regards to that... :confused:

I'm sorry.
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline Deepblue

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I personally believe TBP and the 158th have the best visual quality without any fancy scp effects that kill my frame rate.


Offline Night Hammer

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Originally posted by Blitzerland
If you wait to join the Select sports team, there may be no slots open by the time you decide to join.

Sorry cheif but if your good they will make room for you. Ive played basketball and football since I was in grammar school, I now play at the college level for both. Im gonna hafta say youre wrong about that
Stop... Hammertime :hammer:

Originally posted by Night Hammer

Sorry cheif but if your good they will make room for you. Ive played basketball and football since I was in grammar school, I now play at the college level for both. Im gonna hafta say youre wrong about that

Well, bad example. But still, patience is a virtue is a worthless saying.

New Example: Waiting all day long to go to the movies instead of just going. By the time you get there, the line is freakin' huge, and sometimes they even run out of snacks (rarely, however). about waiting to propose? If you do it to late, some sucka' may beat you to it.

Or, uh...patiently waiting for someone to hand life to you on a silver platter? STUPID! Go take life! :p

Uh...or waiting to post this witty comeback! Yes! If I waited too long, it would be less witty (possible response: "was it ever?!").

Ha! Beat that! Oh, and it tis spelled chief, not cheif! Hoo-ha ha!

Umm...i'll leave now. I think i'm starting to hijack this thread...sorry to all those caught in the middle of this rant.

*Drives off in Blitzermobile


What the crap?! You called me chief?! Woah. Took a while for that to sink in.

*Drives off again
« Last Edit: September 15, 2004, 08:42:06 pm by 1278 »


Offline Bobboau

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you guys talk too much in the internal and not enough out here
Bobboau, bringing you products that work... in theory
learn to use PCS
creator of the ProXimus Procedural Texture and Effect Generator
My latest build of PCS2, get it while it's hot!
PCS 2.0.3

Thou shalt not wear a garment of diverse sorts, [as] of woollen and linen together


Offline Lightspeed

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That's not necessarily a bad thing.
Modern man is the missing link between ape and human being.

How is TVW Project coming? I'm REALLY looking forward to this one.

I'll give you someone's soul if you finish it (i'll got quite the collection).



Offline Night Hammer

  • I Can't FRED
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Stop... Hammertime :hammer:

Do you not like souls?

Oh, sorry. How about gold?

Just finish the project, guys :lol:


Offline Goober5000

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Gold works. :)


Offline Kosh

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Can I have gold too? Just for being my charming self? :D
"The reason for this is that the original Fortran got so convoluted and extensive (10's of millions of lines of code) that no-one can actually figure out how it works, there's a massive project going on to decode the original Fortran and write a more modern system, but until then, the UK communication network is actually relying heavily on 35 year old Fortran that nobody understands." - Flipside

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