Author Topic: Released Missions & Campaigns (5/16/05)  (Read 12385 times)

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Offline IPAndrews

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Released Missions & Campaigns
Make some then. Personally I'd love ot see more misisons for R3. Like you say we have lots and lots of ships. Using FRED is not a black art. It has documentation. Plus there is a forum here frequented by TBP team members who know FRED inside out. All its' bugs and work arounds. So get working on some ideas. Throw some ships in a mission and you're half way there.
Be warned: This site's admins stole 100s of hours of my work. They will do it to you.


Offline Primus

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Or join the FA if you don't have much experience in FREding. :)
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Offline Slasher

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Incidentally, there is a recently released FRED2Open build that supports all of TBP 3.1's backgrounds and, get ready for it, will actually show them in the editor.  If you're having a problem with backgrounds not being visible, or any problem with FRED2 in particular, you might want to give this version a try if you haven't already.  Some issues regarding it have already been addressed so read the thread through if you think you've found a bug.,31451.0.html


Offline IPAndrews

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Originally posted by Slasher
all of TBP 3.1's backgrounds and, get ready for it, will actually show them in the editor.

Be warned: This site's admins stole 100s of hours of my work. They will do it to you.

i wounder why you guys at tbp editing  dont say any words on haw to install your missons and campains in the readme fiels do you think we are programers like you ?!! like for exaple
the tells of janus
the shadow dancing
the files are just there and i dont know what to do with it.
for the tells of janus its ok i dont want it since its not compateble  with  realase 3
but what about shadow dancing and war lock anyone can tell me were to copy the data files ec...   and thank you


Offline Primus

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Shadow Dancing is also for R2.
Missions go into data/missions folder.
And VP files into TBP main folder.
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Offline Fury

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Originally posted by aceofbase
i wounder why you guys at tbp editing  dont say any words on haw to install your missons and campains in the readme fiels do you think we are programers like you ?!! like for exaple
the tells of janus
the shadow dancing
the files are just there and i dont know what to do with it.
for the tells of janus its ok i dont want it since its not compateble  with  realase 3
but what about shadow dancing and war lock anyone can tell me were to copy the data files ec...   and thank you

The TBP staff does not officially support anything else except the official content released by the staff. Authors of unofficial missions and campaigns should write installation instructions for their own missions/campaigns/custom content.

If you politely ask here in the forums, I'm sure you will get help from the community and the staff.

Please refer to this site on how to install FS2/TBP missions, campaigns and custom content.


Offline Slasher

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I think everything for TBP 3.0 came in a .vp file, so I believe you have to manually create the "missions" folder yourself.  If you're not finding it in the data folder, that's why it's not there. :)


Offline Miburo

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Well if somebody would be intrested to convert Janus on R3 suitable can do that (if intrested contact me), I personaly dont have time or required intrest on upgrades (and above all needed computer to test missions).

Janus at the moment should be pretty compatiable on .VP form, you just need to run it seperatly on TBP stuff (since ship and weapon tables are for R2).

i wounder why you guys at tbp editing dont say any words on haw to install your missons and campains in the readme fiels do you think we are programers like you ?!!

Well back then when they were made (for R1&2) it was extremely obivious where to put the stuff since everybody knew where they went or they could take a peek on folder to see what goes where :doubt:
Lady Rose, survivor of VWBB with 1198 post, lost somewhere along the line

Creator of Tale of EAS Janus campaign
Mod leader of FWW2 - Finland At War 1939-1945 for Armed Assault

Released Missions & Campaigns
ok guys, i must say am at the rong place.  because i dont have tbp release 1&2.
but its not my fault somone  at  wc saga forum just told me to come here to get extra  missions for tbp. i think he didnt say what release  are those missions made for.
ok, by the way anyone know any extra missions or campains for realase 3??

Released Missions & Campaigns
Um...what was that? I'm sorry, maybe I've just been spoiled by the excellent grammar everyone around here tends to use, but I couldn't read a word of that.

Released Missions & Campaigns
comon  you know what i mean!! just use ure imagination


Offline Miburo

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Making decent missions take time, they're not something you can make over night and R3 is fairly new one, so no wonder that its hard to get missions for it. You need to try to find R2 missions compatiable with R3 (shouldn't be that big difference, but some missions wont work because some ships were removed, well couple Omegas with name plates).
Lady Rose, survivor of VWBB with 1198 post, lost somewhere along the line

Creator of Tale of EAS Janus campaign
Mod leader of FWW2 - Finland At War 1939-1945 for Armed Assault

Released Missions & Campaigns
ok. i get it. would you kindly recomend some  missions/campains  that works with release 3?
what about shadow dancing and in the biginning   would they work with release 3?


Offline Fodder

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Released Missions & Campaigns
Convoy party and into the line of fire dont work for me.  I put it in the missions folder but they dont appear when i go to sims.  Demon hunting works though.

(update) I got it working by replacing them with new copies.  Any other new missions out?
« Last Edit: April 23, 2005, 09:55:53 pm by 2722 »


Offline Fergus

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I can't download the mission pack, just get a Russian site with file not found (want to try to do some updating...want to do more than testing)
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