Author Topic: Battle Tank collecting in US  (Read 2436 times)

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Battle Tank collecting in US
I´m watching a show on TV about private owned tank colections,and about a guy in particular that owns over 200 tanks, all in working order and firing live ammo. And i was "what the hell??!"!
So, not only assault weapons are legal in the US, but even tanks?? The guy even owns 2 mobile SCUD missile launchers!! Howitzers, Panzers, Shermans, M-60 A1, triple A artillery, you name it!!
I entered a search for the guy´s name in the web, and i got his site. Check this out:

I was baffled that private citizens can buy such things in the US. This guy in particular owns more tanks than some countries.

:eek2: :eek2:
No Freespace 3 ?!? Oh, bugger...


Offline Rictor

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Battle Tank collecting in US
Now that is a guy worth robbing.


Offline Thrilla

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Battle Tank collecting in US
That just means he has lots of money and time.
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Offline aldo_14

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Battle Tank collecting in US
He's got a ****ing working T-72?!  How in the name of buggardy can that be legal?  He could practically resupply the entire Iraqi army! (well, nowadays he could....)


Offline Primus

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Battle Tank collecting in US
He's missing a Tiger. But I sure would like to have a garage like he has.
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Offline Andreas

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Battle Tank collecting in US
I'd love to own a tank or two, too. At least I would have something I could use when I'd find the need to vent my spleen. ;)
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Battle Tank collecting in US
He has Rapier missiles:

more worrying than a few rusty tanks imo...
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Battle Tank collecting in US
Am i the only one who finds it ironic that the US is worrying about  terrorists from across the globe using box cutters as weapons, when there are people inside the US that legally own friggin´Stingers? The guy has a working SCUD launcher, for crying out loud!
He even has the biggest tank ever made on Earth, a sort of mobile Howitzer on steroids, capable of launching a 1000kg nuclear shell up to a distance of 100km! He even has a ZSU radar controled triple A, that can take out an F-16...

No Freespace 3 ?!? Oh, bugger...


Offline phreak

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Battle Tank collecting in US
i think its called a museum.  perhaps you should go to one.
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Offline vyper

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Battle Tank collecting in US
Most museums don't have fully working models of such weapons.
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Offline Flipside

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Battle Tank collecting in US
Thing is with keeping live weapons like that is that one nights raid would produce enough to supply a terrorist sect r rampant nutter group with all the explosives it needs to kill a very large number of people. If America wants to prevent/deter Terrorist threats to the populace, they need to stop giving them such wonderful opportunities to get the equipment to do so.


Offline phreak

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Battle Tank collecting in US
i'd like to see where on the website it says the weapons are able to be used.
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Offline Mongoose

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Battle Tank collecting in US
God, I love this country. :p


Offline aldo_14

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Battle Tank collecting in US
Originally posted by Flipside
Thing is with keeping live weapons like that is that one nights raid would produce enough to supply a terrorist sect r rampant nutter group with all the explosives it needs to kill a very large number of people. If America wants to prevent/deter Terrorist threats to the populace, they need to stop giving them such wonderful opportunities to get the equipment to do so.

To go all political for a minute, didn't Donald Rumsfeld block allowing the FBI to track whether terrorist subjects had purchased firearms? )on the grounds of protecting 2nd amendment rights, IIRC.... strange that the only constitutional rights they extend to terrorists is the one allowing them to buy weapons!?!)

albeit.... isn't even an unarmed but mobile tank a pretty effective weapon of destruction anyways?


Offline kode

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Battle Tank collecting in US
Originally posted by aldo_14
albeit.... isn't even an unarmed but mobile tank a pretty effective weapon of destruction anyways?

well, your average souped-up steamroller could be too.
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Offline aldo_14

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Battle Tank collecting in US
Originally posted by kode

well, your average souped-up steamroller could be too.

Yeah, but it's not massively hard to get someone out a steamroller.......


Offline Anaz

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Battle Tank collecting in US

It is if they do that to it...

(well, a bulldozer technically, not a steamroller...but a guy did go on a rampage in it...)
Arrr. I'm a pirate.

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Battle Tank collecting in US
Originally posted by aldo_14

To go all political for a minute, didn't Donald Rumsfeld block allowing the FBI to track whether terrorist subjects had purchased firearms? )on the grounds of protecting 2nd amendment rights, IIRC.... strange that the only constitutional rights they extend to terrorists is the one allowing them to buy weapons!?!)

What, a member of the Bush administration actually defended the Constitution?! :wtf:

Battle Tank collecting in US
Originally posted by PhReAk
i'd like to see where on the website it says the weapons are able to be used.

They are. I saw a live test where they fired blank rounds (simply because they cannot fire live rounds except on propper locations). And it´s not a museum, it´s all privatelly owned. It´s not just this guy, there´s a whole bunch of them. Including in the UK.
No Freespace 3 ?!? Oh, bugger...


Offline phreak

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Battle Tank collecting in US
and where exactly was this live test video?
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
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