Author Topic: Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....  (Read 2679 times)

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Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....

See how much prettier she is with stencil shadows!!! Bobboau, I hope you haven't given up on stencil shadows. The Galactica benches that old build to its limits. Check out the FPS with the BSG's numerous subobjects.


Offline Turnsky

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Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
dear god almighty.
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Offline NGTM-1R

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Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
I can hear your graphics card screaming in pain from here...but that looks nice.
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Offline Fineus

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Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
Who would of thought the FS2 engine would be capable of such things. Kudos to the SCP team and to you, Omniscaper, for your excellent modelling skills :)


Offline Bobboau

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Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
actualy it's his CPU that's screaming.

and I have been thinking about this, as I have been doing other upgrades, I have made sure to plan ahead for when I get around to re-implementing this. it's one of the things I thought about when I started redesigning the BSP structure.
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Offline TopAce

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Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
Another feature that would make the engine even less stable. More crashes, more reboots, more error messages.
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Offline Black Wolf

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Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
Originally posted by TopAce
Another feature that would make the engine even less stable. More crashes, more reboots, more error messages.

You don't have tp use it you know...
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Offline redmenace

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Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
Originally posted by TopAce
Another feature that would make the engine even less stable. More crashes, more reboots, more error messages.
But as long as you provide accurate crash info other that it crashes, they will fix it.
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Offline Unknown Target

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Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
I sometimes use Bob's old shadow build instead of the newer, more stable builds, simply because it looks so awesome :D Can't wait for this to get put back into the main code.


Offline Goober5000

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Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
Originally posted by Black Wolf
You don't have to use it you know...
Doesn't matter if shadows are turned on or not... it's the code that makes the engine less stable.  Unless it's very carefully combed for bugs, which Bobboau is not known for doing. :p


Offline Flipside

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Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
I think BW was talking about the SCP in general, it's somewhat counter-productive for every time Bobb talks about a new feature, remembering he didn't start this thread, someone starts going 'Oh Noes! The Bugs!', it's not exactly a positive way of looking at the SCP ;) If we followed that line of thinking, we'd all still be playing Vanilla FS2 and complaining that no-one in the SCP was doing anything.

Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
Amen :p


Offline Ulala

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Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
Looks cool. :yes:
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Offline Nuke

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Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
id like to see a new shadow build now that i have a system that is capable of running it.
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Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
Here are some more detailed shots of pretty shadows.

It definitely makes my new Basestar look more menacing.


Offline Taristin

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Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
Now, to see the basestar's shadow on the BSG! :eek:
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist

Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
It would be great to have a no win scenario mission where a Basestar jumps in behind you and casts a shadow over a Battlestar right before destroying everything.


Offline Taristin

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Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
This just makes me want to build that dual AMD64 system all the more! :( Curse you, Omni, on behalf of my wallet!
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline Grug

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Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
*Wipes Tear from Eye*
In the words of Slippy "It's beautiful!". :nervous:

LoL Raa.

Damn, this makes me want that new computer all the more... :(

Why Bobboau's old shadow build still ROCKS....
Shadows projected....  Looks Cool!