Author Topic: semi-sub-official hlp super happy descent 2 multiplayer action!  (Read 149123 times)

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Offline Nuke

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Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 mu
Am i the only one who kinda feels as if the BSG guys were playing descent when designing the cylons?

i always thought the robot eyers in descent were stolen from the original bsg
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Offline FireCrack

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Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 mu
Hm, i nefver realy saw the original, but if what you say is true it could be somwhat more correct.
actualy, mabye not.
"When ink and pen in hands of men Inscribe your form, bipedal P They draw an altar on which God has slaughtered all stability, no eyes could ever soak in all the places you anoint, and yet to see you all at once we only need the point. Flirting with infinity, your geometric progeny that fit inside you oh so tight with triangles that feel so right."
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 59230781640628620899862803482534211706...
"Your ever-constant homily says flaw is discipline, the patron saint of imperfection frees us from our sin. And if our transcendental lift shall find a final floor, then Man will know the death of God where wonder was before."


Offline karx11erx

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Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 multiplayer action!
My level spotlight is full of good maps, and I am just reviewing a ton of new levels, with a strong emphasis on multiplayer levels. Check it out! (See my Descent site's sidemenu for links).


Offline watsisname

Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 multiplayer action!
Is anyone going to be playing tonight/tomorrow or over the weekend?  I'd love to get another big game going again.  ...if only I could host games that work.  :hopping:

BTW I was wondering if anyone else was interested in trying out some other levels listed in karx11erx' level spotlight section.  I'm going to fly through a few of them and see how they look in game. (I'm thinking of trying ariel, inferno, and vamped for starters).  Hopefully someone would like to test the "multiplayability" with me.  ;7  And yes, I'll edit this post when I'm done and say what I think of them.  :)
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Offline CP5670

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Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 mu
I was just about to post the same thing. :D I am more or less free for the next couple of nights. I tried out Areneon, Crownpoint and Get 3D by myself and they all look like they would be great to try out next time.

I think the hosting thing is firewall related. I'm apparently having the same problem, but I have no idea how to go about fixing it.


Offline watsisname

Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 multiplayer action!
Just out of curiosity, what sort of firewall do you have?  I use McAffee.  Apparently I can open specific ports (and I tried explicitly opening port 23842 or whatever it was, though I have absolutely no idea if I did it correctly) and it also says that by setting the security settings to "standard" it will allow all UDP communication.  Doing this still doesn't fix the problem, so I'm really starting to wonder what's up with it or if the root of the issue lies elsewhere.

On a different note, it's interesting that we're thinking alike. :lol:  I'll try out the levels you listed as well.

Edit:  I've played through a couple of levels so far, and although I thought "ariel" was a highly interesting/amusing/generally cool level, I don't think it would work well for multiplayer.  Namely because the level is basically a 3D star and if you shoot weapons inside of it then it blows up quite badly.  Kaboom.  :lol:  "Hunting halls" was another one and it seems quite nice.  Should work well with multi.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2006, 01:46:03 am by watsisname »
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Offline Ulala

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Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 multiplayer action!
Sorry the server has been down. My computer snagged itself a trojan and ResNet disconnected me. It was an easy fix, I just restored a backup from the day before, but get this: I had to "call or stop by the ResNet Helpdesk to schedule an appointment to talk about options that were possible to fix my computer, and set up a time that they could check my computer to be sure it was gone/fixed/whatever."  :mad:

Anywho, I'll be happy to throw the server up again. As far as the new levels, a list/links/something easy for me to find and d/l would greatly help me out. I'll get 'em, start hosting with them, and update the current zip. Someone pointed out how slow is, and I tend to agree. Does anyone have a mirror that could host a ~30MB file?
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Offline achtung

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Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 mu
I'll host it.  email it to mobius_12002 | FatHax | ??????
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Offline karx11erx

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Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 multiplayer action!
I am currently preparing D2X-XL v1.5.150, fixing a few bugs and issues with the tracker and auto-download feature and introducing an option to improve UDP/IP networking quality (which isn't tested all that much so far though).

Get 3D is waaaaaaaaaay too large for a multiplayer level, I'd say. Inferno isn't bad. Did you try my levels Pyromaniac, Unreal D2 and Diedel's Playground already?
« Last Edit: March 03, 2006, 11:32:26 am by karx11erx »


Offline CP5670

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Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 mu
Looks like that bug with the weapons not going through grate/fence openings has been fixed in the latest version. :yes: That annoyed me quite a few times while I was playing through some singleplayer levels recently.

By the way, is it possible to make the D1 briefings use the higher resolution backgrounds that come with D1 3dfx?

Just out of curiosity, what sort of firewall do you have?  I use McAffee.  Apparently I can open specific ports (and I tried explicitly opening port 23842 or whatever it was, though I have absolutely no idea if I did it correctly) and it also says that by setting the security settings to "standard" it will allow all UDP communication.  Doing this still doesn't fix the problem, so I'm really starting to wonder what's up with it or if the root of the issue lies elsewhere.

I am just using my router's firewall. I'll try a few things and see if I can get my hosting issues ironed out.

Is the tracker back up? If it's working, we should use that for all future games. I seem to remember that I was able to see/join your game once when it went through the tracker, so it might let us get around this invisible game problem.


Offline karx11erx

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Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 multiplayer action!
How about reporting bugs so I can fix them? :P

If possible, register at and post bug reports in the proper thread in the D2X-XL area.


Offline watsisname

Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 multiplayer action!
The trackers seem to be up sporadically.  Recently I played a couple of games with some random folk in the level "burning indika 2".  Good times. :)
If we can set up another time that people can play at then I think using the tracker would be great.
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Offline CP5670

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Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 mu
How about reporting bugs so I can fix them? :P

If possible, register at and post bug reports in the proper thread in the D2X-XL area.

It was hard to tell whether that particular one was a bug at all or just my bad guided missile skills. :p Although I'll put up any future bugs any I find on that thread.


Offline Ulala

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Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 multiplayer action!
Tried putting the server up via tracker, can anyone join it?
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Offline CP5670

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Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 mu
I wasn't able to see it there. I'm not sure whether or not the tracker is working, but it says "1 tracker found" at the top.


Offline Ulala

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Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 multiplayer action!
Same here.  :doubt:
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Offline watsisname

Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 multiplayer action!
I tried hosting a game via the tracker a couple days ago while there was another game going, and one person saw my game and joined.  However, that person left after about 5 seconds and didn't send me any message, so I have no idea if there was a problem on his end or not.  So all I know is that at some times my games are visible to some people and sometimes they aren't. :doubt:
Maybe we ought to just stick to the standard udp/ip games if the tracker's don't work consistantly?
« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 09:05:17 pm by watsisname »
In my world of sleepers, everything will be erased.
I'll be your religion, your only endless ideal.
Slowly we crawl in the dark.
Swallowed by the seductive night.


Offline Ulala

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Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 multiplayer action!
No one can see my tracker game? Grr.  :mad: Guess I'll switch it back to good ol' standard UDP (good call watsisname).
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Offline karx11erx

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Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 multiplayer action!

could have been me when I was debugging D2X-XL. ;)


Offline CP5670

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Re: semi-sub-offitial hlp super happy descent 2 mu
Well, it's been a little while since our last game. Anyone free over the next few days?