Author Topic: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo  (Read 5097 times)

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RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
Well, here it is.  My first official demo for my campaign.  I promised myself I'd have it done before Christmas, but things didn't pan out so well.  In any case here it is, my first real foray into the freespace universe on my own terms.  Let me know what you think.

This is compatible with 3.6.9.  Just download the VP and extract the files to the necessary directories.  Let me know if you have any problems.

edit.  Some of you might want to know a little bit about the plot before you play.

Plot:  In the seven years since Capella, the GTVA has set about the task of relocating the millions of refugees left homeless in the wake of Capella.  A great depression throughout the alliance seemed imminent, until the discovery of the Acacia system.  Lush, vibrant, teaming with life and resources, its worlds have become the hope of salvation for the destitute masses.  But in these troubled times there are still those who would rather see the continuation of chaos than the restoration of order.  Two years have passed since the founding of the Acacian colonies, with pirates still plaguing the convoys making their way through the vast nebula of the Delta Draconis system.  With the allied fleet still in disarray, the task of protecting the flood of goods and colonists to the new Eden falls to defenders of a less noble breed.  Castoffs, dredges of society, these rogue pilots are more often simply called mercenaries.  And so it is that the fate of a people lies in the hands of one of these groups, who must seek out a dark conspiracy threatening to reshape the future of the alliance.  Now is the time for rebels, now is the time for dissidents.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2007, 09:03:38 pm by freespacegundam »
GTI Rebellion FREDer

Dissident Theory

Permissum sacramentum non exsisto infractus , per fides exsisto led.

Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
So far it all looks great  ;)  looking forward for the rest of the campaign


Offline Nuclear1

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Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
Awesome, it's out.  I'll clear some time tonight to blow through it. :)
Spoon - I stand in awe by your flawless fredding. Truely, never before have I witnessed such magnificant display of beamz.
Axem -  I don't know what I'll do with my life now. Maybe I'll become a Nun, or take up Macrame. But where ever I go... I will remember you!
Axem - Sorry to post again when I said I was leaving for good, but something was nagging me. I don't want to say it in a way that shames the campaign but I think we can all agree it is actually.. incomplete. It is missing... Voice Acting.
Quanto - I for one would love to lend my beautiful singing voice into this wholesome project.
Nuclear1 - I want a duet.
AndrewofDoom - Make it a trio!


Offline Darius

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Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
That was fun :)

I like what you've done with the dialogue and characters...something for me to learn when doing character dialogue of my own.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
Cool.  Does this have anything to do with these three campaigns?

Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
Afraid not.  Although Observer to Fate was good practice for me in creating a more concrete storyline.

For those of you wishing for a little more backstory, here's some information.  Its lengthy, but well worth the read.

Sentinel Campaign

Date: 2375

What Has Gone Before:

2368-2369- Dissident Wars
-Following the end of the Second Shivan Incursion, the GTVA faced a time of harsh realization.  The enemy for which the alliance had been established to combat had come and gone, leaving another trail of utter destruction in its wake.  Political and anarchial voices long silenced by years of peace now rose up to question the effectiveness of a government clearly so unable to protect its citizens.  The homeless Capellan refugees flooding into nearly every system served, above all else, to illustrate the failure of the GTVA in the previous year.  To further compound the matter, the physical loss of vast resources led to a new depression, leaving the economic states of many systems in complete disarray.  The battered and beaten fleets of the alliance were called to dozens of worlds, this time to surpress a mounting tide of insurrection and mistrust among the citizens.  From March of 2368 to October of 2369, operations were carried out against seemingly hundreds of new factions flocking to the cry of revolution.  Though these incidents did not destroy the alliance, they served to shake its very foundations even further. 

October 26, 2369-Black Laramis
The unending tide of political dissidents was finally halted in October of 2369, but at great cost to the alliance.  A large political faction called the Enlightened staged a massive uprising on Laramis II.  Denouncing the GTVA and revoking the Beta Aquilae Convention, the group succeeded in raising a small force of derelict cruisers and obselete fighters to blockade the jump node into the system.  Believing the alliance lacked the strength to repel them, they launched a haphazard invasion of the Ross 128 system.  Though they initially gained some ground, the local militia managed to keep them from gaining control of the system.  With negotiations failing, and seemingly no recourse left open to them, the GTVA security council ordered the uprising quashed.  A task force led by the SOC destroyer Vigilant entered the Laramis system and engaged rebel forces.  Both sides suffered horrendous losses, as the Enlightened sacrificed many of their cruisers in pin point jump collisions against allied ships.  Their desperate tactics stalled allied forces for two days until the Vigilant and her forces staged a near fatal attack against the planet itself.  Catching the Enlightened by surprise, the ensuing battle took a turn for the worse when the GTCv Paladin sustained heavy damage to its engines.  Unable to manuver, and far too close to the planet's gravity well, the ship plunged into the atmosphere.  Its decent carried it largely intact until it struck Feloran City, the capitol of Laramis II.  The massive explosion destroyed the entire city, resulting in nearly a million casualties.  The remaining GTVA forces crushed the few Enlightened ships who would not surrender, but the cost of victory had been high. 

Strangely enough, this incident marked the end of the Dissident Wars.  The citizens of the GTVA, recognizing that such uprisings often claimed innocent lives, began to question the wisdom of such endeavors.  A new resolve was formed in the hearts in minds of the people of the alliance, one that would push them to rebuild their shattered government.

June 7, 2370-Nebulous Oddysee
-While the beginnings of a Second Reconstruction were well under way following the end of the Dissident Wars, true recovery was stymied by the lack of resources.  That is, until the discovery of the Delta Draconis and Acacia system.  The GTSC Copernicus, on a routine survey mission in the Epsilon Eridani system, was inadvertently pulled into a previously unexplored jump node, leading to the nebular Delta Draconis.  Though damaged, the Copernicus managed to conduct a partial survey of the new system, discovering the rich properties of the nebula gases.  Their makeup, which was similar to that of the nebula found in Gamma Draconis, meant that the alliance would be able to harvest them.  The relatively non-volatile nature of the dense gas cloud provided a much easier process than previous mining expeditions.  A vast and untapped resource had been discovered, one that would usher in a seemingly reckless exodus of ships seeking to harvest the rich gas.  Epsilon Eridani became an important hub for incoming and outgoing traders, as well as the base for several refinement plants.  The support base needed for such a task was not readily available, but the need for one prompted a boon in seemingly every industry of the GTVA. 

While the discovery of the Delta Draconis system was an important step in the reconstruction, the finding of yet another jump node within the dense nebula barely a month later marked the true turning point for the economy.  Lush and vibrant, with nine planets capable of supporting human life, the Acacia system became of symbol of hope for those pioneers and refugees seeking to build a new home for themselves. A flood of colonists flocked to the system, and with them came the industries necessary to build a thriving colony.  Acacia was also strewn with two large gas giants with dozens of moons, all rich in gas and minerals vital to the economy.  It seemed, almost as if in answer to their prayers, the Capellan refugees had been given a second chance, a new life and rebirth after a period of uncertain darkness.  Though most of the colonists settled on New Capella, the planet most hospitable to human life, smaller settlements sprouted up all over the system, and a seemingly unending flood of new arrivals continues to flock to the system.

August 11, 2372
-An early problem in the immigration to Acacia surfaced when vicious pirate attacks began to claim many convoys traveling through the Delta Draconis nebula.  The alliance's only destroyer in the area, the GTD Cherokee, worked diligantly with planetary militias and independent security firms to help find and eliminate the group responsible.  In response, the pirates began stepping up their operations, prompting intense firefights in and out of the nebula.  Many brave pilots and still more innocent civilians lost their lives in the ensuing battle, but it was not until nearly a year later that any real headway was made against the pirate groups.

July 24, 2373
-Receiving classified intel that a pirate group was amassing its forces for a large blockade of the Delta Draconis/ Epsilon Eridani jump node, the GTD Cherokee prepared to strike a death blow to the raiding forces.  The goal of the pirates appeared to be to intercept all traffic entering the nebula, which would mean a virtual stand still in terms of goods flowing to Acaci.  Upon entering the nebula however, the Cherokee's CO, Admiral Alex Neiv, realized his error.  The pirates had lured the Cherokee into a trap, crippling the ships engines and launching a massive bomber attack.  Though the ship's forces fought valiantly, the Cherokee was destroyed.  While some of the crew retreated in escape pods, well over 75% were killed in the battle.  The pirates, believing no forces were left to challenge them, launched an assault on Epsilon Eridani's civilian Yukon station.  With one corvette, two cruisers, and multiple wings of fighters, the raiders were confident in their victory.  Fortunately for Yukon station, two mercenary groups happened to be on station at the time.  The Sentinels, based aboard the cruiser Aleron, and the Jackals, assigned to work with planetary militia, were within range to engage the incoming pirates.  With superior skill and courage, the mercenary and militia pilots matched the raiders ship for ship, decimating the enemy fighters.  The Aleron, working in conjunction with a squad of retrofitted medusa bombers, next took the fight to the enemy capital ships, destroying the corvette and one cruiser.  The remaining cruiser, the heavily damaged Scimitar, retreated to the relative safety of the nebula.  This crushing blow scaled back the pirates operations, and to date the raiders have yet to repeat their winning streak against the convoys traveling through the nebula.

Status of the Fleet-
Having suffered horrendous losses at the Battle of Capella, and further casualties in the skirmishes that followed, many wondered if the alliance forces would ever know the strength realized before Capella.  The discovery of Acacia posed a new set of problems for the fleet, particularly in the form of the ever present pirate factions attempting to move in on any new trade routes.  Suprisingly, the solution to this plight came from many ordinary citizens who took up the fight to protect their homes and families.  The fleet saw a swelling of numbers, and shipyards brimming with new resources began a concentrated effort to rebuild the shattered alliance fleets.  While still underpowered due to the lack of destroyers, the GTVA has no shortage of pilots in its squadrons, and has had to assign many to help assist local militias.  While the GTVA has yet to establish a major presence in Acacia, its forces work diligently to ensure that vital trade lanes remain available to the system and its burdgeoning population.

Independent Security Forces

While the GTVA has worked hard to establish control over its new outlying systems, the lack of a permeneant base in the two means that not every convoy falls under military escort.  Civilian stations and local militia do their best, but not every pirate attack can be intercepted.  In the early days of immigration to Acacia this meant some convoys being ransacked with impunity by raiders.  To counter this, many convoys began to employ private security firms and mercenary groups.  These warriors for hire quickly made a name for themselves battling pirate forces within the nebular expanse of Delta Draconis.  While no method is capable of eliminating such groups, the mercenary and private security forces nonetheless ensure that few convoys are raided with impunity.
GTI Rebellion FREDer

Dissident Theory

Permissum sacramentum non exsisto infractus , per fides exsisto led.


Offline Nuclear1

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Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
I just played it through it, and I have to say that I enjoyed it very much. :)

The dialogue was very well done, and it was refreshing to play a campaign without any bugs in it.  I especially liked the story twist at the end.

Can't wait for the full thing. :)
Spoon - I stand in awe by your flawless fredding. Truely, never before have I witnessed such magnificant display of beamz.
Axem -  I don't know what I'll do with my life now. Maybe I'll become a Nun, or take up Macrame. But where ever I go... I will remember you!
Axem - Sorry to post again when I said I was leaving for good, but something was nagging me. I don't want to say it in a way that shames the campaign but I think we can all agree it is actually.. incomplete. It is missing... Voice Acting.
Quanto - I for one would love to lend my beautiful singing voice into this wholesome project.
Nuclear1 - I want a duet.
AndrewofDoom - Make it a trio!


Offline Sarafan

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Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
Just finished it, really good campaign specially the dialogue, I'm looking foward to the full release, how many mission it'll have?

Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
I'm not really sure just yet.  It depends on how many it takes to flush out the entire story arc.
GTI Rebellion FREDer

Dissident Theory

Permissum sacramentum non exsisto infractus , per fides exsisto led.


Offline Sarafan

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Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
Well, keep up the good work, so far it looks to be a really great campaign. :yes:


Offline Turey

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Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
Haven't played it yet, but why'd you use a .tbl instead of a .tbm?

EDIT: Just started first mission, and THANK YOU! There are far too few campaigns where you get to fly an interceptor for nearly as long as I'd like.

Also, on the mission where you meet the Wati, it's visible on the comm list from the beginning. I know you meet it 25 seconds in, and so it's not likely that anyone will find this small flaw other than me. However, since you can't give it any commands, wouldn't it be better just to remove it from the list?

EDIT2: Just finished it, very nice. I can't wait to see more of this. If you need help with voice acting, or you need another person to look for typos and grammar mistakes, just ask.

This is definitely getting put into the Installer when you finish with it.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2007, 07:11:58 pm by Turey »
Creator of the FreeSpace Open Installer.
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why would an SCP error be considered as news? :wtf: *smacks Cobra*It's a feature.


Offline neoterran

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Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
you need voice actors for the demo ? I'd be glad to help.
Official Taylor Fan Club Member.
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Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
Thanks for the feedback.  I'm not really sure why I used a .tbl file, must be something with how I added things in.  And for right now I don't really need voice actors, as I'm just going to go ahead and finish the campaign without that feature.  Assuming I get it done, and people enjoy it, maybe I'll add that later.
GTI Rebellion FREDer

Dissident Theory

Permissum sacramentum non exsisto infractus , per fides exsisto led.


Offline neoterran

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Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
voice acting really adds a lot, you should consider it.
Official Taylor Fan Club Member.
Chief Grognard.
"How much code could a coder code if a coder could code code?"

Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
Bit of a bump, but I just finally got around to playing this demo.  Very nicely done.  Can't wait to see the final version.  I especially liked the characterization you used.
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But everything is so meaningful, and most everything turns to ****.
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Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
I DLed the VP but it was corrupted. I'm trying another time...
The Lightblue Ribbon

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Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
Hmm, that's defnitely strange.  I uploaded the file again just to be safe.  Please try again.
GTI Rebellion FREDer

Dissident Theory

Permissum sacramentum non exsisto infractus , per fides exsisto led.


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Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
I have DLed it two times yesterday and its was corrupted.

I'm DLing it again...
The Lightblue Ribbon

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Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
Hmm, strange.  Try this, I compressed it this time, hopefully that helps.
GTI Rebellion FREDer

Dissident Theory

Permissum sacramentum non exsisto infractus , per fides exsisto led.


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Re: RELEASE - Dissident Theory Demo
The new link is even worse...I can't extract the VP.

I can't figure it out.
The Lightblue Ribbon

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Series Resurrecta: {{FS Wiki Portal}} -  Gehenna's Gate - The Spirit of Ptah - Serendipity (WIP) - <REDACTED> (WIP)
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