Author Topic: OSX Leopard problems: I need help  (Read 8070 times)

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Offline Sasquatch

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OSX Leopard problems: I need help
since buying OSX Leopard, my FS is broken.  The engine glow has turned into skull and crossbones, even with no mods turned on.  Also, the background looks funny.  I need some expert help on this one.
Redsniper- "My Saturdays are few and far between!"
Sasquatch- "...They usually come once a week"

Me-     "Wait, so this isn't a game?"
friend- "Nope, this is real life."
Me-     "But I killed all those people."
friend- "What?!"
Me-     "I know! I had so many points, too"


Offline taylor

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Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
Give this test build a try and see if it fixes anything for you (may make some things worse though):


Offline Sasquatch

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Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
well, it fixed the skybox issue, but totally effed up everything else.  the skull and crossbones was still there, and the HUD was a jumble of letters, numbers, and punctuations. Also, all menu screens were completely white.

Redsniper- "My Saturdays are few and far between!"
Sasquatch- "...They usually come once a week"

Me-     "Wait, so this isn't a game?"
friend- "Nope, this is real life."
Me-     "But I killed all those people."
friend- "What?!"
Me-     "I know! I had so many points, too"


Offline Sasquatch

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Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
I forgot to mention that I have a G4 processor, not an intel, if that makes any difference.
Redsniper- "My Saturdays are few and far between!"
Sasquatch- "...They usually come once a week"

Me-     "Wait, so this isn't a game?"
friend- "Nope, this is real life."
Me-     "But I killed all those people."
friend- "What?!"
Me-     "I know! I had so many points, too"


Offline neoterran

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Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
I think you can kind of give up on Freespace on OS X for a while. It's got some serious issues compared the the PC version.
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Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
Can you give me a screenie of the 'engine glows'? Im curious.
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Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
I think you can kind of give up on Freespace on OS X for a while. It's got some serious issues compared the the PC version.

Wha???  Mine runs flawlessly on Leopard.  What kind of issues are you having?

Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
Bump. I have the same problems, and it's SO TOTALLY DEPRESSING to being able to play FS. I've also tried a complete re-install with Turey's.
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Offline Soulstorm

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Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
please post your system specs. All of you :)

However, I keep hearing that  FS2_Open has many problems on OS X. All started by that damn problem a long time ago, with the ATI cards. Note that I am having the same problem, and for the last 7 months, I haven't been able to play FS2_Open properly. I have an iMac 17" with Core 2 Duo, and ATI X1600 inside with 128 mbytes RAM.
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Offline Tinman

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Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
the xt1208 build mentioned earlier in this thread works quite good in 10.4.11 full screen and in 10.5.1 only in windowed mode.

so try the windowed mode. it's ok for me MBP C2D AtiX1600, 10.5.1.
(in 10.5.1 full screen the screen is white with some grey lines that is text, but i can close the app knowing the keys to use. so the app is running ok but the screen output is chaos)

Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
I have a iMac 17" iSight,
1,9 GHz G5 Processor,
1,5 GB of RAM,
ATI X600 Pro (or XT?) with 128 MB VRAM.
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Offline neoterran

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Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
I think you can kind of give up on Freespace on OS X for a while. It's got some serious issues compared the the PC version.

Wha???  Mine runs flawlessly on Leopard.  What kind of issues are you having?

any glsl makes the whole thing white. I'm on an nvidia 8600 tho, which might be the problem. All macs aren't the same.
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Offline neoterran

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Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
the xt1208 build mentioned earlier in this thread works quite good in 10.4.11 full screen and in 10.5.1 only in windowed mode.

so try the windowed mode. it's ok for me MBP C2D AtiX1600, 10.5.1.
(in 10.5.1 full screen the screen is white with some grey lines that is text, but i can close the app knowing the keys to use. so the app is running ok but the screen output is chaos)

Oh, i never thought of this, i'll try this.
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Offline neoterran

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Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
yeah, it's fullscreen mode that messes everything up.

Taylor - something must have changed in 10.5 with how Macs handle rendering to Full Screen. Maybe this will give you an idea of how to fix it.
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Offline taylor

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Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
Taylor - something must have changed in 10.5 with how Macs handle rendering to Full Screen. Maybe this will give you an idea of how to fix it.
It's actually pretty common (if no always the case, I'm not an expert in the area) for windowed and fullscreen modes to be handled differently by the low-level graphics subsystem.  The way the buffers are dealt with depends on how the OS-level (driver or OS specific) deals with windowed and fullscreen hardware accelerated graphics.  It still doesn't point away from some sort of driver bug though, which is disappointing.  If there was a driver bug causing the problem then it's not unthinkable that they unknowingly fixed the issue that we have simply by improving the driver to better deal with newer OS hardware accelerated window effects.  Such a fix would have little, if any, affect on fullscreen modes.

Although I'm sure that there is a driver bug that is ultimately at fault here, I'm equally as sure that something in the code is triggering it, possibly a bug on our side, and that is something that we should be able to fix.  The problem is just identifying it.  This is largely hardware specific rather than platform specific, so there is little I can do except sit here twisting in the wind trying to come up with the next wild-ass idea that might fix it.  So far I've made 14 builds specifically to try and address this problem, but have gotten nowhere with it.  My guess is that it's just going to take someone with the coding/OpenGL skills and the right hardware to track it down.  And I don't have the right hardware.


Offline neoterran

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Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
Yeah, well, that sucks.

On a related note however : We got an driver update today along with 10.5.2 and a new version of OpenGL as well. Haven't taken a look at it yet.

One of the bigger problems with Apple as well is that they switch back and forth between ATI and Nvidia for their cards which probably doesn't help in being able to fix Vendor specific issues.

I'm on a 8600, most people are probably on the older Ati X1600 series.
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Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
The FS2_Open-Xt_1208 test build works great for me here - OS X 10.5.2 on brand new Macbook Pro 2.4GHz with the NVidia GeForce 8600M GT.

Thanks taylor!
Macbook Pro 2.4GHz, 4GB, OS X 10.5

Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
Whew. Stability in Leopard is, in appropriate words, a cockslap.
Trying the XT build now.
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Offline chief1983

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Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
Question 1, Hazaanko, what is your setup like that it works?  Up to date system?  What card?

Question 2, with 10.5.4 or 10.5.5 or whatever out, why are people running outdated systems?  Afraid of the update breaking something or is there another reason not to update?
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Re: OSX Leopard problems: I need help
Well, just like some people are still running Windows 98 or so. Some people are too lazy to upgrade or don't want to pay etc. OR because they still need classic.
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