Author Topic: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (SepArate to TBP)  (Read 33669 times)

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Offline darkmaster

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
Hey , why must I return to the academy, I defeated the beta wing and then... it ended, and I must return to the academy.  NO, I don't want to.
And how do I know if I'm matching speed with the enemy? I pressed M and it looked like that nothing happened.
TBP's apprentice FREDDER.

Campaign in development:
Guardian of Light (Demo state)(Download DEMO here)
The First Invasion - Part 1 (Planning Concept)

Single Mission :
Human-Narn First Contact (Download here)


Offline Asprin

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
Hey , why must I return to the academy
Make sure all your objectives are "Green". Press F4 during the mission. :) ...and do not fly away from the "Shooting Area" NAV. Keep 30km as maximum.

I pressed M and it looked like that nothing happened.
Project has "Newtonian physics" so use ALT+M for continuous monitoring of enemy speed.
QuantreTech Studios


Offline darkmaster

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
Hey , why must I return to the academy
Make sure all your objectives are "Green". Press F4 during the mission. :) ...and do not fly away from the "Shooting Area" NAV. Keep 30km as maximum.

I pressed M and it looked like that nothing happened.
Project has "Newtonian physics" so use ALT+M for continuous monitoring of enemy speed.

Thanks, so you're the talkative instructor  ;). I hate the instructor, will give him a missile when my secondary weapon is unlocked.

Anyways, Merry Christmas !!!
TBP's apprentice FREDDER.

Campaign in development:
Guardian of Light (Demo state)(Download DEMO here)
The First Invasion - Part 1 (Planning Concept)

Single Mission :
Human-Narn First Contact (Download here)


Offline Asprin

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
so you're the talkative instructor
Well, yes. This voice acting was a hard work, to all of us.

Anyways, Merry Christmas !!!
Oh...Thank you very much!
« Last Edit: December 24, 2007, 09:38:31 am by Asprin »
QuantreTech Studios


Offline Asprin

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
This link is works again:

I hope there will no be any problems in the future.
QuantreTech Studios


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
wouldn't it be possible to rewrite the config screen so the buttons which are used have the correct describtion and to delecte the ones that aren't used?

By the way, finished game 10 minutes ago. It's good, but please don't feel offended when I stick to TBP and IFH. The Freespace Engine just wasn't build for this. Especially when you disable motion debris...  :shaking:
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.


Offline Asprin

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
the buttons which are used have the correct describtion
Yes this will be done.

The Freespace Engine just wasn't build for this.
I don't think so, physics of any arcade game engine can be rebuild, and about FS2 - the work is continues on its physics, AI, and some other things, including campaign. ;)

when you disable motion debris
We don't disabeld debris. Enable them in the launcher.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2007, 10:52:40 am by Asprin »
QuantreTech Studios


Offline jr2

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
:wakka:  :) :D ;)

I have both versions, exe and rar... am uploading to FileFront right now.  Will post updates when ready.


Offline Asprin

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
uploading to FileFront right now.
Thank you very much for support!
QuantreTech Studios


Offline Alan Bolte

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
Well, I took another run at that capship. The lock time and range on the M132 sure makes it a close call to lock, fire, and burn away, and I guess I wasn't at quite the right angle to hit, either. Ah well, it's a challenge.
Anything worth doing is worth analyzing to death -Iranon


Offline Objekt

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
Um, yeah, this doesn't work at all.

I followed the install instructions to the letter.  When I click "Run," nothing happens.

Well, almost nothing.  I get the impression that the fs2_open_3_6_9-OSE.exe is somehow refusing to launch, or else crashing almost instantly upon launch. 

If I run the .exe from the command line, I'm immediately thrown back to the command prompt.  I don't get so much as an error message.



Offline jr2

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
OK, links (weird names to delay deletion by FileFront, they have a fetish against Babylon Project files :mad: ):

FileFront .exe installer.

FileFront .rar non-installer version.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2007, 09:03:45 pm by jr2 »


Offline Objekt

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
Whatever it was that made that happen was temporary.  I rebooted and now Minbari Project runs fine.

I've only got a bit into the first training mission, but I'm impressed already!  You guys went balls-to-the-wall Newtonian on our asses.

By the way, what's the native language of the people who did the voice acting?  It sounds like the instructor is not a native English speaker, but I can still understand what he's trying to get across.

In the way of improvements, is there some way you could put in a graphical indicator of the X, Y, Z axes?  It might be useful to draw the current velocity vector's components on such a display, and have it rotate when you turn the ship.  The numerical X, Y, Z indicators are helpful too but I think a visualization would be more intuitive in the heat of combat.


Offline jr2

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
Updated links to include .rar non-installer version.


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
It might be useful to draw the current velocity vector's components on such a display, and have it rotate when you turn the ship.  The numerical X, Y, Z indicators are helpful too but I think a visualization would be more intuitive in the heat of combat.

Something like this (IFH has it) would definitely improve the experience.
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.

Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
This game is very difficult  :(  May you adjust this somehow? Despite the fact that I'm not a tough pilot I still can complete missions objectives, destroy ships and do other stuff in original FreeSpace 2. But here... oh, and by the way where is my speedometer?

Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
I will pass mission one, I will pass mission one.


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
faith manages people  :lol:
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.


Offline hip63

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
I can't download this right now, too much for my satellite internet to handle (satellite internet totally sucks a$$ but I'm stuck with it :hopping: ), will have to download from a friend's house. So could someone state some about the visuals, modeling, ect...? :confused:

hip63 :p
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Offline Vidmaster

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
looks exactly like TBP
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.