Author Topic: RELEASE: March Missile Mod Mayhem!  (Read 54548 times)

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Re: RELEASE: March Missile Mod Mayhem!
Yeah, i'd love to see a good long segment filled with a general view space battle with all the high-budget star wars goodness.
Fun while it lasted.

Then bitter.

Re: RELEASE: March Missile Mod Mayhem!
Force powers need concentration, and do you think a Jedi can concentrate on using the Force while getting shot at? :P

    Were they really getting shot at? I mean really, where were the fighters? There's like 20 Venators or Acclimators and an equal number of seperatist ships and the only fighters we see are some off the command ship and some random group of attempted x-wing predecessors who's only apparent use is to draw off the droids and die like pigs.
    Kenobi had time to look all around his fighter instead of where he was going. And really how much time does it need? In combat they used the force as quickly and effectively as throwing a normal punch. Darth Maul, slash slash slash, throw a punch push Kenobi off the catwalk. Kenobi and Qui Gonn, slash slash slash, throw some droids into other droids. If not Kenobi, what about Anakin? They were both focused enough to hold still, while the other one fired blasters to pick off droids . . and later to hold still while the other scrapped his wing on the other fighter. This doesnt require concentration?

Other guy said:
If you can land a sophisticated droid on a starfighter's surface, why not just land a bomb on the fighter instead and blow the canopy off?

       Er, why land anything? Why not just use a normal warhead and blow up the fighter?
       Someone on another forum thought it was so the buzz droids could capture the Jedi or something. Why ever they'd want to capture rather than kill is beyond me.

Other guy #2 said:
Well, the start was good, with the camera soaring above the relatively peaceful-looking Venator only to drop into a huge mess of a spacebattle taking place below it. Too bad the awesomeness ended the moment it zoomed in on the jedi starfighters, because that battle really had potential.

      Hmmn, the camera followed the fighters from the very start. If the fighters just as you said, lead the camera to the battle then it would be cool. But no, the fighters just fly around through the battle . . la la la . . oh here comes some droid fighters, oh no! Wait, some clone buddies will come to draw them off and die. Oh wait, missiles incoming, let's fly around some more this time with missiles on our tail. Then let's spend 5 minutes solving the problem that the improbably missile left with its impact. Oh now we can lend .. . . and get on with the movie. Later we'll land a half a ship on a very convenient runway.
      Or I mean, the camera can still follow the fighters and show an exciting battle. Hasn't anyone seen Serenity? That's a good example of an exciting space battle while following one ship. Star Wars, not so much. Lucas could learn a thing or two from Joss Whedon.

Re: RELEASE: March Missile Mod Mayhem!
I really don't see how a simple barrel roll wouldn't fling the buzz droids right off the ship.
Fun while it lasted.

Then bitter.


Offline Alan Bolte

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Re: RELEASE: March Missile Mod Mayhem!
They can't very well rescue Palpatine if they get blown up. But if their fighters are disabled, and the Jedi captured, they can break free of their captors and rescue Palpy, so things still go according to plan.
Anything worth doing is worth analyzing to death -Iranon

Re: RELEASE: March Missile Mod Mayhem!
They can't very well rescue Palpatine if they get blown up. But if their fighters are disabled, and the Jedi captured, they can break free of their captors and rescue Palpy, so things still go according to plan.

     That explains the circumstances of the missiles use during the particular battle, it doesn't explain why a largely droid-based army would develop such a missile in the first place.

First funny alien:     "We will capture their fighters, and turn their weapons against them! hahahaha"
Second funny alien:"Uh . . . . don't we use droids? Who's going to pilot them?"


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Re: RELEASE: March Missile Mod Mayhem!
Funny. One would expect this conversation from a thread called "Buzz droids. Discuss." But I kinda put a lot of work into that model. I thought you'd like it. :sigh: Oh well.
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Re: RELEASE: March Missile Mod Mayhem!
sorry Galemp :-(

as beautiful as it looks, prequel trash is prequel trash.
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Re: RELEASE: March Missile Mod Mayhem!
I believe the novelization makes it clear that they're anti-Jedi weapons, meant to capture Jedi so that Dooku can turn them to the dark side.

The novelization was quite good.

The models are also gorgeous.


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Re: RELEASE: March Missile Mod Mayhem!
Hey I may not like the prequels too much, but the models rock.  Keep it up man
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Re: RELEASE: March Missile Mod Mayhem!
Funny. One would expect this conversation from a thread called "Buzz droids. Discuss." But I kinda put a lot of work into that model. I thought you'd like it. :sigh: Oh well.

       Yeah all your models look cool dude.
       Though how exactly are those buzz droids employed? Have you found a way for them to stick onto the fighter and take out subsystems? Or is that something to look into in the future.


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Re: RELEASE: March Missile Mod Mayhem!
Given the status of the code right now, I'm pretty sure they just act like EMP warheads with a little bit of EMP damage.
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Re: RELEASE: March Missile Mod Mayhem!
Don't worry Galemp, not all of us have an irrational hatred of everything from the prequels.  I appreciate the Buzz Droid model and think you did a fantastic job for what you were given to work with.
Deuternomy 22:11 explained:

Well there are many different speculations going on about this law about not mixing fibers and at least one explanation claims that it was a symbolic gesture designed to keep a pure sense of culture, people, and religion.  Seperation of crop  in the vinyard, mentioned in Dt. 22:9 and 22:10 seem to reaffirm this idea, though there may be other reasons as well.

And now, an excerpt from the Prayer of Mordecai, the Book of Esther Chapter C (New American Bible Official Catholic version).

Est C:5  You know all things.  You know, O Lord, that it was not out of insolence or pride or desire for fame that I acted thus in not bowing down to the proud Haman.  6  Gladly would I have kissed the soles of his feet for the salvation of Israel.  7  But I acted as I did so as not to place the honor of man above that of God.  I will not bow down to anyone but you, my Lord.  It is not out of pride that I am acting thus.

Re: RELEASE: March Missile Mod Mayhem!
i still think that would make a good shivan missle...  :drevil:
Sig nuked! New one coming soon!


Offline Alan Bolte

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Re: RELEASE: March Missile Mod Mayhem!
Sorry Galemp. I really like the model, should've mentioned that. My only complaint is that the texture on the sphere halves looks a little gray. Not that we'd really notice when we're flying into them, they're so small.
Anything worth doing is worth analyzing to death -Iranon

Re: RELEASE: March Missile Mod Mayhem!
Sorry Galemp. I really like the model, should've mentioned that. My only complaint is that the texture on the sphere halves looks a little gray. Not that we'd really notice when we're flying into them, they're so small.

     Speaking of small . . . the bots are already pretty small to begin with. Galemp put a lot of detail in there considering that just looking at the manipulators and the like. Maybe a lot of that detail is texture only. Or else just a bunch of vertices that the pilot won't really see that well??


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Re: RELEASE: March Missile Mod Mayhem!
He's also been making tech room and in game models, and the in game ones are lower detail.  That was probably a shot of the tech room model, of which only one would have to be rendered at a time :)
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