Author Topic: A proposal: Shivan Bombs  (Read 29589 times)

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Offline blowfish

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A proposal: Shivan Bombs
Anyone ever notice in the main campaign how Shivans fire Cyclopses and Helioses?  That really annoys me.  Especially the fact that it says "Cyclops" or "Helios" in the target box.  So I have a proposal to fix this problem.  Essentially you would have duplicate entries (to preserve mission balance) of the Cyclops and Helios, but called "Shivan Bomb" and "Shivan Megabomb" (or something like that).  All of the missions with Shivan bombers would have to be changed too.  They would use the same models, unless someone wanted to model some Shivan bombs roughly the size of the cyclops and Helios.  What do you guys think?


Offline Polpolion

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
Strange. For me IIRC it was always "Unknown megabomb" or something like that.


Offline blowfish

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
In Freespace 1 it does, but in Freespace 2 it doesn't.


Offline blackhole

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
I think you need to take a long, hard look at this mod, because its already done that. For that matter, that kind of a modification is incredibly trivial - I did it by modifying about 5 values in the weapons table. You don't NEED duplicate entries because its just an aesthetic change.


Offline blowfish

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
I've seen that.  I'm talking about changing things in the main campaign and packaging them with MediaVPs (they already come with modified mission files).


Offline blackhole

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
Why fix something like that when Maras are firing hornets at you? Shouldn't you fix that first? :P


Offline blowfish

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
With hornets, you will barely notice that they are hornets unless you know because 1) They are so small 2) You can't target them.  Its much more of a problem with bombs.


Offline blackhole

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
Actually, the problem with the hornets started bugging me before I even finished the campaign for the first time. It is glaringly obvious that those things are hornets, even if you can't target them.


Offline FireCrack

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
Ever since I made the high-detail bomb models this has been more evident. I always planned to get around to making shivan alt-models, but then I dissaperaed....
actualy, mabye not.
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Offline Mura

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
but now you are visible again!! XD

Yeah, hornets being used by shivans is annoying... maybe if they had a different trail color for shivans like... lets say... RED, i would be lot happier with it  :D
Because come on... what are the odds that an ancient race would have the same idea of having the same kind of missiles with EXACTLY the same characteristics???  :ick:  I think is easier to be eaten by a shark in a bath tub in a shopping mall  ;7
Signed, me


Offline Snail

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
Because come on... what are the odds that an ancient race would have the same idea of having the same kind of missiles with EXACTLY the same characteristics???  :ick:  I think is easier to be eaten by a shark in a bath tub in a shopping mall  ;7

Maybe they thought, "Those look cool. Let's try them out."


Offline Kosh

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
Shivan's really should have their own secondaries (and I don't mean exactly the same damage values, I think they really should be different). After all they have their own primaries suited for their tactics and strategies, why not do the same for secondaries?
"The reason for this is that the original Fortran got so convoluted and extensive (10's of millions of lines of code) that no-one can actually figure out how it works, there's a massive project going on to decode the original Fortran and write a more modern system, but until then, the UK communication network is actually relying heavily on 35 year old Fortran that nobody understands." - Flipside

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Offline Wanderer

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
Shivan's really should have their own secondaries (and I don't mean exactly the same damage values, I think they really should be different). After all they have their own primaries suited for their tactics and strategies, why not do the same for secondaries?
Er... the worst weapons in the game are suited for their tactics?
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Offline Ryan

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
Shivan's really should have their own secondaries (and I don't mean exactly the same damage values, I think they really should be different). After all they have their own primaries suited for their tactics and strategies, why not do the same for secondaries?
Er... the worst weapons in the game are suited for their tactics?

Why are shivan guns so bad?

Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
Shivan's really should have their own secondaries (and I don't mean exactly the same damage values, I think they really should be different). After all they have their own primaries suited for their tactics and strategies, why not do the same for secondaries?
Er... the worst weapons in the game are suited for their tactics?

Why are shivan guns so bad?
Just look at their stats. If we used their weapons, we would be pawned over and over again. In fact, the only thing that saves us from destruction is the superior firepower of our fighters.
As for the reason they're bad... I guess they don't need better weapons, since they roll us over anyway.

I'm not sure how to fit the Kayser in though...


Offline Snail

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
The Kayser was reverse engineered from the Shivan Super Laser. Terrans suck.


Offline ION3

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
I'd say shivans just have better capships and terrans have better fighters.


Offline Kosh

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
Shivan's really should have their own secondaries (and I don't mean exactly the same damage values, I think they really should be different). After all they have their own primaries suited for their tactics and strategies, why not do the same for secondaries?
Er... the worst weapons in the game are suited for their tactics?

Yeah, since they depend on sheer numbers and simple brute force to get the job done.
"The reason for this is that the original Fortran got so convoluted and extensive (10's of millions of lines of code) that no-one can actually figure out how it works, there's a massive project going on to decode the original Fortran and write a more modern system, but until then, the UK communication network is actually relying heavily on 35 year old Fortran that nobody understands." - Flipside

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Offline Snail

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
Only in FS2. In FS1 multiple times the Shivans did strategic maneuvers. Like instead of engaging the GTA and PVN at the Antares-Deneb node, they circumvented it by using an unidentified node.


Offline Kosh

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Re: A proposal: Shivan Bombs
Only in FS2. In FS1 multiple times the Shivans did strategic maneuvers. Like instead of engaging the GTA and PVN at the Antares-Deneb node, they circumvented it by using an unidentified node.

Strategic manuevering =! tactics. Yes they could manuever very nicely, but when it came to the actual engagements they still depended on overwhelming force to win.
"The reason for this is that the original Fortran got so convoluted and extensive (10's of millions of lines of code) that no-one can actually figure out how it works, there's a massive project going on to decode the original Fortran and write a more modern system, but until then, the UK communication network is actually relying heavily on 35 year old Fortran that nobody understands." - Flipside

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