Author Topic: The Tyrean Chapter  (Read 19359 times)

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Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: Dunno what to call it atm
Lol. I've not played Ico, and I only heard the game was well noted for its artistic environment.
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!

Re: Dunno what to call it atm
Posiedon Combat Frame: Long range fire support combat frame. Mounts no melee weaponry, but has a pair of laser cannons in storage packs on its wrists. Its primary weapon is a 325mm hypervelocity plasma cannon, and also mounts shoulder rocket pods. The Posiedon has no shield generators, but makes up for it with heavy armour.

You may want to call it Poseidon.
And this ain't no ****. But don't quote me for that one. - Mika

I shall rrreach worrrld domination!


Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: Dunno what to call it atm
Ah. Thanks for noticing.
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: Dunno what to call it atm
     On the bridge, the crew of the Leveros worked hard, but futilely to re-activate the power reactor on the ship. Then , without warning, the lights on the consoles and in the bridge flickered and came back online. Along with these, came displays and sensors.

     “Oh ****.”

     “Oh hell, no.”

     “Shivan fighters on attack vector!”

     On the sensor display, and from the viewport, a full squadron of Maras closed in fast. Fast on their tails were Manticore and Basilisk fighters, as well as Seraphim and Nephilim bombers. The Maras broke up, vectoring on the drifting Perseus fighters. “Break, break, break! Bring anti-fighter beams online!” screamed the sensor tech into the comm system. The few piloted fighters quickly kicked into gear, engaging evasive manoeuvres immediately. The Mara avoided the unmanned fighters, arrowing on the extremely outnumbered manned fighters, even as the remaining Shivan fighters closed in, and the first Shivan bomber loosed their first volley. “Intercept those bombs!” the tech screamed. “We won’t make it!” a pilot screamed.

     Without warning, a bright purple beam seared across the bombs’ paths, destroying the entire volley. “GTVA fighters, this is Captain Thomas Avril of the Tyrean Royal Navy. We’re here to assist you. Get that cruiser in gear!” A humanoid robot flashed past, twisting easily to avoid the Shivan laser blasts. The robot took up a position in front of the Leveros’ bridge, and raised its left arm. A gattling cannon mounted on its wrist spat bolts of emerald energy. The bolts sliced through a Basilisk’s shields and through its hull, and it blew up in a ball of fire. “I repeat. GTVA fighters, this is Captain Thomas Avril of the Tyrean Royal Navy! Leveros, please respond!” T
The door to the bridge slammed open as the captain appeared, Samuel hard on her heels. “Captain Thomas, this is Captain Nikolai of the GTC Leveros! Any assistance rendered would be greatly appreciated, though I cannot speak for the rest of the GTVA on any sort of alliance.” “Understood, captain,” came the reply. “Who are they, captain?” Samuel asked. “I have no idea. But for now, they're the calvary,” she replied.


    “Woo hoo! Splash one bogie!” crowed Marklos over the comm channel. Thomas twisted his torso, perforating a passing Mara with his beam gattling. “On your 6, Marklos,” Lin called out. “I got them,” came Dax. A bright purple beam seared across the black emptiness of space, catching the two Shivan fighters that were on Marklos’ tail. “Dax, we got four of them vectoring in on your position.” A low chuckle came over the comm channel. “Let ‘em come, Cap’n,” Dax said.

     The first Mara came in fast, lasers flashing deadly red bolts of energy. Dax dodged the bolts, and as the Mara blasted past, Dax balled the fist of his suit, and plunged it straight into the Mara, smashing through the shield and pulping the nose of the fighter. Twisting around, he grabbed another Mara, and flipped open the hidden laser cannons built into the wrist of the Poseidon. The cannons fired point blank, filling the hull of the Mara full of deadly sapphire light and energy, and Dax threw it aside just before it exploded. Firing his reverse boosters, he pulled back from the third Mara, then stabbed its barrel viciously into the fighter, and fired. The deadly purple beam ripped right through the vessel, and the Mara disintegrated, eaten by the furious energy unleashed by the plasma cannon. The last Mara had managed to get onto his back, lasers twinkling as a swarm of missiles tore free of their racks. Dax turned the Frame, and responded with his own barrage of missiles, loosing over three dozen warheads at the Mara. The Mara pulled up sharply, but still got tagged by a full score of missiles. Battered by the explosions, Dax easily snatched the dazed fighter up and crushed it in the Poseidon’s hand.

     “I’m clear, Cap’n. Resuming fire support,” he radioed. “Jeez, Dax, what took you so long,” Lin chided. “I was having fun thar, Ms Lin,” Dax answered. “Stop having fun, and kill these guys already!” Lin complained. “Sonova*****!”Marklos cursed over the comm. “What is it?”Thomas asked. “They got my rifle! Blew it right out of my hand!” he said, surprised. “Keep moving folks. Remember, we’re not invincible,” Thomas warned, even as he dodged a volley of missiles from a Basilisk. As he dodged the missiles, he fired a slash saber. The curved hook sailed forth, slicing apart the Shivan fighter. Twisting around, he unholstered the twin PV swords at his side, and whirling around, he caught a Seraphim’s right wing, cutting clean through the fighter.

     “Cap’n. I’m running low,” Lin said tersely. The major downside of the regular Combat Frames was their energy supply, which was normally enough for three hours. But the disruptor rifles used massive amounts of energy, leaving his team with little more than half an hour worth of energy. Thomas glanced at his own energy meter. It was below the 50% mark, but he still had enough to last the battle. “Pick your shots, people, and make ‘em count!”he warned. Another purple beam seared past, but missed its intended targets, two Maras, who managed to dodged the plasma burst. Even know, he noticed the beam wasn’t as bright as it had been. “Dax, talk to me,” he said. “Running low. I’m gonna have to start punching people soon,” Dax replied coolly. “There only a few more fighters left! Finish them off quick!” Thomas ordered. “****!” Marklos cursed again. “What is it?” Thomas asked. “Those boogies got my shield,” he said angrily. Thomas scanned his display, and sure enough, the right arm of the Ormus was missing, a smoking stump in its place. “Marklos, pull back,” Thomas ordered. “Roger, pulling back to Dax’s position...  Damn. They’re closing in on me,” he said. The remaining Shivan fighters, like scavengers closing in on a wounded prey, vectored after the injured Ormus. “I got them, buddy,” Dax said. A moment later, dozens of purple beams stormed past Marklos, smashing aside the Shivan fighters, blowing them up into balls of fire.

     “We’re clear,” Thomas said to his stick over their private channel. “Pull out, now.” On the general frequency, he said, “GTVA vessels, you should have a clear run to your destroyer. We were glad to be of assistance.” The four Combat Frames raced back to the Dagger.


     The Lilith’s beam glowed crimson, and lashed out at the Dagger. The destroyer shook under the impact, as her shields flared a bright silver as they strained to resist the devastating energy raining on them. “Target Mark One! Forward batteries, fire!”David ordered as he held onto his command couch. As one, the linear cannons fired, twin sapphire beams and twin emerald beams lanced towards the Lilith, finding their mark on her right branch, severing it in half. “Forward shields at 44% and holding,” reported Ensign Vaulk. “Hard to port! Bring our broadswords to bear! Strengthen starboard shields!” David barked. The Dagger turned slowly, even as the Lilith’s beam cannon began glowing again, then stabbed towards the Dagger’s starboard side. Under the wrath of the Lilith’s punishing beam, the strengthened shields shivered, but held. “Broadswords locked on target!”Ping reported. “Fire!” Hundreds of one ton masses filled the space between the two ships, smashing into the Lilith with incredible speed. The Lilith’s port armour, amazingly, seemed untouched, even as several of her turrets were rendered into junk by the volley. David blinked, having never seen a ship unfazed by the broadswords’ volley. “Blink above it,” David commanded. The Dagger slipped into W-Space, narrowly avoiding another blast from the Lilith’s beam cannon. Coming out directly above the Lilith, David ordered, “Helm, match Mark One. Activate the kaelas.” The bridge crew flinched and looked up at him, shocked. David looked round at them and said, “Do it.” Ping hesitated, then nodded. “Activate the kaelas.”

     Beneath the Dagger, a small port opened, and a spike extended out of it. Black energy pulsed along the length of the spike, gathering at its tip in a glowing ebony ball, that pulsed and seemed alive, straining to attack the Lilith. “Kaelas ... Kaelas, ready, sir,” Ping said. On his console, a tab opened, and a button rose up to the surface. David hesitated, then stabbed the button.

     The black pulsating orb stabbed hungrily into the Lilith as it tried in vain to escape from under the Dagger’s massive shadow. The devastating beam of energy lasted only an instant, blasting right through the Lilith’s hull, leaving a perfectly round hole. Then, the edges of the hole starting flaking, black specks floating away from the hole, as the ship and its occupants were disintegrated, turned into mere dust. The invisible radiation spread by the kaelas hungrily ate away at the bonds between atoms, turning the ship and its occupants into atoms. The red glow of the Lilith dimmed, then faded away. Soon, the Lilith itself was no more.

     “May God have mercy on their soul,” David whispered. Several of the crew members crossed themselves. “Captain. Thomas and his stick on return vector. Marklos is missing an arm, and they're low on power. “ David nodded. “Guide them in. I’ll be in my cabin.”

Kaelas - A weapon composed solely of anti-matter and thavir energy. The actual workings of the beam are locked away in the Toa's vault, accessible only by the Toa itself. This is of little consequence, as the beam device is very hardy, said to be able to withstand a direct hit from a linear projectile cannon. The device is constructed of berilyte, the only known material capable of containing thavir energy. The dangerous cocktail of energies is highly unstable, as it lacks the asavir energy that most thavir-powered devices have. This also makes it very powerful. However, a dangerous side effect of the kaelas beam is its invisible radiation. The radiation eats away the energy that bonds atoms together in a very painful process, causing the disintegration of everything in its path. The radiation is easily deflected by any active shield matrix. The existance of the kaelas beam in the Tyrean arsenal has always been the source of much controversy. The weapon is by nature a cruel one, forcing immense pain upon its victims, and seems very out of place in a society that disdains needless loss of life. The weapon seems to have originated during the Raexon period, where the insane Toa Raexon revelled in pain and destruction. A weapon inflicting immense pain, and capable of eating away an entire planet would certainly have seemed interesting to Raexon.

Kay. Edited part. The next part might take a while longer to come up, because I'll be busy in the coming weeks. Oh yes. And I've decided to call it the Tyrean Chapter. If a mod would be so kind as to change the topic name, please?
« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 12:49:02 pm by Stormkeeper »
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline colecampbell666

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Re: Re: Dunno what to call it atm
I think "boogies" should be "bogies"

This is an awesome story, well written and interesting.
Gettin' back to dodgin' lasers.


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: Dunno what to call it atm
For that matter, as confirmed hostiles, it should be "bandit"
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: Dunno what to call it atm
        On the view screens, battle footage of the Shivan attack on the Leveros played. The figures viewed the footage, especially that of the Tyrean Combat Frames, with mixed reactions. “These were the ones responsible for the initial attack on the Leveros? Disabling a cruiser and twelve fighters just like that?” said one figure, indicating the Combat Frames.

          “Let us not forget they assisted the Leveros, protecting her from the Shivan assaults,” another shadowy figure said. He or she tapped the screen, and added, ”Without them, the Leveros would almost certainly have been lost.”

        “A fact they would have been responsible for,” the first figure said, a hint of irritation in her voice.

        “Be that as it may, we have a Shivan invasion to deal with here. Seeing as how they destroyed the Shivans, I think we can count on them for support against the Shivans,” a third figure replied.

        “I doubt the Shivans will be a threat this time. We have the new Colossus, as well as our newer and more powerful ships. The Shivans barely stopped us the last time. They won’t be able to stop us now,” the first replied proudly.

        “We thought that during the Second Incursion too. Yet they broke the Colossus like a toy, smashed aside our most powerful ships like chaff in the wind. We barely stopped the Shivans both times we encountered them,” the second figure said.

        “If you’re afraid, I understand. The reason we failed to stop the first and second incursions, was because the first time we encountered the Shivans, it was during the 14-Year War. We were exhausted and over-extended. The second time was just after the NTF Rebellion. We were also exhausted. Now they face a fresh army, with no major losses in the past few years. They will fall,” the first voice said confidently.
“Afraid? You never laid eyes on the Lucifer. You never saw the destruction it caused, the power it wielded at its time. You also never saw the Sathanas, never seen it tear through an Orion like a fly,” the second figure replied, starting to rise from his chair in anger, but an arm from the person next to him stopped him.

        The figure looked at him, then when the second person had settled down, he said softly, “We will establish preliminary contact with these ... Tyreans, and attempt to ascertain their motives. Then, should they be friendly, we will establish a temporary alliance. If they are not ...” he shrugged, then asked, “Who do we have in the area?”

        “The GTD Reverend. She was dispatched to deal with a pirate base,  which we now believe the Tyreans eliminated and took possession of,” spoke the third voice.

        “Gods... That Russian drunkard?”

        “Yes. The reason we sent him out there was to get him out of our hair.”

        “What about the Aquataine?”

        “In dry-dock, undergoing extensive overhaul and maintenance. Petrach is on shore leave on Vega 2. We have no other destroyers in the vicinity.”

        “Then we have no choice. Contact Admiral Chekoff...”


        A shrill ring awoke David from his sleep. He opened his eyes groggily, then reached out and hit the ‘Answer’ button. “Sir, we are receiving a message on an open frequency. Its unencypted, and being repeated on several other frequencies,” Ensign Taylor said through the comm unit.
“I’m on my way,” David replied. Pushing aside the sheets, he rose and went to the small cubicle attached to his cabin. While most captain’s cabins were spacious and luxurious, David would have none of that, and instead made sure all the cabins on the Broadsword... or the Dagger as she was now know ... were of equal size, including his own. He washed his face, then stared at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes were, as always, immediately drawn to the tattoo on his chest. Intricately made, the tattoo’s colors shifted smoothly between silver and black. The tattoo was one worn by Immortals, no matter the body. The tattoo was also always felt ice-cold, even in the scorching desert. Tearing his eyes off the tattoo, he exited the cubicle to get dressed.

        Minutes later, he strode on to the command deck of the Dagger, he called out, ”Play the message, Taylor.” The Ensign’s head jerked up, having not noticed his arrival, stammered out a reply, then hit a series of buttons on his panel. “Tyrean Royal Navy, this is the GTD Reverend, of the GTVA 6th Fleet. We would like to initiate contact with you, under an aegis of peace. I repeat. Tyrean Royal Navy, this is the GTD Reverend ...”

       “The message loops endlessly sir,” Taylor said. “The message also has co-ordinate data within the transmission. The co-ordinates correspond to a section of space some distance from Enif Station.”

       David nodded, then said, “Well done, Taylor. Anticipating my question like that. But don’t do that in a combat situation.”
The ensign blushed furiously, then nodded.

      David smiled inwardly, remembering a time when he was a greenhorn. He knew that all greenhorns tended to hero-worship their captains, and it looked like Taylor was no different. “Have Lieutenant Ping report to me in the briefing room.” Taylor nodded again, then turned to his console. As David left the bridge, he heard Taylor’s voice over the PA system, “Lieutenant Ping. Please report to the briefing room immediately. I repeat, Lieutenant Ping, please report to the briefing room immediately.”

     When David entered the briefing room five minutes later, he saw Valerie already inside. Soon, Ping arrived as well. Without wasting time, David got right to it. “The GTVA has asked for a meeting with us. Or as they call it, initiating contact. I presume they want an alliance, or a temporary one at least, given their history with these Shivans. Thoughts?”

      There was silence as both the lieutenant and the ensign thought about it. But before either of them could answer, a young voice spoke up. “I would prefer an alliance, even a temporary one. The main objective of our mission was an intelligence gathering one, and an alliance with the predominant power would allow us to complete that objective. Combat with the Shivans would further allow us to assess the threat the Shivans would be to our home systems.” Both Ping and Valerie jerked out of their seats in surprise, and turned to see Alek leaning against the wall.
“Ping, Valerie, meet Paladin Alek, pilot of the experimental Combat Frame, Primoris Progantus. He’s assigned to our mission to serve as back up where necessary,” David introduced.

       “Lieutenant Ping. Ensign Valerie,” Alek said, inclining his head in greeting.

        “Paladin ... That means you’re an Immortal?” Valerie asked.

        “That’s right. I’m 78 mentally actually,” Alek replied, “but 18 physically.”

        “Why would the Toa assign an Immortal to a simple scouting mission?” Ping asked, a tinge of suspicion in his voice.

          “Because you are entering a hitherto unknown region of space. Communications might be sporadic here, and he sent me to act as his voice and will, so that when you return, any detractors would be rendered void because I would be able to say I was present and consulted with each and every major decision made. If my presence here had been made public, then the people would assume I am the one in charge. But make no mistake; David is the one in charge here. His decisions are final, and I am only present in case of situations like these,” Alek replied calmly. “And in this decision, I believe we should go for the alliance. But we should be on our guard nonetheless.”

        Ping looked like he had more questions, but kept quiet instead. “Then it’s settled. We attend this meeting of theirs. But we go prepared. Here’s the plan ... “


        “Do you think they’ll come, Admiral?” the tactical officer asked.

        “Who knows? At the very least I want to thank them,” Chekoff answered. For bringing me back to life, he thought to himself, recalling the moment when the message from the Security Council had come, from his mentor no less...

26 July 2372, Epsilon Pegasi
GTD Reverend, Captain’s Quarters

        The shrill ringing of the communications console awakened Chekoff from his vodka induced slumber. Grumbling, he rose, ignoring his dishevelled appearance, and viciously stabbed the accept button. “Chekoff,” said a rough, deep voice. Chekoff’s hangover vanished instantly, as he saw the face of his long time friend and mentor, Vladimr Kerensky.

        “Vladimr. To what do I owe this honor?” he asked unevenly.

        “Your drunkenness for one. Chekoff, it’s been more than a month. You need to move on.”

        “It ... it is hard, Vladimr.”

        “And so you run, numbing yourself with gallons of vodka. Where is that boy I taught, who told me he was going to save the GTVA from the Shivans?”

   Chekoff didn’t answer, staring away into the distance.

   “Think. Would she want you to be like this? Blaming yourself for something you had no power over, where there was nothing you could have done to save her ?”

   “I think ... She would not begrudge me taking time to—“

   “She would begrudge you, if she knew you were forsaking your duty to the GTVA to do so! She was one who always placed duty first, you know this!”

   Chekoff did, but remained silent. Ah, Dodonna. If only you were here. You would be able to tell me what to do...

   “Do your duty Chekoff.  Honour her memory be doing your duty, by protecting the GTVA!”

   “I have no duty. The Tyreans destroyed the pirate base. I have no duty,” Chekoff replied sullenly.

   “You do. You know the Shivans have returned. The Leveros encountered a force of Shivan strike craft. Stand against them. Save the GTVA. Like you always wanted.”

   “Like I ... always wanted ...” Chekoff said softly. Suddenly, it seemed like a gear clicked into place. He would protect the GTVA, its planets, its people. Just like you would have... he thought to himself. “What reinforcements do I have?” he said, voice stronger.

   Vladimr smiled, then assumed a business like expression. “The Council wishes you to establish an alliance with these Tyreans. Once you have done that, arrange a line of defence with them. The Phoenix, Memphis and New Hope as well as their attendant ships are en-route, but will reach in approximately a week at the earliest. As more assets free up, they will be sent your way, but you will retain overall operational command. I am uploading defensive assessments as we speak. The Council is watching this very closely, particularly because of the Tyreans. Good luck Admiral. And welcome back, Chekoff.” The display clicked off.

   Chekoff opened the data, set it to print, ordered the galley to bring up a cup of black coffee, then went to wash up.


   “Sir?” the tactical officer asked.

   “Huh?” Chekoff said, startled out of his reverie. “What did you say, Karl?”

   “I asked what is it you wished to thank the Tyreans for,” Karl replied.

   “For saving the Leveros, and bringing it and her crew home safely, not to mention all twelve fighters,” Chekoff answered. The tactical officer nodded, then returned his gaze to the viewport. The viewport showed nothing but the black expense of space, dotted with stars.
        Suddenly, there was a flash of blue light, and a massive ship materialised from within the flash. As it did so, there were two more flashes of light, and another vessel dropped out of subspace, flanking the larger ship. “The Tyrean vessel is transmitting ID now... updating database,” the sensor tech said. The image flickered, then an ID tag appeared, tagging the large ship as a Broadsword destroyer, and its companion as a Firestorm frigate. “No power surges, sir. Both their weapons seem to be powered down,” the sensor tech added.

   Chekoff nodded. “Open a link.” The sensor tech’s fingers scrambled across the console, and soon nodded to Chekoff. “This is Admiral Chekoff, of the GTD Reverend, 6th Fleet. To whom am I speaking to?”

   There was a moment of static, then then a male, human face appeared on screen. “Greetings Admiral Chekoff. I am Captain David Septim, commander of the TRN Dagger and commander of the scout fleet presently in your system.” A round of commotion erupted from the bridge crew as the human face appeared.

   “You ... you are human?” Chekoff asked, amazed.

   “Yes, we are. It is a long story, which we will be happy to relate later,” David answered.

   “Yes, indeed. First, I wish to thank you for rescuing the Leveros and her escorts from the Shivan fighters.”

   “We felt obligated. We were responsible for her initial state of disablement in the first place,” David admitted.

   “We surmised as much. The GTVA has commissioned me to seal a treaty with you, a temporary alliance till we rid the Shivan threat, and ensure that our systems are no longer in threat of annihilation.”

   “I felt you would. We will assist you, because we feel ... obligated. To help our fellow humans. But I must warn you. Our assistance will be limited. We have attempted to communicate with our home base, but to no avail. We have launched a probe home, through the W-Space node we came by, but we are not sure if they have received a response.”

   Chekoff frowned. “Then how did you come here?”

   “Through a portal of some sort. It is a large, constantly rotating structure at the edge of one of our home systems, more massive than anything we have seen. Carbon dating indicates it is at least a thousand years old. I believe your GTVA named them ‘Knossos’ portals.”

   “A Knossos...” Chekoff whispered. “You know then, that we also found two, during the Second Shivan Incursion, which lead to Shivan territory. And through those portals came the Shivan Juggernaughts.”

   “Yes, we do. We have informed out home system of this, and, should the probe get through, requested for reinforcements.”

   “Hopefully, we will have no Juggernaughts now. Regardless, any assistance you are able to render will be greatly appreciated, if not by the Council, then at least by me and my fleet.”

   “Thank you, Admiral. Then, for the duration of the Third Shivan Incursion, I place myself and my fleet under your command. And, since we are allies ...”

   “Incoming subspace signature! Unknown configuration!” the sensor tech yelled. Above the Dagger, the Perolynn and the Lewolynn arrived in flashes of sapphire.

   “This is my full fleet; these four ships. I held those two back should your intentions been less then friendly. A precaution. You understand,” David said, smiling.

   Chekoff laughed. “Yes. I do. I would have done the same thing.”

   “I think, Admiral Chekoff, you and I are going to—“

   Without warning, three flashes of blue light rippled through space, and three more ships dropped out above and behind the Dagger, in perfect formation. “Captain David. This is Fang Admiral Avril Lemnos. I’m here to assist your mission,” came a transmission on the open frequency.

   Chekoff looked at the viewport, at David’s stunned face. “I gather then, this was not anticipated?”

   David shook his head. “No, it was not.” He turned to one side and gestured off screen, and spoke to someone indistinctly.

   “Fang Admiral Lemnos. I accept your offer of assistance. Welcome aboard, Fang Admiral,” David’s reply came over the open frequency. Then David turned back to Chekoff. “Well, Admiral. I guess this means we have extra hands on board. Then let’s get to it.”

No Terms

I most likely re-work the "back from drunkeness" section. I'm a bit tired to go back and re-work it now.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 01:32:28 pm by Stormkeeper »
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline colecampbell666

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Re: Re: Dunno what to call it atm
This is very well done, an amazing story.
Gettin' back to dodgin' lasers.


Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: Dunno what to call it atm
1 August 2372, Epsilon Pegasi
   Supply Convoy on the outskirts of Epsilon Pegasi

   “On your six, on your six!” screamed a voice over his comm. Jack twisted his stick hard right, throwing his Perseus fighter into a steep bank. As the fighter dived to the right, laser blasts streaked past him, followed shortly by a Mara. Lining up behind the Shivan, Jack cut loose with his primaries, the bolts from the linked Subach HL-7s and twin Prometheus cannons ripping through its shield and hull easily. Finding himself momentarily free of hostiles, he glanced at his secondary monitors. Of the eight fighters assigned to guard the supply convoy, three of them were gone, destroyed when the Shivans popped out of subspace. The remaining 5, including his own, were all damaged, and their pilots were getting tired. Yet the Shivans showed no signs of stopping, and the convoy was still a good 8 klicks from their jump point.
       “Sir, fighter on your tail!” The call snapped him out of his reverie again, and he opened his throttle to full, even as he slapped his comm signal again. “Command, where’s that support! We’re getting torn up here!” he yelled into his mic even as he jinked to avoid Shivan fighter. “Stay calm pilot. Help is on its way, and should be reaching momentarily,” came the annoyingly calm reply. “That’s what you said two minutes ago! We need support now or this convoy isn’t getting out of here alive!” Jack said angrily. “We have already dispatched reinforcements, they will arrive momentarily. Until then, protect those freighters.” Before Jack could protest, the signal was cut off. He slammed his fist down on his couch furiously. “More hostiles incoming, boss. When’s backup arriving?” asked Delta 2. The pilot was fresh out of flight school, but had acquitted himself exceptionally well so far. “It’s arriving soon, kid. Hang tight.” Jack replied. Even as he did, he watching with a sense of despair as numerous Shivan contacts filled his sensor readout.

   Without warning, a bright blue flash of light erupted behind him, and a ship materialised from within. Blocky yet sleek at the same time, the ship was painted snow white with gold highlights. A stylised spectre symbol adorned its hull. As it materialised, it began firing, spewing bolts of energy out at the Shivan fighters. Missiles billowed off its semicircle front hull, as beams made Shivan fighters the apex of deadly light shows. “GTVA pilots, this is the TRN Arrestor. Stand clear of our firing lines, pilots. Allied Command, the Arrestor is now on station and providing fire support.”

      “Affirmative, Arrestor,”Command replied.  “Pilots, secure the area and return to base. The Arrestor will take over the escort from here.” “Affirmative, Command,” Jack replied. Patching through to his two wings, he said, “You heard Command. Let’s clean up and get out!” Affirmations echoed through his comm system as Jack angled his Perseus fighter back into the fight.


      “Admiral, the Arrestor reports the convoy is in subspace.”

      Chekoff grunted, and added another marking to the map. The map was of the Epsilon Pegasi system. Several markers dotted it, form a rough semi-circular shape. “So. The markers ... mark ... the location of Shivan attacks reported thus far.”  Chekoff said.

      David tapped the area encircled by the markers. “What’s over here?”

      Chekoff looked at his tactical officer, who consulted his notes. “The last survey was during 2335. There was scheduled to be another a year ago, but nothing came of it because of the NTF Rebellion and subsequently the Second Shivan Incursion.”

      “Hnnh. So what did the survey get?” Chekoff asked.

      “Nothing conclusive. The survey team reported preliminary readings, but they were pulled out because the Shivans showed up. Here’s the report,” the officer handed over a sheet of paper to Chekoff, and one to David. David glanced through the report, then handed it to Ping. The report indicated that the team had detected faint energy signatures on the edge of the system, but nothing conclusive to warrant further investigation yet. It also stated they were going to move their ships closer, but the report cut off.

      “So the only data we have is over 30-years old. Fantastic,” Chekoff said, irritation in his voice.

      “Well, it’s obvious the Shivans have a carrier vessel of some sort, judging from the numbers they’re chucking at us. And fighters always need a home base. I guess we just have to go and check it out,” David said.

      “That’s our only course of action at this point. But splitting up the fleet irks me to no end. If only the flaming Hammer of Light fanatics would just die out...” Chekoff cursed in Russian, then shook his head. A few days ago, various Vasudan ships deserted their positions simultaneously, each one broadcasting the return of the Hammer of Light. The Vasudan cult group had proven most troublesome during the First Shivan Incursion, and then hunted down and thought exterminated during Operation Templar. Apparently this was not the case. The sudden revolt had forced Command to divert ships meant to reinforce the Reverend’s fleet to other systems to deal with HoL raids. Currently, Chekoff’s fleet consisted of his original taskforce, two Mentu class cruisers, the Zenenet and the Serekh, a Sobek class corvette, the Khalim, and another Deimos corvette, the Relentless.

      “We don’t really have a choice here,” David said. Chekoff glanced at him, then nodded. “Once the Arrestor returns, we will depart for that sector. I will leave behind the Warspite to guard Enif Station.” David nodded his agreement, then added, “I’ll order the Bulwark and the Avaric to stay behind too. I’d leave more, but I don’t really have many ships to spare as it is.” Chekoff nodded solemnly. “We both do not have many ships. But we will make do. It is not Life’s way to make things easy for us.”
   David remained silent for a while, then said, “No. It sure isn’t.”


      David twirled the practice sword experimentally, testing its weight and balance, then took up a ready stance, sword held back against his arm, blade away from his flesh. Across him, Fang Admiral Leveros took a different stance, one sword held out, another held high above his head. The two were the only ones in the gym, David having cleared out the few personnel using it. With the jump commencing in an hour’s time, most crew members were at posts running last minute checks on the systems.

      “Any time you’re ready – kid,” David taunted. Leveros smiled grimly, and the two began circling each other. “You’re going down this time, old timer,” he replied. “You couldn’t beat me then, you won’t be me now kiddo,” David said. Leveros chuckled, then launched himself at David.
David twirled aside, dodging his charge, and sweeping his free hand up to block and push aside Leveros’ off hand strike. “So, when did the Toa dispatch you?” he asked, as he brought his sword up in a sweeping arc.

      “About two days after you left. He felt you might need the extra firepower, and I see he wasn’t far off,” Leveros replied, blocking David’s sword, then slashing low.

      “Sometimes I think he’s psychic or something,” David said, throwing himself back to avoid the strike and lashing out with his foot at the same time. “He always knows when trouble’s about to pop up.”

      Leveros rolled forward to avoid his kick, and swung round in a double strike aimed at David’s chest. “I think he’s just seen too much for someone his age. Which reminds me. He also said that if he didn’t hear from me in a week, he’d send backup.”

       “What kind of back up?” he asked, slapping aside the blades easily with his own weapon, and following through with a counterstrike aimed for Leveros’ chest.

      “I asked him, and he said he’d send the Wraith Born and its attendant fleet,” he replied conversationally, bringing up one blade to turn aside the strike, and stabbed another at David’s neck.

      David started, shocked, and failed to block the strike, the blade stopping an inch from his neck. “The Wraith Born? He said he’d send the Wraith Born if you failed to contact him?” he said.

      Leveros nodded solemnly. “He wasn’t joking around, I could see that. He was serious about sending the Wraith Born as backup.” He pulled the sword back, and sheathed both of them. “S’ why the moment I re-entered real space, I sent him a message bouy back through the warp tunnel, indicating my arrival.” He grabbed a towel from a nearby rack, and tossed one to David.

      David grabbed the towel and wiped the sweat from their short workout from his brow. “I sent a drone through with data and a request for reinforcements. I hope he won’t send them. The GTVA might see it as a threat if we gather too many forces in system.”

      Leveros drank deeply from a sports bottle, and passed it to David, who took it and nodded his thanks. “I doubt he’ll send reinforcements. I think he realises the same thing. The Toa might still be a kid, but he’s a bright one. Sharp as a razor too. And if it comes to it, I’m sure Lady Kathleen will know enough to recommend not dispatching reinforcements, or at least, not significant ones. He told me to send his greetings too.”

      David paused momentarily, then shrugged. “Lady Kathleen and the Toa make a good pair,” he commented, then took a long pull from the bottle.

      Leveros said, “You know, the seat at the Council room is still empty. You know the seat I’m talking about.” He watched David closely. “Your seat.”

      David simply replied, “Not my seat anymore.”

      “Why? You were the most respected member of the Council, and then suddenly you pull strings to have the Broadsword refitted and renamed, and pretty much drop out of sight of the world,” Leveros said.

      David shrugged again. “You’re not an Immortal, Lev. You wouldn’t understand.” With that, he walked out of the gym, leaving Leveros alone in the empty room.

Wraith Born - The Seventh of The Fifteen, the Wraith Born seems to be designed for close range combat, with multiple medium to short range weaponry, and suprisingly nimble despite its size. It also mounts plasma blades, which were copied and added to the Blade's design. The Wraith Born, like its brothers and sisters, has a Freia beam built into its nose.

Worldslayer-class superdreadnaught - Fifteen extremely powerful ships, they are the source of Tyrean technology. Most Tyrean technology, from teleporters to Combat Frames, are the result of research on, around and involving these ships. The Fifteen were found scattered in asteroids fields near each of the fifteen Core Worlds of the Tyrean Republic. The ships are partly biological, and as such, are sentient. Not one of them are same; their only unifying aspect is their unbelievable speed and agility as well as a devastatingly powerful Freia beam, capable of easily spearing right through a planet's core, hence their designation as Worldslayers. The Fifteen serve as flagships for each of the Tyrean's twelve fleets, with the exception of three: the Nerubian, the Reticent Core and the Lesale, who each serve as the Toa's flagship, Lady Kathleen's flagship, and the 2nd Ghost Fleet flagship respectively.

Next installment. Took a bit longer on this one.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 12:00:53 am by Stormkeeper »
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline colecampbell666

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Re: Re: Dunno what to call it atm
Gettin' back to dodgin' lasers.


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(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

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Re: Dunno what to call it atm
My only critique at the moment is that it's considered poor form to provide any infodumps outside of the narrative. Try to include clues to your 'terms and definitions' inside the story while dumping the out-of-narrative definitions themselves.

This is a really important technique for SF writers to master, since it circumvents what's considered the biggest problem of the field: awkward exposition.


Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: Re: Dunno what to call it atm
My only critique at the moment is that it's considered poor form to provide any infodumps outside of the narrative. Try to include clues to your 'terms and definitions' inside the story while dumping the out-of-narrative definitions themselves.

This is a really important technique for SF writers to master, since it circumvents what's considered the biggest problem of the field: awkward exposition.
Hmmm. I'll keep that in mind.
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Offline General Battuta

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Re: Dunno what to call it atm
By the way, I got my start writing crossover fanfiction in forums. I'm now a well-awarded amateur SF writer with a good shot at publication in the next ten years. (please forgive my self-aggrandizing biographical statements.) So this really is great stuff you're doing here -- same way I got off the ground!

If you ever want a market for some military SF, check out Baen's Universe. They take many online applications, and they reserve a spot for a new author every issue.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 12:43:07 pm by General Battuta »


Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: Re: Dunno what to call it atm
Thanks for the tip Battuta. I'll take a look see.

Dang. It looks like the introduction thing is full up till next year. I suppose I could always go through the Bar Universe Slush.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 12:21:06 pm by Stormkeeper »
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Re: Dunno what to call it atm
     Blue light flashed in the void of space, five ships materialising from within the flashes. Nearby, sapphire portals opened, and the Reverend and its fleet emerged from subspace. The twelve GTVA and eight Tyrean fighters that had been sent ahead to clear the area quickly assumed escort positions around the combined fleet.

     Standing on the bridge of the Dagger,  David surveyed the space before him. A dense asteroid field lay before him, and he could see no end to the field. Chekoff’s face appeared on his console. “It seems that our ships can go no further.” David scratched his chin, then nodded. “Does seem that way. I think the Arrestor might be able to slip in though. If the fighters help to keep the asteroids off her back. The Leveros might be able to enter too.”

     Chekoff looked down for a moment, consulting his own console. “Perhaps. I shall issue the appropriate orders. I believe the two ships should be able to clear a path large enough for our smaller ships to follow through.”

     David nodded again. “I’ll have the Arrestor take point; its shields will be able to protect it from the asteroids.” Chekoff nodded his agreement, then cut the link. David stood up, and called to Taylor. “Patch me through to Captain James.” The ensign nodded, and played his fingers across the console. Soon, the face of James Dekker, commanding officer of the Arrestor, appeared on his console.
     “Yes, Admiral?” he asked. David winced. James had served with David during the Enskeleon Conflict, and always called him by David’s then rank, which had been Fang Admiral.
     “James, you do remember I’m not an admiral anymore?” David asked.

     “Yes, Admiral,” he replied calmly.

     David sighed, then shrugged. “I need you to take point and penetrate that asteroid field. The Nightblades will provide fighter cover, and I’ll have the Furies on ready-5. The GTC Leveros will be behind you. She’ll have her own fighter screen.”

     James nodded. “As you wish, Admiral.”

     David cut the link, then called for Taylor to contact the Black Wing, then stabbed a button to activate the ship’s PA system and alert Thomas’ stick to go to ready-5 posts.


    “This stinks. This whole, rebellion/religious cult revival thing. It stinks,” Valerie said, slapping the report down on the table. Marklos looked up at her quizzically. She tapped the report and said, “This supposed rebellion. Its supposedly the revival of a religious sect, called the Hammer of Light, or HoL. The Hammer worships Shivans as some kind of super race, deities of some sort. The GTVA hammered the HoL pretty hard during Operation Templar, even succeeded in destroying their flagship, the Anvil.”

     Marklos shrugged. “Most religious cults never really die out. They just go into deep, deep hiding.”

     Valerie nodded. “Most do. But the HoL didn’t have a home planet of any sort, only an installation, the Nagada Outpost. They operated mostly out of the Anvil and any other ships they had in their little rag tag fleet. And the GTVA was really serious about hunting them down.”

     Marklos straightened up in his seat slowly. “And you think this HoL isn’t the real deal.”

     She shook her head. “Perhaps, but I doubt it. The GTVA was too thorough in hunting them down. Even if they were really HoL, how could they have known about the Shivan attacks? The attacks thus far have been hitting exclusively military targets, to the point that the GTVA has been able to keep the wraps on this Third Shivan Incursion. How would ships in three different systems find out about the attacks, and all desert at the same time?”

     Marklos rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I see you’re point. Do we have a list of the ships that deserted?” Valerie nodded and handed over a piece of paper. He nodded his thanks and scanned the list. “Three cruisers, a corvette, two destroyers and a carrier. Quite the little fleet they’ve gathered. Where’s that crew list we got from the GTVA mainframe?” She produced a stack of paper. “Hnnh. Interesting.”
     “I thought you might notice. They all served during Operation Templar in one way or another.” Marklos thumbed through the sheaf, scanning each one quickly. He paused at one, staring at in. Then he pulled the sheet our and read it in detail. “What is it?” Valerie asked.

     He laid the paper down and pointed. The paper was a personnel information log for one Rear Admiral Khenti. The log indicated that Khenti had been on the front line of Operation Templar, supporting the fighters in his cruiser. “Khenti was promoted to captain of a Sobek corvette, for service during the operation, then again to rear admiral for ‘valour above and beyond the call of duty’ during the Second Shivan Incursion. Now he’s apparently on shore leave awaiting command of his next ship. His previous ship, a Typhon destroyer was apparently destroyed during the Incursion. His next command is the new Vasudan carrier under construction in the Altairian Yards. The Nebibi-class carrier, named Khalfani.” He looked up at Valerie. “The Altairian Yards also defected to the HoL during the rebellion years ago. Coincidence that the newest Vasudan ship is being built there, and almost immediately after it’s finished, the new captain rebels and takes the ship with him?”

      Valerie skimmed the log, then said, “We need to warn the captain. I doubt that Chekoff is in on this, but we still need to warn David.”
Marklos shook his head. “We need to warn Enif Station first. Enif is the only place with a transmitter that will be powerful enough to reach David and Chekoff. If they do plan to attack us, I suspect they’ll hit Enif Station first.” He got up and headed for the door, but alarms suddenly blared out.

     “Sir,” a voice said from Marklos’ comlink. “What is it, Captain?” he asked. “Multiple incoming hostile contacts on attack vectors. Warbook identifies them as assorted Vasudan fighters and bombers. We also have a positive ID beyond the attack group, a Nebibi-class carrier and two Mentu II-class cruisers. They tripped out outer most prox sensors, so we have about 20 minutes till they reach.” Marklos and Valerie exchanged glances, and she began gathering up the reports. “Evacuate the base. Set its defenses to automatic, and get everyone to the Huron.“ “Yes, sir,” the captain replied.


Next part should be up shortly. It's somewhat finished, but I'll hold it back for now. Besides, I see dinner. Mmmmm pasta.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2008, 07:18:09 pm by Stormkeeper »
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Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline colecampbell666

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Re: Re: Dunno what to call it atm
This is a great story, and the Typhoon class sounds vicious.
Gettin' back to dodgin' lasers.


Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: Re: Dunno what to call it atm
Sorry cole, t'was a typo. Meant Typhon, not Typhoon. My bad.
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

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Offline colecampbell666

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Re: Re: Dunno what to call it atm
Nah, I'm just joking. That was sarcasm.
Gettin' back to dodgin' lasers.


Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: Re: Dunno what to call it atm
We really, really, really need sarcasm tags.
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!