Author Topic: The Tyrean Chapter  (Read 19361 times)

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Offline Colonol Dekker

  • HLP is my mistress
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Aggg, don't let it die..............

Fix a series of events in your head and fill the gaps.... PLEEEEEEEEESE!
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Stormkeeper

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Oh no worries. I have it planned out. I'm just deciding on an ending.
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline Colonol Dekker

  • HLP is my mistress
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  • Aken Tigh Dekker- you've probably heard me
    • My old squad sub-domain
I'd like us to win.... call me old fashioned :lol:

Mines a bit "meh" at the minute. No time for it, amongst other things :doubt:

Works fine but intensive.

Bacl on track, i hope mister immortal palading dude didn't end up as space dust...
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Stormkeeper

  • Interviewer Extraordinaire
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  • Boomz!
        “Down!” a voice screamed. David reacted on instinct, throwing himself down to the floor of the corridor. Green blasts seared overhead, smashing aside the Shivan that had been preparing to leap at him. The Shivan screeched, and a white glow began to build. David slashed out with the sword, severing the forward legs of the Shivan, then stabbing it through the head.

        “You alright, sir?” asked the lieutenant. David nodded. “Thanks,” he said, accepting the lieutenant’s hand and pulling himself back up. “How far are we from the reactor?” he asked.

        “Its several halls down, if the data from the assimilation is correct. But the area around the reactor is unmapped, so once we get near, we’re on our own,” the lieutenant replied.

        David nodded again. “Let’s keep moving, then.” 

        The twelve men with him were strung out in a rough line, with him on point. The others were back with the transports, keeping their only way out safe. Including this one, he and his men had only encountered about ten Shivans throughout their roughly half an hour on board the Belial. As they moved closer to the reactor, which was the fourth of the five reactors on the Belial, David noticed that the air temperature had risen steadily, and the surfaces around him were changing in texture, from smooth metallic, to a rough, reddish material, that was warm to touch and David though he sensed a mild pulse under his gloved hand.

        “How far now,” he asked.

        The lieutenant pointed down the hallway, where a door stood. The door was of the same material as the surfaces around it, but a single marking stood out against the door, in bright shimmering silver. David walked up to the door, running his hand over the surface. The door didn’t feel any different, and was large enough to allow entry to a tank. Then, his hand brushed the silver marking, and a sharp, sudden lance of sheer cold shot through his chest, causing David to stumble, clutching at his chest.

   “S... Sir? Are ... are you alright, sir?” the lieutenant asked.

   “Yes... yes, I’m alright. Give me a moment and I’ll open the door,” David pulled himself to his feet, and laid both his hands against the door, careful not to touch the marking. Using his mind, he touched the neural control of his suit, and commanded it to release thavir energy throughout the door. As the gently black glow began to spread, the door began to turn to dust. David noted with interest how the thavir energy avoided the silver marking. Only one thing caused thavir energy to react like that. “Asavir energy ...” he whispered.

   The assault team, spread out in a defensive formation, jerked their heads and turned to look at him. “That marking has asavir energy in it. That’s why the thavir isn’t eating it up,” David explained.

   “But, I thought only we had those things!” the lieutenant said.

   “Not true. We learnt their secrets from our worst enemies ever ... the only enemy and race we annihilated, wiping them from the face of the galaxy,” David said grimly.

   “Enskeleons ...” someone whispered.

   David nodded, then turned back to the door. The thavir had eaten a roughly man-sized hole in the door. “There. Let’s go. I’m on point.”

   One by one, the assault team filtered into the reactor room ... though chamber would be more appropriate. The chamber was massive, large and octagonal, and filled with massive pillars that lined the walls of the room. Each pillar had large pods arrayed upon them neatly, and wires led away from the pods into the pillars themselves. In the heart of the room, hang down from the ceiling was the reactor.  A sphere with a four metal spars suspended inside, continuously rotating a large, oval shaped object. Soft scarlet light emanated from the object, which pulsed ever so often, and the men felt the pulse, like the heart beat of some giant animal. Below the reactor was a seven feet tall metallic cylinder, with glass ports cut in the sides evenly.

   David felt his gaze being drawn inexplicably to the cylinder. He walked forward, the sound of his metal clad feet echoing loudly in the dead silence of the chamber, as the team began spreading out. As he came closer to the cylinder, he saw tiny markings on the cylinder, similar to the one on the door, also glowing with asavir energy. He reached out with his hands to touch the symbols, the cylinder. Just one touch. Just one ...

   “The hells!” someone cried out in surprise. David blinked, then drew his hand back. He gazed suspiciously at the cylinder, then turned to the source of the sound. One of the men had peered into the capsules, and was the source of the cry.

   “What is it?” David called as he strode over.

        “Shivans, sir!” he said, pointing at the capsule.

        David glanced at the man, then looked in. Sure enough, a Shivan was in the capsule. Its limbs were folded neatly around itself, and its eyes were closed. But something seemed wrong ... And then it hit him. The Shivan was much smaller than the ones they had encountered, with shorter limbs. It also lacked the ‘armour’ that they’d seen on the other Shivans, as well as the slit in its head that held its beam weapon. “It’s ... a baby.”

        “A baby?” the man said, surprise.

        “Or a youngster of some sort ... Though I don’t know any race that grows beam weaponry when they mature,” David said.

        “You mean ...” the man began.

        “Yep. They’re a bred race. And whoever created them ensured they’d be prefect killing machines. Presumably, they’re also the ones who implant the beam weaponry when they mature.”

        The men exchanged nervous glances. David shook his head, then said, “Alright, let’s do what we came here to do. Set up defensive positions, and let’s get readings off that reactor.” His words spurred the team into action, with two of them deploying sticky turrets around their perimeter, and three more setting up a field reader. Surveying the team, his gaze was again drawn to the cylinder ... and too late did he notice the lieutenant standing in front of it, hand reached out. “No, don’t!”, he yelled, sprinting at the lieutenant.

        The young lieutenant touched the surface of the cylinder, and a bright white flare filled the room, throwing the lieutenant backwards. Before their eyes, the cylinder seemed to fold up itself, compacting into a single metal circle suspended in mid air. In front of them, what resembled a skeleton stood.

        An elongated, head with triple deep sockets. A chest, that ended in long shoulders. Upper and lower arms that hung in mid air. Clawed hands with grooves along its knuckles. Thigh bones that seems grooved. Lower legs that had long spikes along their rear. And a pair for reptilian feet.
        Before their eyes, a trio of red orbs flared into life in the sockets. They all felt the malice and hatred in those expressionless eyes. Tendrils of scarlet energy snaked forth from the metallic ‘bones’, linking them together. The ‘skeleton’ rotated its head, stretching its arms and legs.
“Enskeleon,” David whispered.

        The Enskeleon turned, sweeping its gaze across the team, fixing its murderous eyes on David and with a thunderous psychic roar, leapt at him, clawed hands outstretched.

   David reacted instantly, sweeping up his sword to block the Enskeleon’s strike. Before he could retaliate, the Enskeleon snapped its leg up, and smashed David back against the wall, causing stars to erupt in his vision. Leaping backwards, it landed in front of the stunned lieutenant. Its knuckles shimmered, and long scarlet blades of pure energy extended out, and the Enskeleon almost casually flicked its hand at the lieutenant, decapitating him in a spray of crimson.

        Emerald blasts issued from the soldiers’ wrist blasters, and the sticky turrets fired, yellow bolts storming forth at the Enskeleon. But it was already in the air, leaping across the chamber at a soldier who panicked and tried to run. The Enskeleon’s forearm and hand shot forth, the tendril of scarlet energy stretching to an impossible length, and punched right though his head, staining the wall and pods red.

        Then it sprung backwards, dodging a second volley of emerald and yellow bolts, landing amidst a knot of three soldiers. With a single swipe, it gutted two of them, then turned to face the last one. The last soldier bravely activated his plasma blades and charged at the Enskeleon with a wordless battle cry.  The Enskeleon laughed, the sound pounding against their minds. It reached out with one hand and grabbed the blade. The soldier stared in shock, then began screaming in pain as it began pulling his head out.

        The remaining soldiers fired, desperate to save their comrade. Enskeleon turned its head towards them, the red orbs flickering slightly, and a dark red shield flared into life, their weapons fire melting into the shield. Abruptly, the stricken soldier’s scream was cut short as the Enskeleon ripped his head free of his body. It laughed again, and raised its right hand at the knot of soldiers. There was a brief scarlet glow, and a deadly volley of ruby energy streaked forth, smashing hard into the soldiers, their shields overcome in an instant.

        In little under two minutes, the Enskeleon had devastated a dozen Guards, elite soldiers, with barely a scratch. It turned its gaze to David, who lay at one side unmoving. The Enskeleon stalked over to David and stabbed its hand down to kill him. There was a blur of motion, and the Enskeleon found its hand caught in the crushing grip of the suit, the scarlet blade inches from his chest. “I don’t think so,” David snarled. An invisible force picked up the Enskeleon and tossed it to the other end of the room.

        David sprung to his feet, using his mind to unlock the hidden functions of his suit. He pulled forth the warblade he always carried with him, and the black and white blade of pure energy sprung to life. A keen, undulating noise began to emanate from the blade. “I am David Kyrios Septim, Immortal, Seventh Paladin of Tyrea, wielder of the warblade Ululatus Vesica! I am your doom!” he roared as he leapt forward, the unlocked powers of the suit propelling across the room in a single bound, using his momentum to bring the warblade down in a powerful strike, as the blade’s eerie howl filled the room.

        The Enskeleon replied with a psychic roar, as it slashed its arms downwards through the air in front of him. The dark red shield from before flared to life before David, as he reached inside himself and mentally touched the device hidden at the base of his skull.

        The animus device was the least well know of the devices used by the Tyreans. Only fifteen existed, one found aboard each of the World Slayers. Its workings were a mystery even to their users; what they did know was that it worked. The animus device was at least partly sentient; when presented to a new user, the device would automatically attach itself to the base of the skull, and eventually embed itself painlessly under the skin. What the device did, and how it did it was inexplicable. It allowed the user to turn his thoughts into reality. The possibilities were endless though, the device was incapable of creating things out of thin air. Thus they were used only by the Paladins, and no one else save the Toa knew of their existence.

        David touched the device now, and activated it for the first time in years. The howling increased in volume, as the sword flared bright sapphire, and the shield fell apart in a blaze of scarlet light. The Enskeleon cried out in surprise and leapt back. It gazed at David suspiciously and began circling him, David mirroring his motion. “I see. Paladin ... Septim, was it not? You are one of the cursed demons who always led the charge, led the defence, and could stand toe to toe with our finest warriors. And your ... powers. Inexplicable, but always turned the tide of the battle.”

        “And you’ve obviously fought against us before. But we wiped you out at the end of the war. So how is it you survive,” he asked, keeping the blade up.

        “You destroyed our Mother, true. But every child has two parents, do they not? So do we, have two. While you destroyed our Mother, our Father remains. And he thirsts for revenge against those who slew his bride.”

        David kept his face emotionless, but a jolt of fear shot through his mind. Another mothership. So the Enskeleons hadn’t been wiped out. “And the Shivans?”

        “When we first encountered ships of these ... humans. We thought they were your people. We did not wish to reveal our presence to them, lest you began hunting for our Father. We beseeched our Father for aid, and he gifted us with them, with the knowledge to breed them, to give them weapons. They are much like us. They are tireless hunters, peerless warriors, and deadly adversaries.”

        This time, David could not stop himself from blinking in surprise. ’Gifted us with them’? They were given command of the Shivans? It would explain the shift in the Shivan attacks, from relatively widespread destruction to pinpoint surgical strikes. “I wouldn’t call you ‘peerless warriors’. We beat you, didn’t we? You ‘deadly adversaries’ left your back door wide open and unlocked. I wouldn’t call that being ‘peerless warriors’.”

        The Enskeleon’s orbs brightened, and its mental voice was tinged with anger. “Your underhanded tricks and ploys saved you! You failed to triumph in honourable combat!”

        David snorted. “I used my destroyer to stymie your fleet of over a hundred ships, and that’s underhanded? And if bombarding a planet is honourable, I think we win the honourable award when we popped your dear old Mummy like a balloon.”

        The Enskeleon roared in anger. “How dare you blaspheme against our Mother! You will pay for your insolence!”

        David laughed, which infuriated the Enskeleon even more, causing tendrils of smoke rising from its orbs. “How? What’re you gonna do, mommy’s boy?”

        With a furious cry, the Enskeleon leapt straight at David, just like he wanted. In a single smooth motion, he dodged to one side, and brought his blade down, severing the Enskeleon at the waist. Raising his hand, he touched the device with his mind and streams of fire materialised from his fingertips, pining the upper half of the Enskeleon against the wall.

        The Enskeleon screamed in pain, causing David to flinch momentarily, disrupting his concentration, and the fiery prison dissipated instantly. “You ... will pay!” it screamed at David, then it roared again.

        This time, David felt something different about the roar, some note that was different from its normal psychic roar. Around him, clicks filled the air. Instantly, David realised what the difference was. The pods began to open, spilling blue fog from their insides. “Oh ****.” Quickly, David hurled the warblade forward. The blade howled viciously as it sailed through the air, embedding itself in the skull of the Enskeleon, right in the middle of its orbs. It screamed in pain as the thavir energy within the blade ate it alive. Before his eyes, the Enskeleon melted into liquid, as a very faint bolt of scarlet energy shot away from the skull. As the psychic scream died away, he used the animus device to pull the warblade free as he ran for the entrance. Screeches, Shivan screeches began to fill the chamber as the awakened Shivans pulled themselves free of their capsules. Those nearest to him leapt at him, but David threw himself out through the gap in time. As he turned the corner, he heard the clang of metal, and the scrabble of Shivan claws. David ran faster, as he tapped his commlink to the transports.

        “Report!” he yelled.

        “Sir! We’re getting hit! Movement everywhere!“ the officer said, a slight hint of fear in his voice.

        “Prepare for imminent and heavy contact! Prep all ships for launch! I’m on my way back!” he shouted. Risking a glance behind, he saw the unarmoured Shivans hot on his heels, screeching at him in either rage or anger, he couldn’t and couldn’t be bothered to tell.

        “Yes, sir!” The officer replied.

        Turning another corner, following the waypoints on his HUD, a Shivan, this one fully grown, entered his vision. Without slowing down, David lowered his shoulder, and hit the Shivan at full speed. The Paladin suit was much heavier than a normal combat suit, and so it was that over four hundred pounds of man and machine hit the Shivan, smashing it aside like a toy. Another one stepped into his view, and with a single motion, David drew Ululatus Vesica and slashed the Shivan as he ran across, the howl of the sword adding to the cacophony of the pursuing Shivans. As he entered the last hall before the passage leading to the hangar, David saw five fully grown Shivans before him, white glows growing steadily. He leapt, twisting around mid air, as the beams passed harmlessly behind him ... and into the chasing Shivans. Screeches out of outrage and pain filled the air as the chasing Shivans found out what it felt like to be hit by their own beams. Coming down behind and facing the Shivans, he thrust his hand out and touched the device again. A powerful force threw the five Shivans into his pursuers, causing them to trip and entangle themselves amongst each other, as more screeches filled the air. Allowing himself a slight smile, he turned and high-tailed it to the transports.

        As he entered into the cavernous hanger, chaos greeted his eyes. Screeches filled the air as Shivans assaulted the transports’ position, but smashed like water upon the rocks as the transports’ turrets spat torrents of sapphire bolts into the Shivans, and the Guards fired from ports built into the transports for just this purpose. The beams of the Shivans slammed harmlessly into the shields of the transports; while their beams were perfect for infantry and possible light armour, they were useless against the heavy shields of the transports. David broke into a flat out run, feet thundering heavily against the hangar floor. Intent on the transports, the Shivans never noticed him, not until he hit the rear of their mob, sword howling.

        Unable to see clearly, David relied on his HUD to tell him he was a hundred feet from the transports, and kept slashing and chopping, cutting a swathe of destruction through the mob, littering his path with dead or dying Shivans. Every time Ululatus fell, it screeched an unearthly note of death and destruction, filling the hangar with its dread song, a symphony of pain and suffering as the floor ran slick with the black liquid that was the blood of the Shivans. A low beep suddenly sounded in his helmet, and David gathered himself and leapt for the transports. Landing neatly in front of one of the transports, the side door opened long enough for strong hands to haul him aboard. Nodding his thanks to the Guards who had pulled him aboard, he yelled, “Let’s get out of here!”

        The pilot nodded. The trio of transports lifted up, the backwash from their powerful engines blowing some of the closer Shivans over. “What about the others, sir?”one of the Guards asked.

        David looked at him, then said quietly, “They’re on patrol.”

        The Guard stared at him, then replied, “I understand, sir.”

        The transports turned towards the exit, as the turrets continued firing down at the Shivans, then blasted forth on black and white flames. As the trio of ships blasted free from the Belial’s fighter bay, David noticed the Shivan fleet, and that the ships were surrounded in a pale blue field. David touched his commlink. “Ping. Ping, do you read me?”

        “Affirmative, Captain. Loud and clear. We lost you for a moment there. All well?”, came Ping’s voice.

        "Mostly. What’s the situation? Why the bubble?”

        “You better get back here ASAP, sir. Quite a bit's happened while you were away”

        “Roger,” he replied, then cut the link. He stumbled back to the bay, then sat down in one of the harnesses, mental and physical exhaustion queuing up to claim their due. Using the animus after such a long while made concentrating much, much more difficult. Suddenly he noticed the Guards were staring at him. He blinked, looking at them. Then he realised they were looking at his warblade.

        “Sir ... Are you ... “one of them began.

        David nodded. “I am. I am the Seventh Paladin.” No point hiding it now, he mused.

        The Guards looked awed, and the one who had spoken said, “It is an honor, my Lord.”

        David waved his hand wearily. “No ‘Lord’s. It doesn’t matter. I didn’t tell anyone.”

        The Guard nodded, leaning back in his harness.

        David closed his eyes, eager to claim what little rest the flight back would offer.


Took me a day to work out the kinks in this section. I'm inexplicable proud of this chapter no idea why. Probably cause it helped bash my 'v' key into submission.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2008, 07:39:06 pm by Stormkeeper »
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline Mongoose

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You should be. Sword-to-Shivan combat?  Awesome. :)


Offline Retsof

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  • Sanity is over-rated.
 :jaw: ... wow ...
« Last Edit: October 16, 2008, 10:21:01 pm by Retsof »

"Get off my forum" -General Battuta
I can't help but hear a shotgun cocking with this.


Offline Colonol Dekker

  • HLP is my mistress
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  • Aken Tigh Dekker- you've probably heard me
    • My old squad sub-domain
Remindes me of MD-Geist, very cool armour :nod:

Hurry up, i want MOAH!

srsly though, kudos  :yes:
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Stormkeeper

  • Interviewer Extraordinaire
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  • Boomz!
     “What?!” Ping said, shocked.

     “The Belial is moving, sir! And we’re detecting movement in the fighter bay!” Taylor replied.

     “Scramble Combat Frames! All ships, target the Belial! Dust it!” he ordered.

     Slowly, the Broadsword turned, bringing its weapons to bear on the Belial. But the Reverend was quicker, emerald beams of death stabbing out, carving deep gouges in the hull of the Lucifer destroyer. The Black Wing fired, clouds of emerald darts splashing across the surface of the Belial, as the allied fleet turned all their guns on the Belial.

     “Sir! Confirmed, positive contact with the transports! Comm link is active! Medical monitors back online!”

     There was a burst of static, then a voice cut through it, saying, “Ping. Ping, do you read me?” It was the Captain.

     Ping mentally heaved a sigh of relief, then replied, “Affirmative, Captain. Loud and clear. We lost you for a moment there. All well?”

     “Mostly. What’s the situation? Why the bubble?”

     “You better get back here ASAP, sir. Quite a bit’s happened while you were away.”

      “Roger,” David replied, then disconnected. Ping turned his eyes to the Belial, as the Freia fired, the normally vibrant beam of its firestorm beam somewhat muted as its crew restrained the beam to prevent it from piercing the bubble shield. The Belial seemed to shudder, then a bright flash of light causing Ping to shield his eyes. When he lowered his hand, nothing but shattered wreckage remained of the Belial.


      David stepped out of the shower, towelling his hair dry. He opened his cupboard, reaching for his normal uniform, then stopped. When he had returned to the Dagger, they had all seen the warblade in his hand. He shrugged, then reached for the far more elaborate uniform of a Paladin. The uniform was white with gold highlights, and included gloves and a cloak. David debated momentarily, then left the cloak and gloves in the room. He clipped the warblade to his belt, feeling uncomfortable with the once familiar weight of the warblade. He took a deep breath, then exited his room.

     As he walked to the briefing room, he noticed various stares from the people he passed along the way, most stealing furtive glances at the warblade at his waist, and the royal standard of the Paladins now adorning his shoulder tabs. He strode into the briefing room, coming to a stop beside Ping, who glanced at his uniform and nodded. “Looks better on you, captain,” he said.

     David smiled. “A bit tight around the shoulders though,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. Then his face turned serious. “What’s the situation?”
“We’ve come up with a plan to take care of the Shivan monster out there. We’ll brief both the GTVA pilots and our own simultaneously.” The screen flickered to life, displaying the Shivan fleet and the allied fleet.
     “Over the past couple of hours, Shivan ships have been arriving through that portal, and jumping out, presumably to other positions elsewhere in the system. The escort has also thinned somewhat, but is still a threat to our ships. Furthermore, energy readings indicated that monster has its beam charged and ready to fire in an instant. We still haven’t gathered intel on why the Shivans are arriving in such force but—“

     “I know,” David said, his face turning grim.

     Ping blinked. “You ... do ?”

     David nodded. “There was an Enskeleon on board the Belial. He said that they had been given control of the Shivans, and that they would use the Shivans to wipe out the forces of the GTVA, use its people to build a new army, then come back for revenge against us.”

     Ping shivered. While he had been fortunate enough to have been born after the end of the Enskeleon Conflict, he still heard stories about what the Enskeleons did to civilians they captured alive. It was the stuff of nightmares; implanting them with some sort of parasite that warped their skeletal structure into an Enskeleon one, then disintegrating the flesh of its host in a process that was both slow and painful.

     “I don’t know how many Enskeleons there are, or how many of their ships there are, but I don’t think they need their ships. Their own cunning and strategic ability coupled with the ferocity and power of the Shivans could be a very great force to be reckoned with. It goes without saying that we need to stop them here and now, or face the annihilation of the GTVA and Tyrea,” David said grimly, settling down in a chair in the briefing room.

     Ping nodded, slightly unnerved by the information. “Admiral Chekoff has come up with a plan for defeating that Shivan ship and its fleet. We thought the Belial was holding up the portal, but the portal is still steady, so I doubt that that is the case anymore. More ships are arriving by the hour, almost like clockwork. We estimate the next set of arrivals in about half an hour.”

     The screen of the console flickered to life, as Chekoff’s face filled the screen. “David! It is good to see you. But you wear a different uniform now...”

     David nodded. “It’s a long story. I’ll tell you afterward. For now, Ping said you have a plan?”

     Chekoff nodded. “Yes, I do. Since your Combat ...”


     “... Frames can launch basically from anything large enough to hold them. Thus, the plan is to transfer all the Combat Frames, a total of 37, onto the Reverend. It might be a little of a squeeze, but they should be able to all fit. The fighters and bombers from the Reverend will be transferred to the Black Wing. The Black Wing has a total of eight launch catapults, four vertical and four horizontal. The vertical tubes are meant primarily for Combat Frames, but can be reconfigured to launch our own fighters. The horizontal catapults are meant for both retrieval and fighter launch. The horizontal ones can basically launch any metallic object out to space. Therefore, all GTVA fighters and bombers will be launched from the horizontal cats, while our own fighters will use the vertical cats. The Combat Frames will take flight from the Reverend itself.

     “Now, the bubble shield that is so helpfully keeping us alive also prevents the Tyrean vessels from entering W-space, but the Reverend and the GTVA vessels can still do so. Since they both theoretically speaking work on the same principles, I have no idea why this should be so. It just is.

      “At H-hour, the bubble shield will drop. We anticipate that the Yamato, which is that monster, by the way, after some big-ass Ancient Earth ship. The Dagger and friends will begin a frontal assault, minus. We anticipate the Yamato to try kapowing us the moment we drop the shield. So, the us Tyreans will concentrate all our big guns to try to stave off that BFG the bugger has.

     “The Reverend and friends, meanwhile, will make a pinpoint jump to the rear of that monster. She will then launch the Combat Frames, who will concentrate on destroying that sonuva*****.”

     The briefing officer, a rotund man with a easygoing attitude but hard and cold eyes, looked around at the canteen aboard the Reverend, which was packed beyond capacity, but the number of pilots and ship captains was way beyond anything the briefing rooms on either the Reverend or Dagger could hold. “You kids got that so far?”

      There was a general murmur of consent from the assembled people, which included two wings of Vasudan pilots on exchange duty. One of them raised a hand. The officer nodded to him. “Why can we not transfer all fighters to the Reverend instead?” he ( or she, David could and would never be able to tell) asked.
     David answered, “Simply because the concentration of firepower Combat Frames represent cannot be matched by few, if any, fighters. And because the Reverend will be jumping right into the heart of the Shivan fleet, the AA fire will be extremely intense. The mobility of the Combat Frames will allow them to survive better than any fighter, much less bomber.” The Vasudan pilot nodded, satisfied.

     “Any more questions?” the briefing officer asked, sweeping his eyes around the room.

     Another hand shot into the air, this time a Terran pilot. “Who’s in charge of what? No offense to present company, but I’d prefer if one of our own people were in charge of the fighter wings in field.”

     This time Chekoff spoke up. “When the operation begans, I will be in command of the capital ships, though Lieu ... Sorry, Captain Ping will maintain operational command of the Tyrean ships. Cap ... Sorry, Paladin David will personally be leading the Combat Frame squadron. Since Tyrean fighters generally deploy only in wings of four, and rarely utilize large scale fighter assault formations, Major Max Leonidas here will command the fighters in the field.”

     “Let me make one thing straight,” David cut in.”His word in the field is law. Am I clear?” The Tyrean pilots nodded their assent, while a few glanced over at the stone faced major seated at the front. “Good. We will now begin transferring the fighters and Frames. Squadron leaders, report to Major Leonidas. Stick leaders, to me, captains to Chekoff.” He paused, then said, “This fight isn’t just for the sake of the GTVA. If we lose this fight, we will lose both the GTVA and the Tyrean Republic. Good luck out there gentlemen, and Godspeed.”

Sorry for the really long wait. Didn't have much time until recently.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2009, 03:41:18 am by Stormkeeper »
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


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I think you should edit the first post to add all the other parts. :)
The Lightblue Ribbon

Inferno: Nostos - Alliance
Series Resurrecta: {{FS Wiki Portal}} -  Gehenna's Gate - The Spirit of Ptah - Serendipity (WIP) - <REDACTED> (WIP)
FreeSpace Campaign Restoration Project
A tribute to FreeSpace in my book: Riflessioni dall'Infinito
My interviews: [ 1 ] - [ 2 ] - [ 3 ]


Offline Stormkeeper

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Hmm. That's a thought that has, honestly, never crossed my mind.
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


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It'd make sense, though...people wouldn't have to scroll down all pages to find the other parts of the fanfic... :)
The Lightblue Ribbon

Inferno: Nostos - Alliance
Series Resurrecta: {{FS Wiki Portal}} -  Gehenna's Gate - The Spirit of Ptah - Serendipity (WIP) - <REDACTED> (WIP)
FreeSpace Campaign Restoration Project
A tribute to FreeSpace in my book: Riflessioni dall'Infinito
My interviews: [ 1 ] - [ 2 ] - [ 3 ]


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Better late than never SK... Good stuff :yes:
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


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     Outside the bubble field, the Shivan fleet, which now comprised of ten Cains, three Liliths, five Molochs, two Ravanas, a Demon and the Yamato, begin moving, as if sensing the impending attack. As the Reverend and its attendant ships entered subspace, the Yamato’s cannon began glowing, as ruby energy streamed down to gather in an ever-growing ball of energy. The ball pulsed, and the massive beam lashed out, smashing into the field, which flared a pale blue in response. The shield fought against the furious energy of the beam, and barely won. Moments later, the GTVA ships slipped into subspace, the Reverend carrying its deadly payload of Combat Frames.

     The weapons on the Tyrean fleet glowed momentarily, and lashed out, the bubble field collapsing moments before the devastating storm of energy bolts, projectiles, missiles and the fleet’s sole firestorm beam could reach it, instead reaching out to smash the Yamoto in the face.
The four prongs glowed again, but this time, the individual prongs lashed out, the quartet of ruby beams lashing out. “Incoming beams, sir!” Taylor called. “Fleet evade!” barked Ping. As the ships scattered, one scarlet beam barely missed the Leowlynn, coming close enough that the Lewolynn’s shield flashed silver. Another smashed into the front of the Lothar, rocking the ship hard. The last two slammed straight into the nose of the Freia. The frigate’s shields could not keep up with the punishment the beams poured into it, collapsing almost instantly. The beams drove deep furrows into the Freia’s front hull, and one caressed the firestorm generator. Because the fragile flux field generator pulled power directly from the fusion reactor, this meant that it was situated almost on top of the oversized reactor. As the generator exploded, the blast damaged the dampening fields on the Freia releasing the golden-white glow that was the heart of any Tyrean ship. The furious energy consumed the ship from the inside out, leaving nothing but a few particles of dust.

     “The ... Freia is down, sir. No escape pods, ” Taylor said, his voice shaking slightly.

     Ping cursed. “Order the fleet to get in close! If we’re close, that monster can’t use its beams with much accuracy!” He stood up and yelled “Vaulk! Call in any shots we can make!” spending some of his frustration on the air.

     “Yessir. Target Mark Eight, angle 63 degrees port, 21 degrees up; linear cannons, photon beams, missile tubes; target will vanish in thirty seconds.”

     “Target Mark Eight, linear cannons up angle 20 degrees, minimum penetration, charge photon beam, load VLS tubes one through six with Mole torpedoes, acquire firing solution. Fire when ready.”

“Target locked. Weapons ready. Firing solution ready. Firing.”

     The two rear photon beams, mounted on the rear ends of the bridge, glowed silver, then stabbed upwards into Mark Eight, one of the Ravana destroyers. The beams carved into the underside of the Shivan destroyer, as the linear cannons fired, sapphire beams preceding the cloud of emerald darts that splashed away more of the Ravana’s protection, leaving it open for the six Mole torpedoes, which slammed into the ravaged Ravana, burrowed in, and detonated, tearing the Ravana apart from the inside out.

     As the Ravana’s death throes began to consume it, Taylor called out, “Sir, Shivan fighters and bombers are launching, vectoring in on our fleet!”

     “Order the Black Wing to began launching the fighters!” Ping ordered.

     Onboard the Black Wing the GTVA pilots were strapping into their fighters, nervous at launching from an unknown ship, Captain Samuel among them. Though he knew they meant well, he still wasn’t very sure about this new method of launching. “So I just wait for the elevator to set my fighter up on it, then report that I’m launching?” he asked the technician.

     “Basically, yeah. When the elevator brings your fighter up, the catapult creates a magnetic field that will lock your fighter in place. Once you call in your launch, the catapult creates a second field along its walls with a reverse polarity and shoots you out,” he explained.

     “Isn’t that dangerous?”

     “Not really. It’s quite safe. Controls are released once your fighter has cleared the catapult, and you get accelerated to attack speed instantly. What’s not to like?”

     Samuel opened his mouth to reply, but a voice echoed throughout the cavernous hanger. “All fighters, you are go for launch. Repeat, you are go for launch. First launches commence in ten seconds.”

     “Alright, then. Good luck, good hunting,” the technician said, slapping Samuel on the back.

     Samuel nodded, as the cockpit slid shut. He felt a jerk as the elevator began to rise, lifting his fighter up. He could see the other three catapults lifting the rest of his wing up. His screen crackled to life just then, forming the face of Major Max. “Samuel, your orders have changed. Stick close to this ship ... the Black Wing. Forget about guarding the Freia.”

     “Why, sir? Isn’t she lightly armed for AA combat?”

     Max stared at him. “Guarding the Freia ... is no longer an issue,” he replied, then reached out and flicked close the channel.

     Samuel knew that either the Freia was destroyed, or it was badly damaged and out of the fight. Samuel guessed it would be the former. A sudden jerk announced the arrival of his fighter on the catapult. As his fighter floated forward, he heard the pressure door slid shut behind his fighter. There was a three light signal above him. As he watched, the first two red lights lit up one after another, then the third green light came to life. “Uh. Samuel, Perseus, launching?” he said, unsure. “That’ll do, Terran,” came the reply from the bridge. “Good luck, good hunting.” Before he could reply, the walls of the catapult flared and a massive force flung him into his command chair as the Perseus was pelted out of the catapult and into the chaos of the battle.

     Pulling his Perseus up, he doubled back and flew over the catapult. Now that he thought about it, the Black Wing was enormous, easily larger than any Orion or Hecate. ‘I guess its called a supercarrier for a reason,’ he mused. In the distance, he could see the last vestiges of the Freia’s reactor blast fading away. Guess I know what happend to the Freia too,” he added to himself.  “Alright, Templars, new orders. We’re to guard the Black Wing this here beauty we just launched from.”

     “What about the Freia, captain? Isn’t she like a glass cannon?” one of his pilots asked.

     “The Freia’s gone,” he replied, “ So we gotta make sure that no one else goes down. Focus on bombers and bombs first. Spilt up into your wings and watch each other’s backs out here!” Acknowledgements came in, and Samuel banked his fighter around, targeting a wing of Seraphim bombers. His own wing formed up on him, and they shot in, firing as they came. Their shots splashed on the Seraphims’ shields, but the bombers broke formation, as the Terran fighters came dangerously close to colliding with them. Samuel felt the Perseus shake as the numerous turrets on the Seraphims pelted his shields. Flipping his fighter back around, he tightened his finger on the trigger again. Green bolts of light rained down on the scattered Seraphims, as his wing continued to harass the Shivan bombers. One of the Shivans wavered suddenly, and Samuel saw that its shield was gone. He thumbed over to his Tornado missiles and waited patiently, continuing to fire his lasers at the stricken bomber. When the dull tone of a lock sounded, he fired, and eight missiles tore free of their racks, homing in on the doomed bomber. “That’s a kill,” his wingman confirmed.

     Swinging back to the other three bombers, he saw two more explode, the other two fighters of his wing storming past the debris victoriously. He turned to find the fourth, just in time to see it become the apex of a deadly light show, courtesy of the Black Wing’s point defenses.
Samuel wasted no time in scoring another kill, tearing through the shields of a Manticore with his cannons alone, saving his Tornadoes and Harpoons for bigger fish. A flash of light blinded him temporarily, and Samuel saw that one of the Ravanas had exploded, a Tyrean ship right underneath it. He saw a Tyrean fighter, all graceful and lethal, fly past on eerie black flames, the edges of the fighter glowing purple as it caught up to, then flew through a Basilisk. Again and again, the GTVA and Tyrean fighters tore into the ceaseless hordes of Shivan fighters, aided by the point defenses of their wards.

     As Samuel flew through the fireball of a recently deceased Scorpion, he suddenly found himself free of any targets in the immediate vicinity. Half his squadron was down, destroyed by the Shivans. They had accounted for their equal in number, and then some. One more Tyrean capital ship was burning, the bridge all but wrecked. The Shivans had lost one Ravana and most of the cruisers, leaving only two badly damaged Cain and one barely moving Lilith cruisers. It was almost funny, he mused, when he saw one Cain attack that Tyrean destroyer, the Dagger, and the Dagger hadn’t bothered to turn, just fired its port side cannons and blew the Cain to hell and back.

     “Incoming fighters, kids,” the major called over the general freak. Samuel looked, and saw a swarm of Shivan fighters, far larger than any other wave they had faced. To his amazement, he heard dark laughter, coming from one of the Tyrean fighters that was guarding the Black Wing as well. “What’s so funny?” he asked, not understanding what was so funny about the swarm of Shivans.

     The pilot replied, still laughing, “They drew their escorts off their ships to make that swarm. Without escorts, there’s no way they can track Combat Frames with their turrets. They’re doomed.”

     As if to punctuate the pilot’s words, behind the Shivan fleet, multiple subspace portals opened, disgorging the GTVA fleet, the Reverend leading the charge. As soon as it was half way out of subspace, Samuel could make out tiny figures launching from the Hecate destroyer. “Combat frames ...” he whispered.


     David pushed Revenant out into the void of space, then opened up his throttle. The two wings on his back, split open, as the powerful thrusters built into his Frame launched the Revenant forward. Behind him came the other thirty-six frames. Revenant was a Combat Frame, but also wasn’t.

     Because David was a Paladin, he was entitled to have a custom machine, painted in any colour scheme he wanted, and he could customize it to be three times better than anything else. So he designed one, resulting in Revenant. Its full name was TACF-701XC, the ‘X’ denoting experimental. Unlike normal frames, Revenant had no rifle. Instead, lasers were built into his palm. They didn’t have the range of normal rifles, but they could charge up their shots or be used as daggers, making them more versatile than a standard rifle. He preferred using the ‘anti-ship sword’ instead. The sword was about the size of Revenant itself, with a normal slicing tip, but it also had a controlled fusion reaction on the edges. Any contact would disrupt the thin field containing the reaction, allowing the energy of a nuclear reaction to spill out. The Revenant also had waist mounted plasma guns, which wasn’t anything very special. The really special thing about Revenant was its thrusters; it used an experimental thavir particle thruster system, which used thavir particles directly for propulsion, instead of using the energy generated by the thavir reaction. This allowed for superior mobility, and rather pretty wings of light that could also slice anything apart.

     For these reasons, Frames like Revenant were one of a kind. They were often used as test beds for future frames, but because they were prototypes, they had no safety measures and their performance often exceeded the mass produced versions. They were collectively called Advanced Combat Frames, and were legends on par with the Paladins themselves. For good reason.

     David demonstrated this reason now. At the head of the charge, he whipped the massive sword of Revenant around and down, stabbing into the badly damaged Lilith. Without slowing down at all, he sliced the sword straight down the ship, essentially cleaving the cruiser in half. As it exploded behind him, he danced around the point defenses of the Demon, then flew into the hangar. In the hangar, he fired his palm lasers indiscriminately, as well as the standard pulse chainguns built into the heads of every Combat Frame. David tore down the pressure door between the hangar and a corridor, and stuffed a Combat Frame-sized grenade in the corridor, before exiting the hangar. As he did so, he made sure to slice the sword along the roof of the hangar. The Demon rocked from the blast, and continued to rock from numerous secondary explosions inside it. Its thrusters died, and it was speared by several purple beams, announcing the arrival of the other thirty six Combat Frames.
“Focus fire on the Yamato, now!” he ordered. Acknowledgements rolled in, as David angled the Revenant towards the gargantuan ship. He saw the Shivan fighters straining to pull back to their escorts, and the Tyrean and GTVA fighters that stopped them from doing so. He saw the Dagger right underneath an unfortunate Moloch corvette, pouring fire into the stricken vessel.

     Purple and green beams seared across space, scorching the metallic skin of the Yamato, as the GTVA fleet added their firepower to the Combat Frames dancing around the behemoth. The Yamato began to turn ponderously, and David saw red light beginning to gather. “Oh no you don’t,” he murmured to himself. Kicking Revenant across the void of space, he twirled the Combat Frame around, bringing the sword across. The sword, aided by his speed and momentum, sliced cleanly through one of the four prongs of the Yamato, and the prong exploded in a blaze of ruby light, the energy that it had been gathering whipping across the hull of the Yamato.

     Explosions pockmarked the hull of the Yamato as missiles exploded against it. Beams seared the armour, turning the skin to slag metal. David repeated his manoeuvre, destroying another of the prongs. But despite the amount of firepower they poured into the Yamato, it just kept moving. “Get in!” he ordered. “What?” came a pilot’s reply. “You have to get your Frames in there! That hull is too thick for us to blow up externally.” Pushing his throttle down, David flipped Revenant around and dropped down to the Yamato’s underside, searching for an opening. “We don’t have much time! The Yamato is getting ready to attack the Reverend! There!” Ahead, David saw Shivan fighters exiting from a gap, no doubt the entrance to the hangar.

     Guiding Revenant in, and he noticed several more Frames on his tail. Ahead, he saw a hangar door, blocking their way. Touching the animus device, he rammed the pressurised door aside with a blast of invisible force. As the force of Frames spilled in, he found himself in a hangar ... and hangar was an understatement. An entire city could’ve fit in the space with plenty of room to spare. “What do we do now, sir?”
“Wreck the whole place,” he said. Demonstrating, he raised his hand, and fired, the silver blasts tearing holes in the hangar floor. Behind, him the other Frames too began firing around randomly. Then he saw a new contact enter the hangar; a Poseidon-class Frame. “You kids betta be ready to run,” came a lazy voice. The Poseidon swung the massive plasma positron cannon, pointing it up into the roof of the hangar. The barrel glowed, then fired, the beam parting the roof of the cavern like a hot knife through butter. He fired again and again, until the energy capacitator ejected from the cannon.

     As the final beam faded away, the Yamato heaved, causing the Combat Frames stumbled, as the Shivan ship shuddered again. “Sir, I suggest we run,” came the Poseidon pilot. “Suggestion approved,” he replied. The eight frames turned tailed and blasted out of the Yamato, exiting the ship the same way they came. As they pulled up into the space around it, they saw the Yamato heave again, then it seemed to shiver. For a moment it was still, then it exploded, a star of light bursting to life at its heart. As quickly as it was born, the light died away, as the ship imploded on itself.

     “We did it! We did it!” crowed a voice over the general frequency. Soon the channels were filled with the cheers of the GTVA and Tyrean forces.  David let them cheer; he felt strangely drained. He put it down to years of not piloting Revenant. He patted the command chair of his Frame companionably; he felt it respond gently.

     Without warning, subspace portals opened behind the Tyrean fleet, and the Warspite and the Bulwark slid into real-space. Both were badly damaged; the Warspite had a ugly gash down the side. “Sirs! We have a situation!” Dracip reported urgently.

     ‘It never rains but it pours,’ David thought to himself.


Well. Um. This is an awefully late one. Sorry. I got stuck trying to figure out the death of the Yamato, and the battle as a whole.

Hnnh. Appears I forgot to close a tag somewhere along the way.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2009, 09:40:05 pm by Stormkeeper »
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline Retsof

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Wait or no wait, that was still amasing.  :yes:

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I can't help but hear a shotgun cocking with this.


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In the privacy of the dark room, the council met again. “Well?” said a voice. “Everything goes as planned”, said a second. “The Tyreans have agreed to alliance, and we can use the footage from the Reverend to study their tactics and weapons and develop ways and means to fight them. The rest nodded their approval.
     “Good, good, “a third voice said. “This way we can fight them effectively, if it comes to that. Where are they now?”

     “I understand that they’re off investigating the source of Shivans. They should be back at Enif in a week,” the second replied.

     “Even better. Combat footage of them against the Shivans. I do think we got the better end of the stick,” spoke up a fourth.

     “We shall see ...” the third voice said. “Well, if there is nothing else ...?”

     “Ah,” the first voice spoke up. “There is something ...”

     “Well, what is it?” said a third voice.

     “I require your undying loyalty,” said the first. A trio of ruby eyes burned through his face, as glowing red claws sprung up through his knuckles, the flesh peeling away like a skin.


12 September 2372, Epsilon Pegasi
Former Shivan Staging Area

     “You’re telling me, Dracip,” David said, “That the GTVA has had us declared invaders? And that they’re preparing for an offensive through the portal to Tyrean homespace?”

     “Yes, sir,” Dracip replied. “They also declared the Reverend and its fleet as rebels, as conspirators with the invaders, and included the Warspite as well.”

     David sighed in exasperation and turned to look at Chekoff.  “What is going on with your people, Chekoff?”

     Chekoff shook his head. “I do not know.  I cannot understand this sudden change in stance.”

     David turned back to Dracip. “Anything else?”

     “Er. Yes sir. Enif Station was destroyed as well as the Avarice, by the Hammer of Light rebels, which the GTVA has welcomed with open arms as being the first to realise the threat of the ah, invaders. We managed to evacuate as many people as possible before it was destroyed but ...”

     “So this is the true face of the GTVA,” David muttered to himself. “What’re gonna do, Chekoff? I’m sure if you return now, along with some prisoners, intel or even captured tech, they’ll welcome you with open arms as well.”

     “Niet. I do not turn my back on my friends so easily. They did not help to stem the tide of Shivans. You did. My friend, I shall help you, though I cannot speak for the rest of the fleet,” Chekoff replied.

     “Thanks, mate,” David said.

     “No problem, David. Now if you will excuse me, I shall address the fleet,” he said, standing up.

     David nodded, as Chekoff and the Warspite’s captain left the room.

     Alone, David turned his attention back to Chekoff. “The wreckage of the Avarice?”

     “Reactor blast sir. But we thermite bombed what was left. The Lothar got away. She indicated that she was pulling back to the portal,” Dracip replied. As was standard procedure, all Tyrean vessels destroyed in combat in hostile territory were to be vaporized in order to prevent their tech from reaching unfriendly hands.

     David nodded. “Paladin Alek?”

     Dracip shook his head. “Said something ‘bout going deep cover. Don’t know where he’s gonna hide  the Falcon but ... Ensign Valerie is on board though.”

     David nodded again. “Send Valerie up to my quarters. You, get some rest. We’ll fall back to the portal once Chekoff has sorted out his fleet.”

     Dracip hesitated. “Do you trust him, sir?”

      “I do. But I can’t say the same for the rest of his fleet. If they aren’t at the very least they’ll be too close enough for us to vap them if they try something.”

      “Yes sir. Uh ... There was one other thing sir.”

      “Yes, what is it?”

      “Just before we pulled away from Enif, we ... or at least, me and the Lothar’s captain ... received a point one priority coded transmission. It’s encrypted using the royal cipher sir.”

      David froze. “What did you say?”

     “We received a point one priority coded transmission, encrypted using the royal cipher. I have it here.” Dracip produced a datadisk and handed it over to David.

      David nodded his thanks wordlessly and indicated that he could go. As soon as the door slid shut, he held up the datadisk and regarded it suspiciously. The royal cipher was used by the Toa, the Paladins, and to a lesser extent, the Specialists. Since the disk in his hand was supposedly ciphered that way, it meant it either contained new orders, or was a transmission from a fellow Paladin. Either way, he needed the cipher machine in his quarters.

     Moments later, David sat at his desk, and inserted the datadisk. The projector whirred and its light blinked, then it flickered to life, resolving into the image of Paladin Evans. “Paladin David. The Toa extends his greetings. He has dispatched me to this sector to construct a base, to provide logistical support, and in the case of conflict, serve as a staging point as well as to defend to portal to Tyrean homespace. Judging from the conflict we have observed, I doubt the situation is in our favour. I recommend you return to the portal for repairs. I also expect the GTVA to attack soon. Though the station’s defenses are operational, and its shield generator is working, more ships would be greatly appreciated. I sent a request for reinforcements, but it will take a while to reach our position. Your fleet and your allies are the closest allied support. I would like you to assist us, but it is your choice to make.” The image bowed. “Strength and honour.”

      As the message terminated, the door slid open, revealing Ensign Valerie. “You called, captain?”

      “Yes, come in. We have much to discuss, you and I ...”


13 September 2372, En route to Tyrean Jump Node
Captain’s Log
     It seems the GTVA has made its move. It has declared us invaders, and Chekoff and his fleet traitors. Surprisingly not a single one of his captains returned to the GTVA. Whether they share Chekoff’s sentiment is debatable, but at least I’ll have back up at the portal. They all know what they’re getting into though, so they know there’s no turning back.

     Evans said there’s a station at the Jump Node. How they constructed it without anyone noticing is beyond me, especially since Chekoff said the GTVA had stationed a ship there to send our reinforcements along. I suspect they brought a stealth ship along. But it won’t work now, not with the station up and running. He didn’t say what class he had built, or what ships were present, but he undoubtedly needs help, especially with the report Valerie gave me.

     It seems the HoL was fake all along; every single one of the ‘rebels’ served during Operation Templar, and the news that they were welcomed with open arms adds more credence to this. I suspect this is, however, not the end of the HoL. Something about this whole thing stinks; the sudden change in GTVA stance, the welcoming back of the rebels ... Alek is in deep cover, which means he suspects the same thing. Alek is as dependable and skilled a person as I’ve ever know in my long years of life ... and I’ve lived for a very long time.

     The presence of the Enskeleon also disturbs me. Where there is one, there is always more. Though their method of warfare does not seem to have changed; striking exclusively at military targets and leaving the civilians unharmed.

     And we used to think they were waging a clean war. Far from it. We Tyreans were such fools.

Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline Stormkeeper

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     A thin, red beam, barely visible in the void of space linked the two ships for a split second. Then, a bright blue beam replaced it, and a silvery blur sped down the beam, slamming into the stricken Leviathan cruiser, the cruiser’s armour buckled instantly, shattering under the sheer impact of the projectile. Moments later, a second targeting beam locked onto the Leviathan, and the process was repeated. The second projectile, however, punched right through the upper section of the cruiser, leaving a mangled hole of metal in its wake.

     The survivors of the GTVA fleet broke soon after, the ships escaping into subspace as fast as they could, leaving behind the shattered remains of two cruisers and a corvette. The entire altercation had lasted barely ten minutes, the GTVA crews apparently unprepared for the sheer range and power of the Tyrean ships. From the control bridge of the newly constructed station, Daniel, Evans and Chekoff had watched the entire skirmish.

      “Was that a railgun?” Daniel said first, breaking the silence.

     “Yeah. They fixed the issues for space use, but its not as impressive out here though.” Evans replied.

     “Why?” Chekoff asked.

     Evans glanced at him momentarily, then replied, “In atmosphere, whenever a railgun fires, you know it. There’s a thunderclap whenever a railgun fires in atmosphere; out here there’s zilch.”

     “Ah. Impressive,” he replied, watching the Sirona as it pulled back closer to the station. Chekoff fidgeted slightly, then turned to leave, saying, “I’m going to see to my fleet. They may be getting nervous feet.”

     As soon as the door slid shut on his retreating form, Evans said, “I don’t trust him.”

     “I do,” David replied.

     “He might be just trying to learn as much about us as we can, before returning to the GTVA with that information.” Evans turned to David, who continued gazing out the glasscrete.

     David said nothing, letting his silence speak for him.

     “Why? Just because he fought beside you? You know as well as I do that the situation now is different. Now that the GTVA’s survival is not at stake, he has no reason to continue fighting alongside him. In fact, if he turned on us during the heat of battle, killing both of us, it’d leave our forces leaderless and easy prey since his fleet is mixed amongst our own. I ask again, why do you trust him so?”

     David finally looked at Evans. “I just do, Evans. In over a century of warfare, I have learnt to trust my instincts, as you too should. And my instincts tell me he is a reliable person. I cannot say the same for the rest of his people, but should they turn, I believe that Chekoff will forgive us for destroying the ship or ships in question.”

     Evans glared at David for a while, then turned and stalked out of the door. At the doorway, he paused and said, “I do not care, David. I will continue to watch him, and should he turn, be assured I will be there with the executioner’s blade in hand.”


     The night was young on Delta Serpentis. Made the capital of the GTA after the destruction of the Lucifer cut off Sol, the planet had a sizeable military presence, the space around the planet bristling with orbital defence platforms, and home to the 2nd Fleet, the longest serving fleet in existence now that contact with the 1st had been lost. Early warning systems and Mjolnir RBCs guarded the subspace nodes, and constant sweeps by fighters and cruisers ensured no surprises lingered in the blind spots of the sensors. The security of the capital was invincible. Or so the GTA thought.

     Close to the orbit of Delta Serpentis, the GTI Brokenback kept watch over the traffic of cargo haulers, freighters and defense ships that navigated the spaceways around the planet. Thirteen minutes before the clock hit midnight, multiple sapphire flashes ripped through the darkness of space, warning lights going off across the board on the Brokenback. Half a dozen ships materialized from within the blue flashes, each one black with blood red highlights. Five were virtually identical, wide ends tapering into a razor sharp tip, and short stubby wings ending in bulbous pods. The last was as large as a Demon, but that was where all similarities ended. Two large, forward swept wings bracketed a cylindrical center, which extended beyond the wings and had four extrusions that swept back over the ship, making it much like a drill. Pulses of red light ran erratically over its surface, dancing and arcing forth freely over the hull. As the small fleet approached, the escorts in the lead, the Brokenback sent out a call for help, which was quickly answered by a pair of Orion destroyers, the GTDs Minnow and Novus. Making mini jumps, both ships slid out of subspace in the path of the hostile ships, beams lashing out within seconds to strike down the invaders.

      Moments before the beams could reach the lead escort, it shimmered and was suddenly gone, the beams passing harmlessly through where it had been. Before the captains of either Orion could fully understand what happened, the escort reappeared above them, and struck. A black beam tore out from the tip of the escort, punching down and through the Minnow, leaving a massive wound in the center of the destroyer. Two thinner, but no less destructive, beam of ebony energy played across the top hull of the Orion, devastating its guns, and slicing open the bridge to the dark voids of space. The Novus’ beams glowed green,  as it prepared to fire at the escort and save the Minnow, but two more escorts shimmered and reappeared on either side of it. Again, the unnatural beams punched right through the destroyer, but when it would seem like the escorts would hit each other, the beams curved back, stabbing through the Novus again and again.

     As the two destroyers began their throes of death, the last two escorts shimmered, and reappeared near the Brokenback. The skin of the ships seemed to convulse and twist, and holes appeared on the sides of the escorts. Trailing silver lines, missiles rained down on the helpless station, covering their victim in silvery explosions, as the other escorts began to destroy the civilian ships in orbit, the freighters and cargo ships much too unwieldy to escape the escorts. The sixth and largest of the fleet slipped silently pass the massacre, turning to bring one of its wings to bear as it took position over Delta Serpentis. The wing opened, extending up and down as its skin convulsed and twisted, hundreds of black holes appearing on the surface of the wing, as the defense fleet raced to close with the attackers, their intent clear now.
     But it was too late. Before their eyes, silver and black beams struck down at Delta Serpentis, the immense energy unleashed by the causing the nearest Terran ships to be blinded by the backwash. Volley after volley of the devastating beams smashed down on the planet, cracking its surface and causing lava to spill forth. The sky turned red as it began to burn, the oxygen set on fire by the sheer temperature of the beams. The seas were turned to steam at the kiss of a beam, the water vaporized instantly. As Delta Serpentis died, flashes of sapphire rippled through the space around it; the invaders were gone.

Told ya I was in the mood to blow up a planet.
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline Colonol Dekker

  • HLP is my mistress
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  • Aken Tigh Dekker- you've probably heard me
    • My old squad sub-domain
Shame Delta Serpentis isn't :(
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Retsof

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  • Sanity is over-rated.
Sooo.  Either the Shivans have some new toys or this is those Enskelon guys.

"Get off my forum" -General Battuta
I can't help but hear a shotgun cocking with this.