Author Topic: The Tyrean Chapter  (Read 19362 times)

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Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: Dunno what to call it atm
Yes Admiral :nod:
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: Dunno what to call it atm
     Paladin Evans entered the brightly light hall, heels clicking noisily as he made his way to the end of the chamber, and then knocked gently on the door.

     “Enter,” a young voice called.

      Evans took a deep breath, then opened the door and entered the room. The room was large and well furnished, with a massive bed taking up most of the left wall. In it, a shape slept soundly. At the far side of the room was a large balcony, occupied by a table and two chairs. The balcony commanded a majestic view of the city of Taranis, the new capital of the Republic after the destruction of Tyrea. Evans noticed that there was a data pad on the table. A figure was standing, observing the view below. Moving towards the figure, he knelt down and said, “You summoned me, your Highness.”

     The figure turned around, revealing itself to be a young boy at most nineteen years old, the Toa Daniel Keller of the Royal Tyrean Republic. “Yes, I did, Evans. Rise, and take a seat,” he said, gesturing to the chairs. Evans sat, the boy taking the other empty seat. “What do you know of Ex-Paladin David’s mission?”

     Evans blinked, then replied, “I know that it was to explore the system on the other side of the portal, and if uninhabited establish feasibility of colonisation. If it was inhabited, to determine if the predominant authority would agree to an alliance, or treaty, and if not, then determine the best place to set up a staging area.”

     Daniel nodded, then said, “About three weeks ago we received a pod from Daniel, indicating that the system was inhabited. He also said that he had attacked and captured a pirate base successfully, and included a wealth of data.” He gestured at the data pad, indicating Evans should take it. As he took it, Daniel said, “That data pad contains Daniel’s message to us, and the data.”

     Evans scanned the pad, lingering over the sections about the Shivans and the GTVA.

     “I suspect that Fang Admiral Leveros, who I dispatched five days after him, will fulfil his reinforcement needs, should they have been successful at linking up. That and Paladin Marklos’ fifth-gen Combat Frame should be sufficient military forces to establish a beach head if it comes to it. I am concerned with these Shivans, and the threat they represent to the GTVA. Because they are, after all, human like us.”
Evans nodded, then looked at the Toa. “I believe we will require and in-system presence before we will be able to be of any assistance to the GTVA. Perhaps a station will also allow us real-time communications.”

      The Toa nodded. “I do to. I believe we will require an in-system communications device of considerable power to pass transmissions through the portal and out to Typhon, as well as a station to provide repairs for our ships. Therefore, I have dispatched a convoy of two construction ships and one disassembler ship; they will exit to the other end of the portal and construct a station. You will go along and oversee the construction, as well as provide protection and cover.”

     “What resources do I have?”

     “I’m sending the Sirona; she will serve as your flagship. The Ransom and the Helios will escort her. In addition, I am dispatching the Revenant. The Revenant will blackout comms in the area, providing long range security, as well as a cloak blanket,” Daniel replied. “I want you to avoid combat if at all possible. When construction is finished, send the convoy back through; the Typhon will take them home. Your fleet will remain in-system as a temporary garrison for the station.”
      Evans nodded. “Very well sire. When do I leave?”

     “At once. The Sirona is in system, and the convoy is already en-route, and will hold until you and the Sirona arrive. Remember, avoid combat if at all possible.”

     Evans got up, saluting sharply, then turned to leave.

     “Evans. You can take the data pad. I have no need for it.”

     The Paladin stopped, turned and took the data pad, then stopped short in his tracks as the sleeping figure stirred and got up, the sheets sliding aside to reveal a beautiful eighteen year-old girl rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “Lady Kathleen,” he said, bowing.

     The girl smiled drowsily, then waved her hand in dismissal.

     The Paladin bowed again, then exited the room, closing the door behind him.

     “I hope this was the right choice. Sending him into the unknown like that. Into a potentially hostile system,” Daniel said.

    “You didn’t have any other choice,” the girl replied, getting up and walking towards him.

    Daniel got up, walking to the balcony and gazed out at the city. “I know. But I still don’t like sending my people into danger.”

    Kathleen wrapped her arms around him and whispered, “You just don’t want to lose another friend.”

    Daniel didn’t answer, and continued to gaze out at the city.


     Lieutenant JG Singh sighed mildly. Three hours left on his six hour shift to go. “There’s nothing out here but rocks and more rocks,” he whined to his partner, Markinson, who was the same rank as him.

     “Well. That’s not true. There’re Shivans out there. That’s why the Warspite and those Tyrean cruisers were left behind. To help defend Enif Station in case of an attack.”

     “Yea, I guess. But I still wish something interesting would happen out around here. Closer to the station, ya know what I mean?”

     “Be careful what you wish for, Singh ‘cause you might just get it ... and didn’t we have this conversation before?”

     “Huh. Yeah, back when we picked up that pirate group hiding in the asteroid field.” Singh brightened. “Maybe the pirates will launch a raid on some ships near Enif!” As soon as the words left his mouth, a red light lit up on his console, flashing urgently. Before their eyes, multiple subspace portals opened, and Vasudan fighters spilled forth from the portals. Behind them, two Mentu-II class cruisers exited subspace, flanking a Sobek class corvette.

     “What the hell is going on?” Markinson whispered. Even as he did, the Warspite and the Tyrean cruisers engines’ lit up beams and flak began filling the space.

     “I dunno. What I do know is, that ain’t no pirate,” Singh said, and he slammed his hand down on the emergency button.


     Bulwark, this is the Warspite. I’m initiating a micro-jump to put us behind that Sobek, or its beams will tear us to pieces!” Captain Samantha said to her console.

     “Affirmative, Warspite. Me and the Avarice will handle the fighters and the cruisers. You take down the corvette,” captain Dracip said to Samantha, who nodded her assent and cut the link. Turning to his bridge he yelled, “Activate all point defense guns! Disengage from station power, and let’s take up a forward defensive position! Prioritize bombers and bombs first! Shunt power to forward shields!” His commands spurred the crew into action.

     As the Bulwark pulled itself forward, energy bolts streamed forth from her weapons, making short work of Vasudan fighters that strayed too close. Photon beams reached out to slap aside bombers like flies, and burst weaponry turned the space around the Bulwark into a treacherous field of energy and shredded metal. The Avarice too, was firing all her weapons, throwing up a wall of energy and flak into the path of the Vasudan bombers and fighters, even as the Warspite slipped into subspace. “ Designate Mark One, left Mentu, Mark Two, Sobek, Mark Three, right Mentu. Set weapons for long range fire, minor penetration, target; Mark Three. You may fire when ready,” Dracip said.

     “Target, Mark Three, minor penetration, long range fire. Calibration complete, sir, computer auto fire in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... “, his tactical officer reported. Tyrean tactical doctrine called for the use of precise and long range fire to carve out chunks in the enemy forces while taking minimal damage themselves. To this end, all Tyrean weapons were capable of overcharging their capacitators for long range shots. This process was controlled by the ship computer normally to prevent excessive charging of the capacitators, and resulted in the trademark silver Tyrean beams. The beams lanced forth from the Bulwark’s weapons. The quartet of beams incinerated a few unlucky fighters, crossing the ten kilometre gulf between the Bulwark and its intended target almost instantly. Two went wide, narrowly missing the target, but the last two smashed into the Mentu II’s underside, the beams wreaking havoc on its hull as the destructive energies washed over the surface, destroying a flak turret in the process.

     “Two hits, two misses, sir,” his tactical officer replied.

     “Charge weapons and fire when ready,” Dracip ordered. “Distance between us and Mark Three?”

     “Eight klicks, sir. Still out of range of their weapons,” his TO answered.

     “Reduce throttle. That’s close enough for me. Fire when ready. Ensign, keep at least 7 klicks distance between us and the target at all times. Specs indicate the beam weapons have a 4 klick range. This’ll give us some slack at the least.”

     Without warning, a subspace portal opened behind the Bulwark and a Hatshepsut destroyer exited subspace.

     “Sir! Enemy destroyer aft and below of us.” the sensor tech screamed.

     “Hard to port! Fire emergency starboard thrusters!” Dracip shouted.

      The Hatshepsut’s forward beam lashed out viciously at the Bulwark’s unprepared rear. The Tyrean cruiser shook heavily as the devastating beam blew through the thin rear shields, and would have gutted the cruiser had the captain not ordered the pilot to fire the starboard thrusters. The powerful one-shot boosters kicked in, pushing the ship aside, saving the ship but in the process causing the beam to slide across her engines, blowing out three of them.

     “Sir, we’ve lost our engines! We can’t evade her next shot!” the tactical officer reported

     “Sir, the destroyer’s turning away from us. I think it’s going after the Avarice. Its ... it’s launching transports, sir I think they’re trying to capture us! ETA ten minutes.” the sensor tech said in surprise.

     At this, Dracip blinked, then tapped his console. “Engineering, how soon till the nanobots finish repairs?”

    The grizzled face of his chief engineer looked up at him. “Well, sir. That blast took out two of our thrusters and overloaded the other two. The bots can fix those two, but the others are gone. It’ll take about twenty minutes, give or take several minutes.”

     Dracip grimaced. While all Tyrean ships had a limited self-repair ability, major repairs could still be affected by the nanobots, but required massive amounts of energy, necessitating the disabling of all non-essential systems, including the ship’s weapons. He shook his head, then replied, “Make it happen.” He stabbed a different button. “Lieutenant. Prepare your men to repel boarders.” The lieutenant nodded wordlessly, and he cut the link. Dracip activated the ship’s PA and announced, “All hands stand by to repel boarders. Master of Arms, bring me my sword. Ensign, transmit this code to the Lothar! Rita Delta Delta Delta, I repeat, Rita Delta Delta Delta!”

      The communications ensign nodded, then began tapping out the message, as Dracip watched through external cams the two Vasudan transports drawing up alongside the ship. Mentally, he reminded himself to forward a recommendation that docking hatches on Tyrean ships not be so obvious. The door opened, and the Guard sergeant entered holding his sword. Dracip nodded his thanks and accepted the slender weapon. “TO, you have the bridge,” he said, as he exited the bridge, sword in hand.


    The Marines stood back as the door breach charge was placed. In a flash of light, the door was blasted in, and the Marines threw in flashbangs down both sides. When they heard the flashbangs go off, they quickly exited the Isis transport, taking up positions down the left and right. Suddenly, a figure stepped out of an alcove to the left, flourishing a slender rapier, which came across in a smooth arc, taking off the head of the first Marine, then came back again to impale the second through the chest, the blade slicing through their armoured suits like they were paper. The remaining Marines brought up their chainguns and fired, but the figure held out his hand and the bullets slammed into an invisible wall, then it melted into thin air.

     The survivors hunkered down, scanning the area with a hint of fear. Then, a hail of energy blasts rippled through the air, slamming into the rearmost marines, searing through their armour suits and burning flesh. The marines came around, firing their guns as they turned. Their bullets slammed into energy fields, as the armoured figures advanced down the corridor. Looking like futuristic knights, with their wrists blazing with sapphire energy, the marines broke, running down the corridor, ducking into a room.

     As the terrified marines tried to catch their breath, behind them, an armoured figure materialised, a rapier held in his hand, its edge blazing with orange fire.

Next part up.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 11:50:26 am by Stormkeeper »
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline Colonol Dekker

  • HLP is my mistress
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  • Aken Tigh Dekker- you've probably heard me
    • My old squad sub-domain
Re: Dunno what to call it atm
Onoz the arrestor :( hope it makes it.
At the start i think a sobek was referred to as a destroyer.
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: Re: Dunno what to call it atm
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline Colonol Dekker

  • HLP is my mistress
  • 213
  • Aken Tigh Dekker- you've probably heard me
    • My old squad sub-domain
More? :sigh: :confused:
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Darius

  • 211
This is a great read :) looking forward to the next part


Offline eliex

  • 210
An engaging read. Keep up the good work.   ;)


Offline Stormkeeper

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More? :sigh: :confused:
Patience, my young padawan good man. Been a little busy with a temp job these past few days.
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline Colonol Dekker

  • HLP is my mistress
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  • Aken Tigh Dekker- you've probably heard me
    • My old squad sub-domain
That's what the morning commute is for, use your brain for good instead of oggling business women :lol:
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Stormkeeper

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        In space, the Hatshepsut destroyer continued bearing down on the Avarice, as the Tyrean ship turned to meet the oncoming behemoth. As the deadly amber beam smashed into the Avarice, Captain Safran grabbed hold of his command couch to steady himself. “Shields at 54% percent and holding!” Lieutenant Naan reported. Safran ordered, “Ready main guns, target that Hatshepsut’s frontal turrets!” “Target locked, sir,” reported Ensign Jordan. “Fire!”
       Clouds of emerald darts slammed into the Hatshepsut, pock marking its hull but dealing no serious damage.  Ruby lances hit the main beam turret of the Hatshepsut, damaging it, but failed to deal enough damage to silence the beam, which glowed and lashed back in response. “Shields at 13%! Won’t survive another hit, sir!” Naan called out. Safran cursed. “Ready the hardened shields!” he ordered. “Hardened shields ready!” an ensign called out. As the beam cannon on the destroyer spoke again, Safran yelled, “Activate!”

   Possibly the only thing the Mad Toa Reon did right during his reign was advocating advanced military research in all fields, and one of the things that resulted were hardened shield generators. These shields used a different method of protection; instead of generating a solid energy wall, they created an invisible particle field composed of thavir particles at a particular location around the ship. Normally, these field would effective stop any and all weapons fire, the thavir energy literally eating up the projectile or laser. However, when the photon beam of the Hatshepsut met the thavir wall, the thavir particles split the beam, resulting in a ‘beam shotgun’, much to the misfortune of the crew.

   The amber beams shredded the midsection of the Arrestor, turning it into little more than scrap metal. One of the beams brushed lightly past the reactor of the ship, splitting is protective casing. The crack grew, as the energy inside, its cage now broken, spilled forth in a vengeful white sphere, consuming the ship from the inside out. The ball of furious energy rose upwards, mercifully vaporising most of the crew instantly. Captain Safran never knew what hit him, never even knew the ship was hit, for the whole thing had happened too fast.

   In an instant, where once was a elegant and powerful ship of the Tyrean Royal Navy, there was instead a mangled and smoking ruin.


   “My God!” exclaimed the sensor tech.

   Dracip looked up from the console where he had been talking to the engineer regarding the status of the repairs. “What is it?”

   “Reading a reactor blast from the Arrestor’s location... and we’ve lost contact with her!”

   Dracip snapped up and whipped his head around to his left , like most of the crew was doing now. There faintly in the distance, they could see the dying fires of a reactor explosion. A cold fury filled Dracip. Safran was a good friend to him.  “How soon till the repairs  get done?” he said to the engineer.

   “Fifteen minutes,” the engineer replied.

   Dracip shook his head. “I’m shunting power to our manuevering thrusters and weapons. You’ll have to make do with whats left,” he ordered, and cut the link before the engineer could reply. Then he looked up at his bridge crew. “Bring us about, target that bastard and overcharge our guns. We’re taking him down.” Scarcely had the words left his mouth than a brilliant beam of pure fire stabbed out of the bleakness of space, slashing down across the neck of the destroyer, and then walked across its hull. Where the beam walked, fire burned, despite the lack of atmosphere. Around the stricken destroyer, Combat Frames and Tyrean fighters materialised from nothingness, and began destroying the fighters disabled by the EMP pulse released when the beam had hit. If only they had been a second sooner, Dracip cursed silently. He shook his head, then drew himself up. “Allright, reacquire Mark Three and fire when ready!”

   Within moments, white beams spilled forth from the cannons of the Bulwark smashing into the underside of the Mentu II, adding to the damage already done by the Bulwark’s previous salvos. The Sobek began to turn to face the crippled Kulwas frigate, but behind it, a subspace portal spat the Warspite back into realspace, and its four beams fired instantly, buring themselves in the rear of the Sobek furiously. The stricken corvette tried desperately to turn, but the Warspite gave no quarter, keeping up its furious assault, as Combat Frames and fighters closed in on the trio of ships. Dracip noticed the forces scatter from the leftmost Mentu II, and another bright beam seared across space, impaling the Mentu II dead-center. As its death throes began to consume it, the surviving pair of ships suddenly accelerated, and glided into the relative safety of subspace.

   “Captain Dracip. Are you alright?” the face of captain Nasher, commanding officer of the Lothar appeared on his console. “We were too late to save the Avarice. I’m sorry Dracip.”

   Dracip shook his head. “Not your fault Nasher. You came as fast as you could.”

   Nasher nodded solemnly, then cut the link.

   Dracip stood up, and announced, “TO, you have the bridge. I’m going to take a nap.” His TO nodded, as Dracip made his way to his stateroom. In his room, he picked up a picture showing him and Safran during their graduation from naval academy. Crossing to the other end of his room, he opened a cupboard, and placed the picture inside, joining countless already there. He took one last look at the contents of the cupboard, then closed it.


Short update. Will get a longer one up .... soonish. By the way, there was a typo in the last installment. The ships on guard are the Bulwark and the Avarice, not the Arrestor. The Arrestor is out with the Dagger.
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline Colonol Dekker

  • HLP is my mistress
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  • Aken Tigh Dekker- you've probably heard me
    • My old squad sub-domain
well thank god for that :lol:

Great stuff :yes: Beamz beats uber shileds  ;7
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Stormkeeper

  • Interviewer Extraordinaire
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  • Boomz!
     “That true, captain? You actually failed your command test?” the ensign asked.

     David laughed, and nodded, putting his coffee back on the canteen table. “Yep. I was ordered to evade detection, and find and destroy their command vessel in a massive asteroid field.”

     “So what happened?” another crew member, a warrant officer, asked.

     “Well, I had the whole ship rigged for silent mode, noise cancellers going and what not. The thing is, I wasn’t really paying attention to the Admiral’s briefing when he was describing the target ship. So I had no idea what I was looking for. But I noticed a ship right in the middle of their formation, so I fired and destroyed it. That done, I was supposed to evade capture and get out of there.”

      “And?” the first ensign said.

     David chuckled. “Well, somehow, while creeping around the asteroid field, I had succeeded in getting in the middle of their fleet. So when I had to escape, I found myself surrounded. So I said to the crew-“

     “’Congratulations, people, we’ve got them surrounded!’” piped up Ping from the a few tables over.

      The canteen roared with laughter. “I’m glad you remember, Ping! Care to tell them what happened next?” David said with a smile.

      Ping laughed, then nodded. “Well, back then, I was just a trainee. So when he said that line, I thought to myself, ‘What kind of crack-arse captain did we get? We’re doomed!’ Then he starts giving orders to fire, blink, fire, blink. We destroyed over three quarters of that simulated fleet; we actually ran out of broadside ammo. Then he gives the order to blink away, right smack inside an asteroid he had marked on the way in. So we just waited there quietly while the fleet runs around, pissed off trying to hunt us down.”

      “Then the Claw Admiral and the examiners come in, and the Admiral is clapping his hands. And the Admiral said, ‘Well done David. You just crippled or destroyed over seventy five percent of the Federation’s Third Fleet. Unfortunately, the whole point of the exercise was to destroy their command vessel, which you didn’t do. On the bright side, the admiral is probably sweating bullets at what one destroyer and one insane captain who doesn’t pay attention to briefings just did,’” David finished.

      The canteen erupted in laughter again. David himself was chuckling at the memory. Suddenly the PA system crackled to life. “Captain David, Lieutenant Ping. Please report to the bridge. I repeat, Captain David and Lieutenant Ping, please report to the bridge immediately.”

      David nodded to the crewmen around him as he got up. “Well boys, duty calls. Try not to get too wasted while I’m away.”

     “No fear captain. We’ll be ready when you need us,” the warrant officer said. Several voices added their consent. David nodded again, then left the canteen with Ping at his heels.


     “What is it, James?” David asked as he slid into his command couch on the bridge, unwrapping a bar of chocolate, nodding to Chekoff as his picture appeared on the main display, along with James’ and Nikolai’s.

     “This, sirs,” James moved aside from the screen to show what was behind him.

     “What the hell ...” David breathed. A massive portal lay in the field, surrounded by asteroids. The portal was easily large enough for both the Reverend and the Dagger to enter with plenty of space to spare. Sapphire lightning edged the portal, as it seemed to rotate continuously. The bridge crew gazed, mesmerized by the dangerous beauty of the portal. “What the hell is that thing?” David asked, as he watched the portal crackle and flash with sapphire energy.

    “We can’t be sure,” said captain Nikolai , as she appeared on screen. “Our sensors keep pinging it as a subspace signature of massive proportions, while the Arrestor ...”

     “... pings it as a W-space signature of similar proportions. It keeps telling us that a Worldslayer’s about to come through, and the computer recommends entering parade formation as a result,” James said, his picture appearing alongside hers.

     “Which leaves us with a single conclusion,” Nikolai said.

     “That it’s a portal. A jump portal of some sort, that’s permanently open. But the Shivans obviously have knowledge of it.” The picture zoomed in, and then highlighted several Shivan ships above the portal, as well as numerous fighters patrolling the space around the little fleet. “We read three Cain-class cruisers, a Moloch-class corvette ... and one Lucifer-class destroyer.”

     Chekoff sat up straight in his seat. “A Lucifer! We must warn the GTVA at once!”

     Nikolai shook her head. “The Arrestor’s long range sensor scans correspond with our own; that Lucifer is no threat. Its engines don’t seem to have any sort of power signature.”

     “And we don’t detect any sort of energy field around the Lucifer. If it has any shields, they’re not active. The only things we can detect are energy signatures consistent with Shivan weapons as well as rotation thrusters,” James added.

     “We’ve designated the Lucifer Belial, the Cains are the Dante, the Mephistopheles, the Maleficus and the Moloch is the Everto,” Nikolai said.

     David blinked, and looked at James, who shrugged and said, “I’ve designated the Shivans ship Mark One through Five, One is the Lucifer, Two the Moloch, and Three to Five are the Cains.”

     Nikolai and Chekoff shook their heads. “It is easier to give them proper names, my friend,” Chekoff said.

     David chuckled. “You GTVA kids can stick to your fancy names. We’ll just call them Marks and be done with it. In any case, I think we need to destroy the Shivan ships.”

     Chekoff nodded. “I agree. We must take them down fast. We should start with the Belial before she can bring her guns to bear. I suggest using the destroyers to assault the Belial while our fighters destroy the Belial’s reactors. The rest of the fleet can engage the remaining ships while we distract the Belial.”

     David replied, “I agree, except on one count. I think we should simply engage the Shivan ships. I have something else in mind for the Belial...”


Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline Retsof

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"Get off my forum" -General Battuta
I can't help but hear a shotgun cocking with this.


Offline General Battuta

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Is that a Derelict reference, with the Lucifer holding open the portal?

Anyone else find that font a little hard to read? (as in it's too small)


Offline Stormkeeper

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Anyone else find that font a little hard to read? (as in it's too small)
Kay. I'll keep that in mind.
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline Stormkeeper

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     In the blackness of space, all seemed as it always did. Various wrecks and scrap metal drifted, testament to the Shivans fierce defense of early incursions by unknown ships. But if one were to look closer, one would notice ripples of movement across the blackness of space. Twenty fighters crept slowly towards the Shivan fleet, cloaked from sight and sensor by pectin shrouds. Hanging in W-space, awaiting the signal, sat the allied fleet, the GTVA vessels ‘piggybacking’ on the W-space fields generated by the Tyrean ships. In the holds of the Reverend, sat the GTVA fighters and bombers, their pilots tensed up, nervous about being on an alien vessel, and about the coming battle. Freia, the only ship not waiting in W-Space, waited, its gravitational anchors activated, as power flowed unhindered from its oversized reactor to its firestorm beam. When the beam’s charge hit 100%, more than three times its normal firing power, its captain turned to his view screen, and tapped it twice.

     Throughout the allied fleet, two beeps sounded in rapid succession. In the Dagger, David heard the two beeps. The bridge crew sat up expectantly. David took a deep breath, then nodded. “Begin.”

     Instantly, the dark silence of space was torn apart, as a massive fiery beam tore free from the Freia’s bow, sending the frigate back several meters despite her anchors. The beam crossed the twenty five kilometre distance between it and the Everto almost instantly. As the beam smashed into the Moloch, the sheer force of the beam caused the Moloch to be ripped into two, the immense force sending its two melting halves flying. One half smashed into one of the three prongs of the Maleficus shearing the prong clean off the Cain, while the other came perilously close to hitting the Belial. The beam seared past the Belial, coming close enough to cause her rear armour to be blackened by the heat radiated by the beam ... and close enough for the EMP effect of the beam to strike the Belial.

     In the wake of the firestorm beam, the twenty fighters struck, easily dispatching the helpless Shivan fighters. Around the Shivan fleet, various 'wrecks' blew apart in a flash of light and fire, as Combat Frames spilled forth from their hidden positions guns blazing. The allied fleet dropped out amongst the Shivan ships, the Reverend launching the GTVA fighters and bombers even as she exited W-space. While the Reverend turned her weapons on the helpless Cain cruisers, the Perolynn and Lewolynn corvettes dropped in on either side of the Belial and activated their capture fields, the yellow glows generating a powerful gravitational field that prevented a ship from moving. Above the stricken Lucifer, the Dagger exited W-space, lowering herself until a mere 100 metres separated the two ship. “Assimilate it,” David ordered. Dull red beams stabbed down from the Dagger, and began sweeping the Belial, the beams probing every nook and cranny of the Belial’s upper hull, while the Black Wing did the same for the lower hull of the Belial. The beams of the Lucifer glowed red, then lashed upwards as high as they would go ... but came nowhere close to touching the Dagger.

     “Assimilation complete, sir,” Ping said. David nodded. “Fry them.”

     The yellow fields shimmered, then turned a dark blue as the field generators on the two ships shifted from capture ... to disable. Powerful radioactive waves passed through the Lucifer’s hull from the Perolynn’s generator, bouncing off the field generated by the Lewolynn, and then back again. The process of bouncing the field back and forth caused most living beings to become extremely sick and unable to move.

     “I find this style of attack most unorthodox,” Chekoff said to David over a private channel.

     David chuckled. “Well, back where I come from, this is a pretty standard style of attacking a defensive position ... although we usually have some Heretos corvettes; those ships have plenty of heavy duty short ranged weapons, perfect for this kind of attack.”

     “Interesting. You Tyreans have ships purpose built for ... brawling?”

     “Brawling isn’t what we call it. We call it close quarters combat. It’s quite effective when combined with our ability to slip in and out of W-space.”

      Chekoff nodded. “I suppose so. It would be difficult for brawling ships to get close enough without your ability to do so... I wonder if it is possible for our ships to do similar things, since your W-space seems similar to our subspace.”

     David opened his mouth, but Ping interrupted, reporting, “Sir. The transports are launching soon.” David nodded, then looked down at his view screen. “I’ll talk to you later, Chekoff. I’m joining the boarding party.”

     Chekoff looked shocked. “What? But that’s too dangerous for you, you are boarding a Shivan ship, a Lucifer no less!”

      “That may be, Chekoff, but I’m curious. Besides ... It’s not like I’ll die,” David said and cut the line.


Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline Retsof

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“Assimilate it,”


"Get off my forum" -General Battuta
I can't help but hear a shotgun cocking with this.


Offline Colonol Dekker

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I'm willing to gamble that it will all make sense later on in the story, Possibly an entanglement / capture field which disables it and holds it in place while the main "smaxxor" beam charged.. :nervous:
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Stormkeeper

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     Ping cut the link, leaning back in the command couch. He’d served under David for three years now, and he’d come to respect David as an excellent captain and a talented strategist and brilliant tactician. But certain things didn’t seem to add up. The fact that he was also one of the most, if not the most, skilled swordsman he had ever seen. The fact that he had glimpsed a warblade, the sacred, almost mythical weapon of the Paladins, in the captain’s quarters once. And of course, the fact that he never seemed to age a day. The only conclusion was that David was both a Paladin and an Immortal. Ping never questioned David over this, respecting the captain’s wishes. But sometimes he wondered ... if David was an Immortal ... than what about the ship itself? He knew rumours of the ships, fighters and Combat Frames that survived the final battle with the Enskeleons. Sentient weapons, capable of thinking and acting for themselves, prioritizing the survival of their pilots above all else. If the captain was an Immortal, could the ship itself be...

     “Lieutenant!” Taylor yelled, cutting right across Ping’s train of thought.

     Ping called out, “What is it, Taylor?”

     “Contacts, sir! Lots of them, Shivan! Reading at least four destroyers, ten cruisers, five corvettes and one unidentified ship, weight mass exceeding that of any know Shivan destroyer, including the Lucifer.”

     Ping shot up. “Sathanas?” he asked, barely keeping the fear from his voice. The small allied fleet would be hard pressed to delay any Shivan Juggernaught, much less stop it.

      “Negative sir. Weight mass too low for positive identification of Shivan Juggernaughts. They’re exiting the portal now!” Taylor said.
The bridge crew looked out the viewport, at the swirling sapphire nexus of energies. Before their eyes, the Shivan fleet exited the portal, arrayed neatly around the unknown ship. The ship resembled one of their Nahema bombers, albeit on a much larger scale. The middle of the ship had four ‘claws’ were curved inward, and the base of the claws had a quartet of spikes each. As the ship cleared the portal, waves of fighters and bombers launched from the ship, a veritable swarm of insects, although far more dangerous than any insect alive.

     Then, the spikes glowed, and ruby energy flowed down the spikes, then curved down the claws, coalescing in a pulsing red sphere, which shimmered dangerously. The sphere pulsed again, and a massive beam of ruby energy stormed forth, vaporising any and all objects in its path.

     “High energy source detected! It’s targeting us!” Taylor screamed.

     “Evade!” Ping commanded.

     “Too late!” Taylor screamed again.

     Without warning, a blindingly blue flare erupted just before the beam struck the Dagger, as the Perolynn activated its shield generator. The flare dimmed, then brightened again, as the Perolynn shunted more and more energy into the generator. Just as the beam faded away, the space around the fleet shimmered and turned translucent, as the Perolynn changed the shield morphed into a bubble shield. While the bubble field effectively stopped any fire coming in, it also stopped fire from going out, and also cut off the Tyreans from accessing W-Space.

    Ping let out the breathe he had not known he was holding, then tapped the button, activating the link to the Perolynn. The screen shimmered with static for an instant, then connected. The captain was in a space suit, and Ping instantly knew the situation was dire. A few minutes later, he straightened. The Perolynn, in order to protect the fleet, was now effectively useless in combat, with fire control, combat sensory and life support just a few of the systems take off in order to flood the shield generator with sufficient power to morph the shield into a bubble shield.

     “Contact captain David,” Ping ordered.

     “I ... can’t, sir,” Taylor reported.

     “What? Why not ?” Ping demanded.

     “I don’t know, sir. We’re not getting a signal from any of them, including the three transports that went in with them. The medical monitors are also reading flat lines across the board,” Taylor said.

     “Well, keep trying, damnit!” Ping snapped at the ensign. With David missing, command of the task force would fall to the GTVA Admiral, who had little opportunity to prove himself thus far. The records they had pulled from the GTVA mainframe on Enif Station showed he had a distinguished career most recently marred by drinking problems. He rubbed his chin, then opened a channel to Chekoff, explaining what happened, and what the Perolynn had done, as well as the current inability of the Tyrean fleet to enter W-Space, meaning they were essentially trapped within the bubble shield. He also added that he had lost all contact with David inside the Belial. Chekoff leaned back, considering what Ping had told him.

     “You cannot access your W-space, correct? Yet our subspace drives are perfectly functional, indicating we are able to leave this shield... We must find a way to warn the GTVA, and see to that monster out there ...” Chekoff scratched his beard distractedly. “Tell me... Your ... Combat Frames, that is what they are called yes? How much space do they take up, and do they require special launching equipment?”

     Ping blinked.“Eh? Well ... The Frames are generally about 20 – 25 high, but their weight varies. The lightest ones are about 40 tons, while the heaviest are close to a hundred and twenty tons. They generally launch from catapults that propel them to a suitable combat speed, but they can do standing launches if it comes to it.”

    “Hmmm. I see. Let me consider something. I will contact you again shortly,” Chekoff said, then disconnected.


My inspiration is dying on me. It's poking me to do a fantasy story, or one based on ground combat.
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!