Author Topic: Ship Mod Database Page  (Read 11651 times)

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Ship Mod Database Page
I added some more ships to the database page, mostly Vasudan stuff (well, all Vasudan stuff).

One thing I'm noticing though, is as I add stuff that HTML page gets longer and longer. If I or other people continue to add entries, it's eventually going to be one huge ass HTML file and people hate that. Hell it's pretty long already. I'm think it'll be better convert it instead into table format, and have say "Fighters" and then have Terran Vasudan Shivan Ancient Other each forming their own column across the screen. Hopefully Wiki allows for percentage based tables so that it works with most resolutions?? That could literally cut down on the length to like 1/5th and will also quite frankly look better, especially with one of those header lines or whatever separating each section.

I'll look into this later if it seems like a good idea.

Also personally I'd remove the credits from the main list and instead place it into the ship's page itself. But that's just me, I'm not going to edit a bunch of other people's stuff without consent. It seems much cleaner to just have the designation with the ship name. But maybe some poeple like to choose ships based on their author's I don't really know.

EDIT - If I get to editing it, I'll probably change the section titles into something like "Capital Ships" "Large Capital Ships" and "Super Capital Ships". Seems like a more logical progression than just throwing out a bunch of random names. Though I would keep those names in parenthesis, but not as the section title. Also given the volume of entries for some sections, it's tempting to do away with them all together. A terran knossos for example, could fit under the Static Installation category whether its manned or unmanned. Though I suppose if I try to get it into the table format it won't really take up much space at all anyway.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2008, 07:43:24 pm by Akalabeth Angel »

I think I've finished adding all the publicly released Vasudans:

That I know of anyway. If I missed any, give me a shout. I'm not sure if there were any in the Lost Souls dump and whether that information is even available anymore.


Offline Snail

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Wow you're doing some really good work here. :yes:

Wow you're doing some really good work here. :yes:

    Yeah thanks for some of your fixes, I'm just guessing at some of that so I would hope that someone more knowledgeable would come along and correct me. I still have to go back into all of my sept01 posts and update the model creator credits since I didn't realize a lot of the credits were listed on the master ship list.

EDIT - I also noticed I manage to bork every one of the new entries. I used one file as a base which had the credits saying "the SA" team (probably inaccurately) then when I changed it for the new ships I accidently left "the" in there. So now ships are credited to "the Woomeister" and "the Trashman" (both of which sound okay, but maybe not "the Bobbau"). Minor point. But perhaps its not in the proper tone and can be fixed whenever people ("people" likely being "me") bother to do so.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2008, 02:25:38 pm by Akalabeth Angel »

Added a few more ships.
After I add the Shivans I'm going to reformat that page. It's already looking like some big long drivelled mess. Might not happen until the weekend or so though if not later. I should be doing all kinds of other things.

EDIT - btw, why when you click on the link at the bottom of a ship entry does it not link back to the same page you came from? That's honestly bizarre. Not sure why there are two mod lists . . . (one's alphabetically, the one you click back to).


Offline ShadowGorrath

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Didn't read this thread fully, but what the heck.  :p

Maybe you should put all the mod ships in such directories by species ( for example: shows Terran ships, then go terran fighters, bombers, cruisers, corvettes, and etc., after all terran ships go Vasudan and so on )?

Second: there are improved maps for the Ancients. Unless you want to have them in their original INFR1 form?

Lastly... I don't know if I'm pushing it and all, but maybe you could write there that the Ancient ships will appear in my ASW mod?  ;)

Bravo Akalabeth, a great contribution.
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Offline NGTM-1R

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Second: there are improved maps for the Ancients. Unless you want to have them in their original INFR1 form?

Define improved maps, as I recall Woo totally reworked them both maps and models and it wasn't totally to their benefit.
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Offline ShadowGorrath

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Upgraded maps by freespaceking.

Didn't read this thread fully, but what the heck.  :p

Maybe you should put all the mod ships in such directories by species ( for example: shows Terran ships, then go terran fighters, bombers, cruisers, corvettes, and etc., after all terran ships go Vasudan and so on )?

Second: there are improved maps for the Ancients. Unless you want to have them in their original INFR1 form?

Lastly... I don't know if I'm pushing it and all, but maybe you could write there that the Ancient ships will appear in my ASW mod?  ;)

     Hmmn, that's a possibility. Well actually I was thinking of maybe having two pages, one that lists everything by class and one that lists everything by their respective species. Have the class one default and then have a link to the species one at the top? But if I put it into columns I'm going to do away with custom races having their own category, they'll all be lumped into "other" because there isn't enough. While the Terrans will get two because they have so many. ADDENDUM -  Also if I take the author's out of the list or reduce it to abbreviations I can always add another alternate list, that lists ships by author. Though it might have to be broken down into mesh and texturer. Or simply list what the person is credited for beside the name. Which will result in many duplicates at least for some of the older stuff. This way someone could find all of Trashman's ships easily, or could find all of Woomeisters, or Aldo's or Nuke's or Stratcomm's or whoever's.

     I wasn't aware of any new Ancient maps being publically available. I simply took from a source that I knew was available to the public. If the new ancient ships are released, I can use screenies from them instead. But if they're not released they shouldn't be on the mod page anyway according to the rules. To be honest the Ancient ships are some of the better looking ones up there (though not all of course). With the absolute worst ship I've added being the GVC Sai I'd say (15 differnet textures and some of them are stretched to hell and back). I know Blue Planet also has alternate maps for at least a few ancient ships, but in most or all cases I went with using the original form and name. I should have actually linked to BP to say there were alternate maps but it was late already.

     One could add a subcategory for "mods they appear in". Though in some cases this might be spoilerific. Also for some ships the list could get pretty extensive which might distract from the ship itself. Unless it was thrown at the bottom beneath the downloads section. If you've got a wiki account you could probably edit it yourself. I'm just going to try and get all the ships in there first. You could also of course on your mod page link to these ship pages for a list of ships you've got in there.

     The anyway, I'll do the shivans first. And then start to tackle the Terrans. Because there are SOOOOOOOO many terran ships. It doesn't help that half the mods out there deal with returning to earth and add a whole new fleet of terrans. (or more accurately, they add TWO new whole fleets of terrans, one solar, one GT)
« Last Edit: September 03, 2008, 11:52:50 am by Akalabeth Angel »


Offline Narwhal

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Great job, dude. I was planning to do something like this after I finished the campaign page but you did it better and more complete than I could ever have.

Great contrib'

Great job, dude. I was planning to do something like this after I finished the campaign page but you did it better and more complete than I could ever have.

Great contrib'

       Thanks. Though it's no where near "complete" nor I imagine will it ever be as stuff is continually introduced. But for one brief moment, I might be able to get it as complete as I can. Then it'll be downhill from there.

       But it's just cutting and pasting for the most part. Copying stuff from tables or from modelview. The biggest pain in the butt, well, two biggest pains in the butt are counting turrets and typing out all these new weapons some mods introduced. Looking at a Destroyer with 48 turrets or whatever and counting different types of beams, turrets, AAAf and so forth is kinda painful.

keep adding more. do terran ones next.
Sig nuked! New one coming soon!

keep adding more. do terran ones next.

    Nope, shivans.
    Terrans will take a while just to organize. But the terrans wont be too far behind.

I like the way this is coming along, good work. I always wanted a page to see the stats and pictures of all of the new ships.
Sig censored by people with no sense of humor


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Uh, almost every instance of "maneuverability" has been misspelled "maneuverabilty".
Should I go through and fix it all, or should this relatively-minor thing be done when lumped with something else?

Uh, almost every instance of "maneuverability" has been misspelled "maneuverabilty".
Should I go through and fix it all, or should this relatively-minor thing be done when lumped with something else?

    Well personally I'd spell it manoeuvrability to begin with but I just grabbed whatever from another page and used that as the base for everything. Either the Ezechial or that black fighter. But I can fix that for anything upcoming. And use the yankee way of mispelling, er I mean, spelling it.


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Mmm, alright.

Mmm, alright.

     I mean, if you want you can go in and do minor edits. I don't know if anyone cares. People should feel free to fix nything I've done wrong (as Snail and a few people have done already, ie with credits). But right now I'll just try to fix it for anything upcoming.
      Thanks for the heads up though.

Whoa dang Snail, good thing I looked before I started writing up some more ships. I'll download that new format and user 'er for theVeteran Comments bit.