Author Topic: Just drawing some attention to...  (Read 13957 times)

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Offline IceFire

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Re: Just drawing some attention to...

In our version of FreeSpace history...the Sol system is plunged into political chaos after the ties are severed with the Alliance.  Chaos and confusion about loosing touch with the colonies compounded by fear created some rather complex situations.  More will be revealed in the actual campaign story (when Kellan and I were writing the original story we went pretty indepth into the situation).  Suffice to say that the military that Sol has is half new/half very old...allot of its banged together to make it work.  Thats the feel we're going with for the Sol Military Coalition.  Also the Sol government has a very tenuous tie on power when the GTVA arrives....and thats when things get interesting for both sides :)

oooh, i like. Given the time you guys had to work on it, i suspect that models, etc (due to SCP) weren't the only things you guys have been refining, no?  :)
Somewhat.  Kellan left the project a very long time ago now...can't even remember if he was here when we moved to HLP from Volition Watch when that was all shut down.  But when we started really working on BWO...when it expanded itself greatly...we wrote out allot of backstory.  I'm not even sure if all of its around somewhere but needless to say all of the plots and subplots, characters, and events...everything was completely written out and discussed between the two of us at length and then with other people later on.  Everyone who was a part of the project at various times left their mark on the story was it was refined.  The missions themselves are rich with this stuff too so you'll all...eventually...see what are hopefully the fruits of that labour.

In retrospect the story is probably overly complex for a FreeSpace 2 campaign.  But we had fun anyways :)

Plus if the story is too complex it still involves blowing allot of stuff up.  So can't complain too much :D

So will the SMC get a full HTL fleet?
Thats what we're working on right now...amongst other things. We have some really good looking stuff in the works.  When we get closer...we'll start showing people allot of our stuff.  But I don't want to release stuff and then go quiet for a while.  It prompts people to ask if we're dead and that sort of thing.
- IceFire
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Re: Just drawing some attention to...

In our version of FreeSpace history...the Sol system is plunged into political chaos after the ties are severed with the Alliance.  Chaos and confusion about loosing touch with the colonies compounded by fear created some rather complex situations.  More will be revealed in the actual campaign story (when Kellan and I were writing the original story we went pretty indepth into the situation).  Suffice to say that the military that Sol has is half new/half very old...allot of its banged together to make it work.  Thats the feel we're going with for the Sol Military Coalition.  Also the Sol government has a very tenuous tie on power when the GTVA arrives....and thats when things get interesting for both sides :)

oooh, i like. Given the time you guys had to work on it, i suspect that models, etc (due to SCP) weren't the only things you guys have been refining, no?  :)
Somewhat.  Kellan left the project a very long time ago now...can't even remember if he was here when we moved to HLP from Volition Watch when that was all shut down.  But when we started really working on BWO...when it expanded itself greatly...we wrote out allot of backstory.  I'm not even sure if all of its around somewhere but needless to say all of the plots and subplots, characters, and events...everything was completely written out and discussed between the two of us at length and then with other people later on.  Everyone who was a part of the project at various times left their mark on the story was it was refined.  The missions themselves are rich with this stuff too so you'll all...eventually...see what are hopefully the fruits of that labour.

In retrospect the story is probably overly complex for a FreeSpace 2 campaign.  But we had fun anyways :)

Plus if the story is too complex it still involves blowing allot of stuff up.  So can't complain too much :D

So will the SMC get a full HTL fleet?
Thats what we're working on right now...amongst other things. We have some really good looking stuff in the works.  When we get closer...we'll start showing people allot of our stuff.  But I don't want to release stuff and then go quiet for a while.  It prompts people to ask if we're dead and that sort of thing.

i like polish, it generally shows that a lot of thought has been given to something, instead of being halfassed and just churned out in rapid succession like other things you see these days.  :)
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Offline Mars

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Re: Just drawing some attention to...
Will they be fighting the Strogg?


Offline Kosh

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Re: Just drawing some attention to...
Except that 32 years later, the outside colonies demonstrate that they have a high amount of industrial capacity (look at all the ships Alpha 1 sees from his limited prespective)

It is surprising considering that they were totally devastated by the Great War and during most of the reconstruction period there was total economic and political chaos in the Terran sector.

Why?  The Valkyrie is a far better pure interceptor than anything in FS2, other than the Horus...which was also an FS1-era interceptor.  I think Trivial Psychic made me finally realize why I've always held so much disdain for the Perseus as an interceptor: it was never meant to fulfill just that role.  It's an excellent, speedy all-around fighter, but it was never meant to take on the singular role that the Valkyrie performed so well.  That afterburner still makes me drool; you could fly at 165 for what seemed like days...

The afterburners were nice, but in an era of flak guns, beam cannons, and piranhas, the lack of armor and shields really hurts. When I first tried playing Argonautica I went with the Serapis (which has equally weak shields/armor) and the first wave of Nahema's with their piranhas quickly destroyed all of my wingman's Serapises and left mine badly damaged. The Terran reinforcements with their Perseuses last much longer........
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Re: Just drawing some attention to...
That's exactly why I usually concentrate on intercepting bombers and leave my otherwise-useless wingmen to be chewed to shreds by enemy capital ships. :p