Author Topic: Music download  (Read 14669 times)

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Offline Darius

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A lot of people have requested full versions of the three soundtracks used in Blue Planet: Age of Aquarius, so I've merged the ambient and battle tracks together into single audio files and put them online. Until I find a more reliable place to put them, I'm putting them up at Mediafire

You can find the three tracks here (thanks to Belisarius for the hosting).
« Last Edit: September 17, 2010, 10:25:31 pm by Darius »


Offline eliex

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Thanks.  :)

Weird.  It let me download Razorback, but for the other two it wants me to verify my account, even though I don't have one.  I don't plan on getting one, either. 
"Courage is the complement of fear.  A fearless man cannot be courageous.  He is also a fool." -- Robert Heinlein

I'm being asked to register to download on all of the songs :no:, shame. Well atleast i can listen to them on the site!  :yes:


Offline Androgeos Exeunt

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Until I find a more reliable place to put them...

Windows Live SkyDrive? :nervous:
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Quote: Tuesday, 3 October 2023 0133 UTC +8, #general
Oh you still believe in fairy tales like Santa, the Easter Bunny, and free market competition principles?


Offline Rick James

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Google just gave me a "reported attack site" warning.

Could this perhaps be re-uploaded to somewhere else, like mediafire or rapidshare?

Boystrous 19 year old temp at work slapped me in the face with an envelope and laughed it off as playful. So I shoved him over a desk and laughed it off as playful. It's on camera so I can plead reasonable force.  Temp is now passive.


Offline Darius

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Uploaded to Mediafire.


Offline peterv

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Thanks Darius :D

I haven't finished Blue Planet Age of Aquarius yet but I'm working on it.  However after listening to these music pieces I am amazed.  They sound as if they were created by gaming studio.  I couldn't tell the difference unless you told me.  This is one thing I have like about Blue Planet AoA so far is how the music helps set the mood.  So far I'm enjoying the campaign.  I'll probably play through it again once the voice acting is released.  I'm also eagerly awaiting Blue Planet: War in Heaven


Offline Darius

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They're not mine! Just making that very clear. The only one on there that is mine is the Joshua remix...the rest were taken from third-party sources.

They're not mine! Just making that very clear. The only one on there that is mine is the Joshua remix...the rest were taken from third-party sources.

Regardless.  Excellent choices by whoever selected them.  The Joshua remix was very good.


Offline Androgeos Exeunt

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Was Joshua II actually based off the Joshua from the FreeSpace 2 soundtrack?
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Quote: Tuesday, 3 October 2023 0133 UTC +8, #general
Oh you still believe in fairy tales like Santa, the Easter Bunny, and free market competition principles?


Offline Darius

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Offline eliex

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Upon the music replay, there were some elements of the original Joshua in Joshua II but there were some welcome differences certainly.  :nod:


Offline Androgeos Exeunt

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The only similarity I can find (and that I find only with great difficulty) is the piano. When I first saw the file name, I went, "What do you mean 'Joshua2'? It doesn't sound like a derivative of the Joshua tune in FS2!" :lol:
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Quote: Tuesday, 3 October 2023 0133 UTC +8, #general
Oh you still believe in fairy tales like Santa, the Easter Bunny, and free market competition principles?

Great stuff here. I downloaded all 5, made a little "Blue Planet" playlist in WMP.

But hey, I still am not hearing my favorite tune from the campaign. It's that amazing theme that plays in that battle when the Shivans attack the Temeraire in that very brought glowy "grayish/silver" star system? I'm positive it's the one where the Vishnan warships show up at the end to eliminate the second wave of three Shivan warships.

The music that plays during that battle is STUNNING. I'd love to have it.


Offline blowfish

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Just crack open the VP and extract the files :P


Offline eliex

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But hey, I still am not hearing my favorite tune from the campaign. It's that amazing theme that plays in that battle when the Shivans attack the Temeraire in that very brought glowy "grayish/silver" star system? I'm positive it's the one where the Vishnan warships show up at the end to eliminate the second wave of three Shivan warships.

That music is from the mission, "Preserving the Balance."
Although I consider the music used in "Forced Entry" to be excellent, the music from PtB will always be my favourite.  :nod:

Yes, Preserving the Balance. The music in that one just rocks the house. Nobody ever mentions it, they always talk about the themes that play during Forced Entry or the second to last mission ('Machine'). And those two are AWESOME, yes, but I love the PtB theme.

I'm actually redownloading FS2 SCP right now, should have Blue Planet again by the end of the day. Afterwards I'll certainly open up the VP and find me some amazing music :-).


Offline Darius

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Aim, by MaX, the guy who did the BtRL soundtrack.  :yes: