Author Topic: FSF: engine stuff  (Read 9720 times)

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Offline CP5670

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I can put together some AI routines in a standard math/logic notation (I've done some stuff with chess AI before ;)) but I don't know much C++. :(


Offline Firgeis

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I dont know alot about C++ (altough i have taken a 1 year course of C), but im quite familiar with AI routines and able programmer.

When i noticed AOE2 had an AI editor, in 2 days i came up with an AI that could beat even 2 standard AI (It isnt difficult at all).
It was very basic, the comp would speed up to Imperial Age and hoard some units for defense, and then launch an attack when it was confident (altough i couldnt control the attacks, so the AI lost the siege weapons in stupid ways, and that was not acceptable against human players).
It was harder to beat because standard AI would only spit small group of units at you, that were easily defeated.

So if u need any help with it contact me, im really intested in this project :)


Offline TrashMan

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- Hey! :jaw:Stop all that fighting! Hey, you! Yes, you - the shivan in the bomber, I said stop! Cant you see I'm trying to give some orders around here. How are we suppose to win if you keep flying around so fast1

PAUSING and giving orders?! Please... don't...Where's the fun in that?
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Offline TrashMan

  • T-tower Avenger. srsly.
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About the AI - Starlancer had a (let's say) decent AI, and X-Wing: Alliance had a good one too. Prehaps if someone can get his hands on the source code...:rolleyes:
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!

Nfinite- Name of new engine?
Now that the source-code has been realised, I wonder what a new/modified engine will be called. Freespace Nfinite (FN) maby?

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Offline Alikchi

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Oh God no.

The engine'll be similar enough that probably someone who doesn't read forums won't notice the difference. So call it FreeSpace 2.
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Offline EdrickV

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I'd say: FS 2 version 1.3 U  (and then 1.4 U, 1.5 U, etc.)
(U = Unofficial)
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Offline Star-Epock

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Excuse my ignorance.

Um, It sounds here like your going to make a game from scratch. I understood now that the FS2 code was released it would provide a platform for improvement. And that many of the obstacles that were encountered before were now possible to circumvent?

Is it necessary to re-write, or use an alternate engine to improve the graphics say, then?

It seems you all getting carried away with these new Graphics standards and "woopeedoo" possible improvements. From what ive seen the only thing that really improved the way my games look was FSAA, and all that does is fill in the gaps!!!

It just seems a frivelous waste of the communities resources, and obvious talents on things that just "Sound Cool" but dont really make all the difference.
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Offline Inquisitor

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Offline EdrickV

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The main discussions about the source code has moved to the source code forum.
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