Author Topic: HUD Overhaul Test Build  (Read 95440 times)

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Offline Swifty

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HUD Overhaul Test Build

Based off of Rev 6354. Sample HUD data with an exhaustive list of options per gauge inside Hud_Gauges.tbl. Download

Code has been committed to svn://

A screencast on my Youtube channel showing an overview. Just for fun.

EDIT: Make sure you guys turn on all the HUD gauges in the HUD Options Menu. I know that FSO by default sets Squad Messages and Text Warnings off; originally FSO would just display them regardless of they were off or not but my code, for better or worse, does not make any such discrimination.

More sample HUD layouts that look way better than the examples in my build package:

Standard HUD layout 4:3 resolutions
Standard HUD layout for 16:9/10 resolutions
The_E's custom layout for 16:9/10 resolutions
Layout for triple head monitors

Some basic documentation:

All HUD configurations are encapsulated with "#Gauge Config" and "#End". You can define as many different configurations as you need.

Code: [Select]
#Gauge Config
(HUD layout information goes here)

You can define a HUD layout configuration for a specific ship or for the default configuration. The default configuration is the HUD layout which will be used for any ships that do not have its own layout. Ship specific gauge layouts will have "$Ship:" defined while non-specific layouts do not.

Each #Gauge Config will have a Base resolution. This resolution is the scale in which the corresponding HUD layout will be drawn regardless of the actual resolution. This is similar to how Freespace Open draws the HUD at a 640x480 or 1024x768 scale regardless of the resolution and aspect ratio. This scale is defined using the "$Base:" field.

Code: [Select]
#Gauge Config
$Base: (1440, 900)
(List desired gauges here)
$End Gauges

You can restrict a given HUD layout to be used for specific resolutions and/or aspect ratios. The "$Required Aspect:" field will limit a HUD configuration for use for a specified aspect ratio. The "$Min:" field will set a minimum resolution. "$Max:" will set a maximum.

The following example will restrict this particular HUD gauge layout, that will be drawn in 1440x900 resolution, for use for in wide screen resolutions that are greater than 1280x719 and less than 1680x1051. Since this example does not have the "$Ship" field, it will be used for the default configuration.

Code: [Select]
#Gauge Config
$Base: (1440, 900)
$Required Aspect: Wide Screen ;Can be "Wide Screen" or "Full Screen" ATM
$Min: (1280, 719)
$Max: (1680, 1051)
(List desired gauges here)
$End Gauges

Any desired gauges are encapsulated within $Gauges and $End Gauges. Each gauge is followed by a set of coordinates representing the desired screen position. Setting "default" instead of an ordered pair will set the HUD gauge to draw with it's original retail coordinates and scale (640x480 or 1024x768)

Code: [Select]
#Gauge Config
$Base: (1440, 900)
$Required Aspect: Wide Screen ;Can be "Wide Screen" or "Full Screen" ATM
$Min: (1280, 720)
$Max: (1680, 1050)
+Wingman Status:
Position: (600, 400)
Position: (900, 50)
+Target Monitor:
Position: (50, 850)
+Center Reticle: default
+Player Shields: default
$End Gauges

Add "$Ship:" to define this gauge layout for a particular flyable ship.

Code: [Select]
#Gauge Config
$Ship: GTF Ulysses
$Base: (1440, 900)
$Required Aspect: Wide Screen ;Can be "Wide Screen" or "Full Screen" ATM
$Min: (1280, 720)
$Max: (1680, 1050)
+Wingman Status:
Position: (600, 400)
Position: (900, 50)
+Target Monitor:
Position: (50, 850)
+Center Reticle: default
$End Gauges


To add a custom gauge, use +Custom and it's parameters

Code: [Select]
#Gauge Config
$Ship: GTF Ulysses
$Base: (1440, 900)
$Required Aspect: Wide Screen ;Can be "Wide Screen" or "Full Screen" ATM
$Min: (1280, 720)
$Max: (1680, 1050)
Position: (1300, 20)
Name: Sup
Text: This is a custom gauge
Gauge Type: ETS_GAUGE ; strings for gauges defined in sexp.cpp. Will adopt the color and activation settings of its corresponding control in HUD config.
Slew: No
Filename: netlag1
+Wingman Status:
Position: (600, 400)
Position: (900, 50)
+Target Monitor:
Position: (50, 850)
+Center Reticle: default
$End Gauges

From sexp.cpp:
Code: [Select]
char *HUD_gauge_text[NUM_HUD_GAUGES] =

lvlshot FTW -- The E
« Last Edit: October 19, 2010, 03:09:46 am by Swifty »


Offline T-Man

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Excellent, you can specify ship-specific HUDs with it too. I was considering putting up a feature request for just that. A lot of mod makers will find that useful i imagine.

Congratulations; excellent work. :) :yes:
Also goes by 'Murasaki-Tatsu' outside of Hard-Light

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Offline Black Wolf

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Oh wow - this is really cool and way overdue. The implementation seems very logical and intuitive as well. Now i just need to work out how to do custom guages... Does this support them?
Rarely Updated P3D.
Burn the heretic who killed F2S! Burn him, burn him!!- GalEmp


Offline Swifty

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Yes, thanks for reminding me. Custom gauges are still supported and can still be affected by the hud set SEXPs. I'll post up some more documentation regarding how to use them.


Offline Galemp

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
This gets Carl's five thumbs up!

"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

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Offline Swifty

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
First post updated with info on how to use Custom Gauges.


Offline JGZinv

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Much praise for you Swifty. We've needed this for so long.

On a lighter note.

We should no longer refer to it as a Heads Up Display, but the Swifty Tactical Display...

Er wait...that doesn't make a good acronym.
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Offline The E

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Right, here are the results of a bit of experimentation by me. This is optimized for 1440x900, just like Swifty's example tbl.


Please ignore the crap that's displayed on the radar. Some custom radar images are broken, seemingly.

Also, here's the custom reticle:
If you want to use the retail one, you'll need to adjust the reticle coordinates to the same values used in Swifty's example tbl.


Code: [Select]
$Load Retail Configuration: No ; If set to Yes, FSO will load any missing gauges necessary to complete the FS1/FS2 retail configuration.
; If field is not present, FSO will default this to Yes.
;$Max Escort Ships:

;$Length Unit Multiplier:

;$Wireframe Targetbox:

;$Lock Wireframe Mode:

;$Reticle Style:

; The following is a widescreen example HUD. If the user does not select a resolution matching the below parameters, FSO will not use this HUD and move on to the next configuration
#Gauge Config
;$Ship: GTF Perseus
; For Per-Ship gauges
$Base: (1440, 900) ; The scale in which FSO will render these gauges in. Everything in $Gauges should be between 1 and 1440 for the X val and between 1 and 900 for the Y val
$Required Aspect: Wide Screen ; Can be "Wide Screen" or "Full Screen" ATM
$Min: (1280, 720) ; These Min and Max fields are Inclusive
$Max: (1920, 1080)
; Any gauges with "default" will be loaded with default retail settings, including their scale and position (based on 640x480 or 1024x768 depending on the player's resolution)
Position: (800, 660)
Position: (700, 350)
Position: (10, 440)
+ETS Weapons:
Position: (450, 450)
+ETS Engines:
Position: (474, 450)
+ETS Shields:
Position: (462, 450)
Position: (265, 20)
+Training Messages:
Position: (265, 90)
+Talking Head:
Position: (5, 5)
+Wingman Status:
Position: (10, 380)
Position: (615, 730)
+Target Monitor:
Position: (10, 730)
+Center Reticle:
Position: (710, 440)
Position: (500, 350)
+Threat Indicator:
Position: (837, 350)
+Text Warnings:
Position: (720, 500)
+Text Warnings:
Position: (720, 400) ; Yes, having multiple of the same gauge is possible
+Afterburner Energy: default
;Position: (575, 735)
+Weapon Energy: default
;Position: (850, 735)
+Auto Target:
Position: (800, 630)
+Auto Speed:
Position: (580, 630)
Position: (580, 660)
+Mission Time:
Position: (930, 550)
+Player Shields:
Position: (840, 780)
+Target Shields:
Position: (470, 780)
+Escort View:
Position: (160, 730)
+Squad Message:
Position: (1000, 770)
+Target Brackets: ; Target Brackets, Lock Indicator, Lead Indicator, and Offscreen Indicator don't need a "Position:" field.
+Lock Indicator:
+Lead Indicator:
;+Lead Indicator: default
+Offscreen Indicator:
+Hostile Triangle: default
+Missile Triangles: default
+Target Triangle: default
Position: (955, 415)
$End Gauges

; Any resolutions not between 1280x720 and 1920x1080 will get a blank HUD since the bottom only will apply to any Full screen resolutions and $Load Retail Configuration is set to No

#Gauge Config
$Base: (1024, 768)
$Required Aspect: Full Screen
;$Min: (640, 480)
+Messages: default
+Training Messages: default
+Support: default
+Damage: default
+Wingman Status: default
+Auto Speed:
Position: (410, 530)
+Auto Target:
Position: (560, 530)
Position: (560, 320)
+Talking Head: default
+Directives: default
+Weapons: default
+Objective Notify: default
+Squad Message: default
+Player Shields: default
+Target Shields: default
+Escort View: default
+ETS Weapons: default
+ETS Shields: default
+ETS Engines: default
+Target Monitor:
Position: (450, 590)
Position: (5, 590)
; If you want different types of radar running, be my guest
;+Radar Orb:  (5, 590)
+Afterburner Energy: default
+Text Warnings: default
+Center Reticle: default
+Throttle: default
+Threat Indicator: default
+Multiplayer Messages: default
+Voice Status: default
+Ping: default
+Supernova: default
+Lock Indicator:
+Offscreen Indicator:
+Target Brackets: ; Target Brackets, Lock Indicator, Lead Indicator, and Offscreen Indicator don't need a "Position:" field.
+Hostile Triangle: default
+Target Triangle: default
+Missile Triangles: default
+Lead Indicator:
;+Lead Indicator: default
+Orientation Tee: default
+Weapon Energy: default
+Mission Time: default
+Kills: default
; FS1 specific gauge
;+Weapon Linking: default
; Komet's lead sight. Looks for "leadsight.ani"
'+Lead Sight: default
$End Gauges
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 10:25:42 pm by The E »
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline Commander Zane

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
That shield code needs to be reuploaded.


Offline Quanto

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
So does this mean I can create custom Gauge bitmaps and use them to replace the vanilla gauges???

Please say yes! Please say yes!
00:41:58 <DarthGeek>: I might do it, I need to build a reputation of someone who doesn't suffer fools
(DarthGeek on: "Relentless")


Offline chief1983

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
pretty sure that's always been possible.  Have you seen the BtRL HUD?
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline Quanto

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Can't say I have.
Geez, am I really this out of the loop?
00:41:58 <DarthGeek>: I might do it, I need to build a reputation of someone who doesn't suffer fools
(DarthGeek on: "Relentless")


Offline Galemp

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Blargh, I don't like having the HUD elements rearranged like that. I just LOVE the idea of having a widescreen resolution without stretched HUD elements though!

Swifty, can I trouble you to provide us with a set of tables with the default layout, in standard and widescreen aspect ratios? It would be much easier to tweak starting with the familiar layout...
"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

Members I've personally met: RedStreblo, Goober5000, Sandwich, Splinter, Su-tehp, Hippo, CP5670, Terran Emperor, Karajorma, Dekker, McCall, Admiral Wolf, mxlm, RedSniper, Stealth, Black Wolf...


Offline The E

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
One thing that should be fixed for the Wing display is that it needs a customizable direction to expand in. At the moment, new wings after Alpha are added to the left of Alpha, which a) looks weird and b) causes the gauge to expand in the wrong direction (at least for the custom layout I posted here).

Second, the interaction between the hud_gauges.tbl and the -orbradar commandline flag needs to be fixed. At the moment, if you have -orbradar enabled, but not defined any coordinates for it, the HUD will fall back to the standard radar (albeit without telling anyone about this). If both Orbradar and standard radar have coordinates defined and -orbradar is enabled, the game will, again, fall back to the standard radar (which, at least to me, sounds like unwanted behaviour).
In other words, to get the orbradar working, you need to comment out the normal Radar gauge from the tbl, which is not that user-friendly, IMHO.
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline The E

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Another bug:

Using this hud_gauges.tbl:

Code: [Select]
$Load Retail Configuration: No ; If set to Yes, FSO will load any missing gauges necessary to complete the FS1/FS2 retail configuration.
; If field is not present, FSO will default this to Yes.
;$Max Escort Ships:

;$Length Unit Multiplier:

;$Wireframe Targetbox:

;$Lock Wireframe Mode:

;$Reticle Style:

; The following is a widescreen example HUD. If the user does not select a resolution matching the below parameters, FSO will not use this HUD and move on to the next configuration
#Gauge Config
;$Ship: GTF Perseus
; For Per-Ship gauges
$Base: (1440, 900) ; The scale in which FSO will render these gauges in. Everything in $Gauges should be between 1 and 1440 for the X val and between 1 and 900 for the Y val
$Required Aspect: Wide Screen ; Can be "Wide Screen" or "Full Screen" ATM
$Min: (1280, 720) ; These Min and Max fields are Inclusive
$Max: (1920, 1080)
; Any gauges with "default" will be loaded with default retail settings, including their scale and position (based on 640x480 or 1024x768 depending on the player's resolution)
Position: (800, 660)
Position: (646, 200)
Position: (10, 440)
+ETS Weapons:
Position: (450, 450)
+ETS Engines:
Position: (474, 450)
+ETS Shields:
Position: (462, 450)
Position: (265, 20)
+Training Messages:
Position: (265, 90)
+Talking Head:
Position: (10, 10)
+Wingman Status:
Position: (10, 380)
; Position: (615, 730)
+Radar Orb:
Position: (615, 730)
+Target Monitor:
Position: (10, 730)
+Mini Target Shields:
Position: (695, 500)
+Center Reticle:
Position: (710, 440)
Position: (500, 350)
+Threat Indicator:
Position: (837, 350)
+Text Warnings:
Position: (720, 500)
+Text Warnings:
Position: (720, 400) ; Yes, having multiple of the same gauge is possible
+Afterburner Energy: default
;Position: (575, 735)
+Weapon Energy: default
;Position: (850, 735)
+Auto Target:
Position: (800, 630)
+Auto Speed:
Position: (580, 630)
Position: (580, 660)
+Mission Time:
Position: (930, 550)
+Player Shields:
Position: (840, 780)
+Target Shields:
Position: (470, 780)
+Escort View:
Position: (160, 730)
+Squad Message:
Position: (1000, 770)
+Target Brackets: ; Target Brackets, Lock Indicator, Lead Indicator, and Offscreen Indicator don't need a "Position:" field.
+Lock Indicator:
+Lead Indicator:
+Offscreen Indicator:
+Hostile Triangle: default
+Missile Triangles: default
+Target Triangle: default
Position: (955, 415)
$End Gauges

; Any resolutions not between 1280x720 and 1920x1080 will get a blank HUD since the bottom only will apply to any Full screen resolutions and $Load Retail Configuration is set to No

#Gauge Config
$Base: (1024, 768)
$Required Aspect: Full Screen
;$Min: (640, 480)
+Messages: default
+Training Messages: default
+Support: default
+Damage: default
+Wingman Status: default
+Auto Speed:
Position: (410, 530)
+Auto Target:
Position: (560, 530)
Position: (560, 320)
+Talking Head: default
+Directives: default
+Weapons: default
+Objective Notify: default
+Squad Message: default
+Player Shields: default
+Target Shields: default
+Escort View: default
+ETS Weapons: default
+ETS Shields: default
+ETS Engines: default
+Target Monitor:
Position: (450, 590)
Position: (5, 590)
; If you want different types of radar running, be my guest
;+Radar Orb:  (5, 590)
+Afterburner Energy: default
+Text Warnings: default
+Center Reticle: default
+Throttle: default
+Threat Indicator: default
+Multiplayer Messages: default
+Voice Status: default
+Ping: default
+Supernova: default
+Lock Indicator:
+Offscreen Indicator:
+Target Brackets: ; Target Brackets, Lock Indicator, Lead Indicator, and Offscreen Indicator don't need a "Position:" field.
+Hostile Triangle: default
+Target Triangle: default
+Missile Triangles: default
+Lead Indicator:
;+Lead Indicator: default
+Orientation Tee: default
+Weapon Energy: default
+Mission Time: default
+Kills: default
; FS1 specific gauge
;+Weapon Linking: default
; Komet's lead sight. Looks for "leadsight.ani"
'+Lead Sight: default
$End Gauges

with retail data leads to me being unable to target anything. Debug Int3()s with:
Code: [Select]
DEBUG SPEW: No debug_filter.cfg found, so only general, error, and warning
categories can be shown and no debug_filter.cfg info will be saved.
FreeSpace version: 3.6.13
Passed cmdline options:
  -spec_exp 15
  -ogl_spec 20
  -spec_static 1.5
  -spec_point 1.2
  -spec_tube 1.5
  -ambient_factor 35
Building file index...
Found root pack 'D:\FS2\FS2OGGcutscenepack.vp' with a checksum of 0x84396e99
Found root pack 'D:\FS2\multi-mission-pack.vp' with a checksum of 0x377695e0
Found root pack 'D:\FS2\multi-voice-pack.vp' with a checksum of 0xd50e7442
Found root pack 'D:\FS2\root_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xce10d76c
Found root pack 'D:\FS2\smarty_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xddeb3b1e
Found root pack 'D:\FS2\sparky_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x164fe65a
Found root pack 'D:\FS2\sparky_hi_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xa11d56f1
Found root pack 'D:\FS2\stu_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xd77da83a
Found root pack 'D:\FS2\tango1_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x4c25221e
Found root pack 'D:\FS2\tango2_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x86920b82
Found root pack 'D:\FS2\tango3_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x705e8d71
Found root pack 'D:\FS2\warble_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xd85c305d
Searching root 'D:\FS2\' ... 287 files
Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\FS2OGGcutscenepack.vp' ... 10 files
Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\multi-mission-pack.vp' ... 110 files
Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\multi-voice-pack.vp' ... 307 files
Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\root_fs2.vp' ... 157 files
Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\smarty_fs2.vp' ... 10 files
Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\sparky_fs2.vp' ... 3027 files
Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\sparky_hi_fs2.vp' ... 1337 files
Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\stu_fs2.vp' ... 2355 files
Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\tango1_fs2.vp' ... 32 files
Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\tango2_fs2.vp' ... 15 files
Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\tango3_fs2.vp' ... 10 files
Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\warble_fs2.vp' ... 52 files
Found 13 roots and 7709 files.
AutoLang: Language auto-detection successful...
Setting language to English
Initializing OpenAL...
  OpenAL Vendor     : Creative Labs Inc.
  OpenAL Renderer   : Software
  OpenAL Version    : 1.1

  Found extension "ALC_EXT_EFX".

  Sample rate: 44100 (44100)
  EFX enabled: NO
  Playback device: Generic Software on Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
  Capture device: <not available>
... OpenAL successfully initialized!
Failed to init speech
Initializing OpenGL graphics device at 1440x900 with 32-bit color...
  Initializing WGL...
  Requested WGL Video values = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 32, double-buffer: 1
  Actual WGL Video values    = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 32, double-buffer: 1
  OpenGL Vendor     : ATI Technologies Inc.
  OpenGL Renderer   : ATI RADEON XPRESS 1200 Series
  OpenGL Version    : 2.1.8545 Release

  Using extension "GL_EXT_fog_coord".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_multitexture".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_add".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_compression".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_combine".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_draw_range_elements".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object".
  Using extension "GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_rectangle".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_bgra".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_cube_map".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_point_sprite".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_shading_language_100".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_shader_objects".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_vertex_shader".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_fragment_shader".
  Unable to find extension "GL_ATI_shader_texture_lod".
  Found special extension function "wglSwapIntervalEXT".

  Max texture units: 8 (8)
  Max elements vertices: 2147483647
  Max elements indices: 16384
  Max texture size: 2048x2048
  Can use compressed textures: YES
  Texture compression available: YES
  Using trilinear texture filter.
... OpenGL init is complete!
Size of bitmap info = 760 KB
Size of bitmap extra info = 52 bytes
ANI cursorweb with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
GRAPHICS: Initializing default colors...
SCRIPTING: Beginning initialization sequence...
SCRIPTING: Beginning Lua initialization...
LUA: Opening LUA state...
LUA: Initializing base Lua libraries...
LUA: Beginning ADE initialization
ADE: Initializing enumeration constants...
ADE: Assigning Lua session...
SCRIPTING: Beginning main hook parse sequence....
Wokka!  Error opening file (scripting.tbl)!
TABLES: Unable to parse 'scripting.tbl'!  Error code = 5.
SCRIPTING: Inititialization complete.
SCRIPTING: Splash screen overrides checked
SCRIPTING: Splash hook has been run
SCRIPTING: Splash screen conditional hook has been run
Using high memory settings...
Wokka!  Error opening file (interface.tbl)!
WMCGUI: Unable to parse 'interface.tbl'!  Error code = 5.
Windows reported 16 joysticks, we found 0
Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices
Wokka!  Error opening file (armor.tbl)!
TABLES: Unable to parse 'armor.tbl'!  Error code = 5.
ANI damage1 with size 148x25 (21.9% wasted)
ANI energy1 with size 12x41 (35.9% wasted)
ANI head1 with size 164x132 (48.4% wasted)
ANI wingman1 with size 71x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman2 with size 35x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman3 with size 14x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI 2_radar1 with size 209x170 (33.6% wasted)
ANI targetview1 with size 137x156 (39.1% wasted)
ANI targetview2 with size 4x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI targhit1 with size 31x21 (34.4% wasted)
ANI 2_reticle1 with size 40x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_leftarc with size 103x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_rightarc1 with size 103x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc2 with size 35x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc3 with size 41x29 (9.4% wasted)
ANI 2_energy2 with size 86x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI toggle1 with size 57x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI time1 with size 47x23 (28.1% wasted)
ANI 2_lock1 with size 56x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI 2_lockspin with size 100x100 (21.9% wasted)
ANI 2_lead1 with size 26x26 (18.8% wasted)
ANI weapons1 with size 126x20 (37.5% wasted)
loading animated cursor "cursor"
ANI cursor with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
Ships.tbl is : VALID
Weapons.tbl is : VALID
cfile_init() took 347
Got event GS_EVENT_GAME_INIT (49) in state NOT A VALID STATE (0)
ANI cursor.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.259 (0.259)
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'hammer1.pcx'
WARNING => Ship class UEF Uriel not located in Ship_info[] in player file
Wokka!  Error opening file (bp2.fc2)!
Error parsing 'bp2.fc2'
Error code = 5.
ANI 2_mainwalk.ani with size 209x477 (6.8% wasted)
ANI 2_mainflyby.ani with size 509x189 (26.2% wasted)
ANI 2_maincrane.ani with size 192x116 (9.4% wasted)
ANI 2_mainexit.ani with size 319x174 (32.0% wasted)
ANI 2_mainbarracks.ani with size 273x158 (38.3% wasted)
ANI 2_mainreadyroom.ani with size 231x145 (43.4% wasted)
ANI 2_maintechroom.ani with size 69x119 (7.0% wasted)
ANI 2_mainoptions.ani with size 337x206 (19.5% wasted)
ANI 2_maincampaign.ani with size 308x190 (25.8% wasted)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 1.109 (1.109)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.731 (0.731)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.256 (0.256)
Wokka!  Error opening file (bp2.fc2)!
Error parsing 'bp2.fc2'
Error code = 5.
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.262 (0.262)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.394 (0.394)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.299 (0.299)
Got event GS_EVENT_TECH_MENU (11) in state GS_STATE_MAIN_MENU (1)
Techroom successfully initialized, now changing tab...
Loading model 'fighter01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0xd17abc7a, IBX checksum: 0xdd960762 -- "fighter01.pof"
Submodel 'fighter01c-hull' is detail level 2 of 'fighter01a-hull'
Submodel 'fighter01b-hull' is detail level 1 of 'fighter01a-hull'
Submodel 'fighter01d-hull' is detail level 3 of 'fighter01a-hull'
Submodel 'thruster01c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster01a'
Submodel 'thruster01b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster01a'
Submodel 'thruster02c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster02a'
Submodel 'thruster02b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster02a'
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.772 (0.772)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.523 (0.523)
Freeing all existing models...
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 1.701 (1.701)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.265 (0.265)
=================== STARTING LEVEL LOAD ==================
ANI 2_Loading with size 824x43 (32.8% wasted)
ANI 2_Loading.ani with size 824x43 (32.8% wasted)
Starting model page in...
Beginning level bitmap paging...
Loading warp model
SHOCKWAVE =>  Loading default shockwave animation...
SHOCKWAVE =>  Default animation load: SUCCEEDED!!
MISSION LOAD: 'SM1-01.fs2'
Hmmm... Extension passed to mission_load...
Starting mission message count : 205
Ending mission message count : 246
Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices
Loading model 'fighter2t-05.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter2t-05.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x43698f32, IBX checksum: 0x43c5b09b -- "fighter2t-05.pof"
Submodel 'fighter2t-05b' is detail level 1 of 'fighter2t-05a'
Submodel 'fighter2t-05c' is detail level 2 of 'fighter2t-05a'
Submodel 'fighter2t-05d' is detail level 3 of 'fighter2t-05a'
Submodel 'thruster04b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster04a'
Submodel 'thruster04c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster04a'
Submodel 'thruster02b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster02a'
Submodel 'thruster02c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster02a'
Submodel 'thruster01b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster01a'
Submodel 'thruster01c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster01a'
Submodel 'thruster03b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster03a'
Submodel 'thruster03c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster03a'
Loading model 'freighter04.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'freighter04.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0xf7f327c9, IBX checksum: 0x406785f3 -- "freighter04.pof"
Submodel 'freighter04b-hull' is detail level 1 of 'freighter04a-hull'
Submodel 'freighter04c-hull' is detail level 2 of 'freighter04a-hull'
Submodel 'freighter04d-hull' is detail level 3 of 'freighter04a-hull'
Loading model 'capital2V-01.pof'
IBX: Starting a new IBX for 'capital2V-01.pof'.
Potential problem found: Unrecognized subsystem type 'reactor', believed to be in ship capital2V-01.pof
Potential problem found: Unrecognized subsystem type 'bridge', believed to be in ship capital2V-01.pof
Potential problem found: Unrecognized subsystem type 'fighterbay01', believed to be in ship capital2V-01.pof
Potential problem found: Unrecognized subsystem type 'fighterbay02', believed to be in ship capital2V-01.pof
Submodel 'capital2v-01b' is detail level 1 of 'capital2v-01a'
Submodel 'capital2v-01c' is detail level 2 of 'capital2v-01a'
Submodel 'capital2v-01d' is detail level 3 of 'capital2v-01a'
Loading model 'fighter2v-01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter2v-01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x171eca80, IBX checksum: 0x601b2fa4 -- "fighter2v-01.pof"
Submodel 'fightv01d' is detail level 3 of 'fightv01a'
Submodel 'fightv01c' is detail level 2 of 'fightv01a'
Submodel 'fightv01b' is detail level 1 of 'fightv01a'
Submodel 'thruster02c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster02a'
Submodel 'thruster02b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster02a'
Submodel 'thruster01c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster01a'
Submodel 'thruster01b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster01a'
Loading model 'corvette2t-01.pof'
IBX: Starting a new IBX for 'corvette2t-01.pof'.
Submodel 'tcorvettec' is detail level 2 of 'tcorvettea'
Submodel 'tcorvetteb' is detail level 1 of 'tcorvettea'
Submodel 'tcorvetted' is detail level 3 of 'tcorvettea'
Loading model 'fighter06.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter06.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x6ae05668, IBX checksum: 0x231d8994 -- "fighter06.pof"
Submodel 'fighter06b' is detail level 1 of 'fighter06a'
Submodel 'fighter06c' is detail level 2 of 'fighter06a'
Submodel 'fighter06d' is detail level 3 of 'fighter06a'
Submodel 'thruster02b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster02a'
Submodel 'thruster02c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster02a'
Submodel 'thruster04b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster04a'
Submodel 'thruster04c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster04a'
Submodel 'thruster03b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster03a'
Submodel 'thruster03c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster03a'
Submodel 'thruster01b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster01a'
Submodel 'thruster01c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster01a'
Allocating space for at least 5 new ship subsystems ...  a total of 200 is now available (5 in-use).
OpenGL: Created 512x512 FBO!
=================== STARTING LEVEL DATA LOAD ==================
Loading model 'support2t-01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'support2t-01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0xdb916bfd, IBX checksum: 0x5b8ef244 -- "support2t-01.pof"
Submodel 'bodyb' is detail level 1 of 'bodya'
Submodel 'bodyc' is detail level 2 of 'bodya'
Submodel 'bodyd' is detail level 3 of 'bodya'
Submodel 'thruster01b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster01a'
Submodel 'thruster01c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster01a'
Submodel 'thruster02b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster02a'
Submodel 'thruster02c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster02a'
Submodel 'thruster03b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster03a'
Submodel 'thruster03c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster03a'
Loading model 'support2v-01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'support2v-01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0xb4ca2191, IBX checksum: 0x17ed4c2c -- "support2v-01.pof"
Submodel 'hercb' is detail level 1 of 'herca'
Submodel 'hercc' is detail level 2 of 'herca'
Submodel 'hercd' is detail level 3 of 'herca'
Submodel 'thruster01b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster01a'
Submodel 'thruster01c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster01a'
Allocating space for at least 186 new ship subsystems ...  a total of 400 is now available (40 in-use).
About to page in ships!
ANI shield-f06 with size 112x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shieldft-05 with size 112x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shieldfv-01 with size 112x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'hornet.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'hornet.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x57350658, IBX checksum: 0x3a5fd3e0 -- "hornet.pof"
Submodel 'realhornet-b' is detail level 1 of 'realhornet-a'
Submodel 'realhornet-c' is detail level 2 of 'realhornet-a'
Submodel 'thruster01b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster01a'
Submodel 'thruster01c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster01a'
Loading model 'rockeye.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'rockeye.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0xf180b177, IBX checksum: 0xe6ba26fb -- "rockeye.pof"
Submodel 'rockeye-b' is detail level 1 of 'rockeye-a'
Submodel 'rockeye-c' is detail level 2 of 'rockeye-a'
Submodel 'thruster01b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster01a'
Submodel 'thruster01c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster01a'
Loading model 'Tempest.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Tempest.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x99e70c37, IBX checksum: 0x9974ca7d -- "Tempest.pof"
Submodel 'realtempest-b' is detail level 1 of 'realtempest-a'
Submodel 'realtempest-c' is detail level 2 of 'realtempest-a'
Submodel 'thruster01b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster01a'
Submodel 'thruster01c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster01a'
Loading model 'NewHornet.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'NewHornet.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x0f07cd0b, IBX checksum: 0x9931d591 -- "NewHornet.pof"
Submodel 'realhornet-b' is detail level 1 of 'realhornet-a'
Submodel 'realhornet-c' is detail level 2 of 'realhornet-a'
Submodel 'thruster01b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster01a'
Submodel 'thruster01c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster01a'
Loading model 'bombardier.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'bombardier.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x99891c8b, IBX checksum: 0xb995d6e9 -- "bombardier.pof"
Submodel 'realhornet-b' is detail level 1 of 'realhornet-a'
Submodel 'realhornet-c' is detail level 2 of 'realhornet-a'
Submodel 'thruster01b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster01a'
Submodel 'thruster01c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster01a'
Loading model 'crossbow.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'crossbow.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x32caa81e, IBX checksum: 0xcfec5925 -- "crossbow.pof"
Submodel 'realcrossbow-b' is detail level 1 of 'realcrossbow-a'
Submodel 'realcrossbow-c' is detail level 2 of 'realcrossbow-a'
Submodel 'thruster01b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster01a'
Submodel 'thruster01c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster01a'
Loading model 'piranha.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'piranha.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x8075cf85, IBX checksum: 0x604d69b3 -- "piranha.pof"
Submodel 'piranhareal-b' is detail level 1 of 'piranhareal-a'
Submodel 'piranhareal-c' is detail level 2 of 'piranhareal-a'
Submodel 'thruster01b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster01a'
Submodel 'thruster01c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster01a'
Loading model 'cmeasure01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'cmeasure01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0xe5f32533, IBX checksum: 0x0c6105fe -- "cmeasure01.pof"
Loading model 'harbinger.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'harbinger.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x7e70c4bf, IBX checksum: 0x10d315d7 -- "harbinger.pof"
Submodel 'realharbinger-b' is detail level 1 of 'realharbinger-a'
Submodel 'realharbinger-c' is detail level 2 of 'realharbinger-a'
Submodel 'thruster01b' is detail level 1 of 'thruster01a'
Submodel 'thruster01c' is detail level 2 of 'thruster01a'
Loading model 'debris01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'debris01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x974f214b, IBX checksum: 0x368eb490 -- "debris01.pof"
Loading model 'debris02.pof'
ANI 2_Loading.ani with size 824x43 (32.8% wasted)
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'debris02.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x8e0eed50, IBX checksum: 0x7b2a747e -- "debris02.pof"
Paging in mission messages
Stopping model page in...
ANI damage1.ani with size 148x25 (21.9% wasted)
ANI energy1.ani with size 12x41 (35.9% wasted)
ANI head1.ani with size 164x132 (48.4% wasted)
ANI wingman1.ani with size 71x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman2.ani with size 35x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman3.ani with size 14x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI 2_radar1.ani with size 209x170 (33.6% wasted)
ANI targetview1.ani with size 137x156 (39.1% wasted)
ANI targetview2.ani with size 4x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI targhit1.ani with size 31x21 (34.4% wasted)
ANI 2_reticle1.ani with size 40x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_leftarc.ani with size 103x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_rightarc1.ani with size 103x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc2.ani with size 35x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc3.ani with size 41x29 (9.4% wasted)
ANI 2_energy2.ani with size 86x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI toggle1.ani with size 57x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI time1.ani with size 47x23 (28.1% wasted)
ANI 2_lock1.ani with size 56x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI 2_lockspin.ani with size 100x100 (21.9% wasted)
ANI 2_lead1.ani with size 26x26 (18.8% wasted)
ANI weapons1.ani with size 126x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI 2_Loading.ani with size 824x43 (32.8% wasted)
ANI shield-f06.ani with size 112x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shieldft-05.ani with size 112x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shieldfv-01.ani with size 112x93 (27.3% wasted)
User bitmap 'TMP308x190+16'
User bitmap 'TMP337x206+16'
User bitmap 'TMP69x119+16'
User bitmap 'TMP231x145+16'
User bitmap 'TMP273x158+16'
User bitmap 'TMP319x174+16'
User bitmap 'TMP192x116+16'
User bitmap 'TMP509x189+16'
User bitmap 'TMP209x477+16'
User bitmap 'TMP308x190+16'
User bitmap 'TMP337x206+16'
User bitmap 'TMP69x119+16'
User bitmap 'TMP231x145+16'
User bitmap 'TMP273x158+16'
User bitmap 'TMP319x174+16'
User bitmap 'TMP192x116+16'
User bitmap 'TMP509x189+16'
User bitmap 'TMP209x477+16'
User bitmap 'TMP256x256+8'
User bitmap 'TMP256x256+8'
User bitmap 'TMP128x128+8'
Bmpman: 1376/4750 bitmap slots in use.
Ending level bitmap paging...
=================== ENDING LOAD ================
Real count = 208,  Estimated count = 425
Received post for event GS_EVENT_CMD_BRIEF during state transtition. Find Allender if you are unsure if this is bad.
Got event GS_EVENT_CMD_BRIEF (55) in state GS_STATE_START_GAME (52)
ANI cb_sm1-01_a.ani with size 440x200 (21.9% wasted)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 21.698 (21.698)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.414 (0.414)
ANI 2_BriefMap with size 918x400 (21.9% wasted)
ANI iconwing01 with size 32x28 (12.5% wasted)
ANI iconSD4 with size 56x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI iconScalpel with size 56x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI iconplanet with size 183x182 (28.9% wasted)
ANI FadeiconPlanet with size 183x182 (28.9% wasted)
ANI FadeiconPlanet.ani with size 183x182 (28.9% wasted)
ANI iconv-freightercw with size 123x65 (49.2% wasted)
ANI Fadeiconv-FreighterCW with size 123x65 (49.2% wasted)
ANI Fadeiconv-FreighterCW.ani with size 123x65 (49.2% wasted)
ANI icont-fightW with size 51x54 (15.6% wasted)
ANI FadeiconT-FighterW with size 51x54 (15.6% wasted)
ANI FadeiconT-FighterW.ani with size 51x54 (15.6% wasted)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.877 (0.877)
ANI iconplanet.ani with size 183x182 (28.9% wasted)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.687 (0.687)
Got event GS_EVENT_ENTER_GAME (2) in state GS_STATE_BRIEFING (10)
Entering game at time =  57.790
Frame  1 too long!!: frametime = 0.336 (0.336)
ANI Head-TP1b.ani with size 160x120 (6.3% wasted)
Int3(): From c:\users\swifty\software development\fs2 open\hud rewrite - no dradis or rtt\code\hud\hudtarget.cpp at line 6698

Investigation leads me to believe that there's something seriously wrong with the orbradar, as commenting it out makes the difference between the whole thing working and it crashing.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 08:48:19 am by The E »
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline chief1983

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Well Galemp, I can only hope that the default retail layout is in the code itself for when the table isn't present.  Although it may not be optimized for non-4:3 in that case, I'm not sure how that works.
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline The E

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Well Galemp, I can only hope that the default retail layout is in the code itself for when the table isn't present.  Although it may not be optimized for non-4:3 in that case, I'm not sure how that works.

Yes, without the tbl, you get the standard stretched layout from before.
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline Dragon

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Is that possible to assign HUD ani files on a per ship basis?
I mean, being able to give, for example, a BTRL HUD gauges to Ulysses, while the rest of ships would retain standard layout?
Or have custom HUDs for Vasudans and Shivans?


Offline Galemp

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
I think that's the general idea, yes... but first we need a default hud layout table so we can manipulate it, instead of having to guess.
"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

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Offline Swifty

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Is that possible to assign HUD ani files on a per ship basis?
I mean, being able to give, for example, a BTRL HUD gauges to Ulysses, while the rest of ships would retain standard layout?
Or have custom HUDs for Vasudans and Shivans?
Yup, the code can handle that. It's just a matter of exposing that functionality in hud_gauges.tbl. The position field is only supported right now since I wanted to push out a test build quickly.

I think that's the general idea, yes... but first we need a default hud layout table so we can manipulate it, instead of having to guess.
You could just load up Freespace in 1024x768, take a screenshot, and count pixels ;)

I'll post an example table with the default values when I find the time.