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Author Topic: Tales of a Confederacy: Phoenix Falling  (Read 5551 times)

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Tales of a Confederacy: Phoenix Falling
Now, firstly, this is a novel project I work on in my spare time between school and 3d modeling.

Tales of a Confederacy: Phoenix Falling
Chapter One: Under Siege

   0900 Hours: January 19, 2975
   Almirra, Char Dustbowl
   66th Mech/Armor Division “Sandhounds”, Confederacy of Free Stars Marine Corps  6th Fleet

   A column of tanks and armored vehicles charged across the deserts of Almirra, throwing up a vast cloud of dust. The enemy installation lay far off in the distance, lightning already beginning to flash in the clouds above. The wind began to pick up, carrying dust and sand with it. The dust began to swirl around a column of air, heated by a focused ray of light. The wind grew stronger, and more dust began to flow in. The column’s crew shut their hatches and retracted their radiators. The tanks thundered over a sand dune, skidded to a halt, and deployed their stabilizers.

   Lieutenant James Kamirhan targeted an enemy emplacement. The turret turned to face the target and the barrel elevated. At a range of twenty seven kilometers, it was nearly impossible to miss. He nodded at his gunner. The railgun let loose with a thunderous crash. The 56 millimeter high-explosive-penetrating slug traveled at velocities more commonly found in interplanetary flight and bored through a meter of concrete reinforced with titanium plate and then detonated. The turret emplacement was vaporized by the resulting explosion. Thirteen other guns followed suit.

   Chaos brewed as the confused enemy tried to return fire, shots straying by more than a hundred meters. A few managed to make their mark, doing minimum damage against hardened CF-ceramic composite armor. The tanks mobilized and drew closer as the APCs charged towards the gate, RM-19s spitting a hail of rounds at the solid titanium door. A trio of tanks added their guns to the mix and the gates crumbled, meter-thick titanium folding like aluminum foil. The dust storm obscured their sensors, and thus reduced the engagement range to just beyond visual.

   A pair of tanks blew a set of blast doors open, revealing a tunnel that lead underground. Several of the enemy’s M-198 Crusader MBTs opened fire from the tunnel, damaging a Wolf’s main cannon and punching holes in its armor. It let loose with its rotary accelerator and retreated. The other T.MB-35 opened fire, gutting one of the Crusaders and damaging another. Kamirhan maneuvered his tank towards the mouth of the tunnel and let loose another slug, reducing yet another Crusader to scrap metal. With the threat eliminated, the APCs rolled into the tunnel.

The column consisted of fourteen T.MB-35 Wolf main battle tanks and eight APC-10 Antelope armored personnel carriers. The nature of the terrain decreased the efficiency of their hover units and negated the damage done by their standard armament of electrolaser cannons and particle projectors. The modular nature of these vehicles allowed these to be replaced with standard tracks, R-56 railguns, and RM-19 rotary magnetic accelerator rifles.


   Major Victor MacMillan polarized his visor and set his DIV system to combat mode. He let his squad disembark from the APC and went out himself. He checked his rifle and sidearm briefly and issued orders to his troops. They formed up, waited for the demolitions team to blast the door open, and went in. The DIV highlighted his squad in green, friendlies in blue, and hostiles in red. It also displayed the calculated trajectory of the shots he fired and the amount of ammunition he had left.

   “Miller, take Malkovich and Al-Mirani. Then go around the corner and see what’s there.”

   “Right, Sir.”

   The three soldiers moved around the corner. Their rifles barked briefly and there was the sound of an armored body hitting the floor.

   “All clear. Poor sucker must have been on break.”

   “Right. Squad, let’s move up.”

   The squad spent the next half an hour moving deeper into the facility, eliminating resistance as they went. The other squads moved in separate directions, spreading out to increase their chances of finding the prisoner.
Al-Mirani took a few hits as she rounded a corner, but her powered assault armor absorbed them with little difficulty. She threw a grenade into the room and waited for the explosion. The shockwave reverberated down the hallway and she opened fire. Malkovich lifted his rifle and fired, blowing fist sized chunks of flesh out of an enemy officer. MacMillan was tackled by a hostile soldier; he smashed the soldier against the wall and fired a high-explosive fragmenting round into his skull. And then there was silence. There was a door ahead, marked in block letters: INTERROGATION.

   Tech Specialist Ganning hacked into the door controls, bypassing several firewalls and lockouts with difficulty. The door finally opened and the squad slipped inside. The clinical white walls were a stark contrast from the motted gray of the main facility. A pistol report echoed down the corridor, followed by a scream of pain. The owner of the voice was male. MacMillan sent out a fireteam to secure the prisoner and continued his search for the VIP.

   Ganning unlocked another door. They slipped inside, avoiding the large glass window set into the wall. Speakers revealed what was transpiring in the other room.

   “Goddamnit, *****! Answer me!”

   “Senior Lieutenant Selene Lyra Parker S’vas Samakyev, serial number Alpha-Romeo-one-one-niner-charlie-niner. Poshol na khui, yob tvoiu mat’!

   They had just found the VIP. The sound of a fist striking flesh echoed throughout the chamber.

   “Now, now. Miers, is that how you treat a lady?” Another voice said, “You should show her pleasure. Isn’t that right, Senior Lieutenant Parker? You all relish pleasure, one way or another. I will break you.”

   “Why don’t you take that dick of yours and shove it in your mouth?”

   “What a dirty mouth, young lady. I’m sure your mother would be horrified.”

   “**** you!”

   “No. You will.”

   A shiver went up MacMillan’s spine. Just as he was about to give the ‘go’ signal, the sound of tearing cloth slid out of the speakers. He jumped up, fired rounds through the glass and leapt through. Al-Mirani blew who she presumed to be Miers’ head off while Malkovich shot the guards down as they drew their sidearms.

    MacMillan punched the lecher in the face while Ganning unlocked Parker’s restraints. Parker dove for Ganning’s sidearm and pointed it at the stunned interrogator’s face. She pulled the trigger. A 12.7 millimeter round shot from the weapon’s barrel at just under five-hundred kilometers per hour, the microcomputer embedded in its base parsed the range data transmitted to it from the pistol and activated a powerful micro-rocket thruster. The round broke the sound barrier a tiny fraction of a millisecond later and entered the interrogator’s skull. The round fragmented into tiny fletchettes and spread into his cranial cavity, reducing his brain to a pulp as the fletchettes ricocheted off the skull’s interior.

   Parker spat on the corpse at her feet, “At least that ****er’s dead. Can we mess some **** up before we leave?”

   “You’re in luck, Ma’am. Secondary mission parameters state that we can do as much damage as possible to this facility. But we’ll have to get you back to EVAC.”

   “Damn shame. Get me there and good luck.”


   Parker put on an LCU jacket and stuffed the sidearm in one of the interior pockets. Ganning unlocked the door and moved out. MacMillan updated the mission parameters stored in the Combat Net and watched Parker take a drink from Al-Mirani’s external water store. Parker thanked Al-Mirani and tied her silver hair into a bun.

   The squad made its way back to the designated rendezvous point, fighting through thin resistance with ease. Parker took a few hits to the chest, but the advanced material the cloth was woven from stopped the bullets in their tracks. Parker would be bruised, and very pissed for quite a while, but she was otherwise unharmed. She shot an enemy officer in the chest twice, the body dropped limply to the floor. Rifles barked around her and the area was clear.

   “Al-Mirani’s been hit!” The team medic barked.

   2240 Hours: January 19, 2975
   Low Orbit over New Villasis, Hope Colony
   94th Battlegroup, Confederacy of Free Stars – Colonial Defense Force engaging 165th Assault Group “Berserkers”, Earth Federation Stellar Navy

   “Fading Light to New Villasis Control, be aware of inbound debris. ETA in six standard hours. Recommend you raise your shields--”

   “We’ve lost the station Fur Eleise. 94th Battlegroup, disengage.”

   “Fading Light to all 94th Battlegroup elements, we are taking command. Regroup and prepare to push forward. Hold the Feds at bay.”

   “We’ve been hit! There are fires on all decks… we’re losing pressure! The fusion generators are destabilizing! We’re going--”

   “**** it. All elements, solidify your position. Prepare to launch Infernos on my mark… Mark! ECM to full power. Main cannon to full power. All ships select targets and fire at will.”

   “This is New Villasis. Fed ground pounders approaching our perimeter. They got past the ARTEMIS grid somehow. We’re trying to hold them back.”

   2245 Hours
   Approaching Town Square, New Villasis
   166th Mech/Armor Division “Wolverines”, Confederacy of Free Stars - Colonial Defense Force

   A quartet of T.HA-25 Wolverine heavy assault tanks hovered down the avenue, accompanied by two and a half squads of Militia troopers. The temperate climate of New Villasis allowed the refit teams to use the tanks’ energy based armament and hover pods.

   “Alright. Wolverines, spread out but remain in box formation.” Captain Carl Stryker said, wiping the sweat from his forehead. “Launch recon drone.”

   A hatch on the turret popped open, revealing a disk shaped device. The disk launched into the air in a puff of smoke and deployed its rotors. The advanced sensor suite mounted on the drone gave the Wolverines and their attached squads a sense of security and a bird’s eye view of the surrounding area.

   “This is Wolverine Alpha-Alpha to Housekeeping; we are approaching the town square. Do you copy?”

   “Loud and clear. We’re kicking Fed ass.”  The transmission disappeared in a hiss of static as the particle cannons fired. “Air cover’s all busy. Can you still take the town square?”

   “Affirmative. Have replacement caps for our shields ready.”

   Confederate shield systems could shrug off any amount of damage and stay intact to a certain threshold. Once that threshold is exceeded, the shield overloads and the resulting energy flux would burn out the capacitors.

   “Infantry at six.”

   The turret on the rear tank swiveled around, energy collecting in the main cannon’s capacitors. The particle projector whined briefly and thundered. A ray of charged particles slashed at the enemy infantry, burning through their cover, and then their armor in mere milliseconds.

   “Threat eliminated.”

   They advanced into the town square, a nature park surrounded by mid-level apartments and office buildings. The infantry took cover around the tanks, keeping an eye on their sensors. Stryker felt his heart pounding. He expected red contacts to appear on his TAD any second.

   “Enemies spotted. Two light vehicles and a squad of groundpounders.” One of the snipers said, “They’re headed towards your position.”

   “Everyone, spread out and prepare to ambush.”

   The Milita troopers scattered as the tanks moved to less conspicuous positions. One of the light vehicles, an LCV, rolled into visual range. Carl selected it as his target and let loose with the particle projector. The particle beam gutted the light vehicle, detonating its fuel cells and ammunition stores. And then all hell broke loose as the Confederates opened up with their electrolasers, scything through the Federation infantry with ease.

   A scant minute passed and the silence fell again, broken only by the crackling of fires. A firefight erupted somewhere in the city, punctuated by a set of explosions. Another plume of smoke rose to join the ones already billowing into the blood red sky. Another quartet of tanks and two squads of Marines linked up with the detachment. The Confederate troops spread out and established a perimeter.

   "We've secured the town square. Sighting for surprise package now."

   "Coordinates received. Package inbound."

   Second Lieutenant Jade Wyatt peered through her LRPPA’s optics, listening to her spotter designate contacts with her helmet mounted sensor suite. The long range personal particle accelerator had a killing distance of twenty kilometers, and could incapacitate five kilometers past that. The added SC-11 scope allowed Wyatt to see a paperclip in full detail at twenty kilometers should she wish to do so.

   “Contacts, 30 degrees to the right. Five Feds, one personal walker.”

   Wyatt placed the red dot over the personal walker’s cockpit. Her suit’s targeting computer automatically adjusted the rifle’s output to anti-materiel settings and placed a red ring around the dot. This was known as the ‘red ring of death’ to many sniper teams. Wyatt held her breath, an unnecessary action as her suit automatically compensated for the tiny vibrations of her body. She tapped the firing stud.

   A lance of crackling energy burst from the particle accelerators barrel. The beam took a minute fraction of a second to close the ten kilometer distance between Wyatt and the walker. The highly energetic particles of hydrogen seared through the walker’s cockpit, tearing through inch-thick ceramic composite and then vaporizing it. The walker’s pilot never had the chance to scream as the beam severed fuel lines and breached the shockproof casing of the fuel cells. The resulting explosion was enough to wipe out the Federation squad in a burst electromagnetic radiation.

   One of the walker’s hands landed right Wyatt with a ‘crack’ as it hit pavement. Smoke rose from the red-hot ceramic. The woman didn’t even look up from her scope.

   “Sniper team Two-Six, take our position. Three-Zero is relocating.”

   Wyatt got up and deactivated her particle accelerator, letting it fold into a more compact configuration. She removed her S-92 LERfrom its holster on her thigh and moved towards the penthouse door. She saw a shadow move in the darkness and snapped her weapon up. And then she was knocked to the ground by a sudden tackle. Her recon armor’s plates thudded on the carpeted floor and she heard a knife try to force its way between the armor’s composite shell.

   A sidearm barked twice and one of the bodies on top of her fell limp. Wyatt punched the other soldier with a satisfying crack as the armored gauntlet shattered the Fed’s faceplate. Wyatt drew her combat blade from its sheath and brought the tip down on her assailant.

   The knife’s edge was around fifty molecules thick, allowing it to cut through almost any form of body armor with ease. The eight-inch knife sliced through the standard issue Earth Federation Urcom suit and into the wearer’s chest. Wyatt pulled the knife back, severing veins and arteries, slicing a lung in half and nicking the aorta. The man choked on his own blood and expired. Wyatt shoved the Fed off her and removed the knife stuck in her chest piece. The three-man sniper team moved down the hundred-storey skyscraper in relative peace. It was only when they had relocated to an adjacent apartment block did the fighting pick up.

   Wyatt fired her light electrolaser, puffs of ceramic and vaporized flesh exploded from the Fed’s chest, gaping holes punched into the armor. The sniper took cover immediately, readying her combat blade. Another Fed jumped over the barricade. Wyatt lashed out with a horizontal stroke, disemboweling the Earther. Another slash severed his head from his neck. Her spotter’s rifle clattered noisily, she had lost her electrolaser some floors down.

   “This is sniper team Three-Zero. We’ve been compromised, requesting assist.”

   “This is dropship Charlie-One-Zero-Niner, we’re vectoring to intercept. ETA, ten minutes.”


   Admiral Lukas Cherenko strode onto the bridge of his carrier, the Poseidon and took a seat. A multitude of displays materialized around him. He skimmed over the status displays and tapped an icon on the holographic console.

   “Battlegroup, prepare to surface.”

   Cherenko felt the floor tilt slightly as the Poseidon emptied her ballast tanks of water. The superstructure broke the surface several minutes later, followed by the flight deck, and then the top quarter of the main hull. The rest of the battlegroup slowly emerged from the ice cold water, their particle lance projectors projecting steam as the weapons warmed to fire. The Federation battlegroup they had surfaced in the middle of was caught in sheer shock. A mayday broadcast was silenced by the ECM ship’s jammers.

   The heavy cruiser Alexei Petrovic fired her main battery, bisecting the Federation supercarrier Enterprise. The Poseidon fired her SAM and AAA batteries at the Federation aircraft while launching her own flights of interceptor gunships. The Federation cruiser Birmingham fired her railguns. Her salvo skipped harmlessly off energy barriers. The electric discharge from the barriers electrocuted the crew of the Enterprise. All hell then broke loose.

   The wreckage of a downed Fed bird smashed into the Poseidon’s PDB. Electric arcs cascaded down the barrier and into the water, electrifying it once again. A battery of heavy railguns thundered, sending a dozen rounds screaming into the carrier’s shield. The barrier flickered wildly, but remained cohesive. A particle lance sliced the offending ship in half along its length, ammunition and fuel cells exploding as the ship sank. The carrier finished launching her VTOL craft, and descended once more into the deep.

   The rear deck of one of the heavy cruisers was covered in smoke as it launched a salvo of cruise missiles. The sight of the smoke trails arching into the atmosphere would have been beautiful, if only it weren’t several micrograms of antimatter within those warheads. The resulting explosions would level whole city blocks and irradiating areas far larger than ten kilometers. Admiral Cherenko whispered a silent apology to the defenders of New Villiasis.


   The Federation troops cheered as their enemies withdrew from the city, not even bothering to remove their top secret technology. They didn’t see the fusion reactors powering the city reach critical temperatures. Control rods within the secondary fission plants began to melt, followed by concrete and titanium blast plate. The fury of the fire of a thousand suns ripped through the city center, obliterating everything within its path. Several ships in orbit added their main particle lance batteries to the firestorm. It was as if God himself had poured all of his wrath onto the city. Pillars of energy burned their images onto unguarded retinas just before the radiation boiled human bodies from the inside out.

   The cruise missiles landed. New Villiasis disappeared in a flash of light.


   Wyatt felt the dropship shudder as the shockwave caught up with the sleek craft. She didn’t dare to look outside. Instead, she just stared into her helmet. A tear fell from her eye. Her face contorted into an expression of rage and sorrow. She sobbed.

   “**** it! Why do the Feds always have to wreck everything we try to build? Why do we have to even fight this pointless war?  It's not fair!”

   Wyatt’s helmet crashed against the bulkhead, the visor shattered into a dozen pieces. The only noise to be heard was the rumble of the dropship’s engines. A Federation SAF-95 Eagle unloaded the last of its ammunition at the lone craft. Charlie-109 broke apart in the stratosphere, the debris left a glowing trail in the dust filled sky.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 05:33:39 am by InfinitySquared »

Re: The Newbie Also Writes
I like the tech descriptions in there, and it's written with an exquisite amount of detail. The story is a bit hard to follow at times, consider reducing the amount of protagonists and/or putting subtitles with date/location.


Offline IronBeer

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Re: The Newbie Also Writes
Reminds me of BattleTech somewhat, with mini-tech descriptions being thrown in during combat. I approve. The only thing I can complain about is flow- it took me a little while to realize that a double-linebreak denoted a change of scenery. Agreed with FSF: simply adding definitive scene transitions would cure pretty much any weaknesses I can see.
"I have approximate knowledge of many things."

Ridiculous, the Director's Cut

Starlancer Head Animations - Converted

Re: The Newbie Also Writes
I'll put in separators in a little while, my usual method of double spacing doesn't seem to work here. I'll also edit in some date and location stamps while I'm at it. And it seems I forgot to italicize the comms excerpt marking the beginning of the second section.

Re: The Newbie Also Writes
   Kazimir Aleksey Miroslav S’vas Miroslav was the Commander of the 10th Destroyer Group, dubbed the “Stilettos” due to their lightning fast, deadly precision strikes. Commander Miroslav was also the CO of the Hyperion, the first ship of its class. The Hyperion was built upon the same doctrine of flexibility, but taken to the extreme. Nearly every part on board the destroyer could be swapped out for another, allowing the warship to take on a wide variety of roles and even combine them onto one ship. The previous engagement had her severely damaged, but she had been repaired in two weeks’ time instead of the months regular warships would take to even get up to minimal combat status due to this modularity and the Confederacy's advanced nanotechnology.

   Commander Miroslav surveyed the Strategic and Tactical Command, a combination of the Strategic Operations Center and the Command and Control Center on board larger command ships. The small unit size of the Stilettos allowed for this configuration. The STC’s scanners read his neural implants and confirmed his identity.

   “Kaz.” His XO waved from her seat.

   “Status, Sarah?”

   “Everything’s green. The fleetyard’s just finalizing our roster and fighter loadout and then we’re ready to go.”

   “Well, they’re taking their time.” The Commander grinned, “Technically, we’re not on duty. Wanna head to the mess? Kat’ll supervise the final diagnostics.”

   “Sure thing."

   “Get me a sandwich. Beef with tomatoes and cheese!” Kat yelled from her station and then promptly turned around to study her console.

   “Get it yourself!” Kaz yelled back.

   “Damn you!” Kat laughed, “I’ll starve!”

   “Better for the icewolves then.”

   It was no secret that the Commander preferred to keep formality to a minimum aboard his ship. It didn’t mean that he and his crew were undisciplined, however. Many of the long duration deployment groups tended to end up like this: very close knit. High Command didn’t bother to crack down on it as long as it didn’t go out of the airlock in terms of regulations, and even some of the Admirals even encouraged this type of behavior.

   Kazimir let Sarah give him a quick kiss on the cheek and then they walked out of the STC holding hands. It was also no secret that the Commander maintained a professional relationship with his Exec while on duty, but let it show that she was his girlfriend otherwise. There were no regulations on fraternization within the ranks, but it was an unwritten rule that everyone serving must know when to get down to business.

   The Commander’s holographic tags glowed a dim red instead of the usual crimson, indicating that he was off duty as he entered the mess hall. Sarah followed closely behind, waving at someone outside the hatch. Kazimir’s optical implants displayed the day’s menu, which differed from the usual packed rations. He would eat like a king today. He chuckled mentally at the irony; he was the S’vas of House Miroslav, equivalent to a Prince within Miroslav territory.

   He walked up to one of the dispensers and made his selection, ordering Kat’s sandwich as he picked up his food. He sat down beside Sarah and was about to begin eating when a burly man fell on top of the table. The man got up and then proceeded to beat the **** out of another man. The two of them were in CDF fatigues. Kazimir dodged a thrown bottle and that was the last straw. Sarah wiped the tomato sauce from her face.

   “Cease!” He barked.

   The men stopped mid-blow and slowly turned their heads to look at the source of the command. Their faces grew Federation white. They let each other go and shakily assumed a salute. The Commander studied their holographic rank bars and his own tags flared crimson.

   “Now. PFC Winters and PFC Khaine, I suggest you climb into the ring and kill each other there. A lot of people are eating, and I wouldn’t think they’d be happy if you just fell on their food. I know from personal experience. Clean yourselves up and report to the brig for detention.”

   “Sir. Yes sir.” The men promptly disappeared.

   “Looks like we’re on duty.” He whispered to himself.

   Sarah whispered something into Kazimir’s ear and left to change. The Commander put his combination cap on, the holographic outline of stylized laurel leaves appearing on the visor and above it. He cleaned whatever he could find with a handkerchief and left for the brig.


   Kazimir met Sarah at the corridor just outside the brig. She had changed into service blacks instead of the slate gray fatigues he had expected. He saw the two CDF Privates sitting in individual cells and put on the vaguely hostile look he was renowned for. He stepped in front of the cells and coughed to get their attention.

   “Now whose fault was it?” He said, locking eyes with each of them.

   They didn’t answer.

   “Alright.” Sarah took over, a murderous look in her eyes, “Either you’ll talk and he’ll let you go, or he’ll hand you over to me. And I don’t know what I’ll do if this little boxing match of yours is over a baby pacifier.”

   “Well said, Lieutenant Commander. So what will it be?”

   The Privates broke into argument once again.

   “Alright, Goddamnit!” Sarah broke the verbal mudslinging, “Was it you, Khaine? You’re a disgrace to the Defense Fleet. You too, Winters. The two of you better stop arguing like children or I will shove my foot up your asses so hard that you’ll puke your guts out!”

   The Militiamen quieted down once again.

   “First things first. Why are the two of you stowing off on a Navy vessel?”

   Winters broke the silence, “We were retreating from Hope, Sir.”

   “That doesn’t explain ****.” Sarah glared.

   “I agree. You better give me a good reason or I won’t let you out of this cell, Winters.”

   Winters and Khaine were transferred to the brig of Fleetyard Oasis when everything was settled.


   Kazimir had just sat down in front of the Command console when alarms went off.

   “Missile launch!” Sarah scrambled into her seat and pounded several icons on her console.

   “Evasive maneuvers!” Kazimir ordered, feeling the deck plate vibrate under his feet as the main thrusters redlined.

   It wasn’t enough.

   The Mark 19 Javelin tactical nuke struck the Hyperion’s hull on the starboard side of the engineering deck. The impact set off an explosive that compressed the sphere of weapons-grade plutionium-94 to critical levels. Neutrons were then emitted from a small device at the center of the sphere, bombarding atomic nuclei and splitting them in a cascade of energy. Yet more neutrons were released and in turn, shattered more nuclei. The resulting cascade of radiation boiled off the outermost six layers of the destroyer’s ceramic composite armor.

   Ionized gas joined the expanding wave of plasma that heated the rest of the hull while the radiation slipped past the armor and took its toll on the crew inside. The shockwave of the impact and the resulting explosion violently rattled the ship’s hull. The main coolant pipe in the number-4 secondary fusion reactor burst, flooding the containment room with superheated coolant fluid. The Engineering Assistance Intelligence detected the burst pipe and shut down the reactor, sending a signal to Second Lieutenant Katherine Lara Valahan Ovrigard’s console.

   The holographic status display refreshed a thousand times per second, instantaneously displaying the compromised reactor and the damage to the Hyperion’s hull, Katherine didn’t see this however as her forehead had just recently struck the crystalline command board and was in the process of rebounding back to its original position. Blood welled from a gash in her skin, droplets of the red fluid flying.

   Kazimir grit his teeth and gave orders to raise the shields, the hunters were now the hunted. Sarah worked quickly, flashing the capacitors with excess power to jumpstart the shield generators. Her champagne colored hair flew in all directions as her head whipped around to glance at the various displays surrounding the officer. She selected the red blips that had suddenly appeared on the UDAR console and gave orders to fire.

   The CAI activated the proper subroutines and began charging the primary and secondary particle lance batteries, training them on the largest threat. Energy collected in the accelerator arrays, ionizing a hydrogen-lithium gas mix and accelerating the resulting charged particles to a significant fraction of C. The beams seared into the EFS Adamant, carving deep trenches in its armor. Molten metal and ionized gas fountained from the rents in the Federation ship’s hull.

   And then the first salvo of kinetic rounds struck the Hyperion’s shields.


Another section added, this time introducing the starfarers of the universe. Now, first things. The story is set in a 'Cold War gone Hot' period, the third such repetition of this. The Confederates are more technologically advanced compared to the Federation, but the Feds have their value in numbers. The next section will focus mainly on explosions, and the one after that will be on of exposition and background information.


Offline IronBeer

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Re: The Newbie Also Writes
Excellent. If you do manage to get yourself published, I may just have to pick up a copy!
"I have approximate knowledge of many things."

Ridiculous, the Director's Cut

Starlancer Head Animations - Converted

Re: The Newbie Also Writes
   Kazimir’s body was jerked around as the shields absorbed the impacts. He glanced at Kat and then focused on the TAC display. The Oasis’ defense fleet was in total disarray as Feds jumped in all around them. There were already sixteen mission-kills on their side while the Whites were relatively unharmed. Kazimir frowned.

   “Roll on my mark and fire with all batteries.”

   The ship responded, maneuvering thrusters flaring to bring the Hyperion into a roll. The weapons on the side opposite the Adamant were already charging so they could fire when the enemy warship was inside their firing arcs. The vacuum blazed with ionized energy as more gashes were torn into the Adamant’s hull.

   “Launch torpedoes.”

   Sarah’s hands flew over the console, the holograms around her shifting so fast that untrained eyes could barely read them. Hatches set flush with the destroyer’s armor slid open, a salvo of torpedoes slid out and blazed away on powerful fusion torches. Each T.AS-3 Inferno torpedo carried a tiny fraction of a gram of antimatter, which would be roughly equivalent to a 50-megaton nuclear warhead upon detonation. The torpedoes assumed a wide spread to ensure that there would be a lesser chance of being caught in the blast wave of a premature detonation.

   Two of the six torpedoes slipped past the point defense net and plowed into the rear third of the Adamant just as it launched its own salvo of Javelins and kinetic kill rounds at the Hyperion. Twin stars blossomed as the antimatter annihilated its counterpart in a split-second explosion. Massive amounts of energy were released in an instant. Metal and flesh alike boiled away, reduced to ionized gas. The Adamant shattered, its reactors adding to the chaos. The spheres of radiation faded away, leaving nothing but a broken wreck that tumbled aimlessly into the Federation lines. The Hyperion’s defense drones neutralized the radiological alarms.

   Instead of using hull mounted defense guns, the Confederate Navy used swarms of specialized drones to defend their ships. This also gave them the advantage of being able to focus all defensive fire to any direction if needed. Typical commanders usually deployed a quarter of their drones and increased their numbers if they saw fit. Kazimir thanked his luck that the CFS Ravana was on station. The drone carrier’s complement of ten thousand Aegis drones made up the bulk of the defensive net deployed around the Confederate fleet.

   The Confederates used drones for other things, however.

   Sixteen D.GSI Longsword interceptor gunships sat in the Hyperion’s hangar bay. The Longswords were given the nickname “House-Sized Mass of **** You” after their initial deployment in 2970 during the Battle of Salendern. Each Longsword could mount several hundred tons of weapons and munition and yet remain fast and maneuverable enough to be considered an ‘interceptor’ by the manufacturers. The fact that Longswords were controlled by Combat Intelligences didn’t help matters for Federation pilots and officers.


   Durendal One rocketed out of the launch tube. The drone accelerated on powerful fusion torches. The CI downloaded and compared targeting information with the data from its own sensors, formulating an attack plan in under a millisecond. The arrowhead shaped craft maneuvered to place one of the Federation’s Eagle fighters in its sights. The pulse lasers flashed briefly, burning through the enemy craft’s thin armor and detonating the fuel cells. Durendal Two, Three, and Four formed on their flight leader.

   The flight dove headlong into a tangle of Federation fighters. Durendal One selected the spread rounds, effectively converting the RA40s into 40-millimeter shotguns, firing at thirty-thousand rounds per minute. Entire flights of fighters disappeared from flight rosters as they were ripped apart by the combined fire of sixteen Longswords. Those lucky enough to survive turned tail and burned for the safety of their fleet.

   Durendal One had a lot of things to say about that. Two Viper missiles leapt from its launch bays, smashing into a dart shaped Federation fighter while the drone leisurely tore another to bits with its pulse lasers. The drone’s thick armor registered a few hits on the upper armor and the sensors detected an inbound missile. Power was fed to the fusion torches and countermeasures popped from their launchers. Excalibur Four blasted the enemy fighter apart.


   Kazimir watched the Confederate fleet slowly push the Feds back. A wave of green triangles swarmed around a red rectangle, the icon for an enemy capital ship. The ship promptly disappeared from the display. He gave orders to the drones, sending them against a cluster of red circles, enemy corvettes. The blue triangles shifted accordingly, spawning dozens of blue dots as the drones launched their rockets. One of the circles disappeared as a salvo of rockets slammed into it and the drones shifted their attention to another.

   The Commander then noticed the sizable hole in the defenses in front of the fleetyard, which was the second most important in the entire Confederacy, the first being the Armestia Fleetyards. The loss of The Oasis would mean a severe blow to the Navy War Machine. He withdrew his destroyers from the main group and had them take up positions inside the hole as a stopgap measure. True to his expectations, a pair of Federation artillery ships appeared in front of the fleetyard. The Stilettos tore them apart in a blaze of ionized gas.

   Another realization hit him. The Feds had bypassed the expanse between the nearest Federation outposts to a Confederate core world in a strike ambush. His blood ran cold.

   “Guys.” He said, tapping the broadcast icon, “The Feds. They just made their first far-jump. We all know what this means. Armestia is in danger.”

   “**** man!” The CO of the Alistair replied, stating everyone’s thoughts.

   “Be prepared for the worst. Knowing them, they’re ready to drown us in their blood. Expect battleships or even dreadnoughts, hundreds of them.” Kazimir gulped, “May we live to see another day.”

   “New contacts!” The fear in Sarah’s voice was audible, “Dreadnoughts and superdreadnoughts!”

   “Stilettos, stab deep!”

   “Strike fast!” Came the chorus.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2011, 10:13:52 am by InfinitySquared »

Re: The Newbie Also Writes
My, that sounds like it was a very uneven fight! Wouldn't want those against you in FS ;)

Re: The Newbie Also Writes
   Kazimir wore a grim look as the Feds turned the tide in their favor. The fast firing heavy primaries their Mjolnir dreadnoughts wielded allowed them to slip more shells past the defense net. He also noted the increased frequency of enemy siege and assault lasers. The gaping hole in the side of his ship was testament to that. Like the ones used groundside, ship mounted shields were invulnerable up to a certain point, and would fail catastrophically once that point was exceeded. Lasers bypassed that shield completely, hence the refractive/reflective layers embedded in the Navy’s Kernharn armor. The Federation’s answer to that was to simply turn the power up to eleven.

   “Love,” Kazimir hissed, “can you please tell our guests what I think of their lasers?”

   Sarah shunted power from the turrets and directed it into the spine cannon, giving Kat yet another headache. Kazimir’s quick-charge scheme tended to strain major conduits and capacitor banks, and it was one of Kat’s jobs to keep the ship from blowing itself up in the process. The Hyperion turned to face her assailant, energy collecting in the fork of her bow. Kat cursed, which was something she didn’t usually do, and flipped Kazimir and Sarah the one finger salute.

   “I love you, Kaz.” Sarah grinned despite their situation.

   “I love you too. May I have the honor of saying it?”

   “Of course.”

   “Main cannon, fire!”


   The charge in the main cannon’s capacitors was released, ionizing a hydrogen-heavy metal gas mixture. The temperatures found at the center of the ionized plasma put the sun to shame. The battleship grade plasma-ion cannon fired, focusing all of that energy into a point no bigger than the palm of a man’s hand. The vacuum blazed for a brief moment as the beam cored the enemy cruiser, removing it from the list of ships that carried assault lasers.

   “Another one! Another one!” Sarah's grin grew even wider.

   “Damnit!” Kat complained.

   Kazimir allowed himself to smile, “Target bearing two-two-zero degrees by horizon fifty. Fire!”

   He could feel Kat rolling her eyes as the PIC whined, energy building up to a maximum. The cannon fired, tearing straight through the lateral side of a Federation cruiser. The shot severed the much larger warship’s spine through the rotating gravity sections. Both halves of the ship drifted apart, trailing glittering debris. A second later, the rear half detonated in a burst of actinic light.

   The battle had equalized once again, and it was now a slugging match to see who would back down first. Kazimir felt yet another laser tear into his beloved ship; the temperature had risen another degree and the air coolers were fighting to keep it down.

   “Alright, Kat. Good work on keeping the ship whole. Sarah, arm two Infernos and set them to battlespace saturation. Blind them, fire everything we’ve got on the port side, roll and fire again.”

   Kazimir glanced at the TAC screen. One of his Stilettos had gone down, but not after it had taken down a Fed cruiser by slamming headfirst into it. Contacts were disappearing on all sides, with the Feds taking a lot of the losses. Not that it mattered anyway; they had a lot of forces to draw from. For every one ship in the Confederate Navy, there were ten ships in the Earth Federation Star Force. It had been that way since the 2400s, the century the Great Wars began.

   The Confederates, however, had a massive technological advantage, and the resulting disparity was dubbed the ‘Century Divide’ by many historians. Kazimir noted that the Feds were catching up. He watched a pair of friendlies disappear from the screen and frowned. Another flood of reports reached the Hyperion’s comms array as the 13th Luckless attempted to rally their forces.

   “Hyperion, this is Esmerelda” One particular report was addressed to him, “We’ve lost our command ship. We’re deferring to you for orders.”

   “Alright Esmerelda,” Kazimir paused as a salvo of rounds struck the Hyperion, “send some of your cruisers to support our push. You guys form up behind us and prepare to take our place, don’t worry, I kept some of my ships in reserve.”

   “Armor breach in starboard flank, Recreation deck!”

   “Damnit.” Kazimir breathed, “There goes our morale.”

   “Kaz!” Sarah’s face was white, “We’ve lost the Ravana!”

   Nearly half of the drones that made up the defense net stopped dead in their tracks as their computers interpreted the loss of targeting data. The drones deferred to other ships for targeting data a moment later. However, that single pause in the interceptor fire was enough for the Feds to slip a massive salvo of nuclear warheads into the Confederate line.

   Sarah didn’t even bother to make her report. She just stared at her screen, jaw working.

   “Fire! Fire!” Kazimir’s fingers gripped the armrests of his seat, but his expression remained neutral.

   Sarah swept a hand over the wave of incoming nukes, designating them as targets. The Hyperion vibrated, sending a barrage of ions at the enemy missiles. Kazimir saw a small batch of nukes cook off prematurely, a slightly larger number fly off in random directions and detonate as the energy leakage from the ion beams utterly destroyed the fragile electronics. It was futile. The majority of the missiles detonated within the Confederate side of the battlespace, bathing dozens of ships in nuclear fire.

   Kazimir swore as the TAC screen displayed:  ERROR::INVALID DATA. Prior to that, it had displayed a Fed strike group taking down a heavy cruiser.

   “Kat! Status!”

   “Sensors are blinded, shields nearly overloaded, and our comms are down.” Kat didn’t bother to look up, preferring to dispatch DACON teams to the afflicted areas. “Fires are burning on several decks and we’ve lost Recreation and food storage completely. I’m getting unconfirmed reports of a toilet exploding in habitation.”

   “Good news?”

   “Oasis survived, and the drones are firing again.”

   “Alright. See if we can use our running lights to flash a message.”

   “Which is?”

   “Withdraw and tighten the perimeter. Let’s have them overextend their forces. Then we’ll strike at them from behind.”


   Kazimir waited for Kat to reconfigure the running lights to put out the message.

   “We’ve got a reply. It’s an affirmative. And our comms are back up.”

   The Commander watched a section of the defense line pull back, apparently folding under the assault. Federation ships rushed in to take advantage of the situation. A predatory grin formed on Kazimir’s face. The Luckless moved to press them from the flanks while the group of destroyers that pulled back was suddenly rushing into the fray. Kazimir briefly wondered if the Federation Navy just picked people up from the street, gave them a uniform, and told them that they were in the Navy.


   Space folded.

   1230 Hours: June 17, 2969
   Airway-336, Temperate City – Miroslav Estate
   Private VTOL en-route to Miroslav Estate

   Then Lieutenant Kazimir Aleksey Miroslav S’vas Miroslav sat in the passenger cabin of the sleek Locheed-Samakyev Sky Dart 3P, a holographic screen projected in front of him. He was watching a documentary on old Earth, before the days of the Federation. Sarah’s head was on his lap, the girl snoring fitfully. An icon materialized in front of him.

   “Ladies and Gentlemen, the ‘fasten your seatbelt’ sign is now on.”

   Kazimir nudged his girlfriend’s shoulder, waking her.

   “Are we there yet?” She yawned, clipping the seatbelt around her waist.

   The whine of the VTOLs engines intensified briefly as the Sky Dart switched from flight mode to hover mode. Kazimir watched the altimeter display slowly begin to roll down as the craft neared its destination. He raised a hand to rub his eyes, then he stopped. The ocular implants weren’t fully assembled yet. Sarah wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pressed herself close.

   “Guess what?” Kazimir noted a silver ring around each green iris, “My implants are done!”

   “Damn you.” Kazimir grinned.

   The Navy clinics, along with thousands of other cybernetics clinics offered a color choice in ocular implants, though the Navy’s were much more limited in terms of selection. They’d all gotten their implants at around the same time, but the time it took for the implants to finish was dependent on the person’s genetics and physiology. The VTOL flew over the winter landscape, passing over a squad of Miroslav Guards, the finest Marines the Navy could field.

   A pair of Longsword interceptor-gunships fell into formation beside the Sky Dart, painted in the Navy ‘Death Black’ scheme with gold highlights, they were the 166th Ghosts. Kazimir saw the clear bubble canopy mounted slightly-back from the nose of the arrowhead shaped craft. The pilot waved from the canopy and wagged the Longsword’s wings. Sarah waved back at the pilot. The Longswords escorted the Sky Dart to one of the landing pads and flew off. The landing skids thudded on the landing pad as the powerful engines kicked up large amounts of powder and converted it into steam.

   “Ladies and Gentlemen, we have landed. You may now unfasten your seatbelts. The cabin doors will open momentarily. We hope you enjoyed your flight.”

   Kazimir fished his bags from the overhead storage and tossed Kat her purse. The Lieutenant smiled. He was home.


   Commander Elias Masterson sat in a position overlooking the command deck, which was in absolute chaos. Men and women were moving around the cramped confines, others were yelling various reports and orders. He was one of the first to notice that a group of destroyers had jumped in behind them.

   “Designate contact D-27 as primary target and fire! Hail them as well.”


   His ship, the Revenge shuddered as the primary railguns accelerated 50 kilogram tungsten darts to 30,000 kilometers per second. The salvo would have crossed the distance between the Revenge and its target in five seconds, were it not for the defense drones swarming between the Confederate fleet. Only one of the shells struck the target, christened Hyperion by his enemies. He briefly wondered if they had any decent women in their Armed Forces.

   The Hyperion responded in kind, a burst of particle beams slashed at the portside armor, opening several compartments to the vacuum. Masterson thanked God for the new software installed on his ship. He gave orders to fire the siege laser, grinning like one of the predators found in Armestia’s icy badlands.

   A man’s head appeared on the screen to the right, his expression perfectly neutral. His green eyes were slightly narrowed, and Masterson couldn’t tell if the apparent fire in them was because of his inferior cybernetic implants. Masterson found himself starting to sweat as the man’s eyes bored into him.

   “You do realize that we’re in a war, Commander.” The enemy said.


   “Don’t tell me you’re surrendering,” Kazimir said, “because we won’t accept prisoners from you after what your people did in 2973. Sarah, fire the main cannon.”

   The plasma-ion cannon whined as it charged. The ship shuddered as the discharge lanced towards the Revenge. The beam seared into a rotating gravity section, splitting it wide open. Kazimir smirked at Masterson. The beam had just burnt through a meter of the Federation’s finest composites.

   “That was at ten percent charge.”

   “Hull breach in Engineering!” Kat reported, “We’ve lost DACON Two-Six and Three-One. Reactor number-4 is completely gone.”

   Now it was Masterson’s turn to smirk, “And that was at five. Give my regards to your beautiful officers; I’m sure they’re quite lonely aboard your ship. Maybe they want to join me aboard?”

   “What, and put up with that ****-eating face of yours? No thanks! Nice try though, but I don’t like men with no dicks.” Sarah flipped him the one fingered salute.

   Kazimir nodded to Kat, who then pumped energy into the main cannon.

   “Why don’t you enjoy the company of my Longswords, Masterson.”



   A river of gauss rounds flowed from the Revenge’s CIWS guns, glowing brightly against the blackness of space.


   Durendal One shook as the twin RA40 gatling railguns sent a torrent of armor-piercing high-explosive rounds at the gun emplacements on the cylindrical warship. Explosions peppered the hull, blasting small bits of debris into space. Some of the rounds tore into the turrets, ripping them into dozens of pieces as the high-explosives inside the rounds detonated.



Hehehe, don't worry. The Feds will bring some of their forces in to balance the presence of Kazimir's Longsword flights.

So, Spread rounds convert the RA40 into a gatling shotgun. APHEX stands for Armor Piercing High EXplosive, think a depleted-uranium/tungsten carbide penetrator designed to fragment easily when the high-explosive inside detonates. So what do HEXFRAG rounds do? They're flak.

The Longswords also come in two main variants, Drone and Manned. The Manned versions are far more common, but have to sacrifice some of their weapons for crew and their requirements. The Stilettos were one of the first groups in the Third Fleet to receive the drone variant. Drone fighters, however, are more common in the First and Second fleets, which have very strict guidelines to follow to even get a posting in.

Also, thanks for reading, guys!
« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 06:21:30 am by InfinitySquared »


Offline Colonol Dekker

  • HLP is my mistress
  • 213
  • Aken Tigh Dekker- you've probably heard me
    • My old squad sub-domain
Re: The Newbie Also Writes
You're welcome :yes:

I want one......a Sarah I mean :)
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod

Re: The Newbie Also Writes
What would you want to do with a Sarah? ;D  ;7


Offline Colonol Dekker

  • HLP is my mistress
  • 213
  • Aken Tigh Dekker- you've probably heard me
    • My old squad sub-domain
Re: The Newbie Also Writes
I can, but will not answer that question. ;7
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod

Re: The Newbie Also Writes
Hahahaha. I'm reporting you to a Mod, Dekker. Hahaha, anyway. I'm working on the last part of the chapter. Which will be explosition.

Re: Tales of a Confederacy: Phoenix Falling
   Flight Captain Michael “Mikey” Solaris watched the lead elements of his squadron, the 442nd Thunderbirds jump into the fray. They’d been deployed to hunt down and destroy four flights of those damned Longsword interceptor-gunships.

   “Thunderbirds,” He said, trying to control the shaking in his voice, “listen up. This is a suicide mission. I don’t know if any of us will make it out of this fight alive. We’ll gang up on one of them, take it down, and move on to the next. We have safety in numbers and let’s use that to our advantage. Our Father…”

   Captain Solaris closed his eyes, remembering the girl he had left behind on Jupiter as his lips whispered the last verse of the prayer. A shrill tone flooded into his ears, the guns had locked on to one of the Longswords. He pulled the trigger.

   “Maria, I love you.”

   The F/A-484 Raptor II rattled as its rotary gauss guns hurtled tungsten carbide slugs towards Death itself.



   Excalibur One’s computers calculated the inbounds’ vectors thousands of times per millisecond, formulating attack plans and defensive maneuvers. The drone idly spun its RA40s, loading HEXFRAG shells into the barrels. It noted that the other three flights were already firing their rockets at the enemy cruiser, punching gaping holes in its hull as they twisted around streams of AA fire.


   Excalibur One fired its pulse lasers, ripping the enemy fighter apart in a burst of fire and debris. The drone less detected and more felt the heat of targeting lasers on its skin. The computer mind processed this information far faster than any human could. The drone jinked, throwing several of the lasers off. However, the Federation’s sheer numbers meant that some of the lasers stayed on target. A missile slammed into the port wing, shearing half of it away.


   Gauss rounds skipped off the ceramic armored hull, but some of them found purchase in the various holes now punched in the drone’s skin. The remaining RA40 thundered silently, spitting a stream of HEXFRAG rounds that meant certain death for those unlucky enough to fly into them. The Longsword rolled slightly, the head of an ejected pilot splattering against the death black hull.

   Kazimir snarled as a salvo of rounds struck the shields, almost stressing them to the breaking point. Masterson’s cruiser was tougher than anyone had expected, and he suspected that the bastard lech was hiding more things up his sleeves. The Commander studied the sensor data on the Revenge. It was on par with a third generation cruiser, fourth generation destroyer if he pushed it.

   The Hyperion rumbled as the particle lances fired, searing a criss-cross pattern into the enemy cruiser’s hull. The Commander wished he had one more Inferno, but Masterson had shot out the launchers with his lasers so Kazimir could only swear. Kat was a lifesaver though, she had the brilliant idea of launching missiles out of the airlocks and Sarah had sent the Longswords after the laser emplacements. That put them on roughly even terms.

   The Hyperion ducked behind a large piece of wreckage, the remains of a cruiser she had killed earlier. Kinetic kill rounds ripped it apart, scattering gleaming pieces of wreckage. Kazimir wasn’t taking cover though; he was planning on making Masterson waste his ammo. So far it was working. The Commander checked on his Stilettos as they fought their own duels. One of the cruisers from the Luckless was tacking a pair of Fed destroyers, and had just recently gutted a third.

   The Esmerelda executed a roll, firing all of its guns in a double broadside as railgun slugs slammed into the shield. The Fed destroyer that was engaging the Esmerelda found itself falling apart, an explosion punctuating the finale of the battle. Kazimir saw one of the Stilettos, the Iris falter as the shields gave way under a barrage from the Orion.

   “Hyperion, Iris.” The female Captain said, “We’re badly hurt. The DACONs are trying to replace the shield capacitors but we’re running out of armor.”

   “Hold tight, Iris.” Kazimir said, “Eros and Magellan, move to cover the Iris.”

   “Aye sir.”

   The Eros, a missile destroyer, fired a salvo of ASM-16 Cobras. The missiles streaked towards the Orion, tearing gaping holes into the armor as they detonated. The Magellan fired its beams into the hole, ending the Orion with a shot that split the smaller destroyer into two.

   Kazimir eyed the blue triangles as they were swarmed by reds. One of the Longswords winked off the TAC display.

   “Eros, assist our gunships. Sarah, tell the men in airlock fifteen to launch.”

   Sarah screamed into the microphone on her headset, interspersing orders with precision insults. The Lieutenant Commander finished the orders and smiled at Kazimir, the silver rings in her eyes glowing brightly. Kazimir smiled back and then returned to the TAC. Thinking about the ocular implants made him noticed the lines of text and small icons that scrolled across his vision from out of nowhere. He preferred the minimal graphics scheme and set the implants to display only the most important information.

   The missiles streaked past the ship on the optical displays. Kat’s solution was simple, yet brilliant. A squad of Marines in powered armor would push the missiles out of the airlock after it was depressurized. The door would close, and the missiles would be fed telemetry and targeting data by the comm arrays. An enemy frigate was ripped apart by the detonation of a microgram of antimatter.

   “Home Guard’s moving in?” Sarah looked at her screens with an incredulous look, “Home Guard’s moving in!”

   “Alright Stilettos. Screen the S’vas Armestya when she arrives. For now, break back to the home lines and rearm and refit if you have to. Jump!”

   Energy flowed into the riftspace drive, tearing a hole in the fabric of space-time. A sphere of nothingness swallowed the hyperion.

   1745 Hours: June 17, 2967
   Carver Estate, Main Driveway

   Kazimir tapped icons on the holographic display projected in front of the Lamborghini-Lockheed Marcelino’s steering column. The hover pods shut down with a low whine and the ‘car’ settled on its landing skids. The DIWS projected important information directly on the glass windscreen, eliminating the need for a dashboard. He disembarked from the predatory looking vehicle and looked around. The seventeen year old straightened his tie and walked towards the door of his girlfriend’s home.

   “Kaz!” Sarah burst out of the door, wearing an obsidian gown. To say that she was stunning was an understatement.

   Kazimir resisted the temptation to stare down his girlfriend’s dress and opted to wrap her in his arms instead. He looked up and saw the gossamer strands that made up Armestia’s artificial rings. These were the Armestian Fleetyards, the backbone of the Confederate Navy.

   “I know what you’re thinking, mister.” Sarah laughed.

   She placed a feathered hat on top of her head and Kazimir led her to the Marcelino, opening a door for her. Sarah climbed in and Kazimir opened the driver’s side door.

   “You excited from the prom, Love?” Sarah asked, smiling.

   “I’m as nervous as ****.” Kazimr chuckled, “Remember the last time when I nearly pushed you into the pool?”

   “I still haven’t forgiven you for that.”

   The couple burst into laughter as the Lamborghini drove away.


   The battle carried on for hours, even with the Armestya’s powerful AMRL batteries. The Feds simply just dumped more meat into the grinder while the CFS tried to pull back its comparatively smaller forces, trying to keep from giving up as much ground as possible. The reserve elements of the Sixth Fleet and the defense forces of minor worlds were on their way. Mobile shipyards and logistics vessels were called in to support the defenders, but there was a limit to what they could do.

   Kazimir frowned at the damage report. Half of the guns on the dorsal surface had been blasted to pieces by Federation shells. Only two of his original sixteen Longswords remained, and those were sitting in the repair bay. The left half of the bow, and therefore half of the waveguides for the primary cannon were melted into slag.

   “Engines reduced to one-fourth acceleration.” Kat said, wiping the blood from her forehead with her sleeve.

   “Inbound. Torpedoes.” Sarah said dryly. “Deploying addition—**** that. No more drones.”

   “Sarah, bring us back to the nearest shipyard.”

   The Hyperion groaned as she flipped over and burned for the Shipyard Argent.


   “Parker!” One of the Marines yelled into her earpiece, “Tango at six!”

   The woman twisted around and fired her commandeered sidearm. The pistol bucked and plastered a Fed’s brain onto the wall. She’d lost Ganning’s a while back. The explosives specialist planted an explosive charge to a bank of hard drives and ran back to the squad. The HEX-5 detonated, scattering shards of data crystal and plastic as the door slammed shut on the explosion.

   Parker heard the rhythmic thumps of heavy powered armor and froze. Either it was a Federation personal walker or a Marine Corps HAPA. The two-meter tall figure lumbered around the corner, desert colored digital patterns on its ceramic armor. A railgun was mounted on the left shoulder, its matte black barrel swiveling aimlessly. The figure’s hands held a massive tri-barreled rifle of sorts, which was hooked up to a large backpack. The figure raised a hand and waved at the squad, particularly at the stunned Spec Ops operative.

   The HAPA turned to face Parker and the black visor depolarized.

   “Hey Parks.” The soldier said, his face bearing a resemblance to the woman he was talking to.

   “Hey Couz.” Parker replied, smiling.

   “So the squad leader over here deployed us to kick some Fed ass, how’s that sound to you?”

   “Those bastards won’t know what’s coming for them.”

   “Hate to break up the family reunion,” MacMillan said, “but we’ve got to go.”

   “Right sir.” Parker’s cousin polarized his faceplate, “Take care of her.”

   “We will.”

   Parker brought up the files stored in her implants and urged the Marines to escort her faster. HighCom needed to know that the Feds were planning a push into Armestia before it became too late.


   Corporal Samuel Parker Livingstone strode down the long hallway, his DIV keeping him updated on the latest battlefield information. The Commanders in orbit had deployed Longsword gunships, a platoon’s worth of men and armor, and a fire-support frigate. Like his HAPA, it was total overkill. He strode into a battle, his IGH-2’s stock pressed to his shoulder. The tri-barreled weapon croaked, splattering the remains of a Fed trooper against his comrades and then reducing them to a pulp.

   The suit’s onboard Combat Assistance Intelligence highlighted an approaching Federation combat walker and spoke in a soft, feminine voice.

   “Enemy walker detected. Cougar class. Priming railgun.”

   “Thank you, Eva.”

   “You’re welcome, Sir.”

   The enemy walker strode around the corner, the gatling gun mounted on the left arm already spinning. Livingstone brought the railgun to bear, bracing himself for the recoil. The weapon kicked, sending an inch-long tungsten carbide shell at seventeen-hundred kilometers per hour. The slug crossed the distance between the railgun’s muzzle and the walker’s cockpit almost instantaneously and punched straight through the machine, reducing the pilot inside to a fine vapor. The Cougar stood still for a moment, and then toppled noisily to the ground.

   It was then that Livingstone noticed that everyone had stopped firing.



   Kilometers-tall towers loomed over the black asphalt roads of the American Megalopolis, the result of centuries of unchecked expansion and growth. Earth herself had been ravaged beyond recognition by human greed, as evidenced by the slate gray sky above. Lightning danced in the clouds, sometimes reaching electric tendrils into the side of a building. The poorest billions lived at the very bottom of the megastructures that so dominated America’s skyline. These were paid for every child they birthed, which would then be raised in the Federation Way. These children would grow up to continue the cycle.

   The upper-class lived in the higher floors, enjoying lives of artificial comfort and decadence. Many of the men owned harems of brainwashed, mind-controlled women. They drove around in hovercraft, the regular man’s preferred vehicle of choice in the Confederacy. The rich actively worked to keep themselves rich while bringing others down. The richest were the politicians, mere puppets of the President. All of this under the façade of a functioning democracy.

   It wasn’t always like this however. Earth had once been a green, living world where children could play in under the sun in verdant parks, where men and women came together in peace. This ghost of the past used to be the Earth Federation. It all changed in the summer of 2339 when Earth first came into contact with Armestia, or rather when the Howard Administration came into power. President, then Secretary of Interplanetary Defense Edgar M. Howard had long been an advocate of assimilating any independent world into the Federation through peace or power. It was his victory in the March elections, and the resulting anti-independence propaganda campaigns that soured relations between Earth and its lost cousin.

   Commander Arthur Clarke walked through the wide, empty boulevards. He avoided looking into the dark alleyways where glowing eyes, cybernetic implants glared at him. He found himself imagining what Earth would have been like before the Federation, before the Endless War. He figured it was like Altair; peaceful, alive. Not like this ****hole of Earth.
The Commander bumped into a man, or what could have passed for a man. His skin hung off his bones like an ill-fitting shirt, implants stretching what little flesh was there into bumps and trenches. A glowing left-eye focused on him since the right was a milky-white.

   “Credits?” The man croaked.

   Arthur gave the man a hundred credit chit and carried on his way, wondering how the man he had just encountered could still be alive. Arthur adjusted his jacket and picked a cigarette from the pack in his pocket. He bit down on the butt to ignite the far end and drew in a breath. He looked up to the Confederates and believed that the Federation had a lot of lessons to learn from them about civilization. A street walker put a soft hand on his forearm.

   “Hey handsome,” She said seductively, though her eyes wanted him to just kill her, “want to have a good time?”

   Arthur shook his head and walked away. He had joined the Navy to make some money for his family, and his sister had left for Earth to find a decent job. Apparently, she’d found one and then disappeared, something completely out-of-character for her. He traced the origin of her last transmission to a private compound in the American Megalopolis. He found an elevator and stepped in.


Personally, this is the worst segment of the chapter that I've written. Ever.

Now a friend of mine asked me to elaborate on the Federation's mind control technology, and background on the new character introduced.

now what they do is that they implant chips at specific points in the brain
allowing a person with the proper controls to either send a jolt of debilitating pain and other negative emotions whenever the harem girl disobeys
and the inverse whenever the girl obeys
now this is based on actual experimental technology
« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 10:11:10 am by InfinitySquared »

Re: Tales of a Confederacy: Phoenix Falling
Should it be "preferred vehicle of choice in the Federation"? Else it's kinda confusing...

... so the Federation are the bad guys, it seems?


Offline Colonol Dekker

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  • Aken Tigh Dekker- you've probably heard me
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Re: Tales of a Confederacy: Phoenix Falling
Whatever side Sarah with her awesome champagne coloured hair is on, is who i'm rooting for......
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod

Re: Tales of a Confederacy: Phoenix Falling
Should it be "preferred vehicle of choice in the Federation"? Else it's kinda confusing...

... so the Federation are the bad guys, it seems?

Yep, the Feds are the bad guys. Also the average-guy's vehicle in the Confederacy of Free Stars is the hovercraft, while it is an ultra-luxury vehicle in the Earth Federation. I'll explain the disparity in a bit.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 09:01:06 am by InfinitySquared »

Re: Tales of a Confederacy: Phoenix Falling
Chapter Two: Armestia Delendra Est

   Sarah guided the Hyperion into the shipyard’s repair and refit bay with the gentleness of a caring mother. The cut the primary drives and fired bursts from the maneuvering thrusters to kill the half-kilometer long warship’s movement. Massive arms swung down from the ‘ceiling’ and clamped around the ship as swarms of drones activated. Scanners swept over the dented, burnt hull, guiding the drones to the most damaged sections.

   Kat watched the ship status display update constantly. The drones had pulled out the twisted stumps of turrets and were in the process of detaching what was left of the port bow, she sighed tiredly and yawned. The shipyard had engaged its short ranged jump drives, placing them in a safer place.

   “The drones are beginning the replacement of reactor number four.”

   “Well,” Kazimir stretched, “we wait here. Anyone want anything to eat?”


   Space elevators were the lifeline of the Confederacy’s powerful economy. These allowed planets to transport millions of tons of goods to space and back, a feat impossible with large numbers of freighters. The first elevators were built in 2450, when engineers realized that the high-powered fusion torch drives of larger freighters would cause irreparable damage to planetary surfaces and installations. These would throw massive amounts of molten dust and toxic vapor into the atmosphere if the plumes even grazed the earth.

   Economists also rallied for the initially more expensive space elevators, as massive fleets of freighters were costly and inefficient. Their expectations held to be more than true, as the first space elevator paid off its costs within the first five years of operation. Hundreds of space elevators began to rise all over the Confederacy soon after, its adoption accelerated by the widespread use of nanofabricators.

   Abrahim Cho wanted to sever these lifelines, helping to bring a close to the Endless War. He had had enough of the death and suffering. He had lost faith in the Confederacy, it clearly had the power to end the war but it arrogantly sat on its laurels, spending money and lives. He placed a hand inside his pocket, feeling the data crystal inside. Cho and thousands of other men and women all over the Confederacy literally held the power to end the war in their hands.

   He entered a dark room, lit only by the light coming off the displays.

   “Hey Abbie.” A man said, taking a long drag from his cigarette, “You’re early. Mind if I take my break now?”

   “Sure.” Cho said, “Just pass me the reports. And Mark, one more thing.”

   “Yea-” Mark turned around to find himself staring into the optics of a laser pistol.

   “**** you.” Cho pulled the trigger, vaporizing the top half of Mark’s head.

   Cho sat down with a satisfied smile on his face as Mark’s body crumpled to the ground. He extracted the data crystal from his pocket and placed it on the input panel, leaning back on the chair as the virus did its work. He felt the cables detach from the fleetyard. The massive ring began to fly apart, kilometers-thick sections separating from each other as the cables that held the installation together were so-abruptly removed.

   He felt the deck quake as metal screeched and groaned, crumpling and tearing as the fleetyard began to fly apart. He heard the howl of air outside the door, smiling to himself. However, life was full of unpredictable variables and his was cut short as a girder snapped, sending him hurtling into the void as the wall buckled. His body was incinerated in the trail of an escaping corvette.


   “Kaz!” Sarah said, blood rushing away from her face, “The spev cables…the fleetyards!”

   She could feel her heart pounding inside her chest as a torrent of reports flooded into her implants. She could barely stem the tide of audio-video clips and text messages. She saw Kat keel over in the edge of her vision, hands pressed to the side of her head. Sarah looked at Kazimir; his emerald green eyes were full of anger. His implants were glowing brightly, almost as if they were on fire.

   “This is the Commander speaking.” He said, stepping on top his table for emphasis, “Everyone report to your battlestations. Engineering crews triple-time it. I want my ship ready to fight within the hour. **** that, I want my ship ready to fight an hour ago!”

   Sarah moved to help Kat up, she was crying.

   “He’s dead.” She whispered, “He’s dead.”

   “Who’s dead?” Kazimir asked, stepping down from the table to squeeze her hand comfortingly.



   Unknown to the general public, the Confederacy was still very active in the so-called “Dead March”, a long line of shattered planets and destabilized solar systems that were the result of the massive conflicts that erupted between the Confederacy of Free Stars and the Earth Federation. These systems were where the Navy Black Ops lurked. Bases were hidden inside massive debris fields or built into the massive chunks of crust and rock that were once planets, the end-result of a scorched-earth campaign against the Federation onslaught.

   One such installation was the Griffon Base; the Headquarters of the Upper Fleets Black Operations. It was a dozen kilometers across, based an entire cruiser group, and could double as a minor fleetyard should it be needed. The base was covered in a shell of debris, chunks of Federation and Confederate ships, making it virtually indistinguishable to the naked eye from the debris field. There were also SHADOW generators, which could defeat all but the most sophisticated sensor suites.

   The Oculus, a Charybdis class EW/AWACS cruiser, edged slowly out of the debris field. The blocky ship looked more at home in a Federation fleet than among the blade-like shapes that the Confederates preferred, even the long-range sensors were mounted on counter-rotating sections that mimicked the gravity decks of most Federation vessels.

   Captain Teodor Belmonte S’vas Carver couldn’t help but feel like the deck was about to decompress at any moment. The holographic projections made it seem as if the Tactical Command was open to space. He figured the view was nice though. The swirling amber and green nebulae felt closer than before.

   “Status report.”

   “ECM and ECCM systems are fully functional, Jammers are operational, cloaks are ready to activate and all other systems are green. We’re ready to jump, sir.”

   "Jump then."


   Kat felt like running to her quarters to cry, but she wouldn’t. Her friends needed her and she would be abandoning them if she didn’t fight. Kazimir held her hand. She squeezed the hand and looked up at her best friend.

   “Kaz,” She forced those words out of a tight throat, “I can get through this.”

   Her father was the commander of a mining vessel, the Katherine. He was the only family she had left and now he was gone, his ship torn in half by an elevator cable. Kazimir looked unconvinced, he handed her a bottle of sedatives. She felt that she wasn’t a soldier, only a girl who ran off to play pretend with her best friends. She should have died along with her father, and then she would have joined her family in peace.

   “Go to sleep.” He said quietly, “We need you at your best, Kat.”

   He handed Kat a handkerchief and then hugged her. Sarah joined the embrace and Kat started to cry. She wiped the tears away, but they kept falling. Kazimir broke from the embrace and looked into her dark eyes.

   “Katherine, go to your quarters. That’s an order. I… I can’t stand seeing you like this--”

   Kat raised her left hand and shakily brought it to her brow. Kazimir returned the salute.

   “Let’s go.” Sarah said, taking Kat’s hand.

AN: Blah. Anyone want to play a game of 'Spot the BP References and Shoutouts'?
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 09:19:52 am by InfinitySquared »

Re: Tales of a Confederacy: Phoenix Falling
Well, that sucks...

Re: Tales of a Confederacy: Phoenix Falling
What does?