Author Topic: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting  (Read 9430 times)

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Offline Axem

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Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
Vassago's Dirge
Voice Acting

Yes, that's right. I've heard your cries. "Too many words during action." "I keep missing what they're talking about." "This story makes no sense." Well worry not, as I attempt to solve 2 of those 3 problems. You're on your own for the last one.

About Vassago's Dirge:
Two GTI officers interrogate a pilot about his recent experiences, beginning with the awakening and mysterious actions of the destroyer Vassago, passing through NTF experiments with ETAK, and culminating in a daring operation at a derelict under-construction installation. The truth behind it all lies within the seemingly trauma stricken memories of the pilot, whether he likes it or not.

The Campaign takes place during the events of the FreeSpace 2 retail campaign; after the first Sathanas has been destroyed, but before Bosch scuttled the Iceni and flew off with the Shivans. The campaign is short compared to others, but it packs all the action it can into its few missions. If you haven't already played Vassago's Dirge, I highly urge you to, as people say it's pretty cool and you probably would understand the context a lot better.

If you don't have FreeSpace or don't have the time to play another campaign, please check out Quantum Delta's playthrough video series of the campaign.

Axem's Notes:
Now this is my first go at this whole voice acting business. So I'm not too sure what's expected of me, and what to expect, so I hope you guys can be patient with me. In the scripts you will get a brief scene description and the rest of the conversation to help you see context. I'll try to put in voice directions where I can, but otherwise its up to you. Most of these characters are hardened military men (and women), so most of these lines are going to be done in a cooler, more professional/military tone. Shooting down hostile aliens is their day job after all. Look for influence from the retail campaign, or stuff like Battlestar Galactica. (Note: I realize real military pilots would be a lot less verbose and use brevity code, but I chose to ignore these things. :p)

If you're still real confused, PM me or something and I'll try to help you the best I can.

There are a number of: 26 ROLES (0 CAST \ 26 AVAILABLE)

A few of which could be combined if required.

Full cast list follows: Vassago's Dirge Cast List


To be considered for the role of the characters, please record only the audition lines given.

Please send them to narfing at gmail dot com, and add Vassago and the role you are auditioning for somewhere in the subject so that I can find it in 6 months when I decide to contact people again. One email per audition please.

No processing required, just your raw voice. I'll process it myself if I find it too offensive!

Main Roles

Captain White
Special Operations Command, Debriefing Officer

Male/Female, 30s
73 Lines
1690 Words

Captain White, if that is his or her real name, is the one that leads the player through their memories to discover the secret behind them. He or she is the voice the player will become most familiar with. Probably the most important role in the entire campaign. No pressure!

Audition Lines:

The player has just been been awoken from a traumatic flashback that starts the campaign off.  Captain White displays a warm and friendly feeling to the player.

White: Commander? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Captain White, Special Operations Command. Your little trip to Cagliari Station has certainly raised some eyebrows, and that is why I will be handling your debriefing instead of Commander Daniels.

In the first success debriefing, White is a bit puzzled at the Shivan motives at first, but congratulates the player for a job well done.

White: I still don't understand the report about the Shivans in the base. They're destroyers, not pirates... Was there another report about that, Lt. Black? Find it for me, will you? In any case, a splendid tale. Managed to protect your escorts long enough to get a scan and come home. Amazing that both ships were able to survive and come home. I hear the captains want to take you out to drinks.

White's response to the player going AWOL during one of his retellings. White is understandably confused at this little disgression.

White: I don't mean to push, but that's not at all what happened.

Now think of it like this, don't tell the story to me, tell it to yourself. Why would you lie to yourself? It's not going to get you anywhere.

Why don't we start again?

Briefing Officer
GTD Carthage Squadron Commander
Male/Female, 30s
54 Lines
2373 Words

The second most familiar voice to the player. He or she will be guiding through the command and flight briefings. The player's relationship is entirely professional, though its implied that the commander has known the player for awhile.

Audition Lines:

The commander gives his pilots the low down on a resurgent Shivan force awakening in Capella

Commander: At ease, pilots. If you haven't already heard, the Shivans are coming back from the dead. Or so says the rumor mill.

Your little incident at that graveyard certainly put Command into a tizzy. The big question on the table is if the science cruiser Thevenin (Th-ey-ven-nin) did anything to wake the Shivans up. But that's not our problem right now.

Our problem is going to be finding the Shivans and destroying them. And boy, do we have our work cut out for us.

The commander gives a rushed briefing to rescue a Vasudan cruiser that has just fallen under attack by an NTF cruiser. The tone here is quite urgent.

Commander: While responding to a Shivan attack on a cargo depot, the GVC Mastaba (Mas-ta-ba) reported that she fell under attack by an Aeolus-class cruiser, the NTC Orpheus. Communications was lost shortly after. You and your wing are being scrambled to aid the Mastaba, but we fear it may be too late.

Captain John Sibelius
Captain, NTC Orpheus
Male, 30s/40s
26 Lines

The closest thing the player gets to an antagonist in the campaign. Captain Sibelius is the captain of the Orpheus, a Neo-Terran Aeolus cruiser that appears to be in the middle of all the events in question. Sibelius is quite aggressive and stubborn, understandable since he's was just on the losing side of a war.

Audition Lines:

The captain is making a distress signal to the GTVA. Must be done quite clearly since the message will have effects to make it sound real low quality. Tone should be one part pleading, one part urgency.

Orpheus: This is Captain Sibelius of the Orpheus. My ship has been commandeered by a pirate group. We're stuck, can't escape, they've taken half the crew off the ship. We require immediate assistance. Any ships---

Alpha Wing has just made contact with the Orpheus, Sibelius gives his regards and a status update.

Orpheus: It's about time.  We've managed to retake the bridge, but the moorings are keeping us from moving.  My men are moving to take the Harlequin as we speak.

The Orpheus has been caught by the GTVA after disabling a Vasudan and Shivan cruiser. Captain Sibelius tries a last ditch diplomatic solution.

Orpheus: I do not wish for a confrontation.  As you can see I have spared the lives of the Vasudans.  My ship will surrender at the appropriate time.  Our mission is not yet complete.

Dr Serge Rachmann
Male, 40s/50s
11 Lines
545 Words

A highly regarded researcher that helped Bosch create a transciever for the ETAK project. Not a fanatic at any length, he simply wants to see his research be seen. He is quite forthcoming when captured by the GTVA. (Russian accent not required)

Rachmann is being interrogated about his role in the current events. He give some background into joining Bosch.

Rachmann: Bosch had come to me, inquiring about my research into subspace communications. He knew that I had done research into Shivan communication as well. He offered me archives from the GTI and more if I would construct him a transceiver that would theorically be able to communicate both ways with the Shivans.

Agent: ETAK? (Don't need this line)

Rachmann: Only a component of it. Alone it can't do much other than make noise. There was so much more to ETAK than just machines.

GTVA Command
Tactical Command, Capella
Male, 30s/40s
57 Lines

The one, the only, GTVA Command. While the head ani is the bald black guy we know and love. If you do not sound bald or black, it can be changed. This is the guy that tells you what to do in the mission at all times. Must be able to show authority through his words and direct the player to his directives.

Cruisers Cretheus and Argus have just sounded off at the beginning of the first mission. Command instructs them to begin their mission

Command: Acknowledged.  Begin active scans.  Pilots, keep an eye out for Shivan hostiles. Once the scans begin your positions will be visible to everything nearby.

The Vassago has just ambushed the Cretheus and Argus. Command wants to abort the mission, but the Argus urges to head straight for the now undefended station that the Shivans are flocking around (Command lines only)

Command (convinced the mission isn’t going to end well): The Shivans are adapting faster than expected.  All ships, abort the mission.

Argus (directly questioning Command’s orders): We're not going to get another chance at this, Command.  Recommend we go straight for the station.  It'll take time for the Vassago to jump again.  We can't lose this opportunity!

Argus (pleading): Command, please respond!

Command (reluctantly accepting): Very well, Argus.  You may proceed to the station.  Do not stay any longer than you have to.

The GTCv Lemnos has just jumped in between the Vassago and a badly damaged Orpheus. Command tries to hurry the Orpheus' repairs with yelling.

Command: Move Orpheus!  This isn't going to stall the Vassago for long!

Secondary Roles

Wingman 1
GTVA Pilot
Male, Early 20s
12 Lines

A No Name Rookie Pilot. Most commonly is your wingman.

The Vassago has just come to life and is killing everything. Wingman 1 reacts to the situation.

Wingman 1: Break! Break! Break! Going hot! What the hell did those eggheads do?

Alpha Wing is sneaking through the ring of a gas giant to surprise some pirates. Wingman 1 reports the pirates are on an intercept course.

Wingman 1: I think we've been spotted.  The fighters are heading straight for us.

Wingman 2

GTVA Pilot
Female, Late 20s
21 Lines

A No Name experienced pilot. Extremely confident, she thinks she's Gods gift to pilots.

Wingman 2 calls off incoming Shivan bombers during an intense first fight.

Wingman 2: I see Seraphim bombers on approach!

Wingman 2 responds to the player destroying a pirate jamming device.

Wingman 2: Jamming device destroyed.  I'm getting a clear signal from Command.  Signaling our reinforcements now.

Lt Commander Karajan
Chief Engineer, NTF Orpheus
Female, 30s
7 Lines

Lt Cmdr Karajan is the highest ranking member of the Orpheus after a disabled Cain cruiser suddenly comes to life and destroys the bridge, killing nearly all the senior staff. Karajan assumes command to get the Orpheus out of danger. (FYI pronounciation is closer to kara-yan, not kara-jan)

Karajan attempts to hail GTVA command after regaining communications from a Shivan surprise attack

Orpheus: Can anyone hear me?  This is Chief Engineer Karajan of the Orpheus!

The Orpheus has just succeeded in bringing engines back online.

Orpheus: Engines online.  Beginning jump drive charge sequence.  Keep an eye on us, the Shivans will be gunning for us...

GTA Argus Comms Officer
Male, 30s
23 Lines

The GTA Argus is a Charybdis-class AWACS cruiser. In the campaign, the Argus is used to identify Shivan assets around Cagliari station and to locate a strong jamming source near the station.

The Argus sounds off at the beginning of the mission
Argus: All systems online and operational.  We're ready to begin the scans, Command.

The Argus arrives at Cagliari Station, only to find the Shivans have seemingly taken it over. The discovery surprises the crew.
Argus: We've arrived at location five.  (agast) There's... Shivans everywhere...

The Argus falls under heavy attack and calls out to Alpha wing for more protection
Argus: Alpha wing, we're taking too many hits. We need more cover!

GTC Cretheus Comms Officer
Male, 30s
12 Lines

The Cretheus is a prototype light cruiser that has an very strong emphasis on anti-fighter combat. In the campaign, the Cretheus closely escorts the GTA Argus as it scans the area around Cagliari station.

The Cretheus sounds off at the beginning of the mission.

Cretheus: All turrets are online, Command.  We're good to go.

The Cretheus is taking heavy damage and requests Alpha wing give it more protection.

Cretheus: Hull is severely compromised.  We need cover NOW, Alpha!

GTD Carthage Comms Officer
Female, 30s
21 Lines

The Carthage is an older Orion-class destroyer. The player is based on the Carthage throughout the campaign. The Carthage stays off screen for most of the campaign. In its sole appearance, the Carthage relays targeting information from the player to 8 long range Mjolnir mobile beam cannons to ambush Shivan ships.

As the player has just launched, the Carthage asks Command about a corvette they are using to bait the shivans into a trap.

Carthage: The last fighter is away. Command. Is there any word from the Hyksos?

The Carthage responds to the Shivans breaking their attack and directing their attention to the destroyer.

Carthage: Damn, they must be on their way here.  It was only a matter of time...  Alpha, let's try to get as many ships down before they jump here.

Sargent Richard Daniels
NTF, Marine Sargent
Male, 30s
4 Lines

Sgt Daniels is head of the NTF Marines on the NTC Orpheus. Captain Sibelius sends him and his men to take over the transport Harlequin and Thunderhorse. A gruff and completely professional man.

The Harlequin falls under pirate attack and requests aid from Alpha wing

Harlequin: Harlequin here, we've taken light damage.  We need assistance.

The Harlequin reports on the capture of the pirate freighter, Thunderhorse.

Harlequin: Affirmative captain.  The pirates surrendered easily. We are all unharmed.  Rachmann sends his regards.

SOC Agent
Male, 40s
24 Lines
257 Words

This SOC Colonel conducts the interrogation of Doctor Rachmann. He is also Captain White's superior. He briefly talks with White at the end of the campaign about the result of the player's vision. Has a deep and intimidating voice.

(Note, this role is 24 lines, but a lot of these lines are fairly short.)

Next set of lines spoilered since its a bigger deal than the rest of the lines!

The Agent reacts to the player's vision in a debriefing. The vision was of Capella going supernova, as seen at the end of FreeSpace 2.
Agent (not at all disturbed by the vision): If what killed the Psamtik was just the first of a whole new armada, this would be cause for concern.

White: Compared to Capella going nova, I think that's just a bit mild.

Agent: I wouldn't go calling this gospel just yet. What our friend saw is what they wanted him to see. I'll inform Command to proceed with Operation Lion's Den. Perhaps they can confirm any Shivan fleet movements.

ST Focalor
Male, 30s
14 Lines

The Focalor is a captured Azrael-class Shivan transport. It was captured by SOC forces during the Sathanas fleet invasion. The Focalor is used to transport the player and his squad in spacesuits to sabotage Cagliari station.

The Focalor instructs Alpha 1 to begin his mission.

Focalor: Get a move on, Alpha 1.  We've uploaded the waypoints to your navigation computer.

The shivans have just discovered Alpha wing and begin attacking them. Command requests a status update on the operation.

Focalor: We're reading increasing radiation from the station, the virus appears to be working.  We've got an arm signal from Alpha 3's charges, but not from Alpha 2 or 4.

Wingman 5
Male, Late 20s
13 Lines

A No Name Experienced pilot. A Good Ol' Boy. While just having a speaking role in 2 missions, he has a few lines.

Wingman 5 calls in what he sees for pirate activity as Alpha wing approaches while hiding in a planetary ring.

Wingman 5: I don't see much for defenses.  Only one wing of fighters?

Wingman 5 tries in vain to stop the Orpheus from escaping.

Wingman 5: Orpheus, stand down!  Cut your engines immediately!

Vision Chorus
7 Lines

This is a very special role, and all I need is for you to be able to speak a foreign language. No audition required even! The more people who apply, the merrier. (I can't vouch if you'll be able to hear yourself in the end though) Just give me a heads up on which language you will be speaking.

Minor Roles

GTC Ascendant Comms Officer
2 Lines

An Aeolus cruiser.

The Ascendant arrives after the Vassago is destroyed to take out the surviving Shivan fighters.
Ascendant: This is the GTC Ascendant, all turrets are opening fire.

GTC Erato Comms Officer
4 Lines

A Leviathan cruiser.

The Erato has just fallen under attack by the Vassago after the Shivan destroyer suddenly awakens.

Erato: Command, we've just fallen under attack by a Ravana-class destroyer.  Our jump drives are not powered up and we require immediate assistance.

The Erato's hull integrity reaches dangerous levels. Everyone on board is panicking.

Erato: Hull integrity critical! I don't think we're going to make it!

GTCv Lemnos Comms Officer
7 Lines

A Deimos corvette. Bonus if you can sound like the Lemnos in the retail campaign!

The Lemnos has just arrived, jumping in point blank to cover the Orpheus from the Vassago. The gung-ho comms officer relays orders for weapons to fire.

Lemnos: This is the GTCv Lemnos, arriving on station.  All gunners open fire!

The Lemnos reacts to the Vassago jumping back in after it had left shortly before. The Vassago now has the Lemnos directly in its line of fire.

Lemnos: Incoming jump signature!  The Vassago's jumping back in!

GTCv Steadfast Comms Officer
2 Lines

A Deimos corvette. Appears in the player's vision as Capella goes nova. Note, this is the whole role.

The Steadfast reacts to Command's news that Capella has gone nova. However the Steadfast is disabled and has no hope in surviving.

Steadfast: No good, Command!  Our jump drives are shot. All hands, prepare to abandon ship!  Fighters, get the hell out of here!

The Steadfast strongly urges the player to leave immediately to avoid the huge shockwave coming from the star.

Steadfast: What the hell are you waiting for, pilots?  Get the hell out of here!

GVCv Hyksos/Menkaura/GVD Zednanreh Comms Officer
(aka generic Vasudan)
10 Lines

This is the generic Vasudan translator voice for all three Vasudan roles. Heavy post processing will be applied over these lines.

The Hyksos has just arrived where the GTVA plans to ambush the Shivans.

Hyksos: We have arrived at designated coordinates.  We have taken minimal damage from the Shivans so far.

The Menkaura has just arrived to aid the Erato, who has fallen under attack from the Vassago.

Menkaura: This is the GVCv Menkaura (Men-Kau-Ra) arriving.  Erato, we will distract the Shivans.  How much longer do you need?

SAR Officer A/B
6 Lines Total

A Search and Rescue Officers on an Elysium transport, looking for the player after a battle. Will probably get a good dose of post processing in the end.

Making this a dual audition since its small and they just talk to each other. Just audition either just for SAR A or SAR B.

SAR A: Nah, I still can't get anyone else.  There's just too much debris out here.

SAR B: Right well, I'm taking path 52H now.  Maybe that'll come up with something.
SAR A (starting to get excited): Wait!  I think I've got something!

SAR B: Is he alive?

SAR A: Maybe...  Let's check it out.
SAR A: I see him!  He's alive!

Wingman 3 - Closed for now
3 Lines

A No Name mature pilot. Friendly and experienced. Note, this is the whole role.

Wingman 3 cautions his fellow pilots not to stray too far ahead when escorting the Argus and Cretheus.

Wingman 3: (cautioning) Try not to stray too far there, boys.

Wingman 3 reports the arrival of the first Shivan cruiser during an ambush attempt.

Wingman 3: Contact, SC Andhaka.  Should we initiate the strike Command?

Wingman 3 is caught by surprise by a Shivan while attempting to sabotage a Shivan asset.

Wingman 3: What the---------- (last words will be covered by static)

Wingman 4
4 Lines

A No Name Experienced pilot. Serious and annoyingly GUNG-HO!

Wingman 4 reacts to the swarm of Shivan fighters that have launched from the Vassago in the first mission. Can he take them all? Even he's not so sure.

Wingman 4: Maras and Astroths too...  Hell, everything's coming!   Watch it!

Wingman 4 reports the arrival of Shivan fighters and bombers during an escort mission with the Cretheus and Argus.

Wingman 4: Incoming hostiles.  Looks like two wings of fighters and a wing of bombers.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 05:19:36 pm by Axem »


Offline fightermedic

  • 29
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Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
wow, this is cool stuff
i did think about starting a voice acting thread for this one a while back myself
i don't have time to look at everything just now, but count me in for minor to medium roles, if you want me that is :)
>>Fully functional cockpits for Freespace<<
>>Ships created by me<<
Campaigns revised/voice-acted by me:
Lightning Marshal 1-4, The Regulus Campaign, Operation: Savior, Operation: Crucible, Titan Rebellion, Fall of Epsilon Pegasi 1.1Aftermath 2.1,
Pandora's Box 2.2, Deep Blood

Other Campaigns I have participated in:
The Antagonist, Warzone, Phantoms & Echo-Gate

All the stuff I release is free to use or change in any way for everybody who likes to do so; take whatever you need


Offline Axem

  • 211
Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
The only people I want are people who submit auditions and are ready to go full steam ahead!

If you're that someone, then I want you!


Offline Mongoose

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Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
If I can rouse myself from my general laziness, I'd love to throw in a few auditions.

Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
I've submitted auditions for the Argus Comms Officer and Wingman 1.


Offline fightermedic

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  • quite a nice guy, no really, i am
Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
sent my auditions for wingman 5 and st focalor
they were recorded with the crappy mic of my brother since mine broke down yesterday :( (new one is on the way however)
i could do stuff for the chorus too if you like (would be speaking bavarian (a german dialect for those who don't know))

>>Fully functional cockpits for Freespace<<
>>Ships created by me<<
Campaigns revised/voice-acted by me:
Lightning Marshal 1-4, The Regulus Campaign, Operation: Savior, Operation: Crucible, Titan Rebellion, Fall of Epsilon Pegasi 1.1Aftermath 2.1,
Pandora's Box 2.2, Deep Blood

Other Campaigns I have participated in:
The Antagonist, Warzone, Phantoms & Echo-Gate

All the stuff I release is free to use or change in any way for everybody who likes to do so; take whatever you need


Offline Sonzai

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Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
Would love to try my hand at a part or two.  I'll be getting some snazzy new audio equipment in a couple of weeks, so I feel it might be better to submit then on the better microphone, etc.?

Also, I know some Japanese (not fluent, though) if you want me to help with the Vision Chorus?


Offline Black Wolf

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Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
Fired off an audition for Wingman 3 - tiny little role, I know, but surely they all count. ;)
Rarely Updated P3D.
Burn the heretic who killed F2S! Burn him, burn him!!- GalEmp


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
I'll do anything, for this, yeah Anything.

I'll do, anything.

Anything....... for VASSAGO!
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Spoon

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Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
I'll do anything, for this, yeah Anything.

I'll do, anything.

Anything....... for VASSAGO!
Go voice act a Zod.

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
Anything bu that  :P
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Axem

  • 211
Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
Just a quick note, I've closed Wingman 3 for now since I've got 3 auditions already for him. I'd hate for everyone just to audition for him and have more disappointed people. :p

Also please include your forum name in the email so I know who's who!

I'd encourage everyone to try out for at least 2 roles, that way I don't feel totally bad if I have to cut someone out.

Dekker: Oh darn, I was hoping for a british Vasudan translator voice. :(

Re: Vision Chorus, fluency doesn't matter too much... the foreign lines will be sort of secondary. So only you will know if they are rubbish or not!


Offline Colonol Dekker

  • HLP is my mistress
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  • Aken Tigh Dekker- you've probably heard me
    • My old squad sub-domain
Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
Well...... I can be tempted, at the thought of exclusive rights to VD zod voice. :yes:
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline azile0

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Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
I'll try my hand at Cpt. White and Sibelius.

Auditions sent.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 01:41:34 pm by azile0 »
You get one chocolate chip.

. <--- There it is.

Self-proclaimed master of the Keypad.


Offline jg18

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Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
Sent an audition for Dr. Rachmann and a submission in Modern Standard Arabic for the Vision Chorus -- and played through the campaign first, of course. ;)

Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
Whew, got it. Sent auditions for:
GTC Ascendant
Wingman 5
Generic Vasudan

Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
Any confirmed cast members yet?


Offline Polpolion

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Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
If I can find a microphone worth beans I would try in an instant. How long do we have? Can I still VA Alpha 1? :nervous:


Offline Axem

  • 211
Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
No, no one's cast yet. :nervous: (Some one's either too lazy or working on JAD/BP/whathaveyou)

I'm happy to say nearly everyone has at least one audition. However bigchunk auditioned for like... everything... But still!

I've listened to them and I... don't know how to choose! The only thing I'll comment on is, if you're auditioning for a briefing/debrief role, a clear mic is really going to help your chances. That's going to be one commandment for those roles at the very least. Ingame stuff I won't be as picky with, there will be weapons and explosions going off with a subtle radio filter probably applied to it.

thesizzler: Sorry, I'm voice acting Alpha 1. :p


Offline achtung

  • Friendly Neighborhood Mirror Guy
  • 210
  • ****in' Ace
Re: Vassago's Dirge Voice Acting
I might try to get you a sample for two of the no-name wingmen. If your "Good Ol' Boy" Wingman #5 has a southern twang, then I might be your man. :) I come with that feature pre-installed. | FatHax | ??????
In the wise words of Charles de Gaulle, "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."

Formerly known as Swantz