Author Topic: Abandon Hope - Crash  (Read 8857 times)

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Offline bmwbmc

  • 24
SUCCES!!!!!!!!! IT WORKED!!! :D
I made a new 'MIssions' folder in games/freespace 2/fsport-str/data and placed the file in there and voila.
I tried running the debug version first and that stopped while loading the mission but the fs2_open_3_6_14_RC1.exe as well as fs2_open_3_6_12r_INF.exe that i was using in the first place worked perfectly.
Grazie mile everybody!!! (bows)
Now i think i'll just get back tofry that GTI's ass! :lol:

As a sign of gratitude i made a small donation to HLP ;)
« Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 07:36:52 pm by bmwbmc »

I had the exact same problem as the OP, crashing at exactly the same time in the level, no matter what I was doing at the time.

Just posting to say that the level fix provided by Goober5000 on the previous page worked perfectly.

Thanks for the excellent levels in Silent Threat Reborn, they were a great pleasure to play! :yes:


Offline Goober5000

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Great!  We're glad you enjoyed them. :)


Offline Odin

  • 21
I'm really sorry for bumping, but I have the same problem and the attachment that should go into data\missions is no longer there.
Would you mind reuploading it? Thanks. :)


Offline Goober5000

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Argh.  Again, I repeat my confusion that this bug exists at all. :wtf:

Nevertheless, I commend you, as a newbie, for doing exactly the right thing here.  You went searching for an existing thread that addressed the problem you were having, and when that proved unfruitful you asked politely.  Well done!  Welcome to HLP, and have a mission attachment. :)

[attachment deleted by a ninja]


Offline Odin

  • 21
Wow, that was quick. Thanks again. :D

And I'm not really new to the internet, so I know how to not sound like a moron. :P

Yep, that solve the problem for me. Thanks

Re: Abandon Hope - Crash
Hello everyone!

Sorry for (yet another) bump, but I have encountered this problem and the attachement is gone again. Could you please reupload it? Thanks in advance  :)

BTW, the improvements of this mod over the original game are absolutely staggering. Great work :)


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Abandon Hope - Crash
The attachment is still there...

Thanks for the feedback. :)

Re: Abandon Hope - Crash
OK, I'm a complete idiot... I didn't know one had to be logged in to see the attachments and I didn't check again after creating an account to reply... How embarassing... Sorry for the confusion :D
The fix worked like a charm, thanks :)


Offline HTMC

  • 21
Hi, I seem to be having the exact problem other people posted about (crashing into Abandon Hope for no explicable reason, considering I played through every preceding mission with the exact same settings and no problem).

I see that the posted fix works, but it's showing me that every instance of the attachment has been deleted in the thread. Is it possible to get it uploaded so I can finished replaying this fantastic campaign?

Thanks for the assistance!


Offline Yarn

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Are you getting an error message? If so, is it the same as the one in the first post? Also, are you using the MediaVPs?
"Your fighter is running out of oil.  Please check under the hood and add more if necessary"
--strings.tbl, entry 177

"Freespace is very tired.  It is shutting down to get some rest."
--strings.tbl, entry 178


Offline HTMC

  • 21
No, no error message is popping up, but it seems like the same issue (game freezing and crashing mid-mission). And yes, I am using the MediaVPs


Offline Yarn

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Make sure that your FSPort MediaVP folder is named fsport-mediavps (with a hyphen), not fsport_mediavps (with an underscore). If that doesn't solve the problem for you, I want you to do the following:

Download this file to your fsport-str\data\tables folder (create it if it doesn't exist):

...and download this file to your fsport-mediavps\data\tables folder (again, create it if it doesn't exist):
"Your fighter is running out of oil.  Please check under the hood and add more if necessary"
--strings.tbl, entry 177

"Freespace is very tired.  It is shutting down to get some rest."
--strings.tbl, entry 178


Offline Goober5000

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Yes, Yarn was successful in tracking down the true cause of the bug. :)

We will shortly release a modpack that will fix the problem.  In the meantime, Yarn's instructions should work.  If not, here is the original mission fix that I posted earlier in the thread, which simply disables the ship class switching for that mission.

[attachment deleted by a basterd]


Offline HTMC

  • 21
Yarn's fix did indeed work, thank you so much for the quick help! And thanks again for releasing such a great campaign :-D


Offline Goober5000

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You're welcome!  Hearing how people enjoyed it so much is really the best kind of reward. :)