Author Topic: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing  (Read 13017 times)

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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
To take liberties with a design is to my mind to take advantage of the media vps in order to get your artistic vision to as wide as possible an audience as possible.
You make it sound as if we have some sort of agenda, I daresay even perhaps demonizing us.

I'm not suggesting that anyone specifically has an agenda, what I'm suggesting is that there are two ways to go about things:
1. I'm going to take Volitions model and make it better
2. I'm going to take Volitions model and make it the way I think it should be

To give an analogy, let's say the work of a famous painter has degraded over time. The colours have faded, etcetera. So a museum commissions a team of restoration artists to bring back the colour and shine a bit more. Yes, I know it's not a direct analogy. But the point is that those restoration artists are improving the quality of a painting by cleaning it up, they're working within the confines of what has already been established. They're not changing colours here and there, not giving someone a mustache when he was clean-shaven, adding a tree where there was none, etcetera.

That's what HTLing is to me. Restoring old dull art to modern standards. In it's day it was a brilliant model, now, it's lost its luster. The point is to restore the model to its original luster (ie fancy enough that in modern day it has the same appeal as it did then), the point is not to repaint the painting.

And my intent is really not to single anyone out or to kill anyone's creative motivation. My intent is to help ensure that a Demon remains a Demon, or an Apollo remains an Apollo. Because honestly as a player, the more models start to deviate from what's come before, the more I want to turn off the media VPs. And it's no where near that point yet. But certainly some things have had me scratching my head in the past. Fortunately, they've been mostly minor.

Oh, and +1 to you being a total asshat by saying us spending hours of our freetime modelling, texturing, and tolerating unappreciative forumites is self-serving.

Please re-read my post. I did not suggest that any one particular person is acting in a self serving manner. I was speaking in a general sense, that is IF someone's contributing to a project because they want to put their artistic stamp into a wide a consumption as possible THEN IN THAT CASE they're being self serving.

Is anyone doing this? I don't know. I'm not a mind-reader.
The statement is less an accusation and more a practical understanding of why some individuals may want to "contribute".

I mean if an artist is less interested in creating art and more interested in having their artwork consumed by as many people as possible then it goes to reason that they would contribute art where it's bound to be consumed by the most amount of people possible. The media vps would be a prime example of where to contribute. As would super-popular campaigns for example.

And because people have problems understanding what I'm saying, I reiterate that I'm not suggesting that anyone is doing this, I'm simply saying there is the danger of an artist acting in a self-serving manner when the SCP and the SCU should be about serving the needs of the community.

EDIT:Also, look at professional examples. Look at the differences from DOOM 2's enemies to their upgrade in DOOM 3. Or Duke3D to DNF. Or the vortigaunts from Half-Life to HL2. Or Lara Croft from the original Tomb Raider to the more recent releases. They all feature major details either changed, added, or removed from their previous iterations with no sign that they were ever intended to look that way. The developer had new tech available and just plain used it, as fleshing out details from the old version would not have yielded anything worthwhile.

A demon's a demon.
The aesthetic has not changed. A revenant is still a skeleton with two rocket launchers. A succubus is still a fat thing with gun arms.

My qualm is when you have a utilitarian-styled Earth fleet and you make it look more advanced and less utilitarian.
Or if there's a Shivan fleet that's more organic-machine chaos and it's instead made to look more demonic (Someone mentioned a pentagram for example?).

And your Doom analogy is flawed for another reason. They're separate games. Freespace 2 is Freespace 2.
A better analogy is the original Star Trek series and the original Star Trek series with improved effects. The ships look better,  but they're unchanged. Now obviously, there should be room for artistic license as that's the primary motivator but there should be limits as well.

Now if someone wants to REMAKE freespace with their own vision then go ahead, just as JJ Abrams remade Star Trek with his own vision.

Hey here is a good heuristic for you guys to apply:

If the person talking doesn't do anything related to what you're doing, ignore them and do whatever the **** you want

Or if you're talking about contributing to the community at large in a community-serving manner then here:

90-95% of every ship entry on that page was entered by me. Along with all the pictures for those entries as well.

Though of course you're probaly going to come back and say "oh, but you're not doing COMMUNITY models specifically for the SCUP" well I don't care. Part of being a community is that everyone gets a voice.

Oh and by the way does "making a meaningful contribution to a discussion" count? Because a lot of your posts I've noticed are 2 bit attempts to kill conversation. If you want to join in a discussion, join in. Don't try to invalid people's opinions from the peanut gallery.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 04:29:26 am by Akalabeth Angel »


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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
I'm not suggesting that anyone specifically has an agenda, what I'm suggesting is that there are two ways to go about things:
1. I'm going to take Volitions model and make it better
2. I'm going to take Volitions model and make it the way I think it should be

I really wasn't going to get involved in this one.. but this must be pointed out...

These two options? They are inseparable. It is 100% impossible for me to make a model and it not end up how I think it should look. Plain and simple.

Number 1 is generic and open to interpretation.. which is why we are having this discussion. You can not define that. In theory it's nice.. but in practice, it doesn't work or mean anything. In practice, I have to add what I think looks best in order to achieve "better".

Regardless, we've had this debate so many times that it's just sad. No one is going to change their minds either. (I don't know why you all keep trying.)

We in FSU have tried to make our criteria clear and defined. We are not going to limit people's creativity either. They can make a model however they please. If it...

  • Is clearly the ship that it's intended to be an upgrade of
  • Fits within the retail defines (Right size, turrets/subsystems in the same locations, etc.), or is close enough to be worked on
  • Is a clear upgrade and/or generally of good quality
  • Has no other competing model or is voted most popular by the community

There may be some other things I forgot, Zacam can correct me on that if he wishes. But since we can't define "Taking Volition's model and make it better" that will not be added as a limitation. Though I would be interested to see you define that without throwing in your own personal bias of what you think is better.
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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
Regardless, we've had this debate so many times that it's just sad. No one is going to change their minds either. (I don't know why you all keep trying.)
Why does it always seem to be about Hades' models though?


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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
Kidding aside, I suspect that if we imposed restrictions as severe as some people are suggesting and told people that if they were interested in artistic expression they should **** off from HTL and go make original models, we wouldn't have nearly as many HTL models as we do now.
The Iceni is a good example of following these mentioned restrictions. Hilariously people have said they don't like it because of that.

Before anyone says that would be preferable, I'll point out that if you really think so and are not simply indulging in hyperbole you can go ahead and copy the retail .pofs into the /data/models folder of your mediavps directory. They'll override anything in the .vp archive.
In such a case there is also the "No Mod" option in the Launcher - less time consuming for the same results.


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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
Regardless, we've had this debate so many times that it's just sad. No one is going to change their minds either. (I don't know why you all keep trying.)
Why does it always seem to be about Hades' models though?

Because haters can't handle the coolness.

The Iceni is a good example of following these mentioned restrictions. Hilariously people have said they don't like it because of that.

The Iceni is a lazy, lazy job. It's just the retail model rounded out a bit and with baked glows. It does not add anything to the design that would really make it cool, or distinctive. If that's the kind of HTL job you want, you should just create some glow and normal maps for the retail models and be done with it.
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Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
Regardless, we've had this debate so many times that it's just sad. No one is going to change their minds either. (I don't know why you all keep trying.)
Why does it always seem to be about Hades' models though?

It's not. Rga's threads get a lot of this as well. See also the Ma'at thread, the Arcadia thread, and many others in the past.
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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
Oh. I guess he's just the active one then. Carry on. :P

Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
I'm not suggesting that anyone specifically has an agenda, what I'm suggesting is that there are two ways to go about things:
1. I'm going to take Volitions model and make it better
2. I'm going to take Volitions model and make it the way I think it should be

I really wasn't going to get involved in this one.. but this must be pointed out...

These two options? They are inseparable. It is 100% impossible for me to make a model and it not end up how I think it should look.  Plain and simple.

There is a difference between:

Change for the sake of improvement


Change for the sake of change

And yes, it's subjective. And yes, it's personal opinion. And that's why I say it's the obligation of the artist to be conscious in their creative process to not stray from the original design and aesthetic. Is this definable? No, I've never asked it to be. I don't expect there to be a list of rules or criteria to follow, I simply voice the opinion that HTL models should be improvements not reinvisionings of the original design. And is that definable? No it's not either, but change for the sake of change starts with the thought "Volition did this wrong, I'm going to do this instead" as opposed to "I'm going to build upon the foundation that Volition has already laid down" and as I say, that's the obligation of the artist (from my point of view).

Why does it always seem to be about Hades' models though?
Because haters can't handle the coolness.

I don't hate anyone's work. Nor do I throw dismissive labels on people to try to invalidate their opinions.

As for why this was born from Hades work is simply because his thread was at the top of the page and it's the first one I saw that brought the thought to mind. Nothing more. It's not about any one individual artist nor about any one individual piece of art.


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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
In regards to the Iceni, I don't think V gave us a lot to work with. The model itself was, while unique among Terran ships, very lazily textured, seeming to be nothing but tiles. IMO it really needs re-imagined to be properly redone. The textures don't really give anything to go on.

One thing I do know though, is going after someone for redoing something when it's still a work in progress and even they aren't satisfied with it yet is foolish. Constructive criticism is what we need, not, "You changed it too much. It sucks!" ESPECIALLY when the modeller hasn't even completed the model yet and it is still subject to much change. So in a WIP picture, you don't like something. Whoop de doo. Either explain what it is about it that you don't like and how you think it could be improved upon, politely say you don't care for it this way but can't quite explain why, or STFU and wait to see what it looks like when the whole model comes together before you start pissing and moaning about it.

Just my two cents' worth.

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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
And yes, it's subjective. And yes, it's personal opinion. And that's why I say it's the obligation of the artist to be conscious in their creative process to not stray from the original design and aesthetic. Is this definable? No, I've never asked it to be. I don't expect there to be a list of rules or criteria to follow, I simply voice the opinion that HTL models should be improvements not reinvisionings of the original design. And is that definable? No it's not either, but change for the sake of change starts with the thought "Volition did this wrong, I'm going to do this instead" as opposed to "I'm going to build upon the foundation that Volition has already laid down" and as I say, that's the obligation of the artist (from my point of view).

Name a model that you think was changed for the sake of change and I will name you the artist who felt that the changes made did not stray from the aesthetic of the original design but were improvements upon the foundation layed out by the original model.

And therin lies the problem. What you think is "change for the sake of change", the artist thought "this really adds to what I think Volition was trying to do".

Are you willing to acknowledge that the problem isn't the artists, but it is instead that everyone has their own differing opinion on what builds upon Volition's foundation.
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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
Just close this topic already. It serves nothing but pollute the air further since nobody's going to get swayed either direction. If Akalabeth Angel thinks as he does, let him. Don't let it become a problem. If he ever contributes to FSU directly, he's free to do his work however he wants. Until then, carry on as usual.


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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
Though of course you're probaly going to come back and say "oh, but you're not doing COMMUNITY models specifically for the SCUP" well I don't care. Part of being a community is that everyone gets a voice.

Oh and by the way does "making a meaningful contribution to a discussion" count? Because a lot of your posts I've noticed are 2 bit attempts to kill conversation. If you want to join in a discussion, join in. Don't try to invalid people's opinions from the peanut gallery.

Hey bro don't take it personally, we've just had this discussion a thousand times already and reached a conclusion. Opening it up again is just going to lead to the same conclusion which is

do whatever the **** you want, take whatever feedback you like

So pretty much

Just close this topic already. It serves nothing but pollute the air further since nobody's going to get swayed either direction. If Akalabeth Angel thinks as he does, let him. Don't let it become a problem. If he ever contributes to FSU directly, he's free to do his work however he wants. Until then, carry on as usual.



Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
Perhaps so.

The point is, which is clear from this thread, is that people have differing opinions. The sooner everyone learns to accept other's opinions, the sooner this will be more enjoyable. Currently, the feedback process for any WIP model is usually littered with subjective comments from people upset about how it's been done wrong.

There have been some outstanding feedback posts that pointed out issues with respect. I'll continue to point out those posts until people get the point. Starting a large debate because a model doesn't meet your personal criteria of a good upgrade will always end up like this thread.

I'm going to end this week's bit of drama so that we can all go back to fun modding over the weekend.
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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
Akalabeth Angel and Raven2001 I think both have pretty sensible points of view here. :) (Not saying no one else does, but it's feeling a little too 'them-against-everyone-else' for my liking. :p )

And BTW can we PLEASE retire the whole 'haters gotta hate' concept? It's just stupid, and I have only ever seen it used on this forum to create a convenient strawman to rip into and/or ignore in a most inflammatory way. I've been a part of this community for a very long time now and I have never seen anyone who is simply 'a hater'. Poor communicators and occasionally rude people sure, but never just 'a hater'. If people are posting anything about a model then they're doing it because they have an opinion on the matter, and as users of the MVPs, I would say they have a stake in the model too. Their opinions warrant consideration because they may well be held by other stakeholders who do not say anything. (Possibly from fear of being branded 'a hater' btw)


Anyway from what I can tell, everything being talked about here really comes down to whether or not a HTL job preserves the essence, or feel of the ship it is an upgrade of. There is no hard and fast rule of what changes will cross that line on any given ship, because each ship has different key aspects that combine to give the ship that feel. As such, sometimes you can find cases where quite large changes don't overly affect the feel of the ship, and others where relatively small changes will quite radically alter it. The more these key aspects are altered, the more you depart from the established feel of the ship, and hence the more people will feel it has crossed that line, and no longer fully captures the feel of the ship.

Now, the line itself is different for different people, and this is where most conflict over a given HTL job will arise, with some people having a very lax line being willing to accept say, 'loads more greebles a vaguely similar profile and colour scheme as the original', and others wanting 'something that carries over as many of the key aspects as possible'. Note that this latter category does NOT, and I really, REALLY mean does NOT imply that all they want is a retail model with a recess or extrusion added here or there, or they 'want to keep their precious tile maps'.

It is also never a case of 'you can only please one of the two groups', because it's perfectly possible to create a very high detail model that both groups will accept as a good HTL without a peep, and it's also possible to create a model that fits most aspects of the original so well that the ones where it deviates can be overlooked. These two possibilities are what I think the FSU should ideally be all about. We're here because we like the Freespace universe, and that in general includes the feel of the ships in that universe. If you want to build a ship that takes artistic liberties that might look spectacular but break the feel of the original in too many or too significant ways, then the ship should be in FS modding and not the FSU.


Ok so for some examples:
The Cain/Lilith:
Here I would say the model and textures are undeniably superb. It is an absolutely excellent HTL job and carries over almost all the key aspects very well, and most of those which it doesn't can be overlooked because the rest of it is just so freaking awesome. However, I would also say that the pentagonal missile launchers were definitely an important apsect of the original, and I do think it's a shame they weren't carried over with the same attention to detail as the rest of the model. The teardrops I feel make it look too streamlined for a shivan ship, and the textured-on pentagon doesn't really undo that nor fully capture that aspect.

Now, a lot of people have noted this and mentioned not liking it in one way or another - and notice how it's almost invariably focussed around this aspect of the original that was most departed from. People who have a more lax 'line' don't mind it at all, but NEITHER would they mind if it were something more in line with the original aspect of a 'pentagonal pit with a missile launcher in it'.

Hades' WIPs of the new Levy model: (Sorry dude - don't mean to pick on you, but I think it does let me nicely illustrate these points! :) )
Now obviously this is purely based on the WIP shots, which right off the bat is a bit unfair since the model has little chance to do the whole 'it's so freaking awesome in some aspects that I can overlook the aspects it breaks' thing I've previously mentioned. That aside though, let me firstly say that YES the model is truly honestly, already a very cool model. Hades has proven time and again that he can model very well, but the quality of the model is not the point here. It's all about the feel, and in that regard there's a lot to be said.

The first issue is the shape of the whole centre section. It's segmented, and quite differently shaped to the original. Where the original had an imposing 'sheer ironclad fort' sort of feel to the tower, the curved and segmented look conveys much more of an 'armoured core' kind of feel, which is pretty far departed from the original feel of that aspect. Secondly the original engine block was an octagonal prism in basic form, with no hint of curvature, whereas this one forms a smoothly curving surface over the top and bottom, which definitely breaks that aspect. Thirdly, the trapezoid mechanical recesses on every face of the top and bottom tower are completely and utterly gone, which again I would say definitely breaks the feel of that aspect.

As such, given the extent to which the model has departed from the feel of the original I don't think that in its current direction it would be suitable for the MVPs. It probably will be an utterly fantastic model, but at the same time it's just not going to feel like the Levy for too many people. (That said, I must say that the Levy model that somehow got into the current MVPs is pretty terrible! Sorry Galemp, but really! It's like someone tried to hurricane-proof it with steel plates or something. :p )

The Iceni:
This is an interesting one because model wise it's great! Sure it could have more detail, but what's there is still quite nice. The original model (as with a lot of FS2 ships) doesn't give a whole heap to go on, but what was there has been very distinctly maintained and given a facelift. Given the model alone, it clearly captures the feel of the original. Where it falls down pretty miserably is in the textures. (Mostly my fault. :( ) Really it deserved a custom painted UV map, but all it got was a bake of the tile mapping it had been given. Texture tiling does have its place, and to be fair this WAS a pretty good job of it, but in this case it's also far inferior to a painted UV map. If it were not for the fact that it's FAR too dark overall (a broken aspect), you'd be hard pressed to spot that it's a HTL model since the textures hide just about all the detail. In this way it breaks the feel of the original by significantly altering the colour scheme. The tiles applied to the details introduce a sickly greenish tinge that looks very different to the relatively bright but also drab colours of the original.

Seeing as there's no alternative model around and the model IS still better than the original, it may as well stay - but it would be really nice if someone could give it a nice new map sometime. :p
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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
If everyone were able to give feedback at that level of quality this would be a different matter, but frankly you just make me think that model feedback should be handled entirely internally.

Granted my angst about extra graphics spaceships in my ten year old video game is not all that intense so maybe I'm not invested enough to fully appreciate the need for threadnoughts here


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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
The best feedback-getting approach depends on the person. Feedback threads definitely have their place.

And this thread got locked? Did I unlock it by posting in it or something? o_O
Oh well - if it goes downhill I'll lock it myself, but I'd like to leave it open for now.
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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
Like I said, and like VA said.. it's a matter of differing opinions.

And as Battuta alluded to.. the bigger problem is that people are flat out rude, or just plain mean in model feedback threads. I've talked about this many, many times. If people learn to give CONSTRUCTIVE (rather than destructive) criticisms.. this issue would be so small.

(This is me speaking in this part, not FSU.) If someone gives rude or mean criticisms.. as far as I'm concerned, they no longer have any say in the model in question. After the terrible Arcadia thread.. I decided this: For my own projects, if the criticism isn't constructive, I'm just going to ignore it. I'm not going to consider it at all. This is me personally making a stand for more thought out feedback posts. Take from that whatever you like.. but rest assured, that I end up ignoring about 80% of the feedback posts around here because they are poorly written.

Why can't we kill this thread now?
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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
Leave this thread, I'm sure there's people waiting to say something anyway.
el hombre vicio...


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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
(This is me speaking in this part, not FSU.) If someone gives rude or mean criticisms.. as far as I'm concerned, they no longer have any say in the model in question. After the terrible Arcadia thread.. I decided this: For my own projects, if the criticism isn't constructive, I'm just going to ignore it. I'm not going to consider it at all. This is me personally making a stand for more thought out feedback posts. Take from that whatever you like.. but rest assured, that I end up ignoring about 80% of the feedback posts around here because they are poorly written.



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Re: Yet Another Topic About People's Views On HTLing
As a further note:

Noticed a lot of flaming going on the boards here lately and it seems to all orient around the same thing. This has lead to a lot of negative distraction and really has made a thread like this kind of needed right about now.

How to give:

First off the work of FSU relies heavily on the work of team members and contributers and as such involves a great deal of time and effort on their part. So opening up a comment with something along the lines of "I don't like it" or "Its deviated too far from retail and I hate it" are widely seen as slaps to the face by the artist and isn't a good way to get their attention. Instead open up with identifying something you like about what the artist has done before moving on to things that you think could be improved. This tells the artist what was well received and limits the sting of negative feed back. Keep in mind too much negative feedback has only a few possible outcomes either the artist feels their work is not going to be appreciated and gives up or they get defensive. It's important to strike a balance of feedback to both encourage the artist to continue and to take suggestions seriously.

Next are comments that are bland in nature, simply stating one does not like it is useless to the artist and better kept to oneself. If you have parts you don't like be specific and if possible make suggestions as to how those parts may be improved. This gives the artist more info to work with when soliciting feedback and might possibly spark a whole new constructive rampart.

Last is timing, Telling an artist they need to go back to mesh building when they are well into other phases of the project is just insulting. It's like telling them to throw out everything they have done and start over to some degree. Instead limit your commentary to the phase at which the project is currently on. If you were too late to give commentary at the earlier stages of development that is your own fault and should not be passed onto the artist with only one exception. The artist didn't post a screen shot or status update before moving to the next phase. This is the ONLY time commentary about a previous phase of development should be acceptable.

How to take:

People have opinions and no matter what you do some one is not going to like what you have done to the retail design. Take criticism for what it is and try not to make it personnel. Sure you are going to get useless and sometimes overly negative criticism but this is the stuff you need to learn to ignore to keep your own sanity and vision for the project on track. Getting in a pissing match with someone over stupid comments is a waste of time and effort better spent doing other things. If necessary let a moderator know of any overly zealous trolling and let them deal with it.

Always keep a look out for good ideas and don't be afraid to even try a few you might think are stupid at first. Sometimes you may not like the result you get but you still may find a few good things that can be incorporated into your work that you may have not thought of before. Always keep a backup of your previous work when trying out new ideas that way you can easily revert to a previous point if it doesn't turn out well. I like to save multiple stages of my work as I go along just in case I don't like how something goes.

Keep in mind it is impossible to make every one happy but it is possible to get a balanced reaction of the community if you view criticism with an open mind. Discard the bad and some what extravagant suggestions and look for the intelligent well thought out opinions. These are the ones that have weight and should be taken seriously in the end.
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Youtube Channel - P3D Model Box
Between the Ashes is looking for committed testers, PM me for details.
Freespace Upgrade Project See what's happening.