The picture is ok as it is, but with a bit of work you could make somthing really good,
the trick is in making somthing look unusual, eyecatching, somthing not normal
Lets look at the Image, we have B5, a sharlin and Epsilon 3, all are dead center on their axis, all are pretty much parrallel to each other,
i did almost the same pic a while ago
herenow note the Angle babylon 5 is at th the camera, its off center, rotated along the B axis, and well its not usual for the ey, which was one of the great things about B5, esp in the first season the unusual angel they took,
i moved the sharlins onto differnt courses, moving towards and away, the furies were added to give some motion to the scene,
I think titles are important with stills, so i experimet with differnt methods of giving the title and Credits (credits should
Always be on the image itself[/i]
basicly if you sit for 5 mins before setting up, and experiment a bit with the camera, you can get much more satisfying results from rendering
just my $0.02