Author Topic: Something different  (Read 3357 times)

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Offline Reaperman

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Something different

I know bars are screwed up and the shadows aint right, but i think i achived  what i aimed for, i used the kenetics, i built the cell, and i think its fairly atmospheric,

The Girl is a mesh from D-Storm
"Wow, how'd you get it to work?"
"I ran a Physical Impulse Mechanical Stress Routine"
"I kicked it."


Offline Fineus

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    • Hard Light Productions
:yes: ! Proof that your good for more than just Star Trek/B5/Star Wars renders - excellent job once again. I particularly like the dusty effect the light thruogh the bars give off.


Offline an0n

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[chant] Death to Sailor Moon!!! [/chant]
"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
"an0n's right. He's crazy, an asshole, not to be trusted, rarely to be taken seriously, and never to be allowed near your mother. But, he's got a knack for being right. In the worst possible way he can find." ---- Yuppygoat
~-=~!@!~=-~ :


Offline Redfang

  • 28
:p I like it. :)


Offline an0n

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  • Emo Hunter
Originally posted by Redfang
:p I like it. :)

AAARRGGHHH!!!! Shivan! Kill it! Kill it!
"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
"an0n's right. He's crazy, an asshole, not to be trusted, rarely to be taken seriously, and never to be allowed near your mother. But, he's got a knack for being right. In the worst possible way he can find." ---- Yuppygoat
~-=~!@!~=-~ :


Offline Redfang

  • 28
Originally posted by an0n

AAARRGGHHH!!!! Shivan! Kill it! Kill it!



Offline Anaz

  • 210
Arrr. I'm a pirate.

AotD, DatDB, TVWP, LM. Ph34r.

You WILL go to warpstorm...


Offline LtNarol

  • Biased Banshee
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no, thats shivan :D

Excellent work btw, like the bars and dust...though the front shadows do look a
« Last Edit: June 05, 2002, 10:13:46 am by 528 »