Author Topic: What animes/series are you watching right now?  (Read 312625 times)

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Offline An4ximandros

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
Yes, Book 2 has begun.

Though the first avatar has yet to be introduced... along with Korra's character development.

Because **** Tenzin, it's not like he has been correct every goddamn time!


Offline Rodo

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
what first avatar? Aang is alive? That cannot be.

On a side note:
SnK does it again. Haters gotta hate and all you want, but I cannot fell anything but exitment about this series.
This anime is one of the few I've seen implementing correct hyping manouvers, to the point I'm left wanting to get the next episode NOW. That alone is to be commended, despite all other flaws of the series. As of late, producers (or products that crossed my line of sight) seem to have been extremely lacking on this area.
el hombre vicio...


Offline BloodEagle

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
My problem with SnK is that they threw a ****ing pointless two-month-long car chase scene in the middle of my damned story, and now everything is happening at the speed of snail.

Oh, and they can't get over how awesome their awesome reveal was, which was in no way obvious to anyone at all within the first ten seconds of seeing the new form titan.

It's not nearly as bad as that eternal summer bull**** in Melancholy, but it's still pretty bad form.


Offline NeonShivan

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
Finished watching Fairy Tail Season 1 on Netflix...

...The show is so screwed up yet so emotionally sad at the same time (in some cases).

Where does one find the english dub of Season 2?

Oh and I watch Legend of Korra from time to time if my sister is watching it. Reminds me of World War 1 for some reason. The battleships and planes surely must give you the hint. Overall it's a good show.
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Offline Fury

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
Dub? :wtf: At least have the common sense of watching them in original audio with english subs. But may I suggest reading the manga instead?


Offline Lorric

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
Dub? :wtf: At least have the common sense of watching them in original audio with english subs. But may I suggest reading the manga instead?
Go on then I'll bite. I've never understood this Language I can't understand > Language I can understand thing. Would you care to explain please? I'd much rather have people talking in a language I can understand than one I can't.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2013, 03:20:06 pm by Lorric »

Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
Go on then I'll bite. I've never understood this Language I can't understand > Language I can understand thing. Would you care to explain please? I'd much rather have people talking in a language I can understand than one I can't.

In my opinion, English dubs tend to be fairly poor voice acting, and for some reason don't really feel right. Some shows do pretty good at it though (Romeo x Juliet, Last Exile, Gunslinger Girl), but I usually prefer to watch with subs, especially if the series is actually set in Japan.


Offline Lorric

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
Go on then I'll bite. I've never understood this Language I can't understand > Language I can understand thing. Would you care to explain please? I'd much rather have people talking in a language I can understand than one I can't.

In my opinion, English dubs tend to be fairly poor voice acting, and for some reason don't really feel right. Some shows do pretty good at it though (Romeo x Juliet, Last Exile, Gunslinger Girl), but I usually prefer to watch with subs, especially if the series is actually set in Japan.
How do you do with reading the subs? The issues I have with subs are that there will be times when you miss them and have to go back, and I'm a fast reader with a good grasp of the English language and still they'll flash by too fast a few times during something or occasionally something is said you can't comprehend right away. Neither of these are problems with dubs, with dubs I'll never not take in what is being said, and when something is hard to understand at first, I can let my brain work on it while continuing to watch the show, but I can't do that and read subs at the same time. And of course the fact your eyes are locked to the bottom of the screen all the time, unless no one is talking. And finally, because of these issues I simply can't relax when watching something subbed because I have to be focused on reading the subs quickly and managing to take in what's going on on the screen as well..


Offline BloodEagle

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
I'll add that dubs tend to actually change the meaning of what characters say from time to time.  This is esp. true with regard to idiomatic phrases.

And that's not counting the censorship that went/goes on or the copyright and trademark bull****.

The only dub I've ever preferred over a sub was for Blue Gender, which I can't recommend to anyone anyway.


Offline NeonShivan

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
Dub? :wtf: At least have the common sense of watching them in original audio with english subs. But may I suggest reading the manga instead?

and you care on how I watch my anime why? The reason why I'm even asking is because it's only Season 1 on Netflix and I could use suggestions on where to find the other seasons (which mind you I have the option to watch the sub version instead if I want to but I choose not to.)
In German even the most beautiful love letter sounds like an execution order -Mito

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Author of Dusk Wars - A modification for Freespace 2.


Offline Lorric

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
I'll add that dubs tend to actually change the meaning of what characters say from time to time.  This is esp. true with regard to idiomatic phrases.

And that's not counting the censorship that went/goes on or the copyright and trademark bull****.

The only dub I've ever preferred over a sub was for Blue Gender, which I can't recommend to anyone anyway.
Wouldn't it be the same for the same product in subs though? Both are Japanese translated to English.


Offline BloodEagle

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
I'll add that dubs tend to actually change the meaning of what characters say from time to time.  This is esp. true with regard to idiomatic phrases.

And that's not counting the censorship that went/goes on or the copyright and trademark bull****.

The only dub I've ever preferred over a sub was for Blue Gender, which I can't recommend to anyone anyway.
Wouldn't it be the same for the same product in subs though? Both are Japanese translated to English.

It depends on where you get them.  :nervous:

Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
Wouldn't it be the same for the same product in subs though? Both are Japanese translated to English.

I think they're usually different teams, or the voice actors/directors will make last-minute changes or something.

The issues I have with subs are that there will be times when you miss them and have to go back, and I'm a fast reader with a good grasp of the English language and still they'll flash by too fast a few times during something or occasionally something is said you can't comprehend right away.

The only time I've had trouble with that is watching Hetalia. But I am a native English speaker, so it's literally first-nature for me to read.

And of course the fact your eyes are locked to the bottom of the screen all the time, unless no one is talking. And finally, because of these issues I simply can't relax when watching something subbed because I have to be focused on reading the subs quickly and managing to take in what's going on on the screen as well.

This is a good point. Though I've managed to adapt to watching both. I thank my lazy eye.


Offline Lorric

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
Alright, thanks Scourge of Ages. :)


Offline AdmiralRalwood

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
I'll add that dubs tend to actually change the meaning of what characters say from time to time.  This is esp. true with regard to idiomatic phrases.

And that's not counting the censorship that went/goes on or the copyright and trademark bull****.

The only dub I've ever preferred over a sub was for Blue Gender, which I can't recommend to anyone anyway.
Wouldn't it be the same for the same product in subs though? Both are Japanese translated to English.
Dub translations care more about matching lip flaps than providing accurate translations; even when you get a really competent team, the subtitled translation is different from the dubbed translation (thinking Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex here, an outstanding dub).
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<MageKing17> "There's probably a reason the code is the way it is" is a very dangerous line of thought. :P
<MageKing17> Because the "reason" often turns out to be "nobody noticed it was wrong".
(the very next day)
<MageKing17> this ****ing code did it to me again
<MageKing17> "That doesn't really make sense to me, but I'll assume it was being done for a reason."
<MageKing17> **** ME

<MageKing17> God damn, I do not understand how this is breaking.
<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
<MjnMixael> 2 hours later... "God damn, how did this ever work at all?!"
<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
<MageKing17> but once again we have reached the inevitable conclusion
<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

<@The_E> Welcome to OpenGL, where standards compliance is optional, and error reporting inconsistent

<MageKing17> It was all working perfectly until I actually tried it on an actual mission.

<IronWorks> I am useful for FSO stuff again. This is a red-letter day!
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<MageKing17> TIL the entire homing code is held up by shoestrings and duct tape, basically.


Offline Scotty

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
Breaking Bad is on in an hour.  Last week's episode is on now.

I can't handle these feels.


Offline Mongoose

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
I'll add that dubs tend to actually change the meaning of what characters say from time to time.  This is esp. true with regard to idiomatic phrases.

And that's not counting the censorship that went/goes on or the copyright and trademark bull****.
This hasn't been true as a rule for something like 15 years.  The anti-dub factions really need to update their talking points. :p

Srsly though, so long as you understand what's going on, who gives a **** what language it's in?


Offline Bobboau

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
the bigger issue is in terms of quality of acting, conveying emotion is surprisingly language transparent, so I might not be able to understand what a character is saying but I can tell how they are feeling. dubs very rarely pull this off well.
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Offline Mongoose

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
I beg to differ; most of the major English dubbing studios have been doing solid work as a whole for a long while now.  And while I agree that you can tell what emotion is being conveyed in another language, there are certain other aspects to acting that you can't pick up so easily, like inflection, intonation, and pacing.  I'm not saying that I don't watch some anime in Japanese, but it's always with the realization that there are elements that I'm inevitably missing without speaking the language myself.


Offline Bobboau

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Re: What animes/series are you watching right now?
and that's where good translation notes come in.

and I will admit the average quality of dubs has improved.

you don't actually think either one of us is going to change our opinion here do you?
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