Author Topic: Contraband  (Read 63576 times)

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Offline Rheyah

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  • Will release something one day. Promise.
Stallon is the commander of the Shetland and the highest command authority the player answers to.


Offline Rheyah

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  • Will release something one day. Promise.
Since I'm working on this on my own, I plan to release the first five missions or so before committing to anything more.  This has a few advantages in that my time invested isn't wasted on say a 25 mission campaign that may never be released.  Secondly it gives me the opportunity to seek experienced FREDer feedback on my mission design and balance as well as how much dialogue and what choices are involved.

It does have the unfortunate effect of being little more than a demo of the world I've written but there isn't a single story to be told here.  I'm focusing on one habitats crew and their pet cruiser.  The GTVA has assets in two dozen systems as well as activity beyond the Petrarch Nodes (the gateway nodes to GTVA space).

Not committing to a release date either, but I'm working on the second mission.


Offline Rheyah

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  • Will release something one day. Promise.
Mission Design

It is quite hard within the context of Freespace to really pull off the whole "I want to play how I like" approach and have it stick.  It requires a lot of effort.  However I will say a few things regarding this.

You're largely considered a pirate by the legitimate authorities within the system but they aren't particularly legitimate so there's no moral blood on your hands.  You live in an area of the GTVA known as a Red Zone.  Red Zones are systems beyond the Petrarch nodes which are the fortified gateways to GTVA space designed to fend off Shivan invasion.  When you think of a Petrarch Node, imagine the node the NTF stumbled into, times ten.

The GTVA is happy to have economic activity beyond the Petrarch node, but they will not commit to defending it.  In fact, central to their anti-Shivan battle plan is that they will determine if the Shivan threat is sufficient to challenge their blockade and if it is, give a twelve hour warning and then Meson bomb the Petrarch node in question.  So Red Zones are economic free zones where corporations get their shady business done and people live right on the frontier of space.

But there needs to be a way to track how you go about doing things.  If you're a reasonable person, you let civilian workers or corporate shills live, you let people surrender and so on, the security response is proportionate.  Ships will surrender to you easier.  Of course, intimidation might be harder too.  You'll have options.  You'll be negotiating in diplomacy, you'll be talking your way out of spots and more importantly - your wingmen will react to you differently.

If you're wondering right now if it's Paragon/Renegade here, it's not.  I'm tracking two things in the mission:  Fairness and Fame.  Fairness goes both ways.  Fame goes one way.  If you're a complete bastard and do unthinkably Darwinian things, you'll get famous as a bastard.  If you pull off stupidly difficult mission objectives, you'll gain fame in general.  If you somehow manage to pull off the same thing but are completely fair in the process, you'll be some kind of paladin I think.

This is only an overview but it's an idea of where I'm going with this.  I want to see if I can get closeish to a reasonably decent RPG within Freespace.


Offline Rheyah

  • 28
  • Will release something one day. Promise.
Just posting for five minutes from work but I should have some fun WIP screenshots going on.  On the mod front I'm beginning to slim down some of the assets I downloaded in an attempt to make a believable "civilian world".  Some are proving quite hard to slip into the mod (sadly, the beautiful Europa station will be left out of the first release).  One or two others are being added but I have a nice look to the place now.

If anyone has any cool civilian style ships they'd love to see in a gritty mod, shout me!

Combat balance is pretty much where I want it to be.  The addition of the Cretheus gunship has given me a catch all enemy I can use in missions.  One of the models appears to have no useful physics which means it spins out of control .  Might have to get rid of that unless I can figure out what's wrong.  I'll also be playing with bomber design at some point in the next day or two, increasing the emphasis on long range, lower damage torpedoes to counteract the more powerful blob turrets.  I may also play with the Terran Turret design so it doesn't attack fighters.

Can't get the Demeter superfreighter to work properly for some reason.  Will work on that.

Orkney station itself is complete and I have maps of the entire system where the first half of this campaign takes place.  Second mission is about a third complete.


Offline Lepanto

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One of the models appears to have no useful physics which means it spins out of control .

Have you tried opening that model in PCS2 and re-setting its moment of inertia?
"We have now reached the point where every goon with a grievance, every bitter bigot, merely has to place the prefix, 'I know this is not politically correct, but...' in front of the usual string of insults in order to be not just safe from criticism, but actually a card, a lad, even a hero. Conversely, to talk about poverty and inequality, to draw attention to the reality that discrimination and injustice are still facts of life, is to commit the sin of political correctness. Anti-PC has become the latest cover for creeps. It is a godsend for every curmudgeon and crank, from fascists to the merely smug."
Finian O'Toole, The Irish Times, 5 May 1994

Blue Planet: The Battle Captains: Missions starring the Admirals of BP: WiH
Frontlines 2334+2335: T-V War campaign
GVB Ammit: Vasudan strike bomber
Player-Controlled Capship Modding Tutorial


Offline Rheyah

  • 28
  • Will release something one day. Promise.
One of the models appears to have no useful physics which means it spins out of control .

Have you tried opening that model in PCS2 and re-setting its moment of inertia?

I was never very good at 3D modelling when I was young.  I'll have a look but it'll be later on.  Thanks! :)


Offline Rheyah

  • 28
  • Will release something one day. Promise.

Mission 1.  Not the prettiest mission ever, but it gets the story started :)


Offline MatthTheGeek

  • Captain Obvious
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y u no proper HUD
People are stupid, therefore anything popular is at best suspicious.

Mod management tools     -     Wiki stuff!     -     Help us help you

666maslo666: Releasing a finished product is not a good thing! It is a modern fad.

SpardaSon21: it seems like you exist in a permanent state of half-joking misanthropy

Axem: when you put it like that, i sound like an insane person

bigchunk1: it's not retarded it's american!
bigchunk1: ...

batwota: steele's maneuvering for the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: you mispelled grâce
Awaesaar: grace
batwota: oh right :P
Darius: ah!
Darius: yes, i like that
MatthTheGeek: the way you just spelled it it means fat
Awaesaar: +accent I forgot how to keyboard
MatthTheGeek: or grease
Darius: the killing fat!
Axem: jabba does the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: XD
Axem: bring me solo and a cookie


Offline Lorric

  • 212
y u no proper HUD
? It looks normal to me. Aside from him using ship icons for the radar, but that's optional.


Offline MatthTheGeek

  • Captain Obvious
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  • Frenchie McFrenchface
I mean the stretching. There are tables for proper non-stretched HUD supporting most resolutions all over the forums.
People are stupid, therefore anything popular is at best suspicious.

Mod management tools     -     Wiki stuff!     -     Help us help you

666maslo666: Releasing a finished product is not a good thing! It is a modern fad.

SpardaSon21: it seems like you exist in a permanent state of half-joking misanthropy

Axem: when you put it like that, i sound like an insane person

bigchunk1: it's not retarded it's american!
bigchunk1: ...

batwota: steele's maneuvering for the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: you mispelled grâce
Awaesaar: grace
batwota: oh right :P
Darius: ah!
Darius: yes, i like that
MatthTheGeek: the way you just spelled it it means fat
Awaesaar: +accent I forgot how to keyboard
MatthTheGeek: or grease
Darius: the killing fat!
Axem: jabba does the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: XD
Axem: bring me solo and a cookie


Offline Rheyah

  • 28
  • Will release something one day. Promise.
I haven't done anything to the HUD aside from change the font and it's easy to read and comfortable for me on this ****ty laptop for the time being.  I'll do little things like that later :)

Also bear in mind I'm a relative newbie so while I've trawled most of these forums for useful things, I haven't seen the hud tables you're talking about so if you could point me to them, I'd appreciate it.

One final thing.  I'm undecided on which name I like better between Epsonia and Epsilon so I ended up using both of them.  I'll eventually just "findcopypaste" the mission file directly when I decide.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2013, 06:39:36 pm by Rheyah »


Offline Rheyah

  • 28
  • Will release something one day. Promise.
Weekend update:

Mission 2 coming along fine, about 50% complete.

I've designed some interesting new bombs and tested their effectiveness with the AI.  I disliked Freespace's bombing mechanics and always thought it worked best when teams of bombers were able to bombard from a distance - as they did against EVERYTHING other than actual capital ships.  As such I've added low damage mass volley mercenary torpedoes to play against and a weapon that if intercepted detonates prematurely into bomblets that do about 40% of the damage of the original bomb and it looks awesome too.

Also readjusted a few weapons.   I sat there in a GTF Atlanta (think the one from Blue Planet, but rethought so it can take on an SF Dragon toe to toe) tanking one of my new weapons forever so it needs to be buffed.  Other than that, happy with how things are going.

Will have more fun for later on this week.  A few interesting tech entries :)

EDIT:  If you're wondering why I'm updating so often, it's for a few reasons.
1.  I like updating and it's a progress report for me.  Thus I can keep my mental space tidy and uncluttered so I know what I've done.
2.  Sometimes people go silent and missing for months while doing stuff.  Then people wonder if the mod or mission is ever coming out.  Updating reasonably frequently, even with minor work, stops that effect.
3.  It gives me the chance to world build a bit and share what I'm thinking/get feedback from anyone interested.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 01:56:31 pm by Rheyah »


Offline Luis Dias

  • 211
Update as much as you can. I for one am entertained and psyched by your reports. (I'm also a fan of Limit Theory's development process, and the dev makes an update of his game every single day... and I like to read that kind of stuff!)


Offline Lorric

  • 212
I also like this style.


Offline SypheDMar

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  • Student, Volunteer, Savior
My main gameplay goal in this campaign is to reverse a bit of the bad ass decay cruisers suffer throughout the games and restore a bit of the "gnats around an elephant" feeling we got the first time we played Freespace.
Wow, that's something I've been waiting to see for a long time!

...The little plucky Fenris you're with is going to be a proper weapons platform, considered a capital ship good and proper... Heavily armed transports are going to be a handful for a wing of fighters.  Military grade weapons are going to be a godsend, IF you can get hold of them.

... To that end I'm going to be playing with the tbms to try and achieve this kind of balance, where an extension of combat time between capital ships and a rebalancing of the relationship between fighters and cruisers is achievable without just inflating everything's hitpoints fifty fold and giving everything a big ship flag.

My end goal on this is to allow missions time to tell the story of relatively small numbers of ships in interesting environments.  Ships will have power outages.  They will retreat from combat ala Blue Planet before they get too low and you will have to disable them by some means other than brute force.  Armed military transports will be an existential threat and something you have to plan around.  Cruisers will be proper capital ships capable of more than holding their own against a few pokey fighters.
I'm pretty stoked!


Offline Rheyah

  • 28
  • Will release something one day. Promise.
"This won't work."
"Of course it will."
"You can't just swap the parts in from an old Valk and expect the Apollo's regulators to cope.  The Valk was a bloody interceptor, man."

To say Waters was exasperated was to direly understate the withering stare he directed upon the wayward jock.  "You do know what an interceptor is, right?"  A heavy wrench wrought a harsh note from the steel of the old fighter.  It echoed through the cavernous hangar.

Alex folded his arms, the dull fabric of his flight suit creasing in the dim overhead lights.  "I'm familiar."

"The Apollo's an old bird.  A good one, yeah, but her fusion drives weren't cooled like the Valks were."  Waters jabbed an accusing finger at a black tagged pipe within the bowels of the machine.  "I'll give you the events as they happen.  You start her up, everything's fine, get out into space, go for a burn."

The wrench slammed down again for emphasis.  "Then you burn.  Boom.  Explosion.  Lots of blood and guts all over space and I will be annoyed because you blew up my goddamn fighter."

"Right and what if you're wrong and I get an extra 20% out of the burn because of the uprated unit?"
"Oh yeah, you will.  That corpse of yours will be extra crispy."

Breathing a sigh of frustration, Alex eyed the craggy engineer.  To give the man his due, he was rarely wrong on this matters.  "So what the hell do I do with it then?  We don't HAVE a Valk to jam it into."

"That's your problem, sunshine," came the gruff reply, "not mine.  Fine me one of those corp birds that are based on the old biddy and I'll jam this into her socket with gladness.  It just ain't going in an Apollo."

"You're an awkward git when you want to be."
"You're an idiot every day of the week.  Sufficed to say, I suffer more."


Offline Lorric

  • 212
Made me smile reading that. :)


Offline Rheyah

  • 28
  • Will release something one day. Promise.
"Another station went dark this week.  Wednesday, 21:35 hours."
"Which one?"
"Eldan Combine?"
"Yes.  One of their bio domes."

The Commander scratched his stubble.  The Shetland's CIC was an old, battle worn place at the best of times, but it never seemed more so than when her fusion drives were down.  Emergency lighting cast a dull, red glow upon the wrought steel and carbon fibre workdesks, accentuating every pit and scar the warship had earned through her years of service.  The only counter balance was the green and blue light of the tactical display, hanging in the air portraying a holographic mockery of Orkney stations' fortunes.

"Strike it off.  That is three in the last month."  His dry lips pursed.  "Have we any recent communiques regarding their situation?"
"No, Sir."
"This is concerning."

Renard leaned back from the tactical display, rising to his full height.  He'd never been the stoutest of men even in his years of military service and twenty years on the frontier had done nothing for his complexion.  However, at six foot two, he still had a presence.  His second had it too, though sometimes she was unaware of it.  He also knew her too well.

Ella Laresil was not a tall woman but she'd have fit neatly into the GTVA's ranks with nary a whimper of male protest.  Five foot two of sharp features and shorn blonde hair returned his look with one of her one - one he'd seen in many officers during his career.  It was a practiced one.  She had something to say.

"You've been my XO for fifteen years, Ella," he said.  "Speak your mind."
"I have no evidence of it, but I think this is a campaign."

He arched a brow.  "Indeed?"

"Yes."  Laresil started forward and reached into the hologram.  The plane of the system shifted and with a few gestures, a handful of icons rose to the foreground, blinking.  "I have been keeping my ears close to the ground - as you suggested, Commander."
"Good to know an old man's advice is still taken."
"Sir.  A lot of these attacks have been written off as pirate attacks - that's the rumour, anyway.  The assaults appear random at first inspection, but their timing is deliberately intended to coincide with periodic food shipments to five major Oort conglomerates and two inner system syndicates."

The Commander's brow creased.  "The profile of the attacks suggests massed fighter assaults.  No real firepower to suggest a sustained campaign."

"Sir," she said automatically, "except that certain allied stations have gone dark which my tactical analysis suggests could not have been accomplished without major tactical, bomber or capital ship support.  Pirates cannot sortie cruiser class vessels on a fancy, Sir."
"Some can."
"Not against such a varied range of targets, Sir."
"Hrm.  So assuming this campaign continues, what do you believe the end goal is?"
"To cut off food supplies to most of the Oort cloud and begin a containment or elimination operation."

"That's all very well," he said, scratching his chin, "but give me a prediction, Ella.  Where next?"
"Well, Sir, most probably Highfavour Station."
"That'd be ambitious.  The Combine's headquarters."
"Yes Sir."
"If they go dark, how long do our food supplies last?"
"Twelve days, Sir."

"Then," he said with finality, "we have a problem."
« Last Edit: October 12, 2014, 04:23:45 pm by Rheyah »


Offline Rheyah

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  • Will release something one day. Promise.
"So what are you thinking?"

"Nothin'.  You?"

"I just caught you staring."

"An' so?"

"I thought you were lost in thought."

"That weren't what I were doin' though were it."

"No, you were staring."


They stood as a pair, watching the distant boulders of the Oort cloud hang in the heavens.  Starlight rept across the dark metallic grit and grime that had caked their world for so long.

"Sometimes I wonder if I will ever see home again."  Her ragged jumpsuit, fraying at the creases, curled delicately beneath her folded arms.

"Gone, innit?" came the curt reply.

That earned the man a Look.  "I don't mean Capella."

He grunted.  "So what do yer mean then?"

"Somewhere solid?"  She shrugged.  "I don't know.  Somewhere I can put my feet down and feel earth?"

"Deckplate's solid enough f'me."

"You've got feet like hooves."  She smiled faintly.  "You would never understand the difference."

He shrugged and scratched at his ragged beard.  "Dunno.  Never belonged anywhere, me.  Jus' here.  Good people.  Good food.  Good booze.  Loads to do."

The woman paused, contemplating a stray fibre hanging off the sleeve of her jumpsuit.  She made it dance with a fingertip.  "You never feel trapped out here?  The rest of civilisation wrote us off years ago."


A long moment later, the woman breathed a sigh.  "Sometimes I envy you, Darell."

The old, crooked lips curled.  "Yeah, see love, that's somethin' to feel **** about."


Offline Rheyah

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That's it for tonight :p