Author Topic: Contraband  (Read 63610 times)

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Offline Rheyah

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"I'm tellin' you.  It creeps me right the **** out, thinkin' about this stuff."
"You persist in thinking about it anyway."
"Tha's not the point, luv."
"Your hearing must be getting worse because I swore blind I told you not to call me 'luv'.  It's really annoying."
"Oh c'mon, Viv.  How long we known each other?  Ten years?"
"Ten years in a dump so old not even roaches would infest it."
"Not less they could breathe in space."


"Fine.  What is it that 'creeps you out' then, Rander."
"Hah.  Jus' a sec.  What you havin'?"
"Oh, er, I probably shouldn't."
"Tha's a bucky then."
"I said I probably shouldn't."
"Like y'said.  A bucky."
"Eugh.  Fine.  So?"
"So what?"
"The 'creeping' thing."
"Oh, that.  Yeah.  I've been thinkin.'"
"A first."
"I weren't around when they topped us lasttime-"
"-oh sweet Luna.  This isn't about the bloody Shivans again, is it?"


"It is, isn't it.  Rander, they've been gone for over thirty years.  No one's seen anything from them in that long."
"Jus' like last time.  Maybe its like a cycle or somethin'."
"What, like they come in, kick down our door and shout at us by way of a beam cannon before leaving us with a lesson in good behaviour?"
"It's not like-"
"Or maybe they're here to harvest us all to correct a flaw in their own design.
"Or they're really here just to guide us to fixing a fault in the universe."
"You takin' the piss?"
"Oh, am I?  I couldn't tell.  I was just reciting your last three crazy ideas about the Shivans.  Maybe we shouldn't talk about the one where you tried to convince me they were some kind of obscure religious test.  Or what was it?  They had an opposite you called Shaktans?"
"Ah, **** it."
"**** it what?"
"You dun think about this stuff?"
"No.  No and even if I did, I wouldn't know where to begin.  How can I make sense of the Shivans?  Nothing about them makes any sense."
"Tha's what creeps me out."
"You seem to have enough ideas."
"I dunno, Viv.  I think we miss somethin' about them.  Like..  Mebbe we aren't seein' the real picture.  Or somethin.'"
"Like, why they fly into our systems, obliterate our fleets and then blow up a star just for the personal thrill of it?  Killing forty million as they do, by the by."
"...yeah.  Tha's not a nice thought, is it."


"Do you think they even know what they did?  Do you think they realize how many of us they killed?"
"See, now you're gettin' it."
"Great.  It's infectious.  Screw you, Ran.  Where is that wine?"
"Dunno.  Oi, Mansol..."


Offline Rheyah

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"Where the hell are they coming from, Jackson?"
"How the **** should I know?  That's the whole ****ing point of an ambush."
"Find out then!"

Allyn wasn't sure if it was the blood red of the emergency combat lights within CIC or the oozings of the fresh wound above her eyes which was tainting her vision.  The two had a tendency to merge.  It had occured to her in the past that there had to be a deliberate reason for combat lighting to be a dark shade of red.  She gripped her chair and stared at the flickering TacDisplay.

It was a mess, not least due to the patch of skin she had left when her head collided with the crystalline edge.  The ECM had flooded in early.  Her sensor tech was good, but whoever was doing this had TevTech or equivalent.

"Maynard, can you clear up this jamming?  I can't see a damn thing here."
"Tryin'.  I think I got a fix on their screamer.  Rocks are makin' it hard."

The deck lurched once more, the lights overhead crackling as beams deeper within the ship strained.   The impact alarm was little more than a monotonous warble at this point.   One of the dancing contacts flickered for a moment and solidified.  It caught her eye.

"Gunboat, octant five," she barked.  "See it, Jackson?"
"Think so.  Looks like a Precipice class.  They've got a turret solution on us."
"No ****.  Helm, bring us about to-"
"Oh hell.  Vampires, vampires! "


"Precipice gunboats aren't supposed to have torpedo racks!"
"It's not the gunboat, Ally.  They have bombers coming through octant three."
"How far out?"
"Four klicks.  CBDR, impact in twenty five."

From bad to worse.  "Great," she muttered.  "Just great.  Do we have an escort or are they sitting on their hands?  Tell Viv to get bomb popping or we are dead."
"Alpha lead, we have inbound vampires, octant three.  Request you splash 'em."
"PD, perimeter at one klick-"
"Got it, one klick.  Echo One through Three to salvo mode and saturation, octants two, three, six and seven."
"Kara, get us-"

Another impact slammed Allyn forward out of her chair and tore the weakened harness apart.  Fireworks ignited in her chest, twisting her diaphragm.  The pain gifted her brief repose, drowning her in a sea of blood and adrenaline while her ship whined around her.  Stars twinkled in her vision.  In that groggy netherworld, one thought after enough found itself stranded in the empty cavern of her mind.  They milled around, each awkwardly seeking her attention with the slightest of gestures.  All of them, she knew, equally urgent but never closer than a thousand klicks away.

A blooded hand went to her chest and she sucked in a breath, the first since the hit.  Her crew around CIC were drifting through a foggy mire, each trying to gather their senses.  The ringing slowly subsided.

"Report," she croaked.
"Er...  Lower decks-"  Jackson coughed.  CIC's filtration was damaged.  Smoke was drifting.  "Lower decks report that was a magazine.  DC team is on it."
"Did they hole us?"
"Think so  Bulkheads are down, seems to have contained most of it."

"Kara,"  Even the strain of talking was too much.  That impact had cost her a rib or two.  "I want this ****ing boat turned around and I want that gunboat lanced."
"Working on it!  I'm down two maneuvering thrusters.  Attitude control is wonky."
"Viv reports vampires are down, bandits scattering.  We're clear on the gunboat."
"Good.  As soon as we're clear, bring the main lancer up and fire for effect."
"Got it."

The one thing no one ever expected in the Red Zones was a beam cannon.  Allyn would gladly teach them why no one ever wanted that.  That was, if they survived long enough to do so.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 10:38:39 am by Rheyah »


Offline Rheyah

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If you are wondering why seemingly random bits of prose are appearing, I'm using a little pre-story for Shetland as a means of getting myself back into a creative mood for the holidays.  Do come along for the ride :)


Offline Luis Dias

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Oh don't worry I think many are, despite merely lurking :).


Offline niffiwan

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Oh yeah, I love reading your posts, keep it up  :yes:
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m|m: I think I'm suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Bmpman is starting to make sense and it's actually written reasonably well...


Offline Mongoose

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Love this stuff :yes:

Me lurker too :D
Good luck in creating campaign. :yes:


Offline Nyctaeus

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This stuff is awesome, Dude :yes:

Can't wait for beta testing stage!
Exile | Shadow Genesis | Inferno | Series Resurrecta  | DA Profile | P3D Profile

Proud owner of NyctiShipyards. Remember - Nyx will fix it!

All of my assets including models, textures, skyboxes, effects may be used under standard CC BY-NC 4.0 license.


Offline AdmiralRalwood

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Always enjoyable to read your teasers, Rheyah. :yes:
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Codethulhu GitHub wgah'nagl fhtagn.

schrödinbug (noun) - a bug that manifests itself in running software after a programmer notices that the code should never have worked in the first place.

When you gaze long into BMPMAN, BMPMAN also gazes into you.

"I am one of the best FREDders on Earth" -General Battuta

<Aesaar> literary criticism is vladimir putin

<MageKing17> "There's probably a reason the code is the way it is" is a very dangerous line of thought. :P
<MageKing17> Because the "reason" often turns out to be "nobody noticed it was wrong".
(the very next day)
<MageKing17> this ****ing code did it to me again
<MageKing17> "That doesn't really make sense to me, but I'll assume it was being done for a reason."
<MageKing17> **** ME

<MageKing17> God damn, I do not understand how this is breaking.
<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
<MjnMixael> 2 hours later... "God damn, how did this ever work at all?!"
<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
<MageKing17> but once again we have reached the inevitable conclusion
<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

<@The_E> Welcome to OpenGL, where standards compliance is optional, and error reporting inconsistent

<MageKing17> It was all working perfectly until I actually tried it on an actual mission.

<IronWorks> I am useful for FSO stuff again. This is a red-letter day!
* z64555 erases "Thursday" and rewrites it in red ink

<MageKing17> TIL the entire homing code is held up by shoestrings and duct tape, basically.


Offline Rheyah

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So, I am deep in FREDing and loving the change in structure atm.  I quite enjoy just working on my laptop just sat around - I may do this more often so I can get out of the flat and enjoy myself a bit more.

One bit of news.  The campaign will be partially voice acted - there will be campaign narration by my sister.  My sister is an amateur actress who is currently starring at the Altrincham Garrick in Manchester.  She has played Shiela in a full theatre production of "An Inspector Calls" and will be playing the part of Ruth Ellis in their upcoming production "The Thrill of Love".  This will be her first voice acting engagement and she is quite looking forward (apparently) to reading some of the crap I spend so much of my time on.

I don't know how many of the this forum are local (I suspect very few) but if you get the chance and are in the area, I recommend watching her at the Garrick.  She is a fantastic actress with a great singing voice and seems to end up hanged in every play she stars in.  I have no idea why.

It could be a message.


Offline Rheyah

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So I am busy as hell at work again so naturally time has had to come out of those things I enjoy doing - like this.  I understand that this has now been drifting for a year or more, but I have very deliberately avoiding spoiling any plot details.  I will also be fast tracking the first five missions as a self contained campaign and releasing them as soon as they are ready.  I will have released something and that will make me happy.

This is due to a new (set) schedule and a new FREDing methodology which means I can guarantee progress every week now and is specifically designed to overcome my biggest problem, which is getting trapped in a half finished mission.  This is something I haven't been able to do for some time.  Finally, I appreciate everyone's patience with me.  It is not easy juggling a project that has turned into something this big (mainly due to project creep), a physics PhD, the mental drain which results, a social life, and periodic addictions to Elite Dangerous and XCOM :)

The essential point is - watch this space.  I am going to be going back to my little reports every time I make some progress and continuing to write little bits of fiction including some of the tech entries, the history, a few of the journal entries and so on,
« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 04:17:27 am by Rheyah »


Offline Luis Dias

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We're going nowhere Rheyah, take your time!


Offline Rheyah

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Hello, people.  Work continues on Ephesus.  Enjoying my little bits of design every week.

Once I have something released I will be asking for a little board of my own and separating out my fiction from this thread.

Speak soon!

Cool!  Really looking forward to it.  The vignettes have whetted my appetite!
"Wouldn't it be so wonderful if everything were meaningless?
But everything is so meaningful, and most everything turns to ****.
-David Bazan


Offline Rheyah

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A design update

I admit it openly - FS2 purists will not enjoy my mod.  The reason is that virtually nothing weapon wise plays like the original game.  My original design aspiration in this mod was the redemption of the cruiser.  More recent mods have reduced cruisers to something of a big target for fighters, which could be eliminated by a handful of Hercs with Hornets.  In both Ephesus and Shetland, this is no longer the case.  I could make a lengthy reasoned argument as to why it was ridiculous to have cruisers as big targets (risking 800+ crew for something more effectively done by 4 people in cheaper Hercs) but that's already been done to death.

Everything about capital ships has been upgraded to be more lethal.  Their primary weapons are lethal and harder to disable without specialized equipment.  Their secondary weapons are more lethal and designed specifically so even a partially disarmed cruiser, corvette or cap ship can pose a threat.  Their anti-fighter armanent is specialised towards killing fighters and shooting down bombs.  I made a post about this a while ago, but I wanted to discuss it again  I wrote a post a while ago discussing from an in-universe, historal perspective, what the various weapons would look like.  I have followed that to the letter.  Heres how the universe looks right now.

Terran Vasudan War

Prior to the Great War, Terran and Vasudan weaponry was largely missile based, with shorter range high output plasma weaponry for knife fight engagements.  Very, very old Terran weaponry was torpedo based and designed on spamming dumbfire missiles - this was a unsuccessful strategy.

The T-V War had devolved to a chess match.  Terrans specialized in standoff engagements with fusion mortars (fusion warhead payloads launched from a rack with a limited duration booster) supported by fast moving attack cruisers armed with lethal anti-fighter missiles and high power short range plasma cannons.  Vasudans had superior ship to ship weapons as well as superior heavy bombers.  In fleet engagements, Terran destroyers screened by cruisers could volley fusion mortars from long range into anything that was larger than a fighter.  Vasudans, on the other hand, overwhelmed a Terran line with missile volleys unless the Terran line held firm.  As a result, Terrans rarely took an engagement where they were not defensively sound and Vasudans were reluctant to engage into entrenched positions due to the efficiency of Terran combined arms theory.  In the late T-V war, plasma artillery was introduced aboard Orion class destroyers and replaced fusion mortars entirely.

The T-V war left a lot of old ship graveyards.  Most private Fenris space frames and Aten class warships were either sold off as unservicable or have been recovered from semi-forgotten ship graveyards in the aftermath of the Great War with private sub military grade repairs.

What kind of weapons are around?

- Howitzter Fusion Mortar:  Like a railgun, except slower, with an obvious missile.  Slow refire rate.  Big explosion.
- Hammershot:  Anti-fighter weapon system.  Less effective against shielded ships.  If you lose your shields, these are lethal.
- Khopesh ACGM:  Corkscrewing anti-ship missile system.  Even modern warships have 4 or more of these as they are spectacular for tying up CIWS elements.   
- Deluge Heavy Plasma Artillery:  Terran Turret 2 made good, with XCOM plasma weapon sound effects and huge plasma explosions.  These hurt now and exclusively target warships.
- Firefly Plasma Turret:  Close range (1.2km) broadside turret designed to kill warships.  Originally a Vasudan design, so rapid fire.

Reconstruction Era

A few things changed due to the arrival of the Shivans.  Both the Terrans and Vasudans fast tracked a joint program of close in weapon systems for defending against shielded ships based upon the Vasudan philosophy of close range plasma burst turrets and these are still in use today.  The Hammershot system was retired.  The fusion mortar system was redeveloped into the modern day flak cannon in the aftermath, designed primarily for establishing perimeters and detonating micromunitions.

The main things to take into account about weapon design at this point are the following.
- Flak cannons:   Have a longer range, do shockwave damage to weapons but have a minimum range of around 800m.  They will start firing BEFORE you are in range and screen against projectiles.  They are no longer fired at other warships.
- CIWS Plasma Cannons:   Primarily target missiles and ships that are inside the flak perimeter.  These replace the old blob turrets and serve the same role, but are a bit more deadly.
- AAA Beams:   serve to kill ships and are lethal for it.
- Hellfire ACGM:   Paramilitary version of the Khopesh.

Capital ships have the usual stuff, but remnants of the earlier war eras are in play.  Expect to see Vasudans using missiles, Terrans relying on plasma artillery and both species using their own 'unique' version of the others weapons.

Fighter Weaponry

Ephesus is set in the early to mid era of the NTF rebellion.  The result is that a lot of the really advanced weapons you see in FS2 aren't in play.  TAG missiles were tested in the campaign.  I have Trebuchets as being an expensive counter to long range, powerful Shivan strike bombers.  The result is a more limited weapon set.  This is an example of the kind of thing I've been doing.

- Subach HL-7:   Completely ineffective against anything larger than a freighter or a fighter.  Excellent all round weapon otherwise.
- Prometheus R:   Repurposed as a heavy cannon ala. the Maxim.  Does excellent anti-subsystem damage, punches through warship armour much better than the Subach.  Ineffective against shields.
- Akheton SDG:   Now does bonus damage to shields.  Couple it with the Prometheus R if you're going heavy assault.
- Hornet:   No longer an effective way of killing cruisers.  Given a bit of a longer range for mass volleys against fighters.
- Stiletto:    Lethal to subsystems, hard as hell to kill and does anti-shield damage now as well.  Compensated by a smaller loadout.
- Anlace:   Rapid fire short range Stiletto system.  Designed primarily for multi role engagements so they come in large numbers, have little health, do good subsystem damage and hurt shields.  Very little hull damage.
- Torpedoes:   Replacing the Hornet comes the Bullhorn and Avalanche torpedo systems.  They are designed to give a scaled threat to cruiser ships as well as allow heavy assault fighters a bit of multi-role capability.  More importantly, both can be shot down and they act like mini bombs.  I am still working on the design for these, but I like the concept so I am running with it.
- NTF Weapons:   The NTF have started to develop their own weapons programs!  This is NOT an empty bit of design on my part.  There's a damn good reason why :)
- Bombers:   Heavy bombers operate like mini capital ships and are being designed with that in mind.  They are not hard to kill, but have their own defensive turrets, secondary turrets for destroying capital ships and so on.  Strike bombers are designed to get in, fire and get out.

Shetland Era

Post the Second Great War, civilian manufacturers got a hold of older blueprints as the GTVA began to fall apart.  The GTVA kept very, very tight control on the dissemination of beam weapon technology so barring small scale self contained units (such as the LTerSlash), ex GTVA/NTF ships and systems salvaged from wrecks, civilians weren't allowed to have them.

The result is a huge diversification based on pre-Great War technology.  Railgun fusion mortar delivery systems, missile batteries, improved missile CIWS, old pre-Great War designs as police vehicles, nuclear mining munitions deployed as mines and so on.  Military level technology is rare as hell in the Red Zones (where Shetland is set) and is one of the main advantages of the Shetland herself.

The GTVA's technology has advanced a lot as well.  I've already talked about the various branches of GTVA design, but I will leave expanding on this until I start to move towards releasing Shetland :)


Offline Rheyah

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The hardest thing about all of this is maintaining the game underneath, which is where balance comes into it.  With so much weapon diversification, I am mainly looking for atmosphere but no mention of how various game systems survive is kept in mind.  As a result, there are a few things that come to mind based upon the design I have so far.

1.  I don't want players to feel like they have no options.  There is therefore a fine line between weapons being useless outside of a specific scenario and weapons being too powerful.  The Hornet and Anlace are something I am reconsidering - I am tending towards merging the two weapons together and simply increasing the damage the Hornet does to subsystems while making it a bit less reponsive in flight.

2.  In Ephesus, you are part of a heavy assault squadron.  Your main weapon is the Prometheus R - the Subach and Akheton SDG serve as support for it.

3.  Torpedoes are something I want to develop on.  I always felt the Hornet spam killing cruisers was really sodding dumb, but having heavy assault fighters being able to pose a threat is really important.  It also lets me make targets 'hardened' meaning that they don't just die to anything thrown at them.  The result is the Bullhorn which is the NTF's way of being able to cripple convoys with a handful of Hercs and really, really hurt hardened targets.  It adds a certain amount of "screening" to missions that don't just involve shooting down bombs.

4.  Patrol cruisers/gunboats are going to feature a LOT, particularly in Shetland.  They are largely supplanting the role of cruisers but have a number of advantages over cruisers in that they can be fast moving, they are smaller, they are easier to justify being destroyed and respond much better to direct AI commands.

5.  Cruisers are your friend and enemy.  They are all more effective, more lethal and have a tendency to take the point on most attacks.  Cruisers also have flavours now.  The Fenris has a decidedly "get right into the thick of things and **** stuff up" loadout.  The Leviathan is clearly a screening cruiser.  The Aten is a missile boat.  The Mentu is a frontline cruiser.  The Aeolus is a fighter support cruiser.  Keep in mind that cruisers will be used in the role they are most suited and that when they are out of it, they are somewhat out of their comfort zone.

As an example, a Fenris diving directly into an enemy formation has four (buffed) LTerSlash beams and an array of close range CIWS turrets with two AAA beams.  A Leviathan has much heavier beams, but can't maneuver anywhere near as quickly and is mainly used to screen other ships.  An Aten takes the role it did in the T-V war.  It sits at medium range volleying missiles against other cruisers.  The Aeolus is a next gen fighter support cruiser so it is most effectively used in support of fighter operations.  The Mentu is a bruiser, but specializes in no real way.


Offline Lorric

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I've really got high hopes for this. Every time you talk about the rebalancing it just sounds better and better.

I had an amusing thought. Are the Shivan ships still knocking around untouched? It sounds like if they were put up against these modified Terran and Vasudan ships they'd get absolutely cut to pieces! :lol:


Offline Rheyah

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You will see how I've changed Shivan warships later.  Much like their designs, the Shivans don't make war like we do.  Redesigning their fleet requires I spoil things about my story, so I have deliberately avoided mentioning anything about Shivans or even including changes in the mod files just yet :)

The one I'm dead pleased with is actually the Leviathan.  It's an absolute tyrant.  It's like putting a mini Deimos in the mission, but one you can do something about :)

I should note, I haven't just changed a bunch of weapons.  I've gone through and returreted every cruiser in the game, as well as every destroyer in the game (including the Vasudan warships) to be more on par with the design of the Sobek and the Deimos.  The ones that have changed the most are the two Fenris frames and the Orion/Hecate, which now have additional turrets, turrets moved around and are far more lethal to attack now.  There are fewer weak spots, but each ship now has an armament designed as if it were being designed by someone actively trying to protect the ship, rather than just by shoving bits and pieces onto it.

That means there are -very- clear octants of fire which can be highlighted in combat and the turrets are placed in a way which make sense.  The intention is not to overload the player with crap that is trying to kill them.  It's to diversify the weapon load, spread out the targets over the surface of the ship, make disarming/disabling a warship a priority and ultimately make the game feel like those warships are there to do more than just sit around.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 11:50:35 am by Rheyah »


Offline Black Wolf

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What  models will you be using to full the patrol cruiser/niche?
Rarely Updated P3D.
Burn the heretic who killed F2S! Burn him, burn him!!- GalEmp


Offline Rheyah

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What  models will you be using to full the patrol cruiser/niche?

Well, I have patrol cruisers are mostly a post Second Incursion innovation, but there is an analogue of a patrol cruiser in a heavily militarized Satis spaceframe.

By the period of Shetland, I'll be using the Cretheus and Hemsut as first gen patrol cruisers.  There are a number of civilian models of a similar scale (the Prominence and one or two others).  I am going to play with the sizes of some models to provide at least a bit of ship variation in Shetland.  There are a number of underused models which could work nicely I think.

The general idea of a patrol cruiser is something of a more appropriate scale that can move with fighters, reinforce locations and engage in limited combat with other capital ships.  They have the same relationship to cruisers that cruisers have to corvettes - don't engage without help.