Author Topic: Licensing (Redux)  (Read 7074 times)

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Offline karajorma

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Since the moderation issue seems to have been resolved to the satisfaction of pretty much everyone, I'm going to try to deal with my other bugbear from that thread.

About a year ago I posted to the effect that I think HLP needs to make more efforts to clear up licensing issues with the assets we make. While a few things like Diaspora are released with a clear licence explaining who can or cannot use or modify it, the majority of assets we make exist in a kind of grey area. Normally this works but occasionally this can cause big problems. Off the top of my head I can think of

1) The TBP breakup, which resulted in a single user claiming he had the authority to say that the entire mod should be pulled so that no one could download it.
2) The end of TAP, where assets made for the project couldn't be released to the community because the person who made them couldn't be reached.

I'm sure people can think of others.

What I'm suggesting is that the users of HLP make more effort in this respect. Let's remove this grey area when it comes to any and all future assets.

1) If you see an asset released without a clear licence, be it a mission, model, effect or even an entire campaign, ask the author to give it one. If they can't licence everything as they aren't clear on the licences for say ships in the their campaign, find out what they can be clear about.

2) If you're a project lead, can you please try to get clear licences on who can use the assets in your mod once it's released. While you're at it, I know you don't like to think about it, but can you get a clear idea of what will be released should the project be abandoned.

3) If you're a modder or FREDder, please make sure your work has a clear licence on who can use it (included with the asset preferably but even in the release thread is better than nothing).

4) Remember to include details on who can modify any assets you make. This is very important because often someone will want to tweak something for their purposes.

I don't consider doing this to be a particularly difficult task and doing it makes it a lot easier to avoid nasty situations where great assets end up being unused and hard work is wasted because of silly issues to do with who can use or modify an asset.
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Offline Kopachris

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I second this motion.  I think it's very important to all parties involved for creators to have clear-cut rules on what they do and don't want people to do with their work, even if that means sticking "All rights reserved" on their work so people know not to mess with it.
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Offline MP-Ryan

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Something which may obstruct this discussion is if our younger or more legally-inexperienced members don't understand what licensing is or how it works.  Someone may wish to define it and the process to do it so its understood.
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Offline Goober5000

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Yeah, I think most people will see this as an onerous task that they don't really have any motivation to work on.  I would propose providing a small number of licenses (say, from one to three), explaining their advantages, and recommending that modders choose one.


Offline The Dagger

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I would really like to know what license can be used when upgrading retail models or others like TBP. I know Diaspora used the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license but I'd like to hear if and what problems may exist with that since we don't own the IP.


Offline headdie

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CC BY-NC-SA is my preferred though it looks like CC have altered the licence as the generator now references it to version 4.0
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Offline mjn.mixael

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Random idea I thought of in the last 30 seconds and haven't thought all the way through yet.

Any chance a post-tag system could be added for something like this? I imagine a dropdown menu on the Reply page that lists several license choices. Upon selection it adds a tag to the post or pre-signiature or something. The idea spawned from thinking of a low-cost (time wise) way to get people to think about it when making release posts.
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Offline karajorma

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Not a bad idea. I'm not sure how easily SMF can add dropboxes like that but failing that we could always use a tag like [CC BY-NC-SA] to insert a blurb about the license and a link to the CC site.

I would really like to know what license can be used when upgrading retail models or others like TBP. I know Diaspora used the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license but I'd like to hear if and what problems may exist with that since we don't own the IP.

Thing is, in the end for anything that isn't complete original IP (like Wings of Dawn) licences won't have much legal standing since they are all derivative works of the original. In those cases this is mostly about having a gentleman's agreement in place that avoids arguments over who can use what.

I don't mind coming up with some licence suggestions but in the spirit of the way we got MP-Ryan to make the guidelines thread, if anyone is knowledgeable about licences and want to take a crack at it first, have at it. 
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Offline Hellzed

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Contributor license agreements could be interesting for bigger projects and mods :


Offline karajorma

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I find it quite funny that Diaspora is actually listed on there. Of course it's not our Diaspora, but the Facebook clone thingy.

Our Diaspora on the other hand also has the same sort of thing actually. I actually posted it on the previous thread. Basically it says that everything contributed to Diaspora can be used by Diaspora and will be released under a CC licence once the release is out. It also clearly states what happens if the team want to quit and whether it's okay for someone to later come along and restart the project.

I recommend that any project heads reading this start thinking about having something along those lines if they don't already.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline pef

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This is an important topic, indeed.

I may be new here, but I've been orbiting the various open-source spheres for more than 15 years now.

Most people contribute to  a project on their free time. Their desire to help is mainly fueled by passion and when starting work on a project, they don't think (or even want to think) about that kind of issue.

But more often than not their desire to help is also fueled by the need to be recognized by the community.

Though they seldom admit it, this need is fairly legitimate and should be addressed.

As karajorma pointed out, conflicts in a project often arise from not having been clear about that : and in that respect, the sooner is often the better.

Now for the licences I know about :
- The MIT and BSD licences basically allow everyone to do anything
- The GPL licence allows anyone to modify but it must stay GPL'ed : great licence, but IMO more suitable for software, and it's viral : you cannot do closed-source out of GPL'ed software.
- I don't know the Creative Commons licences well enough to describe them here, but from what I've read they should be suitable for most contributors here : see

Just a final word to say that I've started a topic on the FotG board about this (here) : the answers I got so far were very constructive.


Offline karajorma

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Okay, I'm going to ask the HLP project heads to report in and tell me if they've got licensing issues for their projects sorted. At this point in time I'm not demanding it be done now, I just want to know where the hosted projects are when it comes to this.

Is your hosted mod
  • Fully licensed
  • Partially licensed except for users who can't be contacted.
  • Talking to people about it now
  • Confused on the whole issue (in which case, how can we help you?)

In order to get the ball rolling, I'll say that I'm pretty sure I know the licences for everything in Diaspora (both released and unreleased) and I'll be dealing with them for MindGames as soon as some internal issues regarding which mods we'll be using are sorted.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline General Battuta

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This is overhead that I know BP can't tackle now and may not be able to for months.


Offline headdie

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Random idea I thought of in the last 30 seconds and haven't thought all the way through yet.

Any chance a post-tag system could be added for something like this? I imagine a dropdown menu on the Reply page that lists several license choices. Upon selection it adds a tag to the post or pre-signiature or something. The idea spawned from thinking of a low-cost (time wise) way to get people to think about it when making release posts.

also a tag in the Wiki would be useful as well for mod pages and especially asset releases
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Offline Axem

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So how does this apply to something like JAD (or BP even) where I can certainly license what would be termed "original content", but a lot of other content is previously released community things under no real licence.

Is it just a matter of "the following is released under Blahblah, the balance is under no licence".

And how does modified content work? Sometimes I need to tweak a ship to make it fit right. Does it become "my content" or does it remain under the previous (if any) licence.


Offline headdie

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this is exactly why we need the licencing as it depends on the terms of licence.

for example with the following non-commercial licences
1) CC BY-NC-ND - allows for the use of an asset so long as you dont change it
2) CC BY-NC - allows you to change things so long as you credit the author and you can change the licence
3) CC BY-NC-SA - (my preferred) allows you to use an asset so long as it's credited and released under the same licence

under scenario 1 you would be in breach of the licence just by making any alterations to the files supplied.
under scenario 2 you are allowed to do what you want with it and re-license as needed
under scenario 3 you are allowed to do what you want with it but you must release it under the same terms as the licence it was supplied with
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Offline Macfie

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I can see where this could be a major issue for the FreeSpace Campaign Restoration Project.  I would like some information if possible on where this leaves projects that have been abandoned and how much of the campaign projects fall under the license.  What limitations would this add to restoring a campaign?
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Offline karajorma

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I posted this on the last thread.

Let me put things another way.

The problem as I see it is that any mod without a clear licence could be being misused. Without a clear licence we have no idea in what capacity the original creator of the asset wanted it used. People have pointed out that there are a large number of issues with assigning any kind of default licence for mods on HLP and for the most part I tend to agree with them. Assigning any kind of default licence ignores the wishes of the content creator and we're doing it all the time!

1) First, let's not get too comfortable on our high horses here. We're all on a website whose existence is based on a very loose reading of licensing and copyright laws. Have we got a licence which allows for the modification of stuff from FS1 or FS2? Or anything from the B5 or BSG universes? No we haven't. Maybe a few bits and pieces here and there, but the entire website would be dead if we had waited for everything we've modified. I once read a quite thought provoking book on media franchising which contained an interesting section on mods based on TV shows.

Despite both mods rejecting corporate proprietary control of cultural resources, they paradoxically insisted upon maintaining ownership and creative monopoly over their own production resources. Thus, a de facto system of authorship, ownership, and licensing emerged to limit open collaboration in the produsage networks of [Redacted name of a TV show] games, where single owners could govern the use of discrete 3D models, textures, and music.

So yes, pretty much every single piece of content on this forum (with the exception of things like Wings of Dawn) is entirely based on completely ignoring licensing. It's quite interesting that people would be livid if someone alters a forum members high-poly Sathanas without permission or credit but no one gives a stuff about altering the original Volition one.
But okay, lets pretend that licensing doesn't apply to big name corporations cause, you know, **** those guys.

2) We're pretty much doing the same thing within the community too. Very little has been released with any kind of proper licence. A hell of a lot of stuff comes from posts where all the creator said was "here's a link to the stuff I made" with no actual instructions on whether it could be modified or used. If we're lucky we get a "Use it however you want." but fairly often even that is missing. We still use that stuff though.
I'm sure at least a few high poly models and alterations of existing models also fall under this category - they were made to improve the quality of a mod in an existing campaign but I doubt we can say that the original creator of the asset was asked in every single case. I suspect fairly often if the original creator doesn't respond to emails, etc, people have just gone ahead and made the alterations and simply credited the original creator. Which basically is the same as assigning the asset a licence which allows modification.
Similarly we have situations where people use assets from big mods like Blue Planet, etc without checking back down the chain to see what licence Blue Planet got them under. The assumption is that "If they can use it, I can."
3) Why is this important? Well I can be fairly confident in saying I know the licence for at least 99% of the released or in development content of Diaspora. Even so there's still the chance I've missed something. I'm sure quite a few other hosted mods can't even say that. Which makes it much harder for them to come up for a licence for their releases without basically doing the same kind of relicensing that people have complained about. In fact I do have to wonder how many mods which have released under a "Use anything you want from our mod, but just give credit" have already done that.

So as you can see, issue here is not really about getting everything tied up in a legally binding fashion (If you can do that, excellent.) But for most of us, getting licensing to the point where it avoids arguments or wasting assets within the community is the desired goal. We already do licensing within the community. It's just that we do it in a rather haphazard, problematic way. We make assumptions about how we can use models, effects and missions released by people in the past all the time.

What I'm suggesting is that we don't change the basic way we work, I'm not suggesting that we can't use anything from the past as that would be crippling to the community. What I'm saying is that we make sure in the future we try to do things better. And we make sure that people who use our work 4-5 years from now don't have to make the assumptions we had to make.

So how does this apply to something like JAD (or BP even) where I can certainly license what would be termed "original content", but a lot of other content is previously released community things under no real licence.

Is it just a matter of "the following is released under Blahblah, the balance is under no licence".

And how does modified content work? Sometimes I need to tweak a ship to make it fit right. Does it become "my content" or does it remain under the previous (if any) licence.

Good question. I'd suggest we use the following rule of thumb.

1) If the work is 100% yours - give it whatever licence you wish.
2) If the work is from someone else - don't change the licence but simply give credit.
3) If you've modified something it doesn't automatically belong to you. If it already had a proper licence (even a vague "use it however you want, just credit me") then you're bound by that licence as to whether you can re-issue it. If not, credit it but state what licence your work falls under so that anyone who can find the original creator can get a proper licence sorted out.

The idea is to make sure that whoever uses your work has a clear idea of what risks they are taking. That someone won't crawl out of the woodwork 2-3 years from now and say "That model you're using, that's mine. Axem only modified it. Take it out of your mod."

I don't know if you remember back that far, but that's exactly what happened to DiamondGeezer's Space : Above and Beyond conversion. While this rule on HLP wouldn't have prevented it (Since he got the models from somewhere outside this community) it would prevent the same issue happening again within the community.

This is overhead that I know BP can't tackle now and may not be able to for months.

While I understand that going through the whole of BP and assigning every asset a licence would take a lot of effort, I don't think it would be too hard to assign one to everything which was 100% developed in-house. Literally all you have to do is talk internally and say "The BP team (or at least the part who are still active) decided that anything those of us present developed in-house is covered by [Name of licence]." That's a rather short discussion and even if you only do that much it is an improvement on what we have now.
The point is that people are already using those assets and taking the risk of your continued good will. Why subject them to that grey area when the solution is as quick as the one I mentioned.

If you have a little bit more time, something like this would be excellent.

Code: [Select]
BP assets you can use under [Licence]
list of ships 100% developed by the team members who responded.
In addition you may use any other assets 100% developed in house (to cover the little things you made).

BP assets modified by the team. You can use any of our modifications under [Licence] but since this is a modified asset, you are taking a chance that the original creator might be unhappy with its use
List of your modified assets

Everything else is use at your own risk

You could probably draw that up in an hour or so. And it would be very useful to anyone using Blue Planet assets in their mods.

I can see where this could be a major issue for the FreeSpace Campaign Restoration Project.  I would like some information if possible on where this leaves projects that have been abandoned and how much of the campaign projects fall under the license.  What limitations would this add to restoring a campaign?

Initially, none. This is kind of my main point above. We ignore licensing on a daily basis in this community. What I'm suggesting is not that we change current behaviour regarding older stuff, but that anything newer is dealt with in a more clear fashion. Working on FCRP you must have the constant worry that one day someone whose project you upgraded will return and start a "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BABY!" style epic rant.

 The changes detailed here won't prevent you from using older works, or upgrading them. It won't prevent the above from happening. But 5 years from now, you will quite clearly know some projects you can work on without fear. For instance you already know that Diaspora can be altered however you like since that is clearly stated in the licence it was released with.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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