Author Topic: HTTPS access with Let's Encrypt?  (Read 4242 times)

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Offline ngld

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Re: HTTPS access with Let's Encrypt?
Actually no.  CF, up until this point, is used only for the DNS and anti-DDOS measures.  The HTTPS rewrite stuff is separate and isn't the main thing it was set up in the beginning.  I can't see us dropping CF full stop unless they start charging for the above mentioned services.
Yes, but I wasn't talking about the HTTPS rewrite stuff. I was talking about HTTPS support in general.
If you want to use your own certificate and don't want to pay CF for HTTPS support, you can't use their HTTP proxy. AFAIK CF doesn't support TCP proxying so the end result would be that you'd have to drop CF in that case. I just don't see any way around that. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Again, it's a temporary fix that will keep the bulk of the site encrypted as long as https is used in the URL
Thanks for fixing this!


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Re: HTTPS access with Let's Encrypt?
@goober not sure if you should use the //domain thing or not, but using relative links as suggested, would work as well, as long as all the stuff lives at the same domain.
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Offline Goober5000

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Re: HTTPS access with Let's Encrypt?
There's a rewrite rule that will redirect all traffic to  There's another one that will redirect to, and a third that will redirect to  Are any of these pertinent to the current problem?

Actually, I did find one more reference, which I did correct, but it didn't solve anything.

Which reference was this?


Offline rev_posix

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Re: HTTPS access with Let's Encrypt?
There's a rewrite rule that will redirect all traffic to  There's another one that will redirect to, and a third that will redirect to  Are any of these pertinent to the current problem?

Actually, I did find one more reference, which I did correct, but it didn't solve anything.

Which reference was this?
I honestly don't recall right now, I did a grep of the CSS file for hard-light and found one line that had http in it, and changed it to https
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