Author Topic: .eff files?  (Read 2200 times)

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How does one go about creating .eff files from scratch? I made a text file and relabeled it an .eff file, I have my frames in .dds format with the same name followed by _000x. Then I even tried copying an existing .eff file and altering it, to make sure there wasn't something I was missing about the file itself.

But no matter what I do, it won't seem to register in-game. If I try to have a weapon that uses it, I just get the default explosion particle instead...


Offline Nyctaeus

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Pack your files and attach them here. There is too little information for us to figure out what's wrong.
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Proud owner of NyctiShipyards. Remember - Nyx will fix it!

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Offline AdmiralRalwood

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Most instances of trying to load a nonexistant animation should generate a Warning.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Codethulhu GitHub wgah'nagl fhtagn.

schrödinbug (noun) - a bug that manifests itself in running software after a programmer notices that the code should never have worked in the first place.

When you gaze long into BMPMAN, BMPMAN also gazes into you.

"I am one of the best FREDders on Earth" -General Battuta

<Aesaar> literary criticism is vladimir putin

<MageKing17> "There's probably a reason the code is the way it is" is a very dangerous line of thought. :P
<MageKing17> Because the "reason" often turns out to be "nobody noticed it was wrong".
(the very next day)
<MageKing17> this ****ing code did it to me again
<MageKing17> "That doesn't really make sense to me, but I'll assume it was being done for a reason."
<MageKing17> **** ME

<MageKing17> God damn, I do not understand how this is breaking.
<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
<MjnMixael> 2 hours later... "God damn, how did this ever work at all?!"
<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
<MageKing17> but once again we have reached the inevitable conclusion
<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

<@The_E> Welcome to OpenGL, where standards compliance is optional, and error reporting inconsistent

<MageKing17> It was all working perfectly until I actually tried it on an actual mission.

<IronWorks> I am useful for FSO stuff again. This is a red-letter day!
* z64555 erases "Thursday" and rewrites it in red ink

<MageKing17> TIL the entire homing code is held up by shoestrings and duct tape, basically.


Offline Spoon

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Most instances of trying to load a nonexistant animation should generate a Warning.
And since you're getting the default explosions, its very likely that its not the .eff at fault, but that the effect is being overwritten by another table.

If you are modding with the mediavp's, you're bound to run into this, since the mediavp's have a load of seperate .tbm's that define effects like muzzleflashes and explosions seperately. It can get kind of confusing at times.

Check if mv_effects-wep.tbm might be overwritting your weapon entry.

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them

Pack your files and attach them here. There is too little information for us to figure out what's wrong.

Alright. I'll do that shortly...

If you are modding with the mediavp's, you're bound to run into this, since the mediavp's have a load of seperate .tbm's that define effects like muzzleflashes and explosions seperately. It can get kind of confusing at times.

Check if mv_effects-wep.tbm might be overwritting your weapon entry.

Well, that's what I assumed was happening at first, but I tried using a different effect -- an .eff from Blue Planet, not present in the MediaVPs, that I extracted into the MVPs folder, the same place as my effect, and it works fine...


Offline Spoon

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Have you tried running a debug build?

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them

No. I realized that was probably a good idea...

Unfortunately my desktop keeps BSODing me at random, so I probably won't be able to get back to this until I figure out what's going on with that.

'Kay. Here are the files.

Alright. Debug build says no frames were found.

Code: [Select]
Warning: EFF: No frame images were found.  EFF, shivflakparticle.eff, is invalid.

File: bmpman.cpp
Line: 1716

ntdll.dll! NtWaitForSingleObject + 21 bytes
kernel32.dll! WaitForSingleObjectEx + 67 bytes
kernel32.dll! WaitForSingleObject + 18 bytes
fs2_open_3_8_0_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>

So I guess maybe I have the dds files formatted incorrectly somehow?
« Last Edit: October 07, 2017, 09:59:32 am by Kestrellius »


Offline Spoon

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.dds files have to be 8x8 16x16 32x32 64x64 128x128 256x256 512x512 1024x1024 2048x2048 4096x4096 etc etc etc
80x80 is not a valid resolution for them

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


well that explains it then

Anyway, thanks!