Author Topic: Coronavirus Outbreak  (Read 139928 times)

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We did well in the UK too.

*mumble* *mumble* fascists *mumble* *mumble* trains run on time. :p

I feel compelled to point out that the trains did in fact not run on time :P


Offline Dilmah G

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Dunno about you guys, but I'm coming across a concerningly large amount of people who don't want to get the vaccine (any of them!). They're generally of the same political inclination, and they seem to have absorbed some pretty bizarre points of view regarding the virus as a whole. I even had someone at work try and convince me that the vaccine wouldn't help us reach herd immunity because it didn't stop transmission.  :banghead: And THEN, tried to tell me that there was a conspiracy at play because COVID's mortality rate wasn't actually a threat to the population. I then, over 12 months after the beginning of the pandemic, had to explain to this person who holds a relatively senior position in the organisation what impact the hospitalisation rate has on the healthcare system in addition to deaths. And then had to explain that "the vaccine causes blood clots" argument is horse****.

Humans are our own ****ing worst enemy.

An old friend of mine, AND my parents have decided not to get the vaccine. My mom says she's immunocompromised, so that makes sense, but my dad and friend don't have any good reason and it's unbelievable. As far as I've been able to gather, it's a nebulous mistrust of "the government"; they don't seem to understand that we're not dealing with the government, but with a frikken' deadly virus!

tbf we are also dealing with pharmaceutical companies and our various western governments have not been very succesful in keeping them in check. It's good to be wary of either of them. See also: The US opoid pandemic, the aforementioned EU issues with blindly trusting AstraZenica's production numbers, the Guatamela syphilis experiments, the Tuskegee experiments, People with learning disabilities being given DNR orders in the UK...

That being said, I'm still going for the vaccine. In part becuase vaccines are a pretty well known science at this point and in part becuase either the "Long covid" or the possibility of a slow, painful and most importantly lonely death does not sound appealing to me and is not something I would like to put my family through.


Offline Mongoose

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An old friend of mine, AND my parents have decided not to get the vaccine. My mom says she's immunocompromised, so that makes sense, but my dad and friend don't have any good reason and it's unbelievable. As far as I've been able to gather, it's a nebulous mistrust of "the government"; they don't seem to understand that we're not dealing with the government, but with a frikken' deadly virus!

Your mom being immunocompromised is all the more reason for her to get the vaccine, if she was cleared for it. My dad had a kidney transplant a few years ago, and his hospital actively got in touch with him and set him up for an appointment.

I've encountered the same belligerent attitude towards vaccines at my work place.  For the most part, these are people who very much do NOT line up with me ideologically or politically, but it is disheartening to watch just the same.  We have been working remotely for the most part, and we have an online meeting at the end of the day to go over accomplishments, challenges, and in general try to simulate "water cooler" banter.  It's pretty banal.  But I've used it a couple times to try and cattle prod people into getting their shots.

My family have some friends who work for the city (not elected, just working stiffs like the rest of us) who occasionally get the inside scoop before the news does.  Last week she texted us that the city still had a bunch of vaccine doses left over and they were going to have to toss them soon because not enough people had shown up that day, and they were already at least partially thawed.  I kid you not, first response I get was from a degreed engineer asking me, "So, when I grow a third eye on my forehead 'cuz a this thang, do I just come talk to you about it?"

I mean, when you are dealing with this level of willful ignorance, what the hell are you supposed to do?  Laws of logic and reason don't apply.
"Wouldn't it be so wonderful if everything were meaningless?
But everything is so meaningful, and most everything turns to ****.
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Offline Mongoose

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I am legitimately at the point where I want to shovel all of these sorts of people into the middle of Bumble****, Nowhere, cut off from the rest of civilization, so they can live out their ignorant little lives without doing any more damage to those of us who are sane.

Astra Zenica is off the table indefinitely in the Netherlands now. I think this is a panicky, short-sighted decision. Looks like it's going to take a long time before I actually get vaccinated now :(

Sometimes it feels like people don’t really want this nightmare to end.
"Wouldn't it be so wonderful if everything were meaningless?
But everything is so meaningful, and most everything turns to ****.
-David Bazan

Politically it makes perfect sense. The vaccine rollout is something that can be blamed directly on the politicians leading it, so they have to be extremely cautious. Unlike the lockdown rules, where the politicians can blame Jan Publiek for not following their (too little, too late and not backed up by solid testing or track and trace) guidelines.

Politically it makes perfect sense. The vaccine rollout is something that can be blamed directly on the politicians leading it, so they have to be extremely cautious. Unlike the lockdown rules, where the politicians can blame Jan Publiek for not following their (too little, too late and not backed up by solid testing or track and trace) guidelines.



Offline Mito [PL]

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This is a weird doublepost.
How do you kill a hydra?

You starve it to death.

This is a weird doublepost.

Jansen vaccine just had the same thing happen to it as the AstraZenica one.

My grandma, medicated for a preexisting lung condition, caught this disease. So far she is ok. I'd appreciate any happy thoughts. :(


Offline MP-Ryan

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I would like to extend a hearty "and **** you too" to all the media organizations breathlessly reporting about the infinitesimally small number of adverse reactions and the scientific suspension and investigation of the AZ and J&J vaccines, and by extension the governments utterly failing to put this information into context.

With any new drug or vaccination program, we have substantial reporting and monitoring requirements for adverse events.  Those are normal.  Those are a sign we are doing things right.  Investigations are appropriate.  Governments and public health authorities not providing substantial and accessible public messaging that the vaccines are safe and the adverse reactions occur at a frequency far lower than among the general population, among many other medications, and DEFINITELY AMONG THOSE INFECTED WITH SARS-COV-2!!! are being totally irresponsible.

Just let me make this absolutely, crystal clear:

These are some of the safest and most effective vaccines ever developed by humans and ARE FAR SAFER THAN ACTUALLY CATCHING THE VIRUS. Unless given specific medical advice by accredited medical professionals familiar with their individual circumstances to the contrary, everyone should be getting vaccinated with whatever approved vaccine is available to them at the earliest opportunity.
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Offline karajorma

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While I do 100% agree with that, I have read claims that since the blood clotting issue seems to mainly affect women under 60, it might be smart to give a different vaccine to similar at-risk groups whenever possible. I have no idea if anything is being done along those lines.

Nonetheless, the media really need to go **** themselves for every time they've reported this as an actual problem when you have about the same chance of being struck by lightning as having this be a problem.
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My grandma, medicated for a preexisting lung condition, caught this disease. So far she is ok. I'd appreciate any happy thoughts. :(

Happy thoughts, fingers crossed!

'The state of brazil right now...

Pro tip: when you are finding your will to live and your faith in humanity at a low ebb due to the utter bungling of the COVID crisis, don't decide to binge watch Chernobyl.  God.  The parallels are horrifying.
"Wouldn't it be so wonderful if everything were meaningless?
But everything is so meaningful, and most everything turns to ****.
-David Bazan


Offline Mongoose

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"Five hundred thousand. Not great, not terrible."