Author Topic: There should be a Stargate mod  (Read 4400 times)

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There should be a Stargate mod
There are Babylon 5 and Star Wars mods, and Stargate is the other major sci-fi franchise that best would fit into the whole 'large ships and small fighters' game style of Freespace. (Other series wouldn't work so well, like Star Trek mostly concentrates on fast and maneuverable large ships and no fighters, and Doctor Who rarely even focuses on space combat or the capabilities of ships anyway...)

Races and ships I would like to see include:


Death Glider (fighter)
Needle Threader (fighter)
Tel'tak (transport)
Al'kesh (it's technically a bomber but kind of too big to be a Freespace bomber... maybe a freighter or gunship?)
Cheops (cruiser/corvette)
Ha'tak (destroyer)
Apophis' Mothership (Juggernaut)
Anubis' Mothership (Juggernaut)


F-302 (fighter)
X-303 Prometheus - class (cruiser)
BC-304 Daedalus - class (cruiser)


Beliskner class (destroyer)
O'Neill class (destroyer/superdestroyer)
Science Vessel/Daniel Jackson class (Cruiser/Corvette)


Dart (fighter)
Cruiser (destroyer)
Hive ship (juggernaut)
Super Hive (super-juggernaut)
Scout ship (transport)
Supply ship (freighter)


Puddle Jumper (fighter)
Aurora class (destroyer/superdestroyer)
Atlantis - class city ship (juggernaut)
Destiny - class (destroyer)


Fighter (fighter)
Warship (juggernaut)
Satellite (sentry gun/RBC)


Spider ship (transport)
Cruiser (cruiser/corvette)
Patrol ship (cruiser/corvette)

You could also make things like space gates, the Asuran Stargate satellite, the Goa'uld space stations, the Traveler ships, etc. There is plenty that could be used. Has anyone ever tried to make any of these?
Shivans view most other species the way we view infectious diseases. They think they are doing good by curing the universe of them. After all, no one mourns the fate of smallpox.

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Offline Strygon

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Re: There should be a Stargate mod
I think the idea got tossed around a couple times but I've never seen a serious effort at a Total Conversion like that, no.
Makes missions sometimes.
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[23:22] strypolygon: andrew
[23:22] strypolygon: i have one favor to ask of you
[23:22] strypolygon: never try speaking german again
[23:23] Andrewofdoom: No.

[18:50] 島風改八百三: the duck has multipli
[18:50] 島風改八百三: many duck
[18:50] 島風改八百三: left side
[18:50] 島風改八百三: even side
[18:50] 島風改八百三: handle it

[21:34] MP-Ryan: Why on earth would you Google this
[21:34] The_E: why would you not

[06:46] Strigon: how big is a mini-campaign again?
[06:46] Asteroth: smaller than a campaign
[06:47 ]Strigon: thanks

[05:56] Strigon: If I had to take a shot for each time I randomly decided to change the UI sounds, I'd have died of alcohol poisoning by now

[17:36] qazwsxal: time to have some fun
[17:41] z64555: VC++5 is not my idea of fun

[EatThePath] do your missiles do anything absurd?
[Strigon] describe absurd
[Strigon] the entire mod is absurd

Re: There should be a Stargate mod
I think the idea got tossed around a couple times but I've never seen a serious effort at a Total Conversion like that, no.

Has anyone tried to make just a few ships, though?

Shivans view most other species the way we view infectious diseases. They think they are doing good by curing the universe of them. After all, no one mourns the fate of smallpox.

The Final War For The Multiverse


Offline Novachen

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Re: There should be a Stargate mod
I know, that there was a Total Conversion in development called Stargate SG-1: Earth Defence. They had atleast some finished Terran and Goa'uld ships ingame.

But no idea if anybody still have these.
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Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: There should be a Stargate mod
There are Babylon 5 and Star Wars mods, and Stargate is the other major sci-fi franchise that best would fit into the whole 'large ships and small fighters' game style of Freespace. (Other series wouldn't work so well, like Star Trek mostly concentrates on fast and maneuverable large ships and no fighters, and Doctor Who rarely even focuses on space combat or the capabilities of ships anyway...)

Races and ships I would like to see include:


Death Glider (fighter)
Needle Threader (fighter)
Tel'tak (transport)
Al'kesh (it's technically a bomber but kind of too big to be a Freespace bomber... maybe a freighter or gunship?)
Cheops (cruiser/corvette)
Ha'tak (destroyer)
Apophis' Mothership (Juggernaut)
Anubis' Mothership (Juggernaut)


F-302 (fighter)
X-303 Prometheus - class (cruiser)
BC-304 Daedalus - class (cruiser)


Beliskner class (destroyer)
O'Neill class (destroyer/superdestroyer)
Science Vessel/Daniel Jackson class (Cruiser/Corvette)


Dart (fighter)
Cruiser (destroyer)
Hive ship (juggernaut)
Super Hive (super-juggernaut)
Scout ship (transport)
Supply ship (freighter)


Puddle Jumper (fighter)
Aurora class (destroyer/superdestroyer)
Atlantis - class city ship (juggernaut)
Destiny - class (destroyer)


Fighter (fighter)
Warship (juggernaut)
Satellite (sentry gun/RBC)


Spider ship (transport)
Cruiser (cruiser/corvette)
Patrol ship (cruiser/corvette)

You could also make things like space gates, the Asuran Stargate satellite, the Goa'uld space stations, the Traveler ships, etc. There is plenty that could be used. Has anyone ever tried to make any of these?

Well volunteered,  I'll check on this in one month.
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
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-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

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Offline Nohiki

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Re: There should be a Stargate mod
Thing for me is, what story is there to tell in a FreeSpace like game? In its entirety, stargate wasn't all that space focused either. I think that may be contributing to the grneral lack of anything.


Offline Mito [PL]

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Re: There should be a Stargate mod
I used to think about that a bunch as well, however Stargate itself doesn't really give much attention to fightercraft at all, not to mention actually have fightercraft combat in it. On one hand it could be a nice universe for a capital ship command campaign, since technically ships in that universe have quite high relative speeds, but on the other hand... how would you be able to tie it into the show's story? And how fun would a Stargate universe mod be is you didn't get the chance to interact with said stargates (well, there are the large ones...)?

On the other hand this could get some considerable audience if you could get a pretty nicely fleshed out idea for it.
How do you kill a hydra?

You starve it to death.

Re: There should be a Stargate mod
Well to start with you could make a serious of missions that recreate major battles from the shows, like the Battle of Antarctica, battle of the Supergate, Wraith attack on Atlantis, etc. Lots of those would be fun to play in the Freespace engine. The battle of Asuras would be amazing if they could pull it off.
Shivans view most other species the way we view infectious diseases. They think they are doing good by curing the universe of them. After all, no one mourns the fate of smallpox.

The Final War For The Multiverse


Offline starlord

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Re: There should be a Stargate mod
That would be awesome. There was once an effort by jc4jc over at game warden to start something. Screenshots of the ha’tak were beautiful.


Offline starbug

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Re: There should be a Stargate mod
I did have a hatak and 304 in game, but the 304 kept causing some issues within the game, ie random crashes, missile turrets not working as intended and I could never find the cause of the problem. I would be tempted to go back and remodel the ship to something more efficient.

if there is any consistancy with the Shivans, it's their lack of consistancy - -Norbert-


Offline starlord

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Re: There should be a Stargate mod
It would be awesome to see a hatak in game again.