Author Topic: Official Robotech Mod Thread  (Read 140727 times)

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Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by TrashMan

It happens everywhere.....

Why don't people use their head and set the sizes and stats onece and for all before the show begins and while they make it pay GOOD attention to detail and size?:hopping:

It would be s much easier for everyone, but Noooooo...why act smart we we can act dumb...

And yes, SDF-1 should be FAR more bigger than 1,2 klicks.
 (since SDF-1 transforms, and the crew, equipment, supplies and generaly other studd need tons of space)
You can't just rip everything out and leave the hull and place the city inside ( can, but nothing would work then).

Oh my, not again... I'm really sick of this Macross size issue... you want a 10km long Macross, do your damn mod yourself! :hopping:

Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by ShadowDrakken
The canon actually has specific stats in Palladium's RPG. Unfortunately the full stats of the SDF-1 is about 4 pages.  I also have the full stats on the SDF-3, coming in at about 10 pages (includes deck schematics, which in fact show NO room for any city, and the SDF-3 is not transformable and is 1.6km instead of 1.2km)

Screw the Robotech stats, they are all made up by americans adapters, and have nothing to do with the actual show, heck in the Rpg they made the Oberth a fighter while it's a 400meters destroyer!

Oh, and there is no such thing as Macross island btw... Macross is the name of the ship.

Originally posted by Akalabeth Angel
I think Macross and Southern Cross are actually related in some way, or at least they were made in sequence by the same animation company. Genesis Climber Mospeada or what have you, is I believe totally unrelated.

No, no and NO, Macross and Southern cross has NOTHING to do with each other, not even the company who made them, and heck, Southern cross was a total crap anyway...

Originally posted by Akalabeth Angel
Unless of course it hasn't made an erroraneous hyperspace fold yet. When it was grounded, it fired from the island and toasted a pair of Cruisers. However after the fold, the power link had something to do with the now-missing Fold Engine so inorder to establish a new link, they had to perform the transformation.

Yes the Macross was supposed to fire its cannon in cruise mode, it was the incident of the missing fold engine that forced the trasformatin (oh, well, cheat plot excuse to have a trasforming ship :D )

Originally posted by Star Dragon
Anyway a robotech II update. I found a few other REF models and here is what they look like in game. The Invid needs to be broken down once a little over the poly limit as a single object so it crashes in Fred. ENJOY!  

I remember those models, they were done for a Homeworld robotech mod, i still have them in my HD too, quite nice ones, even if not too detailed.

For those asking for shell opening, well, it's simply not possible with the actual FS2 engine, but you can have 2 models of the ship, one with shell closed and the other with shell open, and use a change-ship-model sexp to change it in-mission. Of course it will not have any animation, it will be an istantaneous transition, but i think it's the best you can do.
If you use vanilla FS2 you won't have that sexp, so the other solution is to have the entire ship a turret subsystem, with the ship with the shell open is the "destroyed turret" so if you want to open the shell you just have to use a sexp to destroye that turret (that is the solution i used to deploy the main cannon of the SDF1 in my mod)


Offline Flaser

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Official Robotech Mod Thread
You can have rotating subsystem, and the force-rotate subsystem sexps allow you to manually move them.

That I wonder if there is any non-rotating part the player would be able to see during the transformation.
"I was going to become a speed dealer. If one stupid fairytale turns out to be total nonsense, what does the young man do? If you answered, “Wake up and face reality,” you don’t remember what it was like being a young man. You just go to the next entry in the catalogue of lies you can use to destroy your life." - John Dolan

Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by Flaser
You can have rotating subsystem, and the force-rotate subsystem sexps allow you to manually move them.

That I wonder if there is any non-rotating part the player would be able to see during the transformation.

You wont be able to simulate that with simple rotations...

That's what I was thinking of trying cause of how the Veritechs go from fighter mode to gerwalk mode by hitting G (and destroying turret 01). I have a bit of code I haven't looked at yet that I THINK is supposed to be for vanilla FS2 Robotech that Unknown targetmade available almost a year ago. it is supposed to enable full transformation or at least to go back to fighter mode if I remember correctly.I haven't had time to have someone look at it (someone who is a FRED guru or a coder).

   AFAIK I am the only one screwing around with this for like a year now (with Trashman doing SDF-1) in our spare time as I make much more progress with FSTrek. (though I have seen you, Ryuune,  in the HW2 macross forums)

   Lets not quibble about stats ,size, series what ever... This is the REF thread so that means this is the American vision (even though it is without any question flawed we still enjoy it). If you don't enjoy the storyline then please do not bash it (go to macross world forums, there you can't even say the word Robotech) as far as the mod is concerned the three series were fused together so the events in Macross occur first (in the original mod), then Southern Cross (which will be skipped for now until ground combat is achievable), and pick up with Mospedia/Next Generation (our friends the Invid). You would never see me go to the Starfox thread and say something like "I hate Starfox, this is so lame, ect.." Cause if I really felt that way (I don't!) there would be no reason for me to go there in the first place right?

  Blame Carl Macek, He's the putz that edited the three shows together and subjected us to it as kids so now that's how we've been used to it for the last what? 15-20 years? That doesn't mean I don't enjoy and appreciate the REAL series in all their seperate and unrelated glory, it's just that is not what I am doing here.

   I am still hoping to get enough source material to have a Sentinel Campaign so you have the REF go to Fantoma system, rescue the stragglers on Tirol, adn start liberating the local worlds, then culminate with the invasion/liberation of Earth.  That is the Long term goal.  

  Yo trashman, any word on your SDF-1?

  I haven't heard from Ancient Angel in ages and I've seen him jump from SFC3 to FS2 to HW2 modding so he may not be commingback to twek those models he let us use...

   Thos screens I posted came from The Robotech Modling Alliance (a single webpage with 7 models on it) The artists name is Aisirul and is from "an imcomplete mod package". I do not think these were for the HW mod cause unless they planned on adding them later on they are not included in the current version. (I've viewed every model in the DL).

   Here's the site you can DL the models from

   ShadwoDrakken it states you can use them just credit Aisirul, but if you get any of them working please send them my way ;)

   Hey Starfighter! It's way too early to think about tables fro ships (except for testing pirposes I just rename current ones) but if you are still willing when that time comes for totally custom mod tables I WILL PM you! ;)

  I would be interested in a few new weapons, but will build upon the origional mod. I need to check a few sites that have munitions listed for the REF and see what kinds of misile/torpedos they are packing now (not too many more for the mod just a few) and what kinds of improvements to their beam weapons they have achieved.
Don't think of it as being outnumbered. Think of it as having a wide target selection !

ICQ#: 5256653
[email protected]

Projects: Gundam TC, Trek BTFF, REF, and Beyond Redemption

Originally posted by Star Dragon
That's what I was thinking of trying cause of how the Veritechs go from fighter mode to gerwalk mode by hitting G (and destroying turret 01). I have a bit of code I haven't looked at yet that I THINK is supposed to be for vanilla FS2 Robotech that Unknown targetmade available almost a year ago. it is supposed to enable full transformation or at least to go back to fighter mode if I remember correctly.I haven't had time to have someone look at it (someone who is a FRED guru or a coder).

I have this version of the code, it enabled to go back and forth from fighter to gerwalk, but that was the only modification to the code, without any other improvement done later by the FSO guys.
I tryed asking the implementation of that feature in FSO already but with no success...

Originally posted by Star Dragon
 Lets not quibble about stats ,size, series what ever... This is the REF thread so that means this is the American vision (even though it is without any question flawed we still enjoy it). If you don't enjoy the storyline then please do not bash it (go to macross world forums, there you can't even say the word Robotech) as far as the mod is concerned the three series were fused together so the events in Macross occur first (in the original mod), then Southern Cross (which will be skipped for now until ground combat is achievable), and pick up with Mospedia/Next Generation (our friends the Invid). You would never see me go to the Starfox thread and say something like "I hate Starfox, this is so lame, ect.." Cause if I really felt that way (I don't!) there would be no reason for me to go there in the first place right?

I'm not ranting about the Robotech/Macross issues (in fact i do like Mosperada serie too), i was answering to Trashman who was himself ranting about the size issue, and if he is actally doing his own SDF1 then he can do it the size he want, without trying to convice others that that size is the real one, which is not.
It does not mean he dont' have some point, in many occasion the ship looks a lot bigger that the actual size listed, but consider that Macross was a very, very cheap anime show, the animation errors where soo many you can't keep track of them all, fact is the ship has an official lenght and that is. If you watch the higher-budget movie, the size issue is mostly resolved, and the ship looks exactly as big as it should be.

Originally posted by Star Dragon
  Thos screens I posted came from The Robotech Modling Alliance (a single webpage with 7 models on it) The artists name is Aisirul and is from "an imcomplete mod package". I do not think these were for the HW mod cause unless they planned on adding them later on they are not included in the current version. (I've viewed every model in the DL).

I appen to got some other Mosperada ships and mecha models on my HD somewhere, if you like i can try to find them and email them to you, just tell me.
Not sure about that site, i know those models and i am pretty sure they were originally done for a HW mod (i am talking about things from 5-6 years ago)

IF I don't have them already and you let me use them then that would be very cool. (have to find out who gets credit though)

  I would list my email but hotmail is screwing up I haven't been able to get on last 3 days!  This may be a denial of service attack? Or that new virus thingy? Anyone else have trouble with

 I don't use it much but I have a back up email [email protected]  It doesn't hold much maybe 3mb? try that one...

  FYI I was just screwing around tih my Ep07 Bling Game mission. The sdf-1's radar tower was hit so Lisa hayes takes a cat's eye recon plane out to scan the area. They get near a wierd bunching of asteroids when zent pods ambush them. Lisa orders all the fighters to leave her and engage. (I made about 10-15 wave files for this mission including their banter from that episode!) By the time you guys kill the pods teh cat's eye has entered the asteroid field adn gets jumped by two battle pods that drag it down a waypoint to the otehr side of the field, while you escort group is tied down by yet MORE pods... During this time you hear rick and max call fro lisa and go after her. you get to the otehr side of teh field and see a Zent cruiser hiding (kinda obvious but it took 5 hours to place ever asteroid by hand so you couldn't see the damn ship right away! But the shape the field is looks FUNKY! LOL) you hear them inside the ship trying to resuce Lisa. You mess around trying to attack the cruiser when it powers up and folds away.  I screwed up the timing but I think it works out cool as like 1 sec after it folds away you hear one last communication from max... "He got the commander!" (referring to Breeti capturing Lisa). then silence you are ordered back to base and Rick, Max and Lisa are MIA!!! I made this mission last year.


Blind game shots 1&2

Oh and these are the REF ships Ancient Angel let us use but they need to be worked on...
Don't think of it as being outnumbered. Think of it as having a wide target selection !

ICQ#: 5256653
[email protected]

Projects: Gundam TC, Trek BTFF, REF, and Beyond Redemption

Originally posted by Star Dragon
IF I don't have them already and you let me use them then that would be very cool. (have to find out who gets credit though)

  I would list my email but hotmail is screwing up I haven't been able to get on last 3 days!  This may be a denial of service attack? Or that new virus thingy? Anyone else have trouble with

I'll try to dig for them in my HD, not sure if i can find the person that own the credits for them...
Some are in the pic you posted, like the Ikazushi heavy cruiser, need to check.

Oh, and screw hotmail, it's one of the most crap mail you can have, especially now that yahoo gives you free 100mb of space....


Offline TrashMan

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Originally posted by Star Dragon
AFAIK I am the only one screwing around with this for like a year now (with Trashman doing SDF-1) in our spare time as I make much more progress with FSTrek. (though I have seen you, Ryuune,  in the HW2 macross forums)

  Yo trashman, any word on your SDF-1?

Forgot about it...again...for the tenth time...

It's still on my HDD... I know I have one TS scene of it in parts, and another of it as one object in cruiser mode..
The second one is still not finished (misses a few detailes and the bridge section)

Good that you reminded me... I'll get to it...:lol:
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!

Official Robotech Mod Thread
I haven't seen Macross, other than the three movies, the first of which I really don't care for. I'm not sure how dedicated Macross fans like DYRL, but the dubbed version I have is awful. Very poor voice acting on the part of the english speakers, Rick (Hikaru?) sounds like a half-wit.

   But anyway, I think most people agree that the Palladium RPG is not that reliable for stats. It may be a fun game to play, who knows, but to say that a Cyclone helmet is as strong as a mecha's torso is a little inaccurate. Anyway, if you want some good information on Robotech, though not always concrete, check out this place:

Official Robotech Mod Thread
the heck are you talking about? the heaviest Cyclone head is only 50 MDC and the lightest mech torso is 250 MDC... that's a friggin huge difference...

Official Robotech Mod Thread

Regult Main Body: 50

   On the same subject, should a cyclone's main body of 200 be stronger than Quadrono Power Armour? (150) Or 2/3rds the strength even of a Gosu Royal Command Battloid? (300) So it makes sense that a 7ft tall Cyclone has 66% the integrity of a 29ft Battloid? Or even funnier, it has 50% the integrity of a 31 ft, 285 ton fully- loaded MAC II Monster (400 MB)? I don't fricken think so.

     The Palladium RPG is probably a fun game, but the stats are geared in the PC's favour. It's not a game for instance to play as an Invid and take on a several Cyclones at once, but rather the other way around. It's niether a level nor believable playing field from a realistic point of view (not that Robotech/Macross=realistic, but let's stretch the imagination here).


Offline TrashMan

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Official Robotech Mod Thread
I made a teest verios of the SDF-1 but the f***** PCS chrashes every time I want to convert it...argh...
And it had no LOD's, only 1 fixed turret...:mad:

The other thing that bugs me is the fact that it's hard to find good pics of the SDF-1.. And when I do find them, the parts are outta proportion compared to another pic..

I'm having a hard time with this one.....
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!


Offline TrashMan

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Official Robotech Mod Thread
This is the preliminary test version... it didn't want to convert...God knows why...
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!

How many polys is that? Looks liek all it needs is minor details to enhance the look and of course turrets! One thing I want to do is have two hangars independant fromt eh carriers. when rich and minmei are in orbit they try to get back into SDF-1 and all the hangar doors/vents are closed (like venetion blinds like 5 levels of hangars) Do you remember them?) To be symmetrical I would liek one on each side, the BLUE area in front of each white shoulder joint looks about the right spot. Other than that awesome job!!!!!!!!!

  Has this version gotten in game yet?
Don't think of it as being outnumbered. Think of it as having a wide target selection !

ICQ#: 5256653
[email protected]

Projects: Gundam TC, Trek BTFF, REF, and Beyond Redemption


Offline TrashMan

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Official Robotech Mod Thread
No...PCS keeps chrashing.... It's not the tweaked final version yet...And it has 2733 polys triangulated..the final version will have a bit more....

I think I need to format my C:\ drive and re-install windows...The computer has been acting up lately..

I have managed to covert the main cannon section for testing reasons (gun section is everything except the legs and white  torso part in the middle of the model on the pic)

But FRED chrased when I tried to save a mission with it inside, alltough it shows up nicely in FRED...

Go figure...

b.t.w. - as far as I recall, the SDF-1 has two very large hanagarbays (each with several entrances) on the front sides of the main cannon.
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!


Offline Flaser

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Official Robotech Mod Thread
Those are aircraft carriers that patrolled near the Macross and got transported along with the battleship and a good portion of sea (as well as the island) when the Macross folded.

In theory RMD-I and RMD-II should have been used, but the Macross had to make do with the carriers designed for sea.
"I was going to become a speed dealer. If one stupid fairytale turns out to be total nonsense, what does the young man do? If you answered, “Wake up and face reality,” you don’t remember what it was like being a young man. You just go to the next entry in the catalogue of lies you can use to destroy your life." - John Dolan


Offline TrashMan

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Official Robotech Mod Thread
No, you silly twit!:D

There are hangarbays at the very front of SDF-1...

Edited the pic...look now....
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!

He's right

  As far as American Macross is concerned ARMD 01 and 02 conected at the FRONT of teh SDF-1 (which is really STUPID) as you see in the episode, however this would make the main cannon unuseable!!! (stupid anime trivia fact).

   The Zentreadi did us a HUGE favor by blowing them to hell, the carrier connection jury rig was much more successful and overall helped in that the humanoid shape can be discerned more easily (Plus it shocked the hell out of the Zents!) OMG it's a big microninan gonna kick our ass! Plus now we have the deadalus attack! I think that is one of the coolest tactics ever in sci-fi!

   I'm screwing around with some old model dumps (plus aldo's5th one) for now... when someone is available I would like the invid to be subobjected so it works in game, I fell like blowing some away.  ;7
Don't think of it as being outnumbered. Think of it as having a wide target selection !

ICQ#: 5256653
[email protected]

Projects: Gundam TC, Trek BTFF, REF, and Beyond Redemption