Author Topic: Michael Moore's Movie  (Read 7383 times)

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Offline Martinus

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[color=66ff00]Exactly what I was thinking Kara. :nod:


Offline Stealth

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Originally posted by Maeglamor
Also notice some of the ad's on this site are rather GWBush friendly?

lol no they don't, he's making fun of them :D :p

Look at the "Bush-Cheney 04" t-shirt... it has a skeleton with a gun and a military uniform with the flag on his shoulder, and it says "Freedom isn't Free, Peace isn't Pretty" :p :p :p


Offline Martinus

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[color=66ff00]lol that's what I get for a quick scan of the page. :lol:


Offline Flipside

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Michael Moore is very astute politically, but, having read Dumb White Men, I feel he has fallen over the line into the 'Please hate all white males' brigade, which is rather embarassing considering he is a white male.

He made some wonderful truths, like how blacks/hispanics always seem to work on reception desks just so the company can say 'look, we're an equal opportunity employer!' But then, he also seemed to try and imply that males are dying out because we are no longer needed, which just goes to show how weak his grip on evolution actually is ;)

As far as the US elections go, I seem to recall that he was more annoyed about the selected removal of anyone who was black and had the same surname of anyone who was a criminal from the electorial role in Florida, at the fact that overseas votes for Bush were counted when they were dated after the election etc.

Bush bull****ted his way in, I don't think anyone doubts that, it was just lucky for him that Daddy has a lot of pals in the Supreme Court ;)


Offline Stunaep

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I can't speak for Fahrenheit 9/11, since I haven't seen that, but based on what I have seen, I take Michael Moore for a brilliant filmmaker from a dramatic viewpoint, yet heavily biased from a documentaristic viewpoint. He likes to juggle with the facts, and sometimes so obviously that it kinda discredits him. But his films are always interesting, and since I agree with him in general (even though he has the tendency to throw his viewpoints into the hyperbole), and he does do a wonderful job smiting his foes.
"Post-counts are like digital penises. That's why I don't like Shrike playing with mine." - an0n
Bah. You're an admin, you've had practice at this spanking business. - Odyssey

More like a wonderful job of spreading hateful propoganda.

When I think about it, and I mean really think about it, I have never seen so much hate, so much animosity shown towards one man. It is like he is the reincarnation of the anti-christ or something. Even people who dont even live in this country, nor have any idea what goes on here just hate him. People hate him just because their friends said something at the dinner table they dont remember.

In fact, speaking in one game of Natural Selection, just to annoy my teammates I started singing. The player "AmIAnnoyingNow" told me to, instead, talk about Politics. I said, "What do you guys think about Bush" and most of them said "I hate him".

Now, Liberals would chalk this up as "Case Closed, they dont like him. We win." but instead, I asked them "Why". None of them gave me a reason. They just said "he has the intelligence of a 5 year old" and that was about the only thing I heard. A few other things were "I dont like his policies" and I asked which policies, and he said "I dont know. I just dont like them". You see, even the most dim-witted people who have no idea what his middle initial probably is, hate him for no particular reason at all. Most of our media is a liberal media, and love to put a large spin on just about everything they here, or leave it out if it, in any way, supports George W. Bush.

People may say he's a bad president, but he managed to do what Clinton couldnt, and that is mainly put the economy back up to snuff and open more jobs. Unemployment has gone down and economy is up, and instead of just random bombing in Iraq we went ahead and just went in there to finish the job. People say they dont want us there, when for some reason the Iraqi citizens in one town have actually banded together to help stop terrorism themselves. Its a Neighborhood Watch to look out for terrorists now, and when they found one they found some soldiers, they looked into it, and this guy was gonna bomb any random building in the town.

Mike Moore is just putting his foot in his mouth with this movie. He thinks he can attract an intelligence audience, when in reality all he has is dumb-****s who visited his movie. People realize this is all a bunch of crap and therefor regard it as something to laugh about. I am, indeed, one of those people.

And now at the end of my post, I am just going to save everyone the trouble, and know that everyone here at HLP hates Bush, save for maybe one or two annonymous people, and I will counter-attacked and flamed for even so much as liking the guy. That is fine. In fact since you guys show so much hatred for just one person then why not share some of that with the rest of us who still regard others as humans who still make mistakes. Running a country is hard, especially when you are getting two different opinions: haters and people with brains...


Offline Flipside

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*Runs away*

Oh boy, I am so not going to reply to that ;)


Offline 01010

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Ha ha ha.

Why don't you put on a little pink dress and cry like a girl too while you're here.
What frequency are you getting? Is it noise or sweet sweet music? - Refused - Liberation Frequency.

If that was directed towards me and intend as a joke, then it's not funny...


Offline Liberator

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Mr. Moore == Democratic National Propagandist

I saw a comment comparing him to the likes of Limbaugh and Hannity. :lol:  That's funny.  Rush, Sean and the rest don't make me pay $7-$12 to get their POV or understand their feelings.

Let's understand something right now.  President Bush is not stupid, ignorant or dumb.  His speech patterns have evoloved from him choosing his words so he doesn't say something stupid or dumb or ignorant.  You should try it sometime.
So as through a glass, and darkly
The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names, but always me.

There are only 10 types of people in the world , those that understand binary and those that don't.

Again, I am sure he is talking to me, right?


Offline Flipside

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Originally posted by Liberator
His speech patterns have evoloved from him choosing his words so he doesn't say something stupid or dumb or ignorant.

Problem is, he still does............

'These are are folks who have hijacked a great religion and then take innocent life. And that's a huge difference between America.'

Sept 27th 2002 - Denver Colorado.

''There was certainly a very strong sentiment that we're on the right track when it comes to holding people to account who lie, steat or cheal, cheat, or steal-who defraud people by cooking the books.'

Ausust 16th 2002 - Crawford, Texas.

''If you don't have any ambitions, the minimum wage job isn't going to get you where you want to get"

August 2002 - Little Rock, Arkansas.

'And most importantly, Alma Powell, secretary of Colin Powell is with us"

January 2003 - Washington.

''Let me tell you my thoughts about tax relief. When your economy is kind of oochin' along, it's important to let people have more of their own money.'

October 2002 - Boston, Massachusetts.



Offline ionia23

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"Because I didn't say it, it cannot be true" - Liberal Devil's Advocate.

Sometimes you people astound me.
"Why does it want me to say my name?"

Its phrases guys. Go find speech crap-ups in your favorite presidents and I am sure you will find them. :rolleyes:

I cant believe someone judges character just because someone screws up speech. What kind of heartless idiotic bastards are you?


Offline DeepSpace9er

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Didnt see the movie nor do i plan to unless somebody else pays for my ticket... hmm maybe not.

As far as free speech is concerned this guy has a legal right to make a movie about whatever he wants. The part that i dont think is right is broadcasting it as a "documentary" which is supposed to be objective facts and as anyone with 1/2 a brain can figure it has nothing but venom and hatred towards the administration.

I also heard a comment somewhere about a comparison between Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore and how he is the Democrat limbaugh or something like that. Moore is a loose cannon and it doesnt seem prudent to place him as an icon when he could explode at any minute.

Nice quotes Flipside :lol:

The guy isnt the best speaker in the world, but better to have a bad speaker and a man of action like Bush than a profound manipulative speaker like Bill Clinton who's speaches seemed satisfying but with no action at all.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2004, 04:50:35 pm by 1232 »


Offline ionia23

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  • "YES, I did finally see 'The Matrix' 12 years late
Is it really so bad?  Moore gives another voice, and a good one at that.  Sometimes pure silliness, sometimes brilliant insight, sometimes pulled out of whole cloth.  

I have yet to see the film, but if it's done with the same detail as his past efforts, I strongly doubt I'll be disappointed.
"Why does it want me to say my name?"


Offline Flipside

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Tin Can, 2 things....

1, Notice the :p smilie at the end and

2: LOSE THE PARANOIA! Sorry Admins, but it's really starting to piss me off now.

Its not paranoia. It unable to take saracasm anymore, due to the fact I overused it at one time and now have stopped using it altogether...


Offline karajorma

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And cause you don't want to use it you feel everyone else has to give it up when addressing you? Who made you Lord High God of speech?

If you want to talk politics you're going to have to learn to suck it up when someone is sarcastic about something.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Knight Templar

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Originally posted by Liberator
Mr. Moore == Democratic National Propagandist

I saw a comment comparing him to the likes of Limbaugh and Hannity. :lol:  That's funny.  Rush, Sean and the rest don't make me pay $7-$12 to get their POV or understand their feelings.

Let's understand something right now.  President Bush is not stupid, ignorant or dumb.  His speech patterns have evoloved from him choosing his words so he doesn't say something stupid or dumb or ignorant.  You should try it sometime.

Did you miss the whole part where he endorsed downloading the movie? I don't like Moore anymore than the next guy that doesn't like Moore, but he needs to pay his bills either way, and movies are just the medium that he uses to express his views. It's not like he also has a TV or Radio show.

And yes he is. He's just finally caught on to the joke of his own laughability, that's all.

Originally posted by .::Tin Can::.
Its not paranoia. It unable to take saracasm anymore, due to the fact I overused it at one time and now have stopped using it altogether...

Err... good for you. :yes:
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