Author Topic: Screenshots  (Read 77737 times)

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Offline Roanoke

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Originally posted by Col. Fishguts
Somehow I never really understand what the Brits are saying, when they fall back to their slang.....

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Offline Col. Fishguts

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Originally posted by Mr. Fury
Col. Fishguts have been working on that area so I leave that for him to comment.

Have I ? :rolleyes: Havent' done anything with glowpoints yet.

Bobbau once made a glowpointed Hyperion, but since glowpoints are strictly on/off (no smooth transition), the results weren't that spectacular.

But maybe stuff like those nav lights in front of the Omega's hangar could look good with glowpoints.

So....uhm, nobody's holding you back from trying :)
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Offline DaBrain

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I think as we will get animated beam glows soon, animated glowpoints should be no problem anymore.
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Offline Fury

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Originally posted by Col. Fishguts

Have I ? :rolleyes: Havent' done anything with glowpoints yet.

Bobbau once made a glowpointed Hyperion, but since glowpoints are strictly on/off (no smooth transition), the results weren't that spectacular.

But maybe stuff like those nav lights in front of the Omega's hangar could look good with glowpoints.

So....uhm, nobody's holding you back from trying :)

Heh, I thought you said you were doing something with glowpoints but apparently I remember wrong. :)

In any case, Deepblue probably would be better off waiting for R3.0 since otherwise he would be working on outdated models.

Someone really should get jpg/tga texture compression working, E1 was working on it but he's become too busy apparently. And there are some bugs with pcx texture compression which seems to result graphical artifacts at times, I haven't encountered any though but at least GF6's seems to have problems with it.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2004, 01:43:17 am by 173 »

Originally posted by Deepblue
BTW, are you guys still interested in getting some models glowpointed?

Yes. For now I'd be interested in the glowpointed Omega you showed a while ago. Our newer pof version of Omega has for example light pylons near the hangar for them. Could you make it available somewhere so I could use your gfx and copy GLOW-chunk data to the new one? Credits would of course go to you.

Also if you have other models glowpointed let me know.


Offline Deepblue

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Ok, I got model access.

And thanks for making the pylons. That really bugged me about the Omega.


Offline Deepblue

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Originally posted by Col. Fishguts
It's completely smoothed.....that's why the shading is a bit...uhm...strange. I recently sent IP an autofaceted version (with far superior shading), but the turrets are all screwed up. I wonder if he got the thing working correctly.

It would look like this:

Ignore the over-shinyness, the shinemaps need to be corrected for the autofaceted model....but you get the idea.

BTW, when I make the glowpoints for the omega I will also go ahead and correct the engine glow size (currently too small).


Offline IPAndrews

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Offline IPAndrews

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Offline Deepblue

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Bah, can't see the pics from school, have to wait till I get home. So what do they show?


Offline aldo_14

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Offline IPAndrews

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Nothing new. Similar stuff as in the old Valkyrie pics thread. Only updated. Slightly.
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Looks dark, what is it? A space station? If so, what kind of space station? Looks good though.


Offline Fury

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Its a ground base.


Offline -Norbert-

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What are those beams supposed to be?
The color suggest either Drazi or the Vorlon Asteriod Base they attacked in "Into the Fire" (or however the episode where the Vorlons and Shadows leave the galaxy is named).


Offline Trivial Psychic

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Looks more like missile trails to me rather than beams, although that close up one looks quite poor.
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Offline Fury

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Only beams you see are in the second screenshot.


Offline -Norbert-

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And those orange beams are exactly the ones I meant.
For some, to me unknown, reason, the vorlon outpost fired orange beams instead of the usual green ones, the vorlon ships use.


Offline Fury

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The station is being under fire in that screenshot, those beams are standard EA beams if I am not mistaken. IP can confirm this.

A race does not necessarily need to stick with one type of weapon, you know. :)


Offline IPAndrews

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That "Vorlon observation post" they destroyed in into the fire didn't look at all Vorlon to me. So it doesn't surprise me it was using the wrong weapons. It was clearly a rush job.

The 2nd screenshot is two EA cruisers hammering the base with x-ray lasers. I think they look quite nice myself. In the 9th screenshot that's a trail as I hammer a ground base turret with a bulldog missile.
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