Author Topic: Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?  (Read 38028 times)

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Offline TopAce

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
Now that KARMA's Hi-poly Colossus is on the way, I feel like asking why you dislike the Colossus so much? Is it because of the modelling, or the shape, or is it simply ineffective for your likes?
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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
Well... Let's look at all the technical breakdowns...
When the Colossus should have killed the Iceni, they had a problem with the fire controls, when they were in battle with the first Sathanas, they said, that their cooling-system isn't build for a heavy load like this...
What have the colossus done?
It destroyed one Deimos, one Ravana and one Sathanas for which it took a very long time, when I remember right (the repulse doesn't count ;) )...
This ship was big, but not good...


Offline Ashrak

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
yeah for a ship that size it should have been armed to the teeth and vasporize fleets instead of takeing day with a bloddy corvette
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Offline DeepSpace9er

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
The BFG beams were just absolute crap. Therin lies the problem.


Offline n00by

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
It's just a giant death-trap. Well, it MAY look intimidating, but for its size (cost, crew size) it is far too weak. Especially in terms of armament - even without that "cooling system" thing...


Offline Ashrak

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
now the Neo-Colossus (from some campaign cant remembre) kicked arse it had like uhm 12 BFReds on both sides that was impressive firepower :D
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Offline Taristin

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
It was a glorious beacon of Terran Command's ineptitude.
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Offline Kie99

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
Originally posted by Mr_Maniac
Well... Let's look at all the technical breakdowns...
When the Colossus should have killed the Iceni, they had a problem with the fire controls, when they were in battle with the first Sathanas, they said, that their cooling-system isn't build for a heavy load like this...
What have the colossus done?
It destroyed one Deimos, one Ravana and one Sathanas for which it took a very long time, when I remember right (the repulse doesn't count ;) )...
This ship was big, but not good...

With the Iceni the Colossus' guns were sabotaged by the SOC so ETAK could be used.  The Colossus also ripped an NTF Battlegroup to shreds.  The Colossus was never designed to take out Juggernauts, only to eliminate smaller ships.  If you put a few Orions against a Colossus the Colossus will own them.
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Offline Flipside

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
Too many eggs in one basket, lack of manouverability, the heating problem was with the beams, not what it was shooting at, a well planned assault with 8 cruisers would have crippled it, a logistics Achilles-heel, too many blind spots, the list goes on.

The Colossus was a folly.


Offline Gai Daigoji

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
I thought the Colossus was a good ship, only that Command used it in the wrong situations :nervous:
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Offline DaBrain

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
The only thing I dislike is the shap and the model.

It just doesn't look very powerful.
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Offline TopAce

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
Originally posted by Mr_Maniac
Well... Let's look at all the technical breakdowns...
When the Colossus should have killed the Iceni, they had a problem with the fire controls, when they were in battle with the first Sathanas, they said, that their cooling-system isn't build for a heavy load like this...
What have the colossus done?
It destroyed one Deimos, one Ravana and one Sathanas for which it took a very long time, when I remember right (the repulse doesn't count ;) )...
This ship was big, but not good...

The sabotage that allowed the Iceni to escape was not a fault in the Colossus' design. Rather was it the mistake of Counter-intelligence.
The message concerning the reactors is only a random message the High Noon's FREDer wrote just to have some messages to send.

And what has the Colossus done? Won against the NTF, saving the GTVA. It was the only ship that had firepower to deal with a Shivan juggernaut. Shivan warships have always been stronger than Terran or Vasudan ones. Think of an Orion-Lucifer duel and a Colossus-Sathanas one. See the difference? Simply the GTVA did not expect to encounter 80 Sathanas juggernauts. Why do you blame the Colossus for not being able to stop this fleet? What ship could have?
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I already announced my retirement twice, yet here I am. If I bring up that topic again, don't believe a word.


Offline Andreas

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
Originally posted by Raa
It was a glorious beacon of Terran Command's ineptitude.

Colossus was a joint venture (Emperor Khonsu II proposed it's construction in the first place), and as far as I know, Terran Command doesn't exist anymore in the GTVA, only Command, which handles both the Vasudan and Terran fleets. ;)

Reasons why I dislike it? Along with most of the other new ships in FS2, it is very poorly designed, big, ugly ****, and has a horrible brown-yellow-texturing.
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Offline Nuke

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
surly 80 colossuses would have stood a slight chance against 80 sathani. had the gtva not had to deal with the ntf, the collossus would have been perfected before fighting the shivans. by the time it got to sathanas that ship had been quite beat up without a decent repair overhaul. the amout of damage a collision with the reuplse had caused im suprised the ship didnt fall apart sooner. parking the colossus in front of the sathanas should have been a nono. the intel alpha 1 gathered should have given command a better idea as to where the clossus should have been positioned.

the game was designed for fighter combat, the capships were only there to give the feel a ww2 naval battle, and to build a good story around. story and atmosphere are the 2 best things about this game, and in that respect the colossus was used perfectly :D
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Offline Dark RevenantX

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
The Colossus is pretty powerful.
There are four BGreens and four TerSlashes, each on the side.  When the Colossus was in powerful mode, the Terslashes went bye-bye and the BGreens turned into BFGreens.  The colossus' laser blobs suck because there is a small shipsize to range ratio, plus the blobs move slowly, do little damage, and are easy to evade.


Offline Roanoke

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
People forget the Colossus was designed to kill Lucifers, not Sathanas (that's kinda the whole storyline for FS2 too). No one in the GTVA was aware of the Sathanas clsass Jug while the C was being designed.


Offline TopAce

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
That's the point of my second post!
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Offline Mongoose

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
I'd like to ask the same question myself, TopAce.  Besides you, I sometimes think I'm the only person who actually likes the way the Colossus looks.  Its design practically screams "super-ship-o'-doom." :p


Offline FireCrack

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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
ALL GTVA ships suffered from the massive cooling problems, hence the huge 30 sec recycle tyme for terran beams compared to the 2-7 econds for shivans.

And i also enjoy the looks of the colossus, not the ugly brown texture though.
actualy, mabye not.
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Why do you dislike the Colossus so much?
It's just the looks.  The general shape doesn't bother me too much, or even the texture - it just really really needs high polying cause it needs a lot of extra detail.  It takes up a lot of screen real estate and it's a ship you see a lot of in the campagain, so it's low level of detailing really stick outs like a sore thumb.