Author Topic: Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!  (Read 28791 times)

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Offline DaBrain

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!

Final relase for all kind of systems!

Super-High-End - For systems with a fast gfx card and 256 MB gfx ram or more

High-End - For systems with a fast 128 MB gfx card

Mid-range For a wide field of systems

Low-End Needs almost now gfx ram, has no frames. It should perform a lot better than the standard effect. It looks very good.

Choose the version that works best for your system.

Super-High-End download (22 MB)

High-End download (6 MB)

Mid-Range download (2 MB)

Low-End download (250 KB)

Some of you may know it already. I've added a small surprise.
You'll find out very soon. Just play for a while.  ;7

Note: This effect may have minor effect on the gameplay. The new table is not valided for online matches.

Thanks for the hosting to Game-Warden :yes:
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Offline DaBrain

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
Almost forgot this.

Use one of these builds:  (No support!),34607.0.html (Should work too.)

BTW, OpenGL was a lot faster for me.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2005, 03:03:18 pm by 1688 »
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Offline MetalDestroyer

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
Screens please :p

Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
Okay, i´ve tested it a lot. Nice work as usual:yes: . Though i have a high end system the midrange SW works best for me. The graphical lost is IMHO minimal. The high end version works too, but produces some minor slowdowns (and i´m a highspeed junkie;) ).

The surprise is ... nice. Makes the game look a bit different and i like it very much. :D But i changed it to blue. Now it looks supercool. Please forgive me:lol: .

Now let´s hope that THEY make your ship.tbl CVS. I hate it to edit every single mod with it´s own table to have afterburner trails and in the future your little surprise.

With all due respect to the campaign- and modmakers out there. Please use modular tables. This would make things much easier.


Offline DaBrain

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
Originally posted by MetalDestroyer
Screens please :p

It looks like before. (

But the model is more flat and I've killed the seams.
The biggest imrpovement is the smooth animation.

Well and the surprise doesn't really look good in screenshots, but it does in-game. ;7

Well, Wing Commander: Prophecy fans will love it. ;)

Originally posted by Psychonaut
Okay, i´ve tested it a lot. Nice work as usual:yes: . Though i have a high end system the midrange SW works best for me. The graphical lost is IMHO minimal. The high end version works too, but produces some minor slowdowns (and i´m a highspeed junkie;) ).

The surprise is ... nice. Makes the game look a bit different and i like it very much. :D But i changed it to blue. Now it looks supercool. Please forgive me:lol: .

Now let´s hope that THEY make your ship.tbl CVS. I hate it to edit every single mod with it´s own table to have afterburner trails and in the future your little surprise.

With all due respect to the campaign- and modmakers out there. Please use modular tables. This would make things much easier.

I consider my system "high-end", but not "Super-High-End". (Not at all ;) )

XP @ 2,3
GF 6800LE @ all Pipes an memory oc.
1,5 GB ram

The High-end version work perfect for me, but only with OpenGL. For som reason it's a lot slower in D3D. Maybe a code problem or a driver bug.

Try to avoid some of the unnecessary features, like "32-Bit Textures" and "Mipmapping".

Blau muss deine Lieblingsfarbe sein. :lol:
« Last Edit: August 18, 2005, 07:28:37 pm by 1688 »
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Offline WeatherOp

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
I got to try it out this afternoon, and it's awesome, a very good piece of work.

I would give it three thumps up :yes: :yes: :yes: , but sadly I only have two.:sigh:
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


Offline Fury

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
Can someone explain me why is this name change of shockwaves necessary if they are to replace any older shockwave? Shockwave01, -02 and -03 is quite convenient naming, so why change?

Also, is it now possible to use low-end type shockwaves as weapon shockwaves?


Offline DaBrain

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
As far as I know, the game will still load the old 2d shockwave if the new one has the same name.

So it's just a waste of memory.
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Offline taylor

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
The double loading of 3d and 2d default shockwaves has been fixed.  The main reason for the name change (it's optional anyway) is to make it easier for packagers to tell the 3d and 2d shockwave animations apart.  There is also a chance that if the 3d pof didn't load for some reason then it's animation could get loaded as a 2d shockwave by mistake if it has the same filename.  Just because of how CFILE is setup that's difficult but with mods and the rootdir changes it's possible for a texture map ani/eff to get used instead of a effects ani/eff depending on how things are packaged and installed.

The default 3d shockwave filename is "shockwave.pof" so there is no 01, 02, etc. for that.  It's makes things a little simpler if you keep a naming distinction between the 2d and 3d versions of everything.  But like I said, this is optional and whatever you name the texture maps in the POF is up to whoever made it.

Also, is it now possible to use low-end type shockwaves as weapon shockwaves?

Yes, whatever you specify in the table will get used over the default shockwave whether that default is 2d or 3d.  So you can have a 2d default shockwave and have one weapon that uses a 3d shockwave and it will work.  Provided of course that the weapon's 3d shockwave POF filename is not just "shockwave.pof" since it would get loaded as the default.


Offline Fury

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
So how do you use 3d shockwaves with weapons then?

Originally posted by taylor
I know this would be a problem with G-20050728 but T-20050807 should have fixed it.  That's for any shockwave01 issues anyway.  The only problem I see so far is that you are using shockwave02 and shockwave03 as weapon impact explosions.  Those can only be animations so the static versions in the update aren't going to work for that.

If you want to use the 3d pof shockwaves  02 and 03 then you'll have to not use "$Impact Explosion:" and instead use "$Shockwave Model:" (with .pof ext and after where the shockwave speed is specified).  If you don't specify an impact explosion then none will be used.  The default 20050103 build isn't going to work worth a crap with the 3d shockwaves though so it will have to be T-20050807 which has most of the 3d shockwave worked out.

I tried with that particular build but it didn't work out, no shockwave was rendered.


Offline Ransom

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
Hmm. I don't like these, personally. The way there's two shockwaves parallel to each other looks kind of silly, and when the shockwave is seen from the wrong angle it just looks... flat.


Offline DaBrain

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
Originally posted by Mr. Fury
So how do you use 3d shockwaves with weapons then?

I tried with that particular build but it didn't work out, no shockwave was rendered.


Code: [Select]

$Shockwave Speed 150.0
$Shockwave Model:                           example_shockwave

You have to place it at the right position, otherwise you'll break the pharser.

I tried to add a small shockwave to the missile impacts. It looked quite good, but the shockwave gave me some heavy damage, so it changed the gamplay too much... :(
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Offline Fury

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
Yes, I added those lines, no errors about parsing. But no shockwave rendered either.


Offline taylor

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
Originally posted by Mr. Fury
So how do you use 3d shockwaves with weapons then?

Just like I said.  I tried it myself before posting that message just to be sure it worked like it was supposed to.

For the Shokrai as an example:
  • remove the "$Impact Explosion:" and "$Impact Explosion Radius:" lines from the tbl entry
  • add at least these two lines of 3d shockwave data after "$Outer Radius:", (speed number is just for instance):

"$Shockwave Speed: 100"
"$Shockwave Model: shockwave02.pof"[/list]
and that's it.  It will now use the 3d shockwave model named shockwave02 instead of any other default.  When it tries to render the weapon shockwave it will pass along the correct model handle and use that over the default 3d version and even the default 2d version.  If that doesn't work for you with my latest two builds or Sticks newest then let me know.

Also you can just use "$Shockwave name:" to use a 2d shockwave for a weapon.  The benefit of this method is that it will only get loaded into memory when the weapon does so if you use -loadonlyused and the weapon isn't in the current mission then it doesn't take up any memory.  The old, impact explosion, method will load all of the animations into memory, whether they would get used or not.

(above written before I noticed DaBrain's message, he's missing the ".pof" on the filename anyway :))


Offline Fury

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
By the way, how would shockwave look if the model were like round or elliptic ball instead of flat?


Offline Fury

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
I'm not sure if I removed $Impact Explosion:" and "$Impact Explosion Radius:" lines entirely but otherwise everything was set correctly.


Offline DaBrain

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
Originally posted by Mr. Fury
By the way, how would shockwave look if the model were like round or elliptic ball instead of flat?

Pretty bad. All my attempts with spherical shockwaves ended with an ugly effect.

It looks pretty cool for small thing like the flak, but that changes the gameplay too much...

Is there a way to add a shockwave with no effect on the player, just as optical feature?
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Offline Cobra

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
i keep getting this error.

Error: weapons.tbl(487):
Error: Required token = [@Laser Color:], found [@Laser Glow: 2_laserglow03]
in weapon: GTVA Rapid Laser.

File:C:\Languages\Visual Studio Projects\Visual C++\fs2_open\code\Parse\PARSELO.CPP
Line: 535
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]

Call stack:
To consider the Earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field of millet, only one grain will grow. - Metrodorus of Chios
I wept. Mysterious forces beyond my ken had reached into my beautiful mission and energized its pilots with inhuman bomb-firing abilities. I could only imagine the GTVA warriors giving a mighty KIAAIIIIIII shout as they worked their triggers, their biceps bulging with sinew after years of Ivan Drago-esque steroid therapy and weight training. - General Battuta


Offline Ulala

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
super high end?! omg i luv you lets make babies :yes:
I am a revolutionary.


Offline DaBrain

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Final 3d shockwave release for all systems!
Originally posted by Cobra
i keep getting this error.

Error: weapons.tbl(487):
Error: Required token = [@Laser Color:], found [@Laser Glow: 2_laserglow03]
in weapon: GTVA Rapid Laser.

File:C:\Languages\Visual Studio Projects\Visual C++\fs2_open\code\Parse\PARSELO.CPP
Line: 535
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]

Call stack:

I didn't add a new weapons.tbl. And especially no "GTVA Rapid Laser". I suggest you delete the weapons.tbl. ;)

@Ulala I'd like to know how well the Super-high-end version works for you.

@All I'd like to know how well this new effect works for you.
I'm especially interested in low-end users experience.
The effects should be a lot faster than the stock effect. In theory... ;)
SoL is looking for a sound effect artist
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Shadows of Lylat - A Freespace 2 total conversion
(hosted by Game-Warden)